IFS BOLO and IFS Land User Documentation

IFS BOLO and IFS Land User Documentation

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IFS BOLO and IFS Land User Documentation

The integration between the IFS Land and IFS BOLO applications uses web services and scheduled processes to transfer data between applications. Sharing data allows you to leverage land functionality in IFS Land with accounting functionality in IFS BOLO.  



Wells Processing 

The process for sharing well data begins in IFS BOLO and follows these steps:

1. A user creates wells in IFS BOLO.

2. A user manually exports data by Extracting Well Data from IFS BOLO.

3. A user manually adds data by Exporting Well records into IFS Land.

LeasesChecks, and Invoices Processing

The process of sharing leases, check, and invoice data begins in IFS Land and follows these steps: 

1. A user enters information by Creating Lease Payments/Checks in IFS Land.

2. To transfer data from IFS Land to IFS BOLO, a user can either wait for Windows Task Scheduler to run on its normal schedule, or manually run the Lease web Service.

3. A user reviews transferred data by Reviewing Data Transferred to IFS BOLO.

For more information, see the Leases WorkflowChecks Workflow, and Invoices Workflow.

Void Check Processing

Voided check details will be flagged as VOID and include a Void Date with a Negative Check Amount, however, this information will be sent using the regular checks process as part of the Payable Web Service.


To process a void check:

1. In IFS BOLO, open the Check Register (CD3310) screen and confirm the check has not cleared.

2. In IFS Land, initiate the void check process. 

3. Open Task Scheduler and run the Payable Web Service .

4. In IFS BOLO, open the P2 Land Void Check Report (INT3502) screen and confirm the voided check amount. Checks eligible for void must have the IFS BOLO Check Number and Check Date.

5. If the amount is correct, to manually void the existing check, open the Void Check Process screen (CD1330).

6. On CD1330, select the correct line item to void.

7. Open the Check Register (CD3310) screen and confirm the check has been voided. 

An error will occur in the Payable web service if the void check being transferred by IFS p Land is NOT a valid. The check is not valid if any of the following conditions exist:

  • The Check referenced in the Payable web service error is NOT an existing payable item within IFS BOLO.

  • The Check has been presented to the bank and in IFS BOLO it has a ‘Cleared Date’.

You can use this screen to indicate when deposits are cleared by inputting the bank statement date.

1. In IFS BOLO, open the Cleared Deposit Data Entry (CR2315) screen.

2. To find a payment, enter the Bank Account and the Beginning and Ending dates.

3. Choose to review both (cleared deposits, and cleared and outstanding deposits), by selecting B.

4. In the record for the payment you want to void, after the Ending deposit date'field, in the s' election option dropdown list, change Cfor cleared deposits to O for outstanding deposit.

5. Press Return to reach the Modify or Process prompt.

6. To start the process, press P.

Reversing a Voided Check

After an integrated check from IFS Land to IFS BOLO has been cleared by the Bank and IFS BOLO has received the Check Cleared notice and date from the Bank, void of the check from IFS Land will not be permitted. IFS Land will be notified with a FATAL ERROR for attempting to void a cleared check.

Once the IFS Land user reviews the FATAL ERROR and identifies that the check can no longer be voided since it is cleared, use the following steps to clear the error.

To resolve an error related to voiding a check that has already cleared:

1. In IFS Land, in Check Maintenance, open the check. 

2. On the Process Details tab, clear the checkbox for Void Check

3. On the Process Details tab, mark the Clear Checkbox as selected.

4. On the Payment Document tab, clear the checkbox for Send to Accounting.

5. Save your changes.

If a subsequent check (for the same payee) has been set up and staged, then to get the check and its void information integrated to IFS BOLO, use the following steps.

To send a staged voided check from IFS Land to IFS BOLO:

1. In IFS Land, in Check Maintenance, open the check. 

2. On the Process Details tab, select the checkbox for Void Check

3. Save your changes.

ONRR Reporting Requirements

Policy changes enacted by the Office of Natural Resource Revenue (ONRR) requires Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payments for Land Lease and an agency required /csv/ file in a pre-defined format. These changes will impact how you use the IFS Land application (Interfaced and Non-Interfaced to IFS OIL AND GAS ACCOUNTING).

  • Payment type must be ACH

  • Lease Number cannot be empty

  • Lessor Number cannot be empty

  • Agency (Serial) Number cannot be empty. This is required in IFS Land on the General Information InterOp Leases (LD122.INT) screen 

  • ONRR Aid Number cannot be empty. This is required in IFS Land on the General Information InterOp Leases (LD122.INT) screen.

  • The Lease that contains these fields must be approved

Error Messages

If any of these fields are blank when you try to save, the following ERROR appears:

ONRR AID number and Serial Number (Agency Number) are required for ONRR Payment




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