Budget Spreadsheet Upload

Budget Spreadsheet Upload

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The Budget Upload spreadsheet is designed to assist users to upload budget information into the Qbyte Financial Management application.

First, ensure that a budget master has been configured before using the Budget Upload spreadsheet. To setup a new budget master or view a previously configured master, navigate to the menu and select Budgets > Budgets

Record the Budget Reference Number, Budget Year and Budget Version Number


Uploading a Budget

To upload a budget, use the following steps in the BUDU068 excel workbook:

1. Enable Macros

2. Log on to the database by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Database Logon-Enter user ID, password and connect string

3. Populate the Budget Reference Number, Budget Year and Budget Version Number-Validate this information by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Validate Budget

The description for the Budget Reference and Version will be populated. If validation is successful, the following message will be displayed

System default values will be displayed in the right corner of the upper block. These will display as configured in the application under System Defaults and Controls:

4.Correct any issues that are identified by the validation process.

5. Input Budget Data. Fields to enter are as follows:

In this field...

Required / Optional

Enter this information...

In this field...

Required / Optional

Enter this information...



  • The organization entered is an active organization found in the organization table.

  • The organization cannot have a terminated date.



  • The hierarchy exists within the application

  • The budget hierarchy flag is set to “Y”



  • The level exists in the hierarchy

  • The level is flagged for budgets

Reporting Entity Code


  • The Reporting Entity Code must exist for the reporting level and hierarchy entered.



  • The Budget Activity must exist in the application for the organization if entered.

Activity Year


  • Activity Year can only be entered is the Activity has been entered.

  • It must be a valid year (Format YYYY). It can only be less than the budget year if the carryover flag is “Y”.

Origin Code


  • Used to retain the source of the budget transactions.

  • If entered this code must exist in the user defined validation codes screen.



  • Currency must be the operating currency of the organization.

Gross or Net


  • Valid values are “G"(Gross), “N”(Net).

  • If left blank the process will determine whether the amounts are gross or net based on the Major Account entered.

  • Budgets should be entered in gross. unless the net account is not used by a gross account.

Dollars or Volumes


  • Valid values are “D” (dollars) or “V” (volumes).

  • Must be “V” when the budget volume checkbox is selected for the major/minor account.

  • Must be “D” when the budget volume checkbox is NOT selected for the major/minor account.

Volumes Daily or Monthly

Required IF

  • Required if the Dollars or Volumes field is “V”.

  • Budget volumes are maintained as daily volumes. If monthly volumes are provided the daily volumes are calculated.

Measurement System

Required IF

  • Required if the account budgets in volumes.

  • Valid values are "S" (System International or Metric) or "I" (Imperial).



  • Working interest percentage used to calculate net volumes or amounts when the gross volumes or amounts are provided.

  • System will generate a warning message if WI% is NOT 100% or empty for a Net major/minor account

Major Account


  • Must be a valid major account.

Minor Account


  • Must be a valid minor account for the above entered major account.

  • The Major/Minor account combination must be a valid account in the Budget Account Group listed in System Defaults.

Continuity Code


  • If System default (BUDGET_CONT_CODE) is set to 'Y' and the account requires a continuity code, then the continuity code must be specified.

  • If System default is set to 'O' (optional) and the account requires a continuity code, then the continuity code can be left blank or a valid value can be provided.

  • If System default is set to 'N', the validation routine will generate an error if a continuity code has been provided (even if the major/minor account requires a continuity code).

Value (MONTH)


  • The Amount or Volume for the month based on the Dollar or Volume column.

  • If gross, net will be calculated using the WI% provided.

  • If volumes are input, the dollar amounts are calculated based on budget prices (as set in the application).

  • All of the value fields allow 2 decimal for dollars and volumes.

  • If the user leaves the monthly amounts blank then existing budget items will not be overwritten.

  • If the budget items do not currently exist and no values have been provided, they will be created with a value of zero.

Future Year


  • The Amount or Volume for the first month of the following budget year based on the Dollar or Volume column.

  • If gross, net will be calculated using the WI% provided.

  • If volumes are input, the dollar amounts are calculated based on budget prices (as set in the application).

  • All of the value fields allow 2 decimal for dollars and volumes.

  • If the user leaves the monthly amounts blank then existing budget items will not be overwritten.

  • If the budget items do not currently exist and no values have been provided, they will be created with a value of zero.

2. Validate the budget information by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Validate Budget

  • Correct any issues that are identified by the validation process

3. Upload the budget into the batch tables by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Upload Budget

  • When uploading the Budget is complete, users will see a message; press Save to commit the changes, or Cancel to roll back the changes.

  • The report ID will populate in the spreadsheet once completed

4. Budget upload can be confirmed by running the Detailed Operations with Budget Focus report in Qbyte Optix

  • Before running Qbyte Optix report first Flatten Reporting Hierarchies (mrsu103) in Qbyte financial and then Summarize Reporting Hierarchies (mrsu129)

Submitting BUDU066 Manually

To submit BUDU066 manually in Qbyte Financial, navigate to the menu and select Budgets > Upload Budgets

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...

Load Upload Data Files

Must be set to N

Data Files in HOME directory

Must be left blank

Upload File Name

Must be left blank

Target Budget Ref

Budget Reference Number that was input on the spreadsheet

Target Budget Year

Budget Year that was input on the spreadsheet

Target Budget Version

Budget Version that was input on the spreadsheet

Replace Duplicates

Whether the process will overwrite existing values

Copy Partial of All Entries

Must be set to P

Batch ID

Report ID listed on the Budget Upload Spreadsheet

Override User ID

Enter user ID of user who uploaded budget information (if different than user submitting this job)

Deleting a Budget

The Budget Upload Spreadsheet allows for a user to delete budget information from the batch tables. To delete a budget, use the following steps:

1. Navigate to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Delete Budget

  • A popup will request to delete the Budget Process. Press Yes to submit the job, or No to not submit the job. 

Once the delete operation has completed successfully, the Qbyte Report ID will be removed from the spreadsheet.


Show Available Columns Functionality

The new spreadsheet allows users to “hide” columns that are not being used. To select/unselect displayed columns, navigate to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Show Available Columns


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