IFS BOLO and IFS Land Tips and Tricks
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IFS BOLO and IFS Land Tips and Tricks
Use the following sections to make sure you have complied with the system setup instructions, and the database configuration requirements. You will also find some tips on validating data.
Application Data Setup
IFS Land and BOLO must have identical land payment information for the integration to work correctly. Review the following sections to ensure you have configured values, codes, and Bolo correctly.
IFS Connector Server
Use the following section to understand how to configure the IFS Connector.
Web Services
In Task Scheduler, you must be able to see the following 4 services:
Names and Address Service
Lease Service
Payables Service
Receivables Service
For more information, see the following sections:
IFS Land Checklist
Item | Steps | |
Make sure all necessary codes are aligned between the 2 systems. | See Codes Reference. | |
Pull Names and Addresses from external sources or via manual entry directly into IFS land. | GL accounts for all lease payment types: 1. Go to the Payment Types tab. GL accounts for withholding (DO NOT USE): 1. Create the GL definition 2. Tie lease payment type codes to company-specific GL account for withholding GL accounts for suspense (DO NOT USE): 1. create the GL definition 2. Tie lease payment type codes to company-specific GL account for suspense | |
Payment methods are limited to Check and ACH | None | |
General process for basic checks and invoices | None | |
Create Lease | None | |
Setup Payment | None | |
Check Printing | 1. Make sure the lease is approved before Check Printing process is run. 2. Separate checks only for this interface 3. Do a system check or manual check within IFS Land 4. Make sure ‘Send to Accounting’ is checked (by default, it should be) 5. Run Process Manager, go to Interfaces, Accounting, and then select Type = “Check” 6. Run Services, on the IFS Connector server, from Task Scheduler, Run the Lease Service – You can schedule it so that it is running at an interval that is desired. Run the Payables Service – You can schedule it so that it is running at an interval that is desired. 7. Review the Connector Dashboard for results 8. Review the data in BOLO 9. Test Invoice Printing by running Process Manager, go to Interfaces, Accounting, and then Select Type = “Invoice” 10. Run Services, on the IFS Connector server, from Task Scheduler, Run the Receivables Services – You can schedule it so that it is running at an interval that is desired. | |
Process Manager | When Type = “Check”, the following is done: 1. Send names approved and not yet sent (Name and Address Service) 2. Send leases approved and not yet sent (Lease Service) 3. Send checks and voided checks (Payables Service) 4. Send AR Invoices approved and included with payable items (Receivable Service) 5. send any suspense payments (Suspense Service) When Type = “Invoices”, the following is done: 1. send invoices and credit invoices (Receivables Service) 2. send leases approved and not yet sent (Lease Service) |
Verifying Data in IFS Land Databases
This section lists which tables are best to check by running a SELECT * query, and the Integration Flag descriptions.
Table | Comments |
v_proc_midcap_cost_center | (order by integ_date desc). All the leases that are sent will be in this table. |
v_proc_midcap_check_hdr | (order by integ_date desc) All the checks that are sent will be in this table. Header table has the integration details. Most useful for troubleshooting |
v_proc_midcap_check_dtl | This table has the details of the check. |
v_proc_midcap_inv_hdr | (order by integ_date desc) All the invoices that are sent will be in this table. Header table has the integration details. Most useful for troubleshooting. |
v_proc_midcap_inv_dtl | This has the details of the invoice. |
Each table has Integration Flag descriptions that contain the following information:
integ_flag (= N, Y, F, E)
N = Not yet integrated, integ_status_mesg message will say something like 'Ready for Accounting'
Y = Sent successfully, integ_status_mesg message will say something like 'Processed by Accounting'
E = Error - validation error; integ_status_mesg message will have details of validation error message. Resolve the Error in Accounting system typically. This "E" will try to process again the next time the service runs. It is expected to be resolved on the Accounting side so that it can try during the next run.
integ_status_mesg (will have details.) This record will not be resent automatically - it needs to be restaged by ifsland.
Validating the JSON File
You should be able to browse to this location and see the data in the JSON file:
Names: http://servername/api-platformtestinstance/api/interopfiles
Leases: http://servername/api-platformtestinstance/api/interopfiles
Checks: http://servername/api-platformtestinstance/api/interopchecks
Invoices: http://servername/api-platformtestinstance/api/interopinvoices
If you are not able to access this page, then it may be that the App Settings string connections need to be set up.
For more information see the following sections:
Validating IFS BOLO Data
To validate the data related to a specific area, use the following table to learn which module you should use.
AREA | Review | In Module |
Name and Address | Maintenance | COM1201 |
Name and Address | Information Report | COM3210 |
Lease | Maintenance and General Information | LD1220.INT |
Lease | Data Sheet | LD3220 |
Lease | Search by Cost Center | GL1215 |
Payable | Payable Voucher | AP1301 |
Payable | Submit Check Process | CD2330 |
Payable | Check Detail | PRD2302 |
Payable | Check Register | CD3310 |
Payable | Vendor History | AP3340 |
Payable | AP Open Invoices | AP3313 |
Payable | GL Transaction Inquiry | GL3340 |
Receivables | Receivable Transactions | AP1302 |
Receivables | AR Invoice Register | AR3305 |
Receivables | Invoice Detail | PRD3202 |
Receivables | AR Customer Inquiry | AR3340 |
Receivables | GL Transaction Inquiry | GL3340 |
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