Better Together - Revenue Interface
Back to Better Together Back to Qbyte Financial Home
- 1 What do I Need to Set Up in Qbyte Metrix?
- 2 Running a Financial Interface in Qbyte Metrix
- 3 What do I Need to set up in Qbyte Financial?
- 4 Running Financial Interface Using Qbyte Financial OneStep
- 5 Running a Qbyte Metrix Financial Interface in Qbyte Financial
- 6 Financial Interface Reports
- 7 Accounting Transactions for REVU066 Interface
- 8 Revenue Interface FAQ
The Qbyte Metrix Financial process translates sales, royalties, and facility charge entries to financial debits and credits, to create vouchers to be booked into Qbyte Financial. This Qbyte Metrix process can be completed at a control group, financial group or region level to create a Qbyte Metrix Batch. A Qbyte Metrix Batch can contain one or more Vouchers. Vouchers can be grouped by battery, unit, or control group. A preliminary process can be run to create report data that can be verified prior to the transaction interface file creation. The Final Financial Interface process creates the file that will be imported into the financial system as well as data for reports. The Qbyte Financial OneStep process can be enabled to automate the processing of the Final Financial Interface from Qbyte Metrix into Qbyte Financial and if the processing completes successfully, the Validation process will be automatically executed. If there are no errors in the Qbyte Metrix Batch, this allows the QByte Metrix Final Financial Interface to submit Qbyte Financial processes to take the Vouchers generated in Qbyte Metrix to an un-posted state within Qbyte Financial.
What do I Need to Set Up in Qbyte Metrix?
The Financial Voucher processes in Qbyte Metrix create a file in a specific directory.
To set up or view directories:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Administration → System Configuration → Directories.
2. If you require changes to the displayed directory path for Financial Vouchers, click Edit and change the Financial Vouchers Directory Path.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Directory Type | Display Field - Financial Vouchers |
Inbound/Outbound Use | Display Field - Outbound |
Directory Path | The directory in which Revenue Interfaces that have been processed by Qbyte Metrix will be created. Enter the same directory path in Qbyte Financial for the System Default REVENUE_INTERFACE_DATA_PATH. |
Include Month In Path |
Function Implementations
There are a few corporate Function Implementation options that can impact the Financial Interface process.
To set up Function Implementations:
Function Type | Comments |
Enable Voucher Status from Qbyte Financial | When this option is activated (and the corresponding option is activated in Qbyte Financial), Qbyte Financial will send back a status for each Voucher processed from Qbyte Metrix. This status can then be viewed on the Financial Identifier Status screen. As of Release 20.1 of both Qbyte Metrix and Qbyte Financial, when this option is activated in both applications, Qbyte Financial will send back status for each Batch processed through Qbyte Financial OneStep (Qbyte Metrix batches manually uploaded into Qbyte Financial will not have their status sent back to Qbyte Metrix). Note: The communication of Voucher Status between Qbyte Metrix and Qbyte Financial requires that this functionality be available and enabled in both applications. The communication of Batch Status requires both applications to be at version 20.1 or higher. To enable this in Qbyte Financial see Enable Voucher Status Integration . |
Sending Voucher files to Qbyte Financial | When this option is activated, the user can maintain a Qbyte Financial identifier for various Qbyte Metrix entries. A Qbyte Financial identifier can be created for a control group, region, financial group, battery, GGS, and plant, and will be used when generating the voucher filename and/or when generating the invoice number (referred to as reference in Qbyte Metrix) for an account transaction. For more information see Qbyte Financial Cross Reference . |
Entry Definitions
Entry Definitions define the debit and credit account for entries from Production Accounting. Each entry from Qbyte Metrix that matches the Entry Definition you set up will be coded to the specified debit and credit account for that transaction type.
To set up Entry Definitions:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Financial → Definitions, then select the Entry Definitions tab.
2. Enter the following Entry Definition information.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
All Provinces | Indicates whether this entry should be used for all provinces. Note: If individual province entry definitions have been set up, they will take precedence over an All Province Entry Definition.
Province | The province where the product is located. This value can be selected from a drop-down. This field is disabled if All Provinces set to Yes. |
Product | The product that is produced. This value can be selected from a drop-down. Product NA is used for facility charges. |
General Type | Choose from SALE, CRWN, ROY, etc. This field is mandatory. |
Specific Type | Choose from Crown Royalties, Non-Residents Tax, Contract Fees, etc. Note: Only a general type is mandatory.
Vendor | If entries from a specific vendor require a specific debit and credit account, the Vendor ID is entered here. WIO/Vendor Exceptions entries will be required if this field is populated with a Vendor Code.
Working Interest Owner | If entries from a specific Working Interest Owner require a specific debit and credit account, the Working Interest Owner is entered here. WIO/Vendor Exceptions entries will be required for this Working Interest Owner.
Take In Kind | Indicates whether the Entry Definition is for taken in kind sales. Valid values include:
Sub-Entry Key | Used to book an entry differently from similar entries for specific properties. For example, gas sales for a property are booked to DR Accts Rec and CS Gas Sales, but for a specific property, the debit entry is DR Gas Mktg. Note: This field must be used in conjunction with the Sub Entry field on the Journal Voucher Definition Master. |
Entry Required | Indicates whether an entry is required during the Revenue Interface. Valid values include:
Debit Account | The description of the debit account that will be used for this entry type. Note: The account must exist in the Account Definition screen. |
Credit Account | The description of the credit account that will be used for this entry type. Note: The account must exist in the Account Definition screen. |
Sub-Entry Code | Used in conjunction with the Sub-Entry Key from a previous entry definition that is identical. When these are used together, the created entry is repeated, and each entry can be booked to different debit and credit accounts. |
Account Definitions
Account Definitions define the debit and credit account description for entries from Production Accounting.
To set up Account Definitions:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Financial > Definitions, then select the Account Definitions tab.
2. Enter the following Account Definition information.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Account Code (ID) | A 16-character alphanumeric account ID/code. |
Account Name | The description of the Account Code. |
GL Account Number | Enter the net account (major/minor) from Qbyte Financial Chart of Accounts. During the Revenue Interface, the appropriate gross account will be found for this entry. Note: If entering a major account with four characters (1234), enter the major and minor account without spaces (1234123). If entering a major account with three characters (123), enter the major and minor account with one space in between (123 123). |
Cost Centre Required | Indicates whether the account requires a cost centre. Valid values include:
Note: If the Qbyte Financial Chart of Accounts requires a cost centre for the account, only: Yes, Override, or Income are valid entries. |
Volume Required | Indicates whether the account requires a volume. Valid values include:
Note: This setting must match the Qbyte Financial Chart of Accounts Validation flag for the account. |
Booking Code | The booking code of the account. Valid values include:
The no-bill flag is B on all sales, royalties, and expense transactions that are distributed to partners. |
Sort Order | Used to sort accounts on the Voucher report. This field will default to 00. |
Comment Type | The description displayed on the Journal Voucher for the account definition. Valid values are:
Break on Tract Entity | Valid values include:
Vendor Type | The vendor type of the account. Valid values include:
Source Vendor Type | The source vendor type of the account. Valid values include:
This field is used to help with reconciliations between Production Accounting and Financial reports. |
Detail Required | Indicates whether additional detail is used. Note: Additional detail is required in the following situations; as such this field should be set to Yes:
Note: Additional detail is not required in the following situations; as such this field should be set to No:
Calculate Gross Value | Indicates whether gross values are calculated. Valid values include:
Reference Format | Select a combination of year, month and reference number to use for the invoice number. Valid values include:
Note: See Invoice Linking for more information on how to use the Reference Format. |
Reference Number | The reference number (three characters) that is used in the Reference Format for payable and receivable accounts. |
Vendor Override | A valid Qbyte Metrix Owner ID. Note: Vendor Override can only be entered when the Vendor Type is OVR. |
Source Vendor Override | A valid Qbyte Metrix Owner ID. Note: Source Vendor Override can only be entered when the Source Vendor Type is OVR. |
GST Code | Enter 99. |
Voucher Definitions
Voucher Definitions define which properties should be associated with specific journal entries. The journal vouchers will use the assigned voucher number and description every month.
To set up Voucher Definitions:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Financial → Definitions, then select the Voucher Definitions tab.
2. Enter the following Voucher Definition information.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Entity Type | The entity type of the Voucher Definition. Valid values include:
Entity ID | The battery ID, unit ID, or control group ID, depending upon the Entity Type. |
Voucher Required | Indicates whether the entity should be booked (included on a Voucher within a Qbyte Metrix Batch).
Voucher Number | The voucher number associated with the entity. Character field of five characters. Note: Although this is a character field it must be five digits.
Voucher Description | Optional. The description of the voucher (up to 16 characters).
Sub Entry Code | Optional. The Sub Entry Code works in conjunction with the Sub Entry Key field on Entry Definitions. Together they allow you to create specific Entry Definitions for an entity when the entity is to be booked differently. |
Qbyte Financial Integration Notes:
The Voucher Type for the Qbyte Metrix Interface must be set to auto-number in Qbyte Financial.
When the Voucher Type is set to auto-number, the system will assign the next available number for the Voucher Type.
The Voucher Type assigned to the REVU066 modules must have the Batch Edit Auto Gen and Auto Numbering checkbox selected.
Note: The Voucher Type assigned to REVU066 must be METRIX in order for the Voucher Status to be sent back to Qbyte Metrix. (As of Qbyte Financial 20.2, the Voucher Type is no longer limited to METRIX.)
Voucher Number Ranges are required for the organization being interfaced.
The Qbyte Financial Voucher Remarks will contain the Qbyte Metrix Voucher Number, Batch Number, Filename, and the Report ID for the process.
Working Interest Owner / Vendor Exceptions
Working Interest Owner (WIO) /Vendor Exceptions allow for special Entry Definitions to be set up for specific vendors or Working Interest Owners when those vendors and/or Working Interest Owners are to be booked differently.
To set up WIO/Vendor Exceptions:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Financial → Definitions, then select the WIO/Vendor Exceptions tab.
2. Enter WIO/Vendor Exception information:
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Type | The type of the WIO/Vendor Exception. Valid values include:
Owner ID | The Owner ID that will be handled differently. |
Owner Name | Display Only: The name associated with the entered Owner ID. |
Qbyte Financial Cross Reference
This tab is conditionally visible based on the Sending Voucher files to Qbyte FM option within Administration → System Configuration → Function Implementation. This tab provides the ability to maintain a Qbyte Financial identifier for various Qbyte Metrix entries. A Qbyte Financial identifier can be created for a control group, region, financial group, battery, GGS, and plant, and will be used when generating the voucher filename and/or when generating the invoice number (referred to as reference in Qbyte Metrix) for an account transaction.
There are two main reasons for using a Qbyte Financial identifier:
1. The first is when generating the filename for the voucher file created in Qbyte Metrix to be uploaded into Qbyte Financial. Due to restrictions in Qbyte Financial related to filenames, it may be necessary to override the identifier used in the generation of the filename. Qbyte Metrix uses the control group, region, or financial group ID (depending on the level of the Final Financial Interface that was processed) in the generation of the filename. However, if the Qbyte Metrix ID is longer than 10 characters, or contains one or more spaces or special characters, then the generated filename will be invalid within Qbyte Financial.
To avoid issues with Qbyte Financial while still allowing for more flexible Qbyte Metrix naming conventions, the client can choose to create a Qbyte Financial cross reference for the entity(s) that may cause issues when generating voucher filenames.
For example: If you are running Final Financial Interfaces at the control group level and you have a control group with a Qbyte Metrix ID with a space in it (i.e. ABC GROUP), then you could create a Qbyte Financial cross reference specifying a Qbyte Financial identifier of ABCGROUP. This would result in a voucher filename of ABCGROUP201801.CSV instead of ABC GROUP201801.CSV.To help clients avoid issues where they mistakenly use the same Qbyte Financial identifier for multiple Qbyte Metrix entities, which, when used for voucher filenames, can lead to one file being cleared out by another completely unrelated entity. There is validation in place to ensure that no control group, region or financial group has the same Qbyte Financial identifier as any other control group, region or financial group.
2. The second use for a Qbyte Financial identifier is for the creation of invoice numbers. There are some size restrictions on invoice numbers in Qbyte Financial (but these do not cause failures - they may just end up being truncated) which you may want to use the Qbyte Financial cross-reference to eliminate. Depending on the Reference Format specified on the Qbyte Metrix Account Definition, the Qbyte Metrix ID of various entities may be used to generate the invoice number. Control group, battery, GGS, and plant identifiers are used in the creation of invoice numbers based on the appropriate reference format types.
For example: If you are using the DFAC Reference Format, then the ID of the facility that created the transaction is added to the account. For example, plant with ID = BROOKSFIELD 3456 would be used to generate an invoice number - i.e. APR17BROOKFIELD 3456. You may want to create a Qbyte Financial identifier to reduce the size of the invoice number. So, creating a Qbyte Financial cross reference for plant BROOKSFIELD 3456 with a Qbyte Financial identifier of BRKS3456 will generate the invoice number as APR17BRKS3456.
Another reason to use a Qbyte Financial cross reference for invoice numbers may be when you have multiple Qbyte Metrix entities (i.e. plants) with the same government code, and you would like to have the accounts receivable, for example, grouped for all the plants with the same government code into a single invoice number. Currently, when using the DFAC Reference Format on the Accounts Receivable, multiple invoice numbers will be generated, one for each plant, due to the different Qbyte Metrix IDs for each one. You could create a Qbyte Financial Cross Reference for each of the plants giving them all the same Qbyte Financial identifier, which would cause the creation of a single invoice number (using the Qbyte Financial identifier instead of the individual Qbyte Metrix IDs) and transactions with the sum of all applicable entries.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Entity Type | Select the entity type of the entity you want to enter a Qbyte Financial Identifier for.
Entity ID | Enter the control group ID, region ID, financial group ID, battery ID, GGS ID or plant ID, depending upon the Entity Type. |
Qbyte FM Identifier | Enter the character string to use as the Qbyte Financial Identifier for the entity. Note: The Identifier cannot contain spaces or special characters (/,&,%). The maximum size is 10 characters. |
Batch Number
The batch number for the Financial Interface is assigned sequentially. To see the last batch number used, navigate to the menu and select Financial → Definitions, then select the Batch Number tab.
If for some reason you need to re-initialize the Batch Number use the Edit button to enter the new Batch Number.
Financial Group
Financial groups allow the user to run the Financial Interface for multiple control groups at the same time, without doing the full Region. A financial group is essentially a group of control groups that the user wants to process together. It is mainly used to correctly process financial transactions for units that span more than one control group. It is also recommended to configure financial groups if you are utilizing Intergroup Oil Transfer functionality or you are sending gas and by-products cross-control group.
To create a financial group:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Financial → Financial Groups.
Running a Financial Interface in Qbyte Metrix
The Financial Interface process in Qbyte Metrix can be run in two modes: Preliminary and Final. Only when run in Final mode is there a Qbyte Metrix Batch generated that can be processed into Qbyte Financial (or another Financial Accounting application). The Financial Interface process can be run at three different levels: Control Group, Financial Group, or Region; and it can also be run from the Menu or from the Explorer.
Financial Interface initiated from the Menu
To run a Financial Interface from the menu, navigate to the menu, and select Financial → Processing. There are four options: Preliminary and Final are used when submitting the Financial Interface for a control group or a financial group, Regional Preliminary and Regional Final are used when submitting the Financial Interface for a region.
Financial Interface - Preliminary/Final Mode
When running by control group or financial group, the data is selected one production date at a time.
Running the Financial Interface in Preliminary mode will generate data for all the same financial reports as when run in Final mode, the only difference is that there is no Qbyte Metrix Batch generated (Batch Number will always be 000000).
1. Enter financial processing information.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Production Date | The production date of the Financial Interface. This value will default to the current production month, but it can be changed for an amendment month. |
Entity Type | The type of entity to be processed. Valid values are:
Note: The auto-suggest will be populated with entities of the Entity Type entered that are ready to run the process. Note: When a Financial Group is selected, this process does not ensure all Financial Group information is ready to process, it will only process control groups that are ready for the financial interface. |
Entity | The ID of the control group or financial group being submitted. |
2. Once valid entity information is entered, click the Validate and Show Financial Options button to display additional criteria.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Transactions | Choose transactions to select them for interface. Defaults to All.
Note: This field only visible when the Allow Transaction Type Selection = Yes on the Region Financial Configuration screen. |
Accounting Date | Fixed value based on the current Qbyte Metrix Accounting Date. |
Company Number | Fixed value based on Financial Company on Region Financial Configuration screen. |
Override Upload Accounting Date | Optional. This allows the user to use a different Accounting Date when the Qbyte Financial OneStep process is run, assuming the Financial Interface process is successful.
When the Override Upload Accounting Date is entered the Qbyte FM OneStep interface uses the overridden Accounting Date as the Accounting Period for Qbyte Financial. Note: The Override Upload Accounting Date is not used anywhere in Qbyte Metrix. Qbyte Metrix Financial reports and all historical financial data will continue to display and use the Qbyte Metrix Accounting Date. The Override Upload Accounting Date can be viewed on the Financial Identifier Status screen (Financial → Status). |
Batch Option | Choose transactions to select them for interface. Defaults to Previous and Revised.
Note: This field only visible when the Allow Batch Option Selection = Yes on the Region Financial Configuration screen. |
Financial Interface ID | Financial Interface ID (or Financial Identifier) defaults to a concatenation of:
For example: 200804CONTROL GROUPRLTBCCROWN200805 An advanced search is available to see the existing Financial Interface IDs. |
3. Once all financial criteria have been entered, click the Submit button.
If the Financial Interface identifier has previously been used, a Confirmation box will appear to ask if you want to overwrite the previous identifier or not.
Processing status and links to generated Qbyte Optix Financial reports will be available in the Process Monitor.
Regional Financial Interface - Preliminary/Final Mode
1. Enter financial processing information.
Running the regional Financial Interface in Preliminary mode will create reports that can be reviewed prior to running the Financial Interface in Final mode.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Production Date | The production date of the Financial Interface. This value will default to the current production month, but it can be changed for an amendment month. |
Entity Type | Display only field, defaults to Region. |
Entity | The ID of the region being submitted. This field will default to the region you are currently in, but it can be changed. |
Include Amendments | Indicates whether to include amendments in the Financial Interface. Valid values include:
2. Once valid region information is entered, click the Validate and Show Financial Options button to display available criteria.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Transactions | Choose transactions to select for interface. Defaults to All.
Note: This field only visible when the Allow Transaction Type Selection = Yes on the Region Financial Configuration screen. |
Accounting Date | Fixed value based on the current Qbyte Metrix Accounting Date. |
Company Number | Fixed value based on Financial Company on Region Financial Configuration screen. |
Override Upload Accounting Date | Optional. This allows the user to use a different Accounting Date when the Qbyte Financial OneStep process is run, assuming the Financial Interface process is successful.
When the Override Upload Accounting Date is entered the Qbyte FM OneStep interface uses the overridden Accounting Date as the Accounting Period for Qbyte Financial. Note: The Override Upload Accounting Date is not used anywhere in Qbyte Metrix. Qbyte Metrix Financial reports and all historical financial data will continue to display and use the Qbyte Metrix Accounting Date. The Override Upload Accounting Date can be viewed on the Financial Identifier Status screen (Financial → Status). |
Batch Option | Choose transactions to select for interface. Defaults to Previous and Revised.
Note: This field only visible when the Allow Batch Option Selection = Yes on the Region Financial Configuration screen. |
Financial Interface ID | Financial Interface ID (or Financial Identifier) defaults to a concatenation of:
For example: 200804REGIONP2BAROLL200805 An advanced search is available to see the existing Financial Interface IDs. |
3. Once all financial criteria have been entered, click the Submit button.
If the Financial Interface identifier has previously been used, a Confirmation box will appear to ask if you want to overwrite the previous identifier or not.
Processing status and links to generated Qbyte Optix Financial reports will be available in the Process Monitor.
Region/Global/JIBLink Financial Reports
Many companies submit individual Financial Interfaces for each control group (property). For a large company, this can add up quickly.
When running Financial reports such as Facility Charge Owner Summary and Royalty Owner Summary, you must select each Financial Interface to be included in the report. This can be onerous if all Financial Interfaces need to be included for a given month. The data in the Financial reports are also sorted by Financial Interface, which breaks up the information for an individual owner.
To solve the above issues, three options exist within Qbyte Metrix to create Financial Reporting:
1. Run Global Financial Reporting
1. Run a Global Financial (in Qbyte Metrix) after the Corporate Close that will include all Financial Interfaces for that month.
The Global Financial Reporting creates the data that allows you to select a single Financial Interface in Qbyte Optix for Qbyte Metrix instead of multiple smaller Financial Interfaces.
The reports can be sorted by Owner Name or Owner ID without a page break for Financial Interface.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Accounting Date | Enter the Accounting Date to pick up all interfaces done in the region for the accounting date (includes amendments). |
Transactions | Choose transactions to select for interface. Defaults to All.
Include Net Zero Records | Select:
Financial Reporting ID | Financial Interface ID defaults to a concatenation of:
An advanced search is available to see existing Financial Interface IDs. |
JIBLink Submission | Select:
Financial Company | Defaults to the financial company. A drop-down is available if there is more than one financial company. |
2. Run Region Financial Reporting
1. Run a Region Financial (in Qbyte Metrix) after the Region Close that will include all Financial Interfaces for that month for a region.
The Region Financial Reporting creates the data that allows you to select a single Financial Interface in Qbyte Metrix Performance Reporting instead of multiple smaller Financial Interfaces.
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Accounting Date | Enter the Accounting Date to pick up all interfaces done in the region for the accounting date (includes amendments). |
Region | Enter the Region ID (this will default to the region you are currently in but can be changed). |
Transactions | Choose transactions to select for interface. Defaults to All.
Financial Reporting ID | Financial Interface ID defaults to a concatenation of:
An advanced search is available to see the existing Financial Interface IDs. |
3. Run JIBLink Financial Reporting
This creates a JIBLink submission for all freehold and override royalty transactions for all Financial Interfaces done during the month.
1. Set the Administration → Region → Financial Configuration → JIBLink Enabled field to Yes.
2. Set a directory path for the JIBLink files in the Administration → System Configuration → Directories → JIB (Joint Interest Billing) link.
Set the function implementation type Produce JIBLink CSV and LST files in Administration → System Configuration → Function Implementation to No. See System Configuration .
In this field... | Enter this value... |
Accounting Date | Enter the Accounting Date to pick up all interfaces done in the region for the accounting date (includes amendments). |
Financial Reporting ID | Financial Reporting ID defaults to a concatenation of:
An advanced search is available to see the existing Financial Interface IDs. |
Financial Company | Select the company from the drop-down. Note: If there are multiple financial companies that you need the files created for, repeat this process for each one separately. |
3. With any of the above Financial Reporting options, Submit the job after entering parameters.
4. When the job is complete, navigate to Qbyte Optix to run your desired Financial report such as Royalty Owner Summary (Reports → Financial → Royalty Owner Summary).
5. Find the Global/Region/JIBLink Financial report identifier that you created and Run the report.
Qbyte Financial OneStep Process
Qbyte Financial OneStep is a process that can be used by Qbyte Metrix clients (Qbyte Metrix version 1.4 and above) that use Qbyte Financial as their financial system.
The OneStep process will automatically submit the Qbyte Metrix Interface (REVU066) and Validate Interfaced Vouchers (ACTU116) processes in Qbyte Financial when the Financial Interface Final process is run successfully in Qbyte Metrix.
Using the OneStep process has the potential to eliminate several steps that a Production Accountant must perform when a Qbyte Metrix Batch is created. These steps include potentially copying the generated Qbyte Metrix Batch file to a location where Qbyte Financial can access it, logging into Qbyte Financial, and submitting the Qbyte Metrix Interface process, then if that is successful, submitting the Validate Interfaced Vouchers process, etc. With the Qbyte Financial OneStep process automatically submitting the Qbyte Financial processes, the risk of a Qbyte Metrix Batch not being processed in Qbyte Financial is greatly reduced.
Using the OneStep process has the added benefit of having Qbyte Financial communicate Batch Status back to Qbyte Metrix. This communication occurs only when using Qbyte Financial OneStep and when both applications have enabled Voucher Status Integration and are at version 20.1 or higher.
To use the Qbyte Financial OneStep process:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Administration → Region → Financial Configuration and set the Qbyte FM OneStep to Yes.
What do I Need to set up in Qbyte Financial?
Voucher Types
To easily identify revenue vouchers, create a voucher type that will be used for all vouchers created during the Qbyte Metrix PA Interface process.
To do this:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Configuration → Voucher → Voucher Type Controls.
2. The Voucher Type must have the Batch Edit Auto Gen and Auto Numbering check-boxes selected.
3. Navigate to the menu and select Administration → Modules.
4. Add the Voucher Type in the Voucher Type Code field.
System Defaults
To activate Revenue Interfaces from Qbyte Metrix, various sub-systems, sub-system components, and system defaults need to be configured.
To configure system defaults:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Administration → System Defaults and Controls.
Sub-System 1 - QBYTE CORE
2. In the System Defaults and Controls screen, highlight Sub-System 1 - QBYTE - CORE, and ensure the Status is Active.
3. While Sub-System 1 - QBYTE - CORE is highlighted, select the Sub-Sys Comp tab.
4. Highlight Sub-System Component 1 - CORE.
5. While Sub-System Component 1 - CORE is highlighted, select the Default Values tab, and enter the following system defaults:
Column/Field | Value |
LDR_PATH | The directory in which the Revenue Interface control file is stored. |
SHL_PATH | The directory in which the Revenue Interface shell script is stored. |
TRUNCATE_ALLOWED | Indicates whether the temporary tables which store Revenue Interface data are truncated at the beginning of each Revenue Interface process. The temporary tables are:
Valid values are:
Sub-System 2 - QBYTE FM
6. In the System Defaults and Controls screen, highlight Sub-System 2 - QBYTE FM, and ensure the Status is Active.
7. While Sub-System 2 - QBYTE FM is highlighted, select the Sub-Sys Comp tab.
8. Highlight Sub-System Component 5 - BATCH EDIT and ensure the Status is Active.
9. While Sub-System Component 5 - BATCH EDIT is highlighted, select the Default Values tab and enter the following system defaults:
Column/Field | Value |
BATCH_EDIT_TRANS_TOLERANCE | The maximum tolerance allowed for balancing a Revenue Interface voucher. |
Sub-System 12 - Revenue Interface
10. In the System Defaults and Controls screen, highlight Sub-System 12 - Revenue Interface and change the Status to Active.
11. While Sub-System 12 - Revenue Interface is highlighted, select the Sub-Sys Comp tab.
12. Highlight Sub-System Component 12 - CORE, and change the Status to Active.
13. While Sub-System Component 12 - CORE is highlighted, select the Default Values tab, and enter the following system defaults:
Column/Field | Value |
REVENUE_HISTORY_DATA_PATH | The directory in which Revenue Interfaces that have been processed by Qbyte Financial are stored. Once the Revenue Interface is processed, the Report ID will be appended to the file name, and the CSV file created by Qbyte Metrix will be moved to this directory. |
REVENUE_INTERFACE_DATA_PATH | The directory in which Revenue Interfaces that have been processed by Qbyte Metrix are stored. |
REV_INT_IGNORE_CLIENT_ID | The Business Associate IDs (for example, purchasers, royalty owners, partners) specified here will be ignored by the Revenue Interface process. Each additional Business Associate entered will have a sequential number entered (for example, REV_INT_IGNORE_CLIENT_ID_2). Business Associate 999999 is typically entered here, as it is used for taken in kind revenue transactions and royalty gross up transactions. Note: The Business Associate must be set up in Qbyte Financial as a terminated vendor. |
REV_INT_INVOICE_DATE_SOURCE | The invoice date used in Qbyte Financial. Information on how the invoice date is generated can be found here. |
REV_INT_NOBILL_INDICATOR_CODE | Codes defined will create intercompany transactions where the Business Associate is an organization. Typically, all billable transactions to insider organizations will have a NOBILL indicator of B entered. Each additional NOBILL indicator entered will have a sequential number entered (for example: REV_INT_NOBILL_INDICATOR_CODE2). |
REV_INT_PAYABLE_INVC_DAY | The day of the payable invoices created during the Interface process. (for example: 15 would represent the 15th of the month). |
REV_INT_RECEIVABLE_INVC_DAY | The day of the receivable invoices created during the Interface process. (for example: would represent the 25th of the month). |
Sub-System Component 198 - METRIX
14.While Sub-System 12 - Revenue Interface is highlighted, select the Sub-Sys Comp tab.
15. Highlight Sub-System Component 198 - METRIX and change the Status to Active.
Enable Voucher Status Integration
16. While Sub-System Component 198 - METRIX is highlighted, select the Default Values tab, and enter the following system defaults:
Column/Field | Value |
VOUCHER_STATUS_INTEGRATION | Set this to Y to have Qbyte Financial send Voucher status to Qbyte Metrix. Note: The Voucher Type assigned to REVU066 must be METRIX in order for the Voucher Status to be sent back to Qbyte Metrix. As of Qbyte Financial 20.2, the Voucher Type is no longer limited to METRIX. As of version 20.1 or higher, this option also controls whether Batch Status are sent back to Qbyte Metrix for batches loaded via the Qbyte Financial OneStep process. Note: This functionality must also be enabled in Qbyte Metrix. See Function Implementations for more information. |
User Defaults
These User Defaults are required for each user that is running processes in Qbyte Financial.
To configure these:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Administration → User Defaults.
2. In the User Defaults section, enter the default Printer and Source Code.
User Security Roles
Qbyte Financial roles that may be used during the Qbyte Metrix interface process are:
Role 14 | External Interface Master Maintenance | This role grants the ability to process the interface submission and validate interfaced vouchers. Required to run interface. |
Role 22 | Inquires | This role grants the ability to inquire at an invoice level. |
Role 23 | Reports | This role can generate JIB statements. |
Role 42 | Batch Uploads | This role grants the ability to manually load interface file and validate interface vouchers. |
Role 65 | Transaction Data Entry Screen can View External interface Vouchers | This role can view and edit interfaced vouchers. Although this allows editing you may want to edit the voucher in the Qbyte Metrix source data. |
Role 76 | Batch Data Correction | This role grants the ability to edit the batch data. Although this is optimal to change in Qbyte Financial, it is generally better to tie back to the source in Qbyte Metrix. |
Depending on your Corporate permissions, you may or may not be able to post interfaces.
Refer to User Management - P2 Energy Solutions Wiki to set up users within your organization.
Running Financial Interface Using Qbyte Financial OneStep
Qbyte Metrix Final Financial Processing using OneStep is initiated normally, however, when a user runs the process, the Message Centre will display the following message if the Qbyte Financial OneStep process was successfully launched: Qbyte FM OneStep was successfully launched. Review execution results using Report ID 9999999 (where 9999999 represents the Report ID of the Qbyte Financial - Qbyte Metrix Interface process REVU066).
When the user enters an Override Upload Accounting Date when submitting the Financial Interface Final, that will be passed to the Qbyte Financial OneStep process as the Accounting Period for Qbyte Financial, instead of the Qbyte Metrix Accounting Date.
Having the Qbyte Financial OneStep process launch successfully does not mean the Qbyte Metrix Batch file was successfully processed in Qbyte Financial, it just means that the corresponding Qbyte Financial processes where submitted. As mentioned previously, the Qbyte Financial OneStep process automatically submits both Qbyte Financial Qbyte Metrix Interface and Validate Interfaced Vouchers processes.
Running a Qbyte Metrix Financial Interface in Qbyte Financial
Running Qbyte Metrix Interface
To run the Financial Interface in Qbyte Financial:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Interfaces > Qbyte Metrix Interface.
2. Enter the following Revenue Interface information.
In this field... | Enter this information... |
Organization ID (one/many/all) | Required. The organization that the Qbyte Metrix Batch file will be processed in. |
Accounting Period End Date (YY/MM) | Required. The accounting period that the Qbyte Metrix Batch file will be processed in. Note: The accounting period should be the same as the date on the file to be uploaded. If a different date is entered, it will override the voucher date on the interfaced file. |
Metrix Batch Number (one only) | Optional. The Qbyte Metrix Batch number within the Qbyte Metrix Batch file.
Note: A Qbyte Metrix Batch file will only ever contain one Batch. |
Voucher Number (one/many/all) | Optional. The Qbyte Metrix Voucher Number(s) within the Qbyte Metrix Batch file that you want to process.
Note: Even if some of the vouchers are selected, the entire file is loaded (when Load Upload Data Files = Y), but only the selected vouchers will be processed. |
Load Upload Data Files (Y/N) | Indicates whether the file generated by Qbyte Metrix will be processed.
Note: An example of when this might be used would be if for some reason you selected one or more vouchers, but not all in a previous process for the same file and now want to process the remainder. Errors such as invalid client ID may prevent the process from completing. Once the Business Associate is set up, the process can be resubmitted from the Qbyte Financial Temporary PA Interface table. |
PA Filename | The name of the Qbyte Metrix Batch file generated by Qbyte Metrix. Note: The filename must be entered in uppercase including the file extension. For example: CHINOK201801.CSV |
Print Detail Report (Y/N) | Indicates whether the Production Accounting Interface Audit report will be run during the process. |
Verify the process completed successfully within the Process Monitor.
REVU066 created the Qbyte PA Interface report and REVU063 PA Interface Audit report (if requested).
PA Interface Files are Moved to History
Once the REVU066 process is complete, it automatically moves the interface file into the directory location specified in the system default called REVENUE_HISTORY_DATA_PATH.
Running Validate Interfaced Vouchers
To run the Validate Interface Vouchers process in Qbyte Financial:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Interfaces > Validate Interfaced Vouchers.
2. Enter the following Financial Interface information.
In this field... | Enter this information... |
Batch ID (One/Many/All) | Optional. Although this is optional, it is probably most commonly run with the Report ID of the report that processed the Qbyte Metrix Batch file. The Report ID can be found on the Job Submission screen for the completed REVU066 process and can also be found in the FM Report ID on the Qbyte Metrix Financial Identifier Status screen. |
Voucher Number (one/many/all) | Optional.
Voucher Type Code (one/many/all) | Optional.
Organization ID (one/many/all) | Optional.
Accounting Period End Date (YY/MM) | The accounting period that the Revenue Interface will be processed in. |
Override User ID (none/one/many) | The user that processed the Qbyte Metrix Batch file (if different than the user running this process). |
Source Module ID (one only) | Optional. Note: If the Batch ID was left blank, enter REVU066 to select only transactions created by the Qbyte Metrix Interface. |
In the event the Revenue Interface process needs correction, errors can be corrected using Edit Interfaced Vouchers.
The entire batch can be deleted, or individual lines can be corrected based on the error messages returned by the process.
The ACTU116 process creates the interface voucher with a status of 'U'nposted when there are no errors.
Financial Interface Reports
The following reports can be generated by the Financial Interface process in Qbyte Metrix. The reports can be accessed from within the Qbyte Metrix Process Monitor by clicking the report link for the job that created them, or they can be requested within Qbyte Optix by their Financial Interface ID.
Financial Interface Voucher - Accounting Date, Production Date, Financial Interface, Batch #, Voucher #, Account, CC, Comment, Billing Code, Debit, Credit, Volume, etc.
Voucher Account Summary - Accounting Date, Financial Interface #, Production Date, Voucher # - listing by Account, Debit, Credit, Net Amount, Net Volume.
Voucher Cost Centre Summary - Accounting Date, Financial Interface #, Production Date, Voucher # - listing by Cost Centre, showing Account, Debit, Credit, Net Amount, Net Volume.
Voucher Details - Accounting Date, Financial Interface #, Production Date, Voucher #, Voucher Type (Preliminary/Final), Cost Centre, Account/GL Account - listing by Entity, product, General Type, Specific Type, WIO, Vendor, TIK, Purchaser, Royalty Obligation, Charge Type, Sequence, Previous/Revised, Volume, Debit Amount, Credit Amount.
Ownership Summary - Financial information by Owner, including Revised/Previous/Net Volume and Value for each Well/Product/Transaction Type/Exception. Net Subtotal = Sales - Crown - Royalties Exceptions: INJ = Injection, ROYGRS = Royalty Gross Up for TIK and Crown, TIK = Taken in Kind, TSF = Purchased Transfer, PoB = Paid on Behalf, ADJINV = Adjust Inventory, OUTOP = Outside Operated.
Purchaser Summary - Financial information by Purchaser, including Revised/Previous/Net Volume and Value for each Facility/Delivery System/Product.
Royalty Owner Summary - Financial information by Royalty Owner, including Revised/Previous/Net Volume and Value for each Royalty. Includes NRT information. Often used as backup for JIB's.
Facilities Charges - Expense owner/income - Facility Charge Expenses by Owner including Revised/Previous/Net Volume and Value for each Entity/Product/Charge Type/Formula Retrieval Type. Often used as backup for JIB's.
NR4 - T5 Monthly - Business Associate, Accounting Period, Financial Interface - listing by Owner Name, Production Date, Royalty Value, NRT Value, Net Royalty.
The following reports are generated by the Financial Interface process in Qbyte Financial:
REVU066 - Qbyte Metrix Interface report
ACTU116 - Validate Interfaced Vouchers report
ACTR243 - Interface Summary report
REVR063 - Production Accounting Interface Audit report
Sample Reports
Qbyte Metrix Interface Report
Validate Interfaced Vouchers Report
Interface Summary Report
Production Accounting Interface Audit Report
Accounting Transactions for REVU066 Interface
High-Level Overview
REVU066 creates a voucher record for each unique voucher within an incoming PA Interface file. REVU066 creates an invoice record for each detail record in the incoming PA Interface file where the CTRL_ACCT_TYPE_CODE field is populated.
For each detail record in the interface file (record type 3), depending on the nature of the transaction, REVU066 creates:
Line item record with associated Billing Detail records,
Invoice record.
The Qbyte Metrix PA Interface file contains records for transactions to net accounts. The REVU066 process creates entries in Qbyte Financial to the net account, gross account. gross clearing account (CLR account) and JIB clearing account. Additional lines are generated in the PA_INTERFACE_DATA table for these entries. Entries for Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) will create the invoice records on the invoice types for the AP/AR control accounts on the record.
Types of Transactions
The BOOKING_CODE is critical to handling different types of transactions. This code may be B, K, D, N, or null.
B = Billed
Distributed to partners (pre-split in Qbyte Metrix)
Entries (line items) are created to gross accounts
Generates entries (line items) to gross clearing accounts
Generates entries (line items) to net accounts for internal companies
Generates entries (line items) for intercompany entries
Creates billing details records for partners and insider organizations
Creates the JIB clearing entries (line items) for external partners
K = Taken in kind
Partners take their share of product sales in kind
Amounts are calculated using an estimated average price
Entries (line items) are created to gross accounts.
Amounts are populated only into the GROSS_UP_AMT and GROSS_UP_VOL fields for true gross reporting purposes. These amounts are also included in the gross amounts shown on the joint interest billings.
D = Distributable
Entries that are not distributed (not pre-split in Qbyte Metrix)
Entries are cross-referenced to net accounts; gross accounts are determined, and the transactions are booked to the gross accounts.
Transactions are distributed in Qbyte Financial by the JIB process.
N = Non-distributed
Entries that are not distributed (not pre-split in Qbyte Metrix)
Entries are cross-referenced to net accounts; gross accounts are determined, and the transactions are booked to the gross accounts.
Transactions are distributed in Qbyte Financial by the JIB process.
Blank = Not distributable
Entries that are not distributed (not pre-split in Qbyte Metrix)
Entries are not to be distributed in Qbyte Financial
Entries are cross-referenced to only net accounts; there is no associated gross account
Typically, these are AP and AR transactions.
Revenue Interface FAQ
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