How to Process Amendments

How to Process Amendments

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The Qbyte Metrix month end roll moves the calculated revenue, royalty and facility charges values from the current tables into a set of history tables. The interface process will reverse the original values from the history tables and record the amended values

The interface process only uses current Qbyte Metrix master information, therefore separate reversing and rebooking steps are necessary if the account has been changed on the account definitions or the cost centre was incorrect.

No changes should be made to the Entry or Account Definitions between the original and reversing entries, in order to correctly reverse the original entries. To reverse the incorrect entries, run a Qbyte Metrix financial process (step 7) with the option Previous only and upload it to Qbyte Financial. If changes to the Entry definitions are required, they should be made at this point. To re-book, run step 7 as Revise only, to create the correct entries to interface to Qbyte Financial.

Amendment files may have the same Qbyte Metrix voucher number as current month files for same properties. Since the Qbyte Financial voucher number is assigned by the system, there will not be duplicate voucher numbers generated in Qbyte Financial.

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