IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount System Setup

IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount System Setup

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IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount System Setup


Interoperability between a IFS Financial System (for example, IFS Enterprise Upstream, IFS BOLO, IFS Excalibur) and IFS ProCount requires configuration in each system for the successful data exchange between the interfaced systems. 

IFS ProCount System Setup

This page focuses on the IFS ProCount side of the integration.

IFS BOLO System Setup

IFS BOLO's Interoperability Settings window (INT1201 must  be set up to accommodate the integration with IFS Merrick, as well as to set preferences.




In order to send NAME records to IFS Merrick from IFS BOLO, the Operator Code must  first be set up in the  Usage Code  table. This can be set up in the  Business Relationship Maintenance  (COM1112) window.  

Code Mapping from IFS ProCount to IFS BOLO

Use the following table to understand where a piece of information, such as the County where an operator is located, exists in IFS ProCount and in IFS BOLO.












  • Included with initial software installation

  • Standard list of 2-character abbreviation




  • Included with initial software installation

  • Standard list of 3-character US County API Codes




  • Default to US (United States) or CA (Canada)

  • Standard list of 2-character Country Codes

Names and Addresses


BusinessEntitytb (Names)

BusinessEntityLocationtb (Address)

Names & Addresses, sent via NAME Web Service, are central to sharing transactional detail from IFS ProCount and IFS BOLO.

  • Company or Business entities managing data within Accounting

  • Operators responsible for managing Property data and responsible for reporting to State and Federal agencies

  • Purchasers responsible for reporting product quantities and quality received thru purchases or transfers and responsible for remitting payment to an Operator or specific entity.

Note: Not included in current /csv/ file or Web Services with IFS BOLO. Names are currently manually entered in both systems.

Well Type



  • Included with initial software installation

  • Property Type (“W”ell or “C”ompletion)

  • Well Type (“O”il or “G”as or “INJ”ection)

Unit of Measure


<System Defined>

  • Included with initial software installation

  • Values are specifically associated with product categories

    • Gas (Mcf as primary UOM and MMBtu)           

    • Oil (BBLs as primary UOM)

    • Plant Products (Gallons as primary UOM and BBLs)

    • Water (Gallons)

Pressure Base


<System Defined>

  • Included with initial software installation

  • Standard references defined by geographic area

  • 14.65 • 14.73 • 15.025 (Values utilized for IFS BOLO reporting)

  • Evaluate setup on both COM990 (State) and specific regulatory reports.

Sat / Dry


<System Defined>

  • Included with initial software installation

  • Standard references defined by geographic area

  • “D”ry or “S”at (Defaults captured in IFS BOLO) 

Well Status



Well Status Codes of “PR” (Producing) and “SI” (Shut-In) are included with initial software installation.

IFS ProCount will provide a current end-of-month Well Status for each monthly production allocation. IFS ProCount will send a number for the DAYS.ON attribute in the Disposition JSON.

  • If the DAYS.ON value is 1 (one) or more, the Well Status recorded by IFS BOLO will be “PR” or Producing.

  • If the DAYS.ON value is 0 (zero), the Well Status recorded by IFS BOLO will be “SI” or Shut-In.

  • If the DAYS.ON value is blank or negative, the transfer process will record and ERROR. Errors prevent the transfer of data and enable IFS ProCount to correct the well volume record and re-send the monthly volumes

For WELLs included in a current month, active Gathering System, IFS ProCount will send a value for the Days On in the Disposition JSON. The value will range from zero (Shut-In) to 31 (Producing).

Product Code



Product Codes must be consistent between IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount.

  • For new Clients or new installations of IFS BOLO or IFS ProCount, an initial set of Product Codes for Oil, Gas, Water and Plant Products is included with the initial installation.

  • For existing Clients, a review and alignment of the 3-5 character Product Codes must be complete before initiating the Web Service. The 3-5 character codes must be exact as either upper or lower case values.

  • A comprehensive list of recommended Product Codes is included in QuickStart Guide.

  • Common codes in IFS BOLO for product Categories are:

Oil (O)  ⇒ O
Skim Oil (SKO)  ⇒ O
Gas (G)  ⇒ G
Condensate ( C)  ⇒ O
Casinghead Gas (G)  ⇒ G
Plant Products (NGL)  ⇒ P
Water (W)  ⇒ W
Residue (RES)  ⇒ P
Ethane (C2)   ⇒ P
Propane (C3)   ⇒ P
Normal Propane   ⇒ P         

Product Disposition



As with Product Codes noted above, Product Disposition Codes must be consistent between IFS BOLO and IFS ProCount.

  • For new Clients or new installations of IFS BOLO or IFS ProCount, an initial set of Product Disposition Codes are included with initial installation.

  • For existing Clients, a review and alignment of the 3-5 character Product Disposition Codes must be complete before initiating the Web Service. The 3-5 character codes must be exact as either upper or lower case values.

  • A comprehensive list of recommended Product Disposition Codes is included in QuickStart Guide.

  • Common codes are:

    • Lease UseLU (Disposition Code), Gas

    • Field UseFG (Disposition Code), Gas and Oil (Product Code)

    • Plant UsePF (Disposition Code), Gas and Oil (Product Code)

    • FlareFLARE (Disposition Code), All Products

    • VentVENT (Disposition Code), Gas

  • You must align Product Codes defined in IFS BOLO (RV1100) with Disposition Codes set up within IFS ProCount.


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