Measurement Edits for SK
- 1 Measurement Edit #1 - Gas Receipts exceed acceptable % of total gas dispositions (for proration batteries)
- 2 Measurement Edit #3 - Oil Receipts exceed acceptable percentage of oil production (for oil/bitumen proration batteries)
- 3 Measurement Edit #4 - Flare exceeds acceptable volume (includes well and battery flare)
- 4 Measurement Edit #5 - Vent exceeds acceptable volume (includes well and battery vent)
- 5 Measurement Edit #6 - Gas Proration Factor exceeds variance
- 6 Measurement Edit #7 - Gas Proration Factor of 1 not allowed
- 7 Measurement Edit #8 - Oil Proration Factor exceeds variance
- 8 Measurement Edit #9 - Oil Proration Factor of 1 not allowed
- 9 Measurement Edit #10 - Water Proration Factor exceeds variance
- 10 Measurement Edit #11 - Water Proration Factor of 1 not allowed
- 11 Measurement Edit #12 - Proration Factor reported for non-prorated battery
- 12 Measurement Edit #15 - High Gas/Oil Ratio exceeds acceptable ratio
- 13 Measurement Edit #16 - Low Gas/Oil Ratio less than acceptable ratio
- 14 Measurement Edit #17 - Solution Gas Conservation Efficiency below acceptable %
- 15 Measurement Edit #18 - Multiple Gas Destinations from a Gas Group battery
- 16 Measurement Edit #21 - No inventory volume (Neither oil nor water closing inventory)
- 17 Measurement Edit #22 - More than one producing well in a single-well battery
Saskatchewan battery subtypes 312 and 317 are no longer valid, so any batteries set up in Metrix with those subtypes will have any Measurement Edit Customizations or Results deleted as part of the Release 1.8 upgrade. A battery set up with subtype 312 will be modified to be subtype 322 (this seems to be what most of the 312 batteries were converted to in Petrinex, but the user may still need to adjust some of the batteries that may have been converted to another subtype), similarly any battery with subtype 317 will be modified to be subtype 327. NOTE: The client can use the Subtype Load/Verification to set/update the subtype on all their Saskatchewan batteries.
In addition to the above some of the criteria in specific edits has been modified from the original defaults installed by P2 (based on the Alberta rules) so any Measurement Edit Customization or Results for the following will be deleted.
Measurement Edit #1 - Gas Receipts exceed acceptable % of total gas dispositions (for proration batteries)
This edit is no longer valid for subtype 361.
The criteria for this edit changed for subtype 322 (old 312) and 362.
Measurement Edit #3 - Oil Receipts exceed acceptable percentage of oil production (for oil/bitumen proration batteries)
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 314, 315 and 316.
The criteria for this edit changes for subtype 322 (old 312).
Measurement Edit #4 - Flare exceeds acceptable volume (includes well and battery flare)
This edit is no longer valid for subtype 315.
Measurement Edit #5 - Vent exceeds acceptable volume (includes well and battery vent)
This edit is no longer valid for subtype 315.
Measurement Edit #6 - Gas Proration Factor exceeds variance
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 314, 315, 316, 327 (old 317) and 361.
Measurement Edit #7 - Gas Proration Factor of 1 not allowed
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 314, 315, 316 and 361.
Measurement Edit #8 - Oil Proration Factor exceeds variance
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 314, 315 and 316.
Measurement Edit #9 - Oil Proration Factor of 1 not allowed
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 314, 315, 316 and 361.
Measurement Edit #10 - Water Proration Factor exceeds variance
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 314, 315, 316 and 361.
Measurement Edit #11 - Water Proration Factor of 1 not allowed
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 314, 315, 316 and 361.
Measurement Edit #12 - Proration Factor reported for non-prorated battery
This edit is not valid for any Saskatchewan battery subtype. So any customizations or results for subtypes 311, 313, 317 and 351 will be deleted.
Measurement Edit #15 - High Gas/Oil Ratio exceeds acceptable ratio
This edit is not valid for any Saskatchewan battery subtype. So any customizations or results for subtypes 311, 313, 314, 315 and 316 will be deleted.
Measurement Edit #16 - Low Gas/Oil Ratio less than acceptable ratio
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 313, 314, 315 and 316.
Measurement Edit #17 - Solution Gas Conservation Efficiency below acceptable %
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 313, 314, 315 and 316.
Measurement Edit #18 - Multiple Gas Destinations from a Gas Group battery
This edit is no longer valid for subtype 362.
Measurement Edit #21 - No inventory volume (Neither oil nor water closing inventory)
This edit is no longer valid for subtypes 313, 314, 315 and 316.
Measurement Edit #22 - More than one producing well in a single-well battery
This edit is not valid for any Saskatchewan battery subtype. So any customizations or results for subtypes 311 and 351 will be deleted.
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