Saskatchewan Registry Functionality Included in Qbyte Metrix Version
Patch Details for Qbyte Metrix Version 1.1
- 1 Release Overview
- 1.1 Release Date
- 1.2 Release Type
- 1.3 Summary
- 2 Release Contents
- 2.1 Menus
- 2.2 System Setup
- 2.3 Masters
- 2.3.1 Well Maintenance
- 2.3.2 Battery Maintenance
- 2.3.3 GGS/Plant/Injection Maintenance
- 2.3.4 Maintain Delivery System
- 2.3.5 Maintain DOI
- 2.3.6 Government Well Group Maintenance
- View
- Create New/Edit
- 2.3.7 Maintain Unit (Menu: Master/Entities)
- 2.3.8 Crown Royalty Rates (Menu: Royalties/Crown)
- 2.4 Explorer
- 2.5 Balance
- 2.5.1 Battery Balance
- 2.5.2 GGS Balance
- 2.5.3 Plant Balance
- Consumption Allocation
- 2.5.4 Injection Facility Balance
- 2.6 Market Master
- 2.7 Process
- 2.7.1 Generate Volumetric
- 2.7.2 Generate SAF/OAF
- 2.7.3 Generate Pipeline Split
- 2.7.4 SK Oil Pipeline Split Import
- Pipeline Split Import Process
- 2.7.5 Injection Government Reporting
- 2.7.6 Generate SK Oil Valuation Data
- 2.7.7 SK Oil Valuation- RTP Export
- 2.8 Reporting
- 2.8.1 Volumetric
- 2.8.2 Pipeline Split
- 2.8.3 Oil Valuation
- 2.8.4 SAF/OAF Summary
- 2.8.5 SAF/OAF Stream Owner Allocation
- 2.9 Appendix A
Release Overview
Release Date
November 15, 2011
Release Type
Qbyte Metrix includes functionality related to the business requirements associated with submissions to the new Saskatchewan Registry.
The inclusion of Saskatchewan in the Petroleum Registry will provide the following benefits to both industry and the SER (Saskatchewan Energy and Resources):
Provide a single venue to deposit and access data in an accurate, secure, and timely manner
Allow for standardized interfaces with financial and other systems
Provides PA’s with tools to ensure complete and accurate filing
Increase the use of electronic business processes, thus reducing paper requirements
Provide a venue for ongoing consultation between SER and Industry to evolve and improve administrative processes
Metrix will handle the new regulatory reporting as of the Registry Go-Live Date. The old Saskatchewan (“SK”) regulatory regime will not be supported within the Metrix application. For production dates greater than or equal to the SK Registry implementation date, Metrix will generate a paper version of an ER18 equivalent worksheet along with the Registry Volumetric data, similar to that required in Alberta. However, ER61, ER61R, ER61S, ER61U, ER219, ER686, ER687 or ER704 reports will not be generated, in paper or electronic tape form for the SER, when the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry implementation date.
Metrix will be supporting the following new requirements for Saskatchewan Regulatory Reporting:
Volumetric – Battery, GGS, Plant and Injection Facilities
SAF/OAF – Partner Reporting
Oil Pipeline Splits
Oil Valuations
Release Contents
The following changes were made to menus to accommodate the SK Registry:
Renamed the “Alberta Registry” menu under Import/Export to “Registry”.
Added “SK Oil Pipeline Split Import” under Registry under Import/Export.
Added “Generate SK Oil Valuation Data” under Registry under Import/Export.
Added “SK Oil Valuation – RTP Export” under Registry under Import/Export.
Removed “SK Unit Volume Maintenance” from Royalties > Crown.
Removed “Create Saskatchewan Government Files” from Royalties > Crown.
Removed “Generate EM687 Report” from Reports/Mid-Month Procedures.
Removed “Generate EM704 Report” from Reports/Mid-Month Procedures.
Removed “Generate Global EM18/EM61 Reports” from Reports/Mid-Month Procedures.
System Setup
System Configuration (Menu: Administration/System Configuration)
The options below need to be set-up for registry functionality. The default is ‘No’. Select “Yes” to activate this functionality.
These folders need to be set-up for the new SK Registry file locations.
Function Implementation (NEW tab)
This tab is where the implementation dates for various functional enhancements will be tracked. When the SK Registry goes live, the implementation date for the SK Registry will require updating.
Maintain Region Registry Operators (Menu: Administration/Region)
A default province field is now available. The default province selected will apply for all properties in the region, unless otherwise modified.
Registry Operators
This screen allows for the specification of SK Registry Operators.
Well Maintenance
A new Measurement Type field is now available for the following: Water (H2O), Fresh Water (FSHWTR) and Brackish Water (BRKWTR). When adding a new well the default Product Code is Water (H2O).
For an Alberta well all three options are valid. For a Saskatchewan well only Water and Fresh Water are valid, while for any other province only Water is valid. Below, is a Saskatchewan well:
When the production date is greater than or equal to the date the SK Registry is implemented, the Crown tab and the Crown Acquired % in the Totals tab will not be visible. The FH WIO Exempt % in the Total tab will not be visible for all production dates.
Battery Maintenance
Saskatchewan batteries display the same Government Reporting section as Alberta batteries. The Oil Pipeline Split option for SK batteries can be either: Full or None. The following functionality is visible only when the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date:
Registry Province, Registry Entity Type and Registry Government Code are optional fields. However, if a Registry Entity Type is entered, a Registry Province is required. If a Registry Government Code is entered, then Registry Province and Registry Entity Type are required. Registry Province is NOT a dropdown. Neither Registry Province nor Registry Type can be longer than 2 characters The Registry Code cannot be longer than 16 characters.
The Custody Transfer Point (CTP) Override field has been replaced with the following three fields: CTP Registry Province, CTP Registry Entity Type and CTP Registry Government Code. These fields are optional. However, if a CTP Registry Entity Type is entered, a CTP Registry Province is required. If a CTP Registry Government Code is entered, a CTP Registry Province and Registry Entity Type are required.
Once the SK Registry has been implemented, Oil Pipeline Split for Saskatchewan batteries can be either: Full, or None.
The Oil Pipeline Split Terminal type can be either: OIL, or WCOND, and is visible only when the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date. The default is OIL. This will not be displayed in view mode for SK batteries, but will appear for all other provinces.
GGS/Plant/Injection Maintenance
Saskatchewan GGS’s/Plants/Injection facilities display the same Government Reporting section as Alberta GGSs/Plants/Injection facilities. These fields are optional, and are available only when the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date.
Registry Province, Registry Entity Type and Registry Government Code are optional fields. However, if a Registry Entity Type is entered, a Registry Province is required. If a Registry Government Code is entered, both Registry Province and Registry Entity Type are required. The Registry Province is NOT a dropdown. Neither Registry Province nor Registry Type can be longer than 2 characters. The Registry Code cannot be longer than 16 characters.
The CTP Override field has been replaced with the following three fields: CTP Registry Province, CTP Registry Entity Type and CTP Registry Government Code. These fields are optional. However, if a CTP Registry Entity Type is entered, a CTP Registry Province is required. If a CTP Registry Government Code is entered, a CTP Registry Province and Registry Entity Type are required.
Maintain Delivery System
The Oil Pipeline Split for SK batteries must be either: Full, or None. The Oil Pipeline Split Terminal type can be either: OIL, or WCOND. The default is OIL. These fields are optional and are available only when the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date.
Registry Province, Registry Entity Type and Registry Government Code are optional fields. However, if a Registry Entity Type is entered, a Registry Province is required. If a Registry Government Code is entered, both Registry Province and Registry Entity Type are required. The Registry Province is NOT a dropdown. Neither Registry Province nor Registry Type can be longer than 2 characters. The Registry Code cannot be longer than 16 characters.
The CTP Override field has been replaced with the following three fields: CTP Registry Province, CTP Registry Entity Type and CTP Registry Government Code. These fields are optional. However, if a CTP Registry Entity Type is entered, a CTP Registry Province is required. If a CTP Registry Government Code is entered, both CTP Registry Province and Registry Entity Type are required.
Oil Pipeline Split cannot be LITE for SK Delivery Systems.
Oil Pipeline Split CTP Terminal Type is, a new field, being displayed for all provinces. Valid values are OIL or WCOND. The default will be OIL for SK Batteries, and blank for all others.
Maintain DOI
When adding owner details, Silent Partner Parent ID cannot refer to an Owner that has a Silent Partner Parent ID different than itself. (i.e. owner A cannot show B as their parent when owner B shows anyone other than B as their parent)
From Unit Maintenance (or when entity is a unit)
Ownership DOI exceptions are now allowed for all provinces, regardless of production date.
When adding/editing an “Ownership” DOI exception for a Saskatchewan unit, the valid values are: CRWN, FHTX or XMPT. Though CRAQ is valid at a unit for some months, METRIX will not be allowing it as a valid value.
The valid products are OIL and GAS.
When adding/editing an “Ownership” DOI exception for a non-Saskatchewan unit, the valid value is: CRWN.
The valid products are: OIL, GAS, H2O, COND, LPGNGL, C2, C3, C4, C5, H2S, RAWGAS. When adding a CRWN exception type, the DOI Extension ID must be ‘01’.
From Well Maintenance, Tract Maintenance (or when entity is a well/tract)
When adding/editing an “Ownership” DOI exception for a Saskatchewan well/tract, the valid values are the same as Alberta, plus FHTX.
When adding CRWN, FHTX or XMPT as the exception type, the DOI Extension ID must be ‘01’.
Government Well Group Maintenance
This menu option can be found in Master >Entries menu and has been renamed “Registry Well Group Maintenance”.
The advanced search option allows users to choose between Alberta and Saskatchewan if the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date.
Create New/Edit
Saskatchewan facilities are allowed to have Well Groups attached to them
The facility does not have to be attached to a control group. It only has to be on production for the production month selected.
Valid values for well group types are: WG, UN, HOL; with WG being the default.
Holiday (HOL) well groups are not allowed for Saskatchewan facilities for the Create New option or when Editing an existing well group.
The Grid is now called, “Entities in Well Group”.
The Type ahead on Well/Tract will display all wells and tracts that are in the province of the facility selected for the production date selected, and ON production for the same production date.
The advanced search for Well/Tracts allows users to choose between Alberta and Saskatchewan if the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date. Province will default to the province of the facility selected and will not be editable. Prior to that date, the province will be default to Alberta.
Maintain Unit (Menu: Master/Entities)
“Crown Acquired Percent” will be displayed when creating or updating a Saskatchewan tract with a production date that is prior to the SK Registry Implementation date. If the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date, “Federal Percent” will be displayed instead.
Crown Royalty Rates (Menu: Royalties/Crown)
Crown Royalty Rates will no longer be required in Saskatchewan after the SK Registry is implemented. A message indicating why a user cannot enter this data will be displayed.
When a facility is selected, the province along with the facility id will now be displayed. Since a control group can have facilities belonging to more than one province, this display change is very useful.
When a Saskatchewan facility (battery, GGS or Plant) is selected, and the production date is greater than or equal to the Implementation Date of the SK Registry, the “Lite Pipeline Confirmation Number” menu option will be displayed.
The “Generate Volumetric”, “Pipeline Split”, “Generate SAF/OAF” menu options will be displayed when
Facility is a Plant or Battery in Saskatchewan (and production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date)
Facility is a gas flow Gathering System in Saskatchewan (and production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date)
The pipeline Split option will be only be enabled when the facility is at step 2 (and all other facility validations are met)
When the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date, the new “Generate SK Oil Valuation Data” will be enabled at the group and battery levels, once completed to step 3.
Battery Balance
The Dispositions portion of the Summary section at the bottom of the tab will display the sum of all Fire, Spill & Theft groups created for SK facilities.
If the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry implementation date:
Oil dispositions of type Injection for batteries in Saskatchewan will display a Purchased Oil field. When manually creating Injection receipts for batteries in Saskatchewan, the Purchased field will default to Yes.
Oil receipts of type Injection for batteries in Saskatchewan will display a Purchased Oil field. Manually entered receipts are editable, while if auto-created from the disposition, receipts will be populated from the disposition and cannot be modified. When auto-generating the receipt, the Purchased field will be set based on the Purchaser field of the Disposition.
FIRE, THEFT and SPILL are valid Disposition types. These disposition types do not require Destination identifiers. When adding a new disposition of these types, the only fields available will be sequence # and volume. This is not date effective.
Disposition of Purchased Load Oil [PURDISP]
Saskatchewan Government has determined that if Oil is sold for completion or workover purposes, it may be deemed a PURDISP, which will then cause a Royalty Trigger. Therefore, on the Pipeline Split for the Facility that Delivers the Load Oil, it must display the PURDISP volumes on the Pipeline Split, and report it on an Oil Valuation.
In Battery Balance, a Purchased column has been introduced in the Disposition section of the Oil Balance Tab. This will flag the system so it knows that the INJ Delivery ID is a PURDISP. This will then create the appropriate lines in the SAF/OAF for Partner Reporting, for Pipeline Splits, and for the Oil Valuation. The Receiving Facility will have a line created on their volumetric that will be a PURREC from the sending Battery for the Product OIL.
If the user does not specify that the oil is Purchased, then the system will not include this disposition on the SAF/OAF, Pipeline Split and nothing will show on the Oil Valuation for these volumes. The Facility that receives these volumes for injection will show a REC record from the sending Battery for the product OIL.
The SAF/OAF for this line:
The Pipeline Split for the PURDISP at the Delivery Facility will only show the sold recovered portion of the volume.
Receipt of Purchased Load Oil [PURREC]
In Battery Balance a new Purchased column has been introduced in the Receipts section of the Oil Balance Tab. This will flag the system to indicate that the load oil received by the Facility is being purchased. Then, that Facility will create a PURREC for the receipt of load oil on the Volumetric from the sending Facility. Within the Registry, this record will populate the sending Facility PURDISP lines for their facility to balance correctly.
In order to create a PURREC on the Volumetric, the user must specify that the load oil was Purchased (Y/N) on the Injection receipt.
Example of the Battery Balance at the Receipt line:
If Purchased is ‘No’, the system will only create a REC line on the volumetric for the sending Battery. Below is a copy of the volumetric if the Injected Load oil was Purchased in Battery Balance
Within consumption, the Allocate Volumes button will be available if there was any consumption set up with a Calculation Basis of Manual Input, regardless of the Usage Type.
List of valid types: FUEL, FLARE & VENT
Total Fuel usage has been renamed Total Lease Fuel
Lease Fuel Allocated, Total Flare, Flare Allocated, Total Vent and Vent Allocated are now displayed at the top of the screen:
Lease Fuel Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Fuel.
Total Flare is the sum of Input Volume for all consumption factors with a Calculation Basis of Input Volume and a Usage Type of Flare.
Flare Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Flare.
Total Vent is the sum of all consumption factors with a Calculation Basis of Input Volume and a Usage Type of Vent.
Vent Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Vent.
New registry fields of Registry Province, Registry Type, Registry Code have been added to be able to report consumption on a volumetric.
Sample Volumetric Report for the above set-up:
The dispositions portion of the Summary section at the bottom of the tab will display the sum of SPILL dispositions as Losses. This is not date effective.
A new water disposition type of SPILL is available. If the Production Date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry implementation date, and the Province is Saskatchewan, then SPILL is a valid water disposition type.
GGS Balance
A new row will display VENT as a Usage Type with a volume (Consumption/Metering Difference). There will be no Received Volume for Vent, so this column will always be 0.
Allocated Consumption/Metering Difference
Consumption/Metering Difference Allocation has been renamed Allocated Consumption/Metering Difference
List of valid types: FUEL, FLARE, Metering Difference (MD) and VENT
Total Fuel usage has been renamed Total Lease Fuel
Metering Difference Allocated, Lease Fuel Allocated, Total Flare, Flare Allocated, Total Vent and Vent Allocated are now displayed at the top of the screen.
Metering Difference Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is MD
Lease Fuel Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Fuel
Total Flare is the sum of Input Volume for all consumption factors with a Calculation Basis of Input Volume and a Usage Type of Flare
Flare Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Flare
Total Vent is the sum of all consumption factors with a Calculation Basis of Input Volume and a Usage Type of Vent
Vent Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Vent
The compressor column has been replaced by 3 new registry fields: Registry Province, Registry Type and Registry Code.
Plant Balance
A new row will display VENT as a Usage Type with a volume. There will be no Received Volume for Vent, so this column will always be 0.
Consumption Allocation
List of valid types: FUEL, FLARE, ACID Gas and VENT
Lease Fuel Allocated, Flare Allocated, Acid Gas Allocated, Total Vent and Vent Allocated are now displayed at the top of the screen
Lease Fuel Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Fuel
Flare Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Flare.
Acid Gas Allocated is the sum of Input Volume for all rows in the Usage grid where the Type is Acid Gas
Total Vent is the sum of all consumption factors with a Calculation Basis of Input Volume and a Usage Type of Vent
The compressor column has been replaced by 3 new registry fields: Registry Province, Registry Type and Registry Code.
Injection Facility Balance
The Production Tab will be visible for Saskatchewan Injection Facilities if the production date is greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation date.
Injected Hours will be displayed as Producing Hours:
If Water Volume is greater than 0 then Producing Hours must be greater than 0
If Water Volume equal 0 then Producing Hours must be equal 0 (Cannot have hours and 0 volume or volume and 0 hours)
A well attached to an injection facility cannot have a fluid of Brackish Water (BRKWTR). Additionally, the well cannot be attached to a battery but must be on production and have a fluid type of H2O.
Market Master
Market Master Dispositions
When adding a Market Master record for a FIRE, THEFT or SPILL disposition, a purchaser record with a new type of “Loss” (no id required), defaulting to “All Participants”, and Receive Revenue = Yes, will be auto-created. The Auto-created purchaser record can be deleted, and re-added (if necessary).
Market Master Purchaser
The new Purchaser Type Code, “Loss”, is only valid when the disposition type is FIRE, THEFT or SPILL. Receive Revenue must be set to “Yes”. This set-up provides the ability to balance inventory, both closing and opening, at the Well/Working Interest Owner level as well as to allocate down to the same level. This also enables the users the flexibility to determine who participates in the various “losses”. Royalties, Pipeline Splits, SAF/OAF, Volumetric, Facility Charges, and Financial Bookings have all been enhanced to handle this new functionality.
For an Alberta property, the new field Shipper Pipeline Contract will be displayed. The field is optional and can be any alphanumeric string of up to 20 characters
For a Saskatchewan property, the new field Shipper Pipeline Contract will be displayed when the Production date is greater than or equal to the date the SK Registry is implemented.
For a Saskatchewan property, when the product is gas or a gas by product, and not oil, the Point of Sale Code, Permit Number, Include in EM704, Sale Type Code, Destination Code and End Use Code will not be visible for production dates greater than or equal to the date the SK Registry is implemented.
Market Master Participant
For an Alberta property, the “Contract Description” will be displayed as “Shipper Owner Contract”.
For a Saskatchewan property the “Contract Description” will be displayed as “Shipper Owner Contract” for production dates greater than or equal to the date the SK Registry is implemented.
Generate Volumetric
The province is now part of the selection criteria. If the Entity Type is a Control Group then this field is editable with two valid options: Alberta and Saskatchewan. The default is Alberta. If the Entity Type is not a Control Group, this field is not editable, and will show the province to which the selected entity is attached for the selected production month.
If the province of Saskatchewan is selected, and the production date is less than the implementation date of the SK Registry, the user will not be allowed to submit the process.
If submitted at the Control Group level, the Operator is an editable field and must contain a valid Owner ID. That owner must have a non-blank government code for the Province selected. If submitted at any other facility, the operator is not editable and displays the operator to which the selected entity is attached for the production month selected.
If the province is Alberta, the Destination Directory will be populated with the value found in the System Configuration option: Alberta Registry Exports. If the province is Saskatchewan, the Destination Directory will be populated with the value found in the System Configuration option “SK Registry Exports”.
The filename will be populated with the default filename based on the System Configuration option: Registry Output File Naming Convention. The default filename is the concatenation of the Government Code of the operator, Production Date, VOLUM (Volumetric), Control Group ID and Entity ID. There will be no spaces in between the various elements making up the name except when an individual element, like Facility ID, has a space in it, in which case, that space will be included in the filename.
Generate SAF/OAF
The province is now part of the selection criteria. If the Entity Type is a Control Group then this field is editable with two valid options: Alberta and Saskatchewan. The default is Alberta. If the Entity Type is not a Control Group, this field is not editable, and will show the province to which the selected entity is attached for the production month selected.
If the province of Saskatchewan is selected and the production date is less than the implementation date of the SK Registry, the user will not be allowed to submit the process.
If submitted at the Control Group level, the Operator is an editable field and must contain a valid Owner ID. That owner must have a non-blank government code for the Province selected. If submitted at any other facility, the operator is not editable and displays the operator to which the selected entity is attached for the production month selected.
If the province is Alberta, the Destination Directory will be populated with the value found in the System Configuration option: “Alberta Registry Exports”. If the province is Saskatchewan, the Destination Directory will be populated with the value found in the System Configuration option “SK Registry Exports”.
The filename will be populated with the default filename based on the System Configuration option: “Registry Output File Naming Convention”. The default filename is the concatenation of the Government Code of the operator, Production Date, SAFOAF, Control Group ID and Entity ID.
Generate Pipeline Split
The province is now part of the selection criteria. And the two valid options are Alberta and Saskatchewan. The default is Alberta.
If the province of Saskatchewan is selected and the production date is less than the implementation date of the SK Registry, the user will not be allowed to submit the process.
If submitted at a control group, then the operator is an editable field and must contain a valid owner and that owner must have a non-blank government code for the Province selected. If submitted at any other facility, the operator is not editable and shows the operator of the selected entity it is attached to for the production month selected.
The filename will be populated with the default filename based on the System Configuration option “Registry Output File Naming Convention”. The default filename is the concatenation of the Government Code of the operator, Production date and types of SPLITOIL (Oil Pipeline Splits) or SPLITGAS (Gas Pipeline Splits). There will be no spaces in between the various elements making up the name except when an individual element, like facility id, has a space in it then, that space will be included in the filename.
SK Oil Pipeline Split Import
This window allows the user to import data from a Pipeline Split report generated on the Saskatchewan Registry. This imported data will be only those oil entries that require oil valuation and will be used to populate the SK Oil Valuation – RTP (Royalty Tax Payer) screen, allowing the user to then enter the pricing information and re-submit the data for the Oil Valuation – RTP submission. This import will address Registry codes only. There will be no need for the user to set up Metrix facility codes for the various codes within the imported file.
The user can access this functionality from the menu Import/Export > Registry: “SK Oil Pipeline Split Import”.
The default location for imported files will be retrieved from the System Configuration Directory: “SK Registry Imports”.
The File Name is Mandatory. For non-default locations the user may select a single file.
When the Import button is pressed, and the selection criteria validated, the SK Oil Pipeline Split Import (Preview) screen will be displayed.
The Data Extraction/Import Grid will only ever be one record in this grid. The grid will be Populated from PIPELINE_SPLIT_IMPORT_AUDITS by Filename.
The Toggle Bar for Imported Data will be populated from OIL_VALUATION_RTPS_DETAILS records using parent/child relationship from OIL_PIPELINE_IMPORT_AUDITS to OIL_VALUATION_RTPS. This grid will be populated sorted by production date, royalty payer, delivering facility, receiving facility, custody transfer, contract, purchaser and unit
Pipeline Split Import Process
The Pipeline Split Import Process is similar to the Registry Upload for Partner Operated Batteries in that it will read a CSV file and refine the applicable records based on the selection criteria:
First the process will delete any entries in Pipeline_Split_Import_Audits and its’ children for the selected filename. It will also create a new entry with zero record counts.
It would then read through the selected file. The first line, being a header, would be omitted
The required format of this file can be found in Appendix A.
Records will be validated, and error message(s) created:
If the production date is not valid:
The required format is YYYY-MM, with a valid year and month.
If the Delivering facility is not SK (position 4 for 2 in Delivering Facility).
If the production date is less than SK Registry Implementation date
Records will be skipped/ignored and no errors will be generated:
If the Product is not OIL
If the province of the Delivering Facility is not SK (position 4 for 2 in Delivering Facility)
If the RTIK indicator is Yes
If the production date <> production selected
If the record is NOT in error and is NOT being ignored then, records will be written/updated to the database.
Injection Government Reporting
Only non-Alberta Injection Facilities and SK Injection Facilities prior to Registry Implementation date are valid.
Generate SK Oil Valuation Data
This is a new submission window that will allow the user to create oil valuation data required for Saskatchewan properties. Metrix calculates this data based on the sales value and transportation costs. This data is then made available to the SK Oil Valuation – RTP Export.
A new menu option “Generate SK Oil Valuation Data” is available through Import/Export > Registry. It can also be accessed from the Explorer screen when a valid Facility or Control Group is selected.
If accessing from the menu:
The Production Date will default to the selected region’s current Production Date, but is also editable. The Production Date must be less than or equal to the current Production Date of the control group selected. It must also be greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation Date.
If accessing from the Explorer:
The Production Date will be populated and will not be editable.
If a facility is selected:
Entity Type will be set to Facility
Entity ID will be set to the facility selected
Control Group ID will display the Control Group to which the facility belongs
Operator Government Code will show the government code of the facility operator (for the province of Saskatchewan).
These fields will not be editable.
If a Control Group is selected the Entity Type will be set to Control Group, and the Entity ID will be populated with the selected Control Group. These fields will not be editable.
The Operator Government Code type-ahead will only include those Codes that appear as Registry Operators for the province of Saskatchewan.
SK Oil Valuation- RTP Export
This new window will allow the user to review entries that require oil valuation for the Saskatchewan Registry. This information has three sources possible: import from the SK Registry, calculated by the Metrix application, and manually entered by the user. This screen will only display Registry Codes. The user is not required to create Metrix facility codes for the various facilities within this submission. Calculated data will be derived from Metrix facility codes. This functionality is not accessible from the Explorer.
The user will access this through Import/Export – Registry as “SK Oil Valuation – RTP Export.
Production Date, Royalty Payer and Submission Type are mandatory
Production Date will default to the corporate current production date and is editable. The Production Date must be less than or equal to the corporate current Production Date. The Production Date must also be greater than or equal to the SK Registry Implementation Date.
Royalty Payer is an Owner Government Code. The type-ahead for this field will show all owners that have a SK Government Code for the Production Date selected.
Submission Type must be either ‘All’ or ‘Facility’. When the Submission Type is Facility, the Submission Facility Province will default to ‘SK’. ‘All’ is allowed, and smaller clients may use it, but is not a feasible option for clients of all size.
Submission Facility Province (2 characters), Type (2 characters) and Code (16 characters) must be blank when Submission Type is ‘All’
Submission Facility Province, Type and Code must all be entered when Submission Type is ‘Facility’.
The Advanced Search for the Submission Facility can be selected to view those submission facilities that have SK Oil Valuation RTP data. A user can select a single row (only) which will then return the user the previous screen.
If the selection criteria passed the above validations and the user pressed the Edit button then the Edit screen will be displayed using data from the Oil_Valuation_Rtps. If there are no rows retrieved for the selections made the Edit screen will still appear and allow the user to enter “Manual” data.
This grid will display all records that match the Production Date, Royalty Payer and submitting Facility (using all three fields), if entered. This grid will be populated and sorted by: Submitting Facility, Delivering Facility, Receiving Facility, Custody Transfer, Contract, Purchaser and Source. When populating the grid the Submitting Facility, Delivering Facility, Receiving Facility and Custody Transfer will be displayed as the concatenation of their three fields: Province, Type and Government Code separated by a single space.
The grid will have filtering on Active, Source, Submitting Facility, Delivering Facility, Receiving Facility, Custody Transfer, Contract and Purchaser. There will be no user-defined sorting.
This will be an editable grid with only the Volume, Gross Price and Transportation Rate editable, all other fields are read-only.
Volume is only editable on Active rows when Source is “Manual”.
Gross Price is editable on Active rows with a dataSource that is NOT “CALCULATED”.
Transportation Cost is editable on Active rows of with a dataSource that is NOT “CALCULATED”.
The user can select multiple rows and press the Delete button, but only those records that have a Source equal to “MANUAL” can be deleted.
The user can select multiple rows and press the Inactive button, but only those records that have a Source equal to “REGISTRY” can be made Inactive.
The user can select multiple rows and press the Active button, but only those records that have a Source equal to “REGISTRY” can be made Active.
All active records must have a non-zero Volume, and a non-zero Gross Price.
If the user selects the Create New Button the following screen is displayed:
The Production Date and Royalty Payer (Government Code and name) will be populated from the selection window. If the Submission Type was ‘All’, then the “Submission Facility” will not be displayed. If the Submission Type is ‘Facility’, then the “Submission Facility” label followed the Submitting Facility (Province, Submitting Facility type and Submitting Facility code concatenated with a single blank between each) will be displayed, and will not be editable.
Receiving Facility (Province, Type and Government Code) and Purchaser are mandatory fields.
Custody Transfer (Province, Type and Government Code) and Shipper Owner Contract are optional.
Transportation Cost is editable on Active rows with a dataSource that is NOT “CALCULATED”.
If the user presses Apply, validates the entered data, it will then be added to the grid, at which point the user is returned to the previous screen where the newly added record is included.
If the user presses both the Apply and Create New buttons, then validates the data entered, the entered data will then be added to the grid, but the user remains on the Create New screen with the fields cleared out allowing the user to more easily add multiple records. Records added through this screen have a data_source = “MANUAL”.
If the user selects the View Source Details button for a Registry or Calculated row then the following Source window is displayed (only a single row can be selected):
The Production Date and Royalty Payer (Government Code and name) will be populated from the selection window.
The Submitting Facility (Province, Submitting Facility type and Submitting Facility code concatenated with a single blank between each), Delivering Facility (Province, Delivering Facility type and Delivering Facility code concatenated with a single blank between each) Receiving Facility (province, Receiving Facility type and Receiving Facility code concatenated with a single blank between each), Custody Transfer (province, Custody Transfer type and Custody Transfer code concatenated with a single blank between each), Shipper/Owner Contract and Purchaser from the row selected will be displayed.
If the row selected has a Source = REGISTRY then a read-only grid (vertical scroll) with the above shown fields (concatenate the three registry fields province, type and govt code separated by a space for Delivering Facility, Receiving Facility, Custody Transfer and Stream) from Oil_Valuation_Rtp_Details for the current parent Oil_Valuation_Rtps record selected from the Edit grid will be displayed. The data will be sorted based on Delivering Facility, Receiving Facility, Custody Transfer, Shipper, Pipeline Contract, Owner, Owner Contract, Purchaser and Stream.
If the row selected has a Source = CALCULATED then a read-only grid (vertical scroll) with the above shown fields (concatenate the three registry fields province, type and govt code separated by a space for Delivering Facility, Receiving Facility, Custody Transfer and Stream) from Oil_Valuation_Rtp_Details for the current parent Oil_Valuation_Rtps record selected from the Edit grid will be displayed. The data will be sorted based on Delivering Facility, Receiving Facility, Custody Transfer, Shipper, Pipeline Contract, Owner, Owner Contract, Purchaser and Stream.
The user can submit the SK Oil Valuation RTP file. When the submit button is selected, a new submission window will pop-up.
The Production Date and Royalty Payer would be populated from the previous selection window.
The submission facility will only be displayed when the submission type is “Facility”.
The Destination Directory is populated from the System Configuration option: “SK Registry Exports”
The filename should be populated with the default filename based on the System Configuration option: “Registry Output File Naming Convention”.
The default filename is the concatenation of the Royalty Payer (Government Code), Production date, “OILVALRTP” and submission facility (if selected. There will be no spaces in between the various elements making up the name except when an individual element, like Facility ID, has a space in it then, that space will be included in the filename.
If the System Configuration option “Disable editing of Registry Output File Names” is OFF, the user can then modify the Filename. Otherwise, it is not editable.
The Volumetric Facility Activity report can now be requested from OPTIX, once a SK Volumetric Registry file has been generated (from METRIX Explorer). The default format of the Volumetric Registry file is the concatenation of the Government Code of the Operator, ‘VOLUM’, group ID, Production date, Entity ID.
Pipeline Split
The registry Pipeline Split report can now be requested from OPTIX, only once a SK Pipeline Split registry file has been generated (from METRIX Explorer). The default format of the Pipeline Split Registry file is the concatenation of the Government Code of the Operator, ‘SPLIT’, Split Type (OIL/GAS), Group ID, Production date, Entity ID, ‘.csv’.
Oil Valuation
SK Oil Valuation data is created when a user selects the submit button from the SK Oil Valuation RTP screen (Menu > Import/Export > Registry). The report can be requested from OPTIX following this operation. The default format of the SK Oil Valuation - RTP export is the concatenation of the Government Code of the Operator, ‘OILVALRTP’, Production Date, 2 digit Province code, 2 digit Entity type, Government Code of the Entity ID.
SAF/OAF Summary
The SAF/OAF Summary report can now be requested from OPTIX, once a SK SAF/OAF File has been generated (from METRIX Explorer). The default format of the SSAF/OAF file is the concatenation of the Government Code of the Operator, ‘SAFOAF’, group ID, Production date, Entity ID.
SAF/OAF Stream Owner Allocation
The SAF/OAF Stream Owner Allocation Summary report can now be requested from OPTIX, once a SK SAF/OAF File has been generated (from METRIX Explorer).The default format of the SAF/OAF file is the concatenation of the Government Code of the Operator, ‘SAFOAF’, Group ID, Production date, Entity ID.
Appendix A
Column 1 is Production Date in the format YYYY-MM
Column 2 is the Delivering Facility in the format PP TT CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. Parse this out into three fields for province, type and government code.
P – 2 character province
T – 2 character facility type
C – 16 character facility code
Column 7 is the Receiving Facility in the format PP TT CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. Parse this out into three fields for province, type and government code.
P – 2 character province
T – 2 character facility type
C – 16 character facility code
Column 12 is the Custody Transfer (CTP) in the format PP TT CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. Parse this out into three fields for province, type and government code.
P – 2 character province
T – 2 character facility type
C – 16 character facility code
Column 17 is the Product
Column 24 is the Shipper Government Code
Column 26 is the Shipper/Pipeline Contract
Column 28 is the Owner Government Code
Column 30 is the Shipper/Owner Contract
Column 31 is the Purchaser Government Code
Column 33 is the Stream in the format PP TT CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. Parse this out into three fields for province, type and government code.
P – 2 character province
T – 2 character facility type
C – 16 character facility code
Column 34 is the Volume in the format 7777777.1
Column 35 is the RTIK indicator in the format Y/N/blank
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