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Overhead Controls determine the expense and recovery accounts that are used during the Overhead process.
Navigate to the menu and select Configuration → Joint Interest → Overhead Controls
In the Agreement section, enter overhead agreement information:
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
The name of the overhead agreement.
The description of the overhead agreement.
Expiry Date
The expiry date of the overhead agreement, in the format YY/MM/DD.
In the Control section, enter overhead control information:
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
The name of the overhead control
Effective Date
The effective date of the overhead control, in the format YY/MM/DD.
Expiry Date
The expiry date of the overhead control, in the format YY/MM/DD.
Expense Account
The account in which overhead is booked to.
This field can be selected from the Accounts List of Values.
Recovery Account
The account in which overhead recovery is booked to.
This field can be selected from the Accounts List of Values.
Overhead Properties
Overhead properties allow for overhead to be charged for specific AFEs or Cost Centers by linking AFEs or Cost Centers to specific overhead agreements, overhead controls, and overhead methods. AFEs and Cost Centres can be set up to link to multiple overheads if required.
To create an overhead link, query the overhead Agreement and overhead Control, then select the Properties tab.
Enter overhead link information in the Properties section
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
Agreement Name
The name of the overhead agreement.
This field will default with the value entered in the Name field of the Controls tab.
This field cannot be modified.
Agreement Description
The name of the overhead agreement.
This field will default with the value entered in the Description field of the Controls tab.
This field cannot be modified.
Control Name
The name of the overhead control.
This field will default with the value entered in the Name field of the Controls tab.
This field cannot be modified.
Overhead Type
Indicates whether the overhead link is for capital or operating overhead.
This field will default to OPERATING. If a value is entered in the AFE Number field, the field will update to CAPITAL.
If navigating to this screen from the AFEs screen, this field will default to CAPITAL. If navigating to this screen from the Cost Centres screen, this field will default to OPERATING.
Expiry Date
The expiry date of the overhead agreement, in the format YY/MM/DD.
AFE Number
This value can be selected from the AFEs List of Values.
If navigating to this screen from the AFEs screen, this field will default to the AFE from the AFEs screen.
AFE Item
The AFE item number of the overhead link.
Cost Centre
This value can be selected from the Cost Centers List of Values.
If navigating to this screen from the Cost Centers screen, this field will default to the cost center from the Cost Centers screen.
Recovery Cost Centre
This value can be selected from the Cost Centers List of Values.
The district is populated from the cost center default GL Sub Code.
Navigate to the Partners section to connect the overhead link to an overhead method:
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
The DOI to use when booking overhead.
If no value is entered in this field, the default DOI for the cost center/AFE combination will be used when booking overhead.
Method Code
The overhead method of the overhead link.
This value can be selected from the Overhead Methods List of Values.
Cumulative Overhead
The total cumulative overhead that has been charged to the overhead link to date. When generating capital overhead, the value in this field is subtracted during the calculation.
For capital overhead links, this field will update the cumulative overhead after overhead is run each month. The amount in this field can be modified in order to reflect manual capital overhead entries.
If expiring a link and setting up a new link, this field should be populated with the cumulative overhead that has been booked to date.
Navigate to the Exception Partners section to enter partner-specific overhead information:
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
The business associate to charge partner-specific overhead to.
This value can be selected from the Business Associates List of Values.
Associate Name
The name of the business associate.
This field cannot be modified.
The overhead method to charge partner-specific overhead to.
This value can be selected from the Overhead Methods List of Values.
Cumulative Overhead
The total cumulative overhead that has been charged to the overhead link to date. When generating capital overhead, the value in this field on the overhead link is subtracted during the calculation.
For capital overhead links, this field will update the cumulative overhead after overhead is run each month.
If expiring a link and setting up a new link, this field should be populated with the cumulative overhead that has been booked to date.
Select Ctrl + S or the Save icon to save the overhead link.
Launching Overhead Details Report in Qbyte Optix
You can launch an Overhead Details report in Qbyte Optix by clicking the Qbyte Optix icon in the toolbar.
This will launch the Overhead Details report in a new Qbyte Optix window.
To return specific AFE or Cost Centre use the AFE or Cost Centre widget in the Report Criteria to narrow down search parameters.