Budget Spreadsheet Upload
The Budget Upload spreadsheet is designed to assist users to upload budget information into the Qbyte Financial Management application.
First, ensure that a budget master has been configured before using the Budget Upload spreadsheet. To setup a new budget master or view a previously configured master, navigate to the menu and select Budgets > Budgets
Record the Budget Reference Number, Budget Year and Budget Version Number
Uploading a Budget
To upload a budget, use the following steps in the BUDU068 excel workbook:
1. Enable Macros
2. Log on to the database by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Database Logon-Enter user ID, password and connect string
3. Populate the Budget Reference Number, Budget Year and Budget Version Number-Validate this information by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Validate Budget
The description for the Budget Reference and Version will be populated. If validation is successful, the following message will be displayed
System default values will be displayed in the right corner of the upper block. These will display as configured in the application under System Defaults and Controls:
4.Correct any issues that are identified by the validation process.
5. Input Budget Data. Fields to enter are as follows:
2. Validate the budget information by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Validate Budget
Correct any issues that are identified by the validation process
3. Upload the budget into the batch tables by navigating to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Upload Budget
When uploading the Budget is complete, users will see a message; press Save to commit the changes, or Cancel to roll back the changes.
The report ID will populate in the spreadsheet once completed
4. Budget upload can be confirmed by running the Detailed Operations with Budget Focus report in Qbyte Optix
Before running Qbyte Optix report first Flatten Reporting Hierarchies (mrsu103) in Qbyte financial and then Summarize Reporting Hierarchies (mrsu129)
Submitting BUDU066 Manually
To submit BUDU066 manually in Qbyte Financial, navigate to the menu and select Budgets > Upload Budgets
Deleting a Budget
The Budget Upload Spreadsheet allows for a user to delete budget information from the batch tables. To delete a budget, use the following steps:
1. Navigate to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Delete Budget
A popup will request to delete the Budget Process. Press Yes to submit the job, or No to not submit the job.
Once the delete operation has completed successfully, the Qbyte Report ID will be removed from the spreadsheet.
Show Available Columns Functionality
The new spreadsheet allows users to “hide” columns that are not being used. To select/unselect displayed columns, navigate to Add-Ins > Qbyte Connect > Show Available Columns
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