IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount User Documentation

IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount User Documentation

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IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount User Documentation

The objective of the enhancement is to provide a seamless and robust integration between IFS ProCount Production Accounting and IFS BOLO Allocation Valuation (Revenue) and Cost Accounting modules. The interface to IFS BOLO will primarily focus on processing from IFS ProCount Production Accounting to IFS BOLO Allocation Valuation for Revenue Disbursement and Well Status for JIB Overhead Calculations. A small feature will also support publishing Volumes by Production Period to the IFS BOLO General Ledger.

IFS BOLO Name, Well and Interest Data

IFS BOLO will originate Name and Well records to be sent to IFS ProCount to be used in production accounting. Additionally, interest data will be transferred from revenue and JIB decks associated with wells when these decks are flagged for reporting. 

Users will then export data from IFS BOLO to be consumed by IFS ProCount.





IFS ProCount Production

After Name, Well and DOI data is exported from IFS BOLO, IFS ProCount imports data from the CSV file. 




Name, Well and DOI data will then be accessible in IFS ProCount.

IFS ProCount will perform current and PPA allocations by well, generating gas meters and oil run/LACT tickets. IFS ProCount will then create an export containing monthly volumes and current well status for use in IFS BOLO.

Code Mapping from IFS ProCount to IFS BOLO

This section helps you understand where a piece of information, such as the County where an operator is located, exists in both IFS ProCount and IFS BOLO.

IFS BOLO Revenue and JIB Processing

Completion or Well volume from IFS ProCount will populate Well Id in IFS BOLO's WELL.PROD used to build Revenue disbursement transaction detail from Bolo Allocation Valuation.

Export files of production data generated by ProCount will be imported through two import screens in IFS BOLO. Production Import into AV System (AV4301) will import gas volumes, and oil run tickets are imported via Run Ticket Import (PRD2320.RT). 



Allocated Monthly Volumes to PROD.MO and WELL.PROD by Well, production period, product, and disposition.

IFS BOLO users can then use accrual data imported through AV4301 to perform revenue functions, by using the Post Sales to Revenue (AV2316) process. 

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