Manitoba Petrinex Inclusion Project Overview
Last Revised: February 26, 2020
As most of you are probably aware by now, Manitoba will be adopting the use of Petrinex starting with April 2020 Production with a scheduled Go-Live date of May 4, 2020 .
There will be no modifications to their Royalty calculations and/or invoicing at this time, so only reporting of production is impacted. Clients will still be expected to calculate and submit Crown as is done currently.
For those of you familiar with existing Petrinex functionality, the adoption of Petrinex by Manitoba should be relatively smooth, as they are adopting most of the same submissions and rules as Saskatchewan. We will provide a summary of differences in each of the Petrinex submissions that Qbyte Metrix supports between Manitoba and Saskatchewan based on the information known at this time. In addition, we will provide an overview of the Qbyte Metrix implementation to support the required functionality.
Manitoba will be adopting a four-digit Government Code for Owners.
Manitoba will be adopting the Petrinex ID philosophy for well, units and facilities, with facilities having a seven-digit Government Code.
Note: Because Manitoba has only ever collected reporting at a well level, they do not have facility-level infrastructure to convert. All facility information is being collected from Industry for inclusion at Go-Live. Petrinex will then generate Unit and Facility IDs from the information gathered.Manitoba will be adopting most of the reporting requirements of Saskatchewan with very minor differences.
Note: The differences will be mentioned below under the Petrinex submission impacted.
Qbyte Metrix Implementation
To enable Petrinex functionality for Manitoba, the client must activate a new Functional Implementation option within System Configuration called Manitoba Petrinex Implementation, and provide the Start Date for the functionality.
Activating this option will enable a lot of functionality, the details of which will be described (as appropriate), through the rest of this page. However, not only does activating this option enable the Petrinex functionality for Manitoba, but it will also disable functionality specific to the current Manitoba Government Submissions for Production Dates after the Manitoba Petrinex Implementation Date.
MB Government Reporting will no longer be allowed for Production Dates greater than or equal to the Manitoba Petrinex Implementation Date.
The client must specify the Directories (within System Configuration) that are used for Petrinex in Manitoba. These new directory types are MB Petrinex Exports and MB Petrinex Imports.
Regions will maintain Petrinex Operators for Manitoba for Production Dates after the Manitoba Petrinex Implementation Date. Only those Regions with facilities within Manitoba will need to update the Petrinex Operators.
Facilities (Battery/GGS/Plant/Injection Facility) in Manitoba will maintain Petrinex fields (i.e. Petrinex Facility, Produce Pipeline Split, etc.) for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
Note: All existing MB facilities will automatically have the Petrinex fields set to default values as part of the Qbyte Metrix 1.15 Release. This will be done for all Production Dates since the Production Date used for testing will most likely not be the Go-Live Date, and each client may be testing using a different Production Date.
Delivery Systems for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date must have their Petrinex fields updated correctly.
Royalty Tax Payers can be set up for non-unitized wells and/or units, if required.
For more information see Oil Valuation Data and RTP .
Petrinex Well Groups can be set up, however, since the SAF/OAF process is optional in Manitoba (as in Saskatchewan) these are probably not required.
Reminder: Unit well groups are no longer mandatory.
Facility Volumetric
For most activity types, Manitoba will be adopting the Saskatchewan rules for the most part. Only the exceptions from Saskatchewan or current Saskatchewan-only rules will be mentioned below, otherwise, assume standard Petrinex functionality.
Exception: There will be no requirement for Heat Content on GAS PROD activities at the Battery (like Alberta, not Saskatchewan).
They will be adopting the PURDISP/PURREC rules for OIL used for Load Injection in Saskatchewan. The PURREC will auto-populate the PURDISP.
They will require full Petrinex IDs for all From/To Facilities (like Saskatchewan). If there are deliveries to or receipts from a non-Petrinex jurisdiction then there still must be a Petrinex facility set up to represent the receiver/sender.
Qbyte Metrix Implementation
Volumetrics can be submitted for facilities in Manitoba for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
Modifications were made to ensure the correct activities reported for Manitoba facilities.
The Purchased flag on the Battery Balance Oil screen will be enabled for Manitoba Batteries for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
The Report As field will be enabled on the Battery Balance Oil and Battery Balance Water screens to allow for more specific product reporting (i.e. Fresh Water versus Water).
See Report as Product for more information.
Blending Shrinkage Oil dispositions will be available on the Battery Balance Oil screen.
See Blending Shrinkage for more information.
Oil Pipeline Split
Manitoba will be adopting all the Saskatchewan rules.
Waste Oil will be handled as per the most current Saskatchewan rule.
Oil deliveries with WO in the Shipper Owner Contract on their corresponding Market Master will be ignored.
Qbyte Metrix Implementation
Oil Pipeline Splits can be submitted for facilities in Manitoba for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
Due to the possibility of cross-border transactions between Saskatchewan and Manitoba, we allow for batteries in either province to run the Oil Pipeline Split for the other province.
If the Production Date is after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date:
A Saskatchewan battery has at least one MB well being processed can have the Oil Pipeline Split generated for the province of Manitoba.
A Manitoba battery has at least one SK well being processed can have the Oil Pipeline Split generated for the province of Saskatchewan.
Gas Pipeline Split
Manitoba will be adopting the Saskatchewan rules.
Gas Pipeline Splits are optional.
Qbyte Metrix Implementation
Other than allowing Gas Pipeline Splits to be submitted for Manitoba facilities, there were no changes made to this submission.
Oil Valuation RTP
Manitoba will be adopting most of the Saskatchewan rules.
Qbyte Metrix Implementation
The Generate Oil Valuation Data process can be submitted for facilities in Manitoba for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
Due to the possibility of cross-border transactions between Saskatchewan and Manitoba, we allow for batteries in either province to run the Oil Valuation RTP for the other province.
If the Production Date is after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date:
A Saskatchewan battery has at least one MB well being processed can have the Oil Valuation RTP generated for the province of Manitoba.
A Manitoba battery has at least one SK well being processed can have the Oil Valuation RTP generated for the province of Saskatchewan.
Manitoba only uses Royalty Tax Payer on the Oil Valuation RTP, so only OIL Royalty Tax Payers will be allowed on Manitoba wells and/or units.
The Oil Valuation RTP screen can now be accessed for batteries and units in Manitoba for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
The Oil Pipeline Split Import can be used to import data into the Oil Valuation RTP screen for Manitoba batteries and units from Oil Pipeline Split reports downloaded from Petrinex.
Allocations (SAF/OAF)
Manitoba will be adopting the Saskatchewan rules.
Allocations (SAF/OAF) are optional.
Qbyte Metrix Implementation
SAF/OAF can be submitted for facilities in Manitoba for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
Due to the possibility of cross-border transactions between Saskatchewan and Manitoba, we allow for batteries in either province to run the SAF/OAF for the other province.
If the Production Date is after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date:
A Saskatchewan battery has at least one MB well being processed can have the SAF/OAF generated for the province of Manitoba.
A Manitoba battery has at least one SK well being processed can have the SAF/OAF generated for the province of Saskatchewan.
Measurement Edits
Manitoba will not be implementing any EPAP validations for the Go-Live Date, however, to help our clients get prepared for this happening at some point in the future, we have implemented the following for Manitoba batteries listed below.
Qbyte Metrix Implementation
Manitoba batteries for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date must use a valid Manitoba Battery Subtype instead of one of the generic Qbyte Metrix Subtypes (i.e. ME01, etc.) when entering a Battery Subtype. Prior to the MB Petrinex Implementation Date, the existing functionality of using the generic Qbyte Metrix Subtypes will remain.
The Subtype Load/Verification process can be used for Manitoba batteries for Production Dates after the MB Petrinex Implementation Date.
Measurement Edits have been pre-loaded for all valid Manitoba Subtypes based on their Saskatchewan equivalent, where possible, however, none of these pre-loaded edits will generate an ERROR condition, the maximum severity that will be generated is a WARNING. The client can choose to customize these edits as they see fit.
Note: Like what occurred in Saskatchewan, once Manitoba publishes and implements their EPAP rules, Qbyte Metrix will have to modify the Measurement Edits associated with Manitoba Subtypes.For more information on Measurement Edits, see:
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