Generate Pipeline Split

Generate Pipeline Split

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This menu option is a process that appears for all appropriate schematic levels, but is only active once the correct calculations have been successfully completed.

It can be selected for each entity, or can be run at the Control Group for all attached and completed entities.

  • Action buttons include Submit and Cancel.





Production Date

  • Fixed


Entity Type = Control Group

  • The Province is always enabled. 

  • This drop-down can be toggled between Alberta and Saskatchewan.

    • If BC Petrinex is active, British Columbia will be available as well.

    • If MB Petrinex is active, Manitoba will be available as well.

Entity Type = Battery

  • The Province is disabled and defaulted to the province of the Entity ID.

Cross Border

When running an Oil Pipeline Split for a battery that has one or more wells from another province that also allows Oil Pipeline Splits, the Province will default to the province of the selected battery, but will be enabled and will contain the province of the out-of-province wells. 

Note: When an Alberta battery has wells from British Columbia or Saskatchewan, the appropriate cascade will be created even if the Alberta battery has Produce Pipeline Split = No, because the Oil Pipeline Split is mandatory in the other provinces. When a battery in British Columbia or Saskatchewan has wells from Alberta, the full volume from the Alberta well(s) is reported as a cascade, regardless of the Produce Pipeline Split option at the Battery.

Entity Type

As selected by Entity.

Entity ID

Corresponds to Type. Use type-ahead.

Petrinex Operator ID

A control group must be entered. Battery/Plant Operator is fixed.

Government Code

This is the appropriate Provincial Government Code for the Operator selected. 

Destination Directory

This is where the file will be created (from Administration > System Configuration > Directories > Alberta Petrinex Exports or BC Petrinex Exports or MB Petrinex Exports or SK Petrinex Exports directory path).

File Name

The name used to load into Petrinex.

Split Type

Options include OIL or GAS.

Once the Pipeline Split File Generation is successfully completed, the Petrinex file may be viewed and/or submitted, and reports can be created.

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