Spreadsheet Uploads

Spreadsheet Uploads

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With each new release of Qbyte Financial, the spreadsheet upload templates may change.  Ensure the spreadsheet upload templates being used by the users correspond to the release number in your environment. 

To determine if the spreadsheet upload templates have changed for the release, download the Release Inventory Spreadsheet located at the bottom of the Release Notes page for the release number in your environment. 

Once you download the Release Inventory Spreadsheet, the Spreadsheet Upload Templates section indicates which spreadsheets, if any, have changed in the release. 

Sample of the Release Inventory Spreadsheet:

If a spreadsheet upload template has changed in the release, it will be indicated by the Y in the specific release number column.  For an IFS Cloud hosted client, the correct spreadsheet upload templates corresponding to the release version can be found on the J drive or with Qbyte Financial version 24.4 release, in File Explorer.  The J:\COMMON\PROD directory contains the spreadsheet upload templates for the version of Qbyte Financial in your production environment and the J:\COMMON\TEST directory contains the spreadsheet upload templates for the version of Qbyte Financial in your test environment.  For an on-premise client, you will need to contact your IT department to retrieve the correct spreadsheet upload templates corresponding to the release version from the $APP_HOME/desktop directory and distribute them to the necessary users.


Steps to Enable Macros and add Digital Signature on the Spreadsheet Upload Templates:

  • Opening a Spreadsheet Upload Template in Excel will require you to enabling editing

  • A Security Risk warning is visible (sample warning)

  • Click on the Link next to SECURITY RISK and Trust the Publisher

  • Once you trust the digital certificate in one spreadsheet it will apply to all spreadsheets downloaded from Qbyte Financial.


Spreadsheet Upload Templates


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