Terminology Overrides

Terminology Overrides

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Terminology for Objects, Attributes and Reports can be overridden for each locale. 

Both name and short name values can be provided.  Name is used in most cases except for report column headings which tend to use short name.  If these values are not overridden, the name and short name will default to the object code value with words separated by spaces and each word capitalized.  For example "costCentre" will default to "Cost Centre". 

  • Select the Model & Locale (note the defaults below)

  • View Existing Terminology Overrides

  • Add a New Terminology Override, fill in all fields and click Save New Terminology Override

The basis of the Qbyte Optix Logical Model are the Logical Model objects. An object represents the entities in the business domain that Optix is designed to support. For example, an organization is an object in Optix. Objects are named using CamelCase with the first letter capitalized.   Each of the objects have a series of attributes. Each object has a primary key that is made up of one or more attributes. This primary key uniquely identifies the entity. 

The attributes may be related to other objects.  These relationships are very important as they provide the ability to drill down to find more and more information. 

The example below shows what the organization object looks like and the relationships it has.  The primary key of the object is the organzationId.  Note the relationship it has to the Currency object on the operatingCurrencyCode and the reportingCurrencyCode attributes.  The Currency object is also shown below.  The primary key of this object is currencyCode.

  • Values can be overridden by supplying the new name. 

    • For example, the costCentre object could be changed to have a name of "Cost Center" with a short name of "CC". 

    • There are many objects related to the costCentre object so it is important to consider changing them as well. 

    • Examples: costCentreLocation, costCentreComment and costCentreType. 

  • Substitution characters “{{“ and “}}” can be used to limit the # changes required as the new name value only needs to be set up in one place. The attributes available for substitution are "name" and "shortName".  These values are all case sensitive. 

    • For example, rather than change each of these related objects by hardcoding "Cost Center" and "CC", it is possible to use substitution values in the locale overrides. 

    • Prefix the name of the object attribute to be substituted with the "{{" characters and suffix the value with "}}".  To override the default name of "Cost Centre Location", the name and short name of this object could be changed to "{{IM.CostCentre.name}} Location" and "{{IM.CostCentre.shortName}} Location" respectively.  Or the short name could simply be changed to be "Location".  

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