Better Together - Lease Rental Transactions

Better Together - Lease Rental Transactions

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What do I need to set up in Qbyte CS Land?

Configure Cheque / Invoice Details

What do I need to set up in Qbyte Financial?

System Defaults

To activate lease rental interfaces from Qbyte CS Land, various sub-systems, sub-system components and system defaults need to be configured. To configure these, navigate to the menu and select Administration > System Defaults and Controls

In the System Defaults and Controls screen, highlight sub-system 11 - LEASE RENTALS INTERFACE, and change the Status to Active.

While sub-system 11 - LEASE RENTALS INTERFACE is highlighted, select the Sub-Sys Comp tab. Highlight sub-system component 23 - CS Land.

While sub-system component 23 - CS LAND is highlighted, select the Default Values tab

Enter the following system defaults:

In this field

Enter this value

In this field

Enter this value


The activity date used during the lease rental interface, if not specified by the user when they submit the Qbyte CS Land Interface.

The value of this system default is the concatenation of (a) any date column from the Qbyte CS Land *_JIB_DATA tables, (b) a plus or minus sign and (c) a number (length of two). For example:


    • For a Mineral interface, this system default value represents the LR_JIB_DATA.PARTNER_INVC_DATE value plus 1

    • For a Surface interface, this system default value represents the SR_JIB_DATA.PARTNER_INVC_DATE value plus 1

    • For a Road Use (Third Party) interface, this system default value represents the RR_JIB_DATA_.PARTNER_INVC_DATE value plus 1

Using the above logic, if the PARTNER_INVC_DATE value is "21-OCT-20" then the activity date value on the transactions created in the Qbyte CS Land Interface into Qbyte Financial will be "30-NOV-20".


Determines whether mineral lease invoice descriptions will be printed on cheques. Valid values:

  • Y - Mineral lease invoice descriptions will be printed. 

  • N - Mineral lease invoice descriptions will not be printed.


Determines whether the partner distribution generated as a result of the Mineral Lease Rentals will be invoiced from Qbyte CS Land or Qbyte Financial. Valid values:

  • Y - Partner distribution generated as a result of the Mineral Lease Rentals will be invoiced from Qbyte CS Land.

  • N - Partner distribution generated as a result of the Mineral Lease Rentals will be invoiced from Qbyte Financial.


Thirty Party invoices will always be invoiced out of Qbyte CS Land. The partner distribution generated as a result of the Thirty Party invoices will always be billed out of Qbyte Financial as part of the Joint Interest Billings. Valid value:

  • N - Partner Distribution resulting from Third Party invoices will be billed out of Qbyte Financial as part of the Joint Interest Billings. 


Determines whether surface lease invoice descriptions will be printed on cheques. Valid values:

  • Y - Surface lease invoice descriptions will be printed. 

  • N - Surface lease invoice descriptions will not be printed.


Determines whether the partner distribution generated as a result of the Surface Lease Rentals will be invoiced from Qbyte CS Land or Qbyte Financial. Valid values:

  • Y - Partner distribution generated as a result of the Surface Lease Rentals will be invoiced from Qbyte CS Land.

  • N - Partner distribution generated as a result of the Surface Lease Rentals will be invoiced from Qbyte Financial.


The default continuity code for the WIP account.


The invoice type code for the NR4T5 process.

Billing and invoicing during Lease Rental Interface 

The lease rental interface looks at two things when determining how to bill/invoice the partners: the bill flag on the files sent over by CS Land as well as the system defaults CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND. Qbyte CS Land sets bill flags on the files sent over to Qbyte Financial, which indicate whether the transactions will be split in Qbyte CS Land or in Qbyte Financial. The  system defaults CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND determines whether or not Qbyte Financial will send invoices to the partners on a JIB statement.

Four possible combinations for these exist:

CS Land Billing Code = L, CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND = N  (Recommended)

This combination indicates that the CS Land billing code is splitting the transactions, and therefore the transactions in the lease rental interface come in pre-split. The value of system default CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND indicates that Qbyte Financial will invoice partners during the joint interest billing process.

CS Land Billing Code = L, CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND = Y

This combination indicates that the CS Land billing code is splitting the transactions, and therefore the transactions in the lease rental interface come in pre-split. The value of system default CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND indicates that Qbyte Financial will not invoice partners during the joint interest billing process.

The exception in this scenario are entries from CS Land that are generated to a multi-tier organization in Qbyte Financial, as these entries are treated as gross entries, and subsequently distributed by the multi-tier organization during the joint interest billing process.

CS Land Billing Code = A, CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND = N

This combination indicates that the CS Land billing code is not splitting the transactions, and therefore the transactions in the lease rental interface come in as gross entries, and are split during the joint interest billing process. The value of system default CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND indicates that Qbyte Financial will invoice partners during the joint interest billing process.

CS Land Billing Code = A, CS_XX_INVOICE_IN_LAND = Y

This combination is not considered valid. If this combination is entered, the Qbyte CS Land Interface process will result in an error.

Running Lease Rental Interface in Qbyte CS Land

Accounting Rental Download

Running Lease Rental Interface in Qbyte Financial

Running Qbyte CS Land Interface 

To run the revenue interface in Qbyte Financial, navigate to the menu and select Interfaces > Qbyte CS Land Interface

Enter lease rental interface information:

In this field

Enter this value

In this field

Enter this value

Organization ID

The organization that the lease rental interface will be processed in.

Accounting Period End Date 

The accounting period that the lease rental interface will be processed in. 

Mineral / Surface / Road (M/S/R) 

Indicates the type of lease rental interface to process. Valid values are:

  • M - Mineral lease rental.

  • S - Surface lease rental.

  • R - Third Party lease rental 

Activity Date

The activity date to use on transactions in the lease rental interface.

Running Validate Interfaced Vouchers

To run the validate interface vouchers process in Qbyte Financial, navigate to the menu and select Interfaces > Validate Interfaced Vouchers

Enter revenue interface information:

In this field

Enter this value

In this field

Enter this value

Batch ID

The report ID of the report that processed the lease rental interface. 

Voucher Number

The number of the voucher. 

Voucher Type Code

The type of the voucher. 

Organization ID

The organization that the lease rental interface will be processed in.

Accounting Period End Date 

The accounting period that the lease rental interface will be processed in. 

Override User ID 

The user that processed the lease rental interface. 

Source Module ID 

The module ID to process. 

Lease Rental Interface Reports

The following reports are generated by the lease rental interface process in Qbyte Financial:

  • ACTU204 - Qbyte CS Land Interface report

  • ACTU116 - Validate Interfaced Vouchers report

  • ACTR243 - Interface Summary report

Sample Reports

Qbyte CS Land Interface report

Validate Interfaced Vouchers report

Interface Summary report 

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