Generate SAF/OAF
This Menu option is a process that appears for all appropriate schematic levels, but it is only active once the correct calculations have been successfully completed.
It can be selected for each entity, or it can be run at the Control Group for all attached and completed entities.
The action buttons include Submit, Revert, and Cancel.
Field | Description |
Production Date | The Production Date is defaulted and disabled when launched from the Explorer. When launched from the menu, the Production Date can be entered. |
Province | Valid options include Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba (only valid for dates after MB Petrinex Implementation Date) and British Columbia (only valid for dates after BC Petrinex Implementation Date). |
Entity Type | Valid options include Control Group, Battery, Gathering System, and Plant. This field is defaulted and disabled when launched from the Explorer. |
Entity ID | Corresponds to Type; use type-ahead. This field is defaulted and disabled when launched from the Explorer. Note: The Entity does not have to be in the Province selected, as long as it has at least one well/tract from the selected Province flowing through it. |
Petrinex Operator ID | Corresponds to Petrinex Operators for the selected Province in the current Region. |
Government Code | This is the appropriate Provincial Government Code for the Operator selected. |
Generation Type | This field is disabled and set to Generate SAF/OAF Data & File by default. Other options include Generate SAF/OAF Data and Generate SAF/OAF File. If the selected control group allows Generation Type selection (flag on the Control Group Maintenance), then it can be toggled between Generate SAF/OAF Data & File, Generate SAF/OAF Data, and Generate SAF/OAF File for control groups or Generate SAF/OAF Data & File and Generate SAF/OAF File for facilities. The Generate SAF/OAF Data & File option, which is the default, matches the SAF/OAF process as it was prior to this enhancement. The other options allow for better handling of scenarios where you have cross control group transactions such that there are SAF/OAF entries created for the same submitting facility within more than one control group.
Destination Directory | The destination where the file will be saved. |
File Name | This is the Name used to load into Petrinex. Note: When the Generation Type is Generate SAF/OAF Data, the File Name is disabled and blanked out. |
Once the SAF/OAF File Generation is successfully completed, the Petrinex file may be viewed and or submitted, and reports can be created.
Oil SAF/OAF: Activities for a stream not in the same province as the submitting facility will be reported as a Cascade to the producing battery associated with the stream.
Gas & By-product SAF/OAF:
Activities for a stream not in the same province as the submitting facility will be reported as a cascade to the first upstream facility with the same province as the stream.
Outside Receipts for Alberta and British Columbia (after the BC Petrinex Implementation date) can be reported for receipts that have already had provincial royalties paid on them, and that are coming in for further processing and/or delivery. (Outside Receipts that are not royalty paid will not be reported.)
The Outside Receipt must be using a Source Well ID instead of a Default Source Well. The Sending Entity and the Source Well must be in the same province, and the Sending Entity should have a valid Petrinex ID in case the receipt needs to be reported as a cascade.
The Operator of the Sending Entity will be used to determine if allocated volumes are reported as cascade. When the allocated volumes are to be reported to the stream level, the stream will be based on the province of the Source Well.
For Alberta wells, the stream will be AB WG 99999.
For British Columbia wells, the stream will be BC RP 9999.
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