Problem Solving - Financial Interface Final/OneStep

Problem Solving - Financial Interface Final/OneStep

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When the Financial Interface (Final) process is run for a control group or financial group and the directory path to save the generated voucher does not exist, the error message Voucher File could not be created. Directory xx/ is invalid is displayed in the Message Centre.

  • The Financial Interface (Final) process does not complete successfully and the OneStep is not launched. 

Go to Administration > System Configuration > Directories and correct the Directory Path for the Financial Vouchers Directory Type. Qbyte Online clients can submit a help desk ticket with the above error message and will be provided with the correct directories needed for processing. On-premise clients need to contact their own IT department for the same.

2. When the Financial Interface (Final) process is run for a control group or financial group and the user does not have the proper authority to create the Voucher file in the directory path, the error message Voucher File could not be created in directory /xx/. User does not have authority to write to this directory is displayed.

  • The Financial Interface (Final) process does not complete successfully and  the OneStep is not launched. 

Go to Administration > System Configuration > Directories and confirm the Directory Path for the Financial Vouchers Directory Type is correct. Qbyte Online clients can submit help desk ticket with the above error message and will be provided proper access to the required directories. On-premise clients need to contact their own IT department and ask for the same.

Once the changes are complete, re-submit the Financial Interface (Final) process.

3. When the financial voucher generated from the Financial Interface (Final) process is empty, the exception message No Voucher File created, due to no bookable data generated is displayed. 

  • The Financial Interface (Final) process completes successfully but  the OneStep is not launched. 

The OneStep is not launched as Qbyte Financial does not accept empty vouchers. As the message indicates, the voucher is empty. If this is not correct then un-interface, make the required changes and re-interface. If the voucher should be empty, then no other action is required.  

4. When the user that submitted the Financial Interface from Qbyte Metrix is not an authorized Qbyte Financial user, the warning message  Qbyte FM OneStep failed with the message <Failure ORA-02291: integrity constraint (QBYTE.AU_JOB_SUBMIT_APP_USERS_FK) violated - parent key not found>. Resubmit from the Financial Identifier Status screen or manually upload the voucher(s) in file EDRIANCG201407.CSV. is displayed. 

  • The Financial Interface (Final) process completes successfully but  the OneStep is not launched. As the message indicates the OneStep can be resubmitted using the Financial Identifier Status screen (Financial > Status). The user resubmitting must be an authorized user of Qbyte Financial.
    See OneStep Information  for more details.

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