Qbyte Exchange for Easement

Qbyte Exchange for Easement

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Qbyte Exchange Main Menu


Qbyte Exchange is powerful functionality that allows Qbyte CS Land users to update the Qbyte CS Land database using provided Excel templates. Work with your System Administrator to complete the one-time Qbyte Exchange Setup before you can see the Qbyte Exchange menu option in Excel.

After you Login to Qbyte Exchange and have specified either Insert or Update from the Qbyte Exchange Main Menu for the Easement module, the template tabs and columns will be automatically loaded, and the Qbyte Exchange Module Menu will be shown on the right side of the spreadsheet where you will perform all the actions necessary to update the Qbyte CS Land database.

All processing options are explained on the Qbyte Exchange Module Menu page.

Mandatory tabs / columns are represented with an *

Easement Base*





File Number*


File Status*

Code must exist in Validation Table.

Note: Generally, terminating/inactivating files should be done in the Qbyte CS Land application. IF the File Status is changed in Qbyte Exchange, remember to also update the Status Date.

Status Date*

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

Lessor Type*

Code must exist in Validation Table.

Lease Number


Document Type*

Code must exist in Validation Table.

Document Date*

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

Admin Company*


Effective Date*

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.


Code must exist in Validation Table.


Code must exist in Validation Table.

Lease Term


Term Period


Expiry Date*

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

How Acquired


Acquired Date

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

Lease Operator

BA Code entered must exist in Business Associates.

Lease Payor

BA Code entered must exist in Business Associates.

Reclaim Number


Application date


Reclamation Date

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

Acre Hectare


Total Hectares


Total Acres


Prev Doc Number


Cost Centre

Cost Centre Code entered must exist in Cost Centres.

Easement Areas 





File Number*

When inserting new records, the File Number specified must already exist.


When inserting new Areas, the Area code must exist in the Area Validation Table. The applicable Province code will default automatically in the database when the Area code is saved.  No te:   After the initial Insert > Save, If still in Insert mode and the Area is changed, then a Save is performed, a second Area record will be added, leaving also the initial Area record. If any of the Areas are no longer required, they must be deleted in the application.

Updating Areas in Update mode is currently not allowed and will display an error when attempting a Validate or Save.

Easement Land Description * 





File Number*


Land Description*


Easement Land Use * 





File Number*


Land Use Type*

Code must exist in Validation Table.

Land Use*


Easement Easement



Easement Type*

Code must exist in Validation Table.

Easement Date*

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

Licence No*


Plan No*



BA Code  entered  must  exist in  Business Associates.






BA Code  entered  must  exist in  Business Associates.

Easement Client Defined

The ability to Insert and update data on mass within Qbyte Exchange for the Client Defined tab is different than how that data is entered into Qbyte CS Land. 

  • Tab label will be generic 'Client Defined' not the unique label defined in the Qbyte CS Land configuration. 

  • Specific fields (label and its value) must be entered into its own row within the spreadsheet.  If a specific field is not needed, it does not need to be added in the spreadsheet.  In Qbyte CS Land all defined Client Defined Fields are shown n the window regardless if a value has been populated or not.

  • Get data from P2 will bring only the fields (rows) with values populated into the spreadsheet.  





File Number*

When inserting a new Client Defined record, the File Number specified must already exist.  Any one File Number may have multiple rows in the spreadsheet if there are more than 1 applicable Client Defined Labels/Values.  

When updating an existing Client Defined record, the File Number cannot be changed.


When inserting a new Client Defined record, the Label must be entered exactly as it appears in the Qbyte CS Land window (or as defined in Admin > Client Defined Fields update screen). 

When updating an existing Client Defined record, the Label cannot be changed.


The Value is required when inserting new rows and can also be updated after the initial save.  The cell is always defined as Text in the Qbyte Exchange spreadsheet regardless of Value entered. 

Values entered are validated accordingly per the field setup in Qbyte CS Land:

  • Dates can be entered with or without a format.   For example, if a date format of 'yyyy-mm-dd' has been defined, the date must be entered as '2022-12-13'. If a date format was not defined, the date can be entered as '2022-12-13', and Qbyte Exchange will format the date to the default date format of 'Dec 13, 2022' - just like it is in the application.

  • Validation codes entered must exist in the applicable validation code table.

  • String values entered must not exceed 1910 alpha/numeric characters.  Alt + Enter can be used to break the text string to a new line.

  • Percentage can be entered with or without a format.  

  • Number can be entered with or without a format.  For number fields setup with masks:

    • The 0 (zero) character will allow a leading zero to be entered in Qbyte CS Land and all leading zeroes will be visible when the field is imported to Qbyte Exchange.  For example, with mask 000-000-00000, entered as 00-000-0001 in Qbyte CS Land, will display as 000-000-0001 in Qbyte Exchange.

    • The # character will allow a leading zero to be entered in Qbyte CS Land only if there is a non-numeric character like a dash (-) in the mask.  Leading zeroes are not displayed when the field is imported to Qbyte Exchange.  For example, with mask ###-###-####, entered 000-000-0001 in Qbyte CS Land will display as '- -1' in Qbyte Exchange.

Note:  If a Client Defined field was setup in Qbyte CS Land as being mandatory, then in Qbyte Exchange a value must be provided for that field if that Label exists in the spreadsheet.  However, if there is not a row for the Label in the spreadsheet, there is not validation to indicate it is missing.

Easement Registration





File Number*

When inserting new Registration, the File Number specified must already exist.


When inserting new Registration, do not populate this column. This is a system-generated value and it will be populated during Save.

When updating existing Registration, this column can be used to change the occurrence order.

Note: The  Occurrence (Occ) Number can be renumbered at any time in the Qbyte CS Land application (if required) to change the display order of the rows.

Document Type*

Code must exist in Registration Types Validation Table.

Document Date

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

Document Number*

Free-format up to 20 characters.

Withdrawal Date

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.


Code must exist in District Validation Table.

Register Number

Free-format up to 20 characters.


Free-format up to 1910 characters.

Easement W.I.

The ability to add DOI information in Qbyte Exchange is different than what is done in Qbyte CS Land.  Currently, the intent of using this tab would be a means for inserting a single DOI Type (i.e. WI) onto the Easement. 

Using this WI tab, you can:

  • Insert only - Inserting new DOI(s)

  • Up to 10 Partners and Percentages can be specified.  If more then 10 are required, they must be entered via the Qbyte CS Land application.  The total of all Partner Percentages entered must equal 100%.

Note: Mandatory columns are represented with *



File Number*

When inserting a new Easement DOI, the Easement File Number specified must already exist.

DOI Type*

Code must exist in the DOI Types Validation Table.

Note:  if the exact DOI Type already exists on the Easement, the existing DOI Type will be expired and a “new” DOI inserted.

Effective Date*

The value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format. Cell format must be Text.

  • Cannot be a “future date”.

  • If inserting a new DOI of the same DOI Type of an existing DOI, then the Effective Date must be greater than the Effective Date of the existing DOI.


Free-format up to 60 characters.


When inserting new Term, do not populate this column. This is a system-generated value and it will be populated during Save.

When updating existing Terms, do not change this column.

Partner BA ID 1*

BA Code entered must exist in Business Associates and must be active.

  • Up to 10 Partners and Percentages can be specified.  If more then 10 are required, they must be entered via the Qbyte CS Land application. 

  • The total of all Partner Percentages entered must equal 100%.

Partner Percentage 1*


Partner BA ID 2*


Partner Percentage 2*


Partner BA ID 3*


Partner Percentage 3*


Partner BA ID 4*


Partner Percentage 4*


Partner BA ID 5*


Partner Percentage 5*


Partner BA ID 6*


Partner Percentage 6*


Partner BA ID 7*


Partner Percentage 7*


Partner BA ID 8*


Partner Percentage 8*


Partner BA ID 9*


Partner Percentage 9*


Partner BA ID 10*


Partner Percentage 10*


Easement Name Xref 





File Number*

When inserting new Name Xref records, the File Number specified must already exist.  The File Number cannot be updated.

Name Type*

When inserting, the Code  must  exist in the Name Xref Validation Table.  The Name Type cannot be updated.

Name Cross Reference*

When inserting, the BA Code  entered  must  exist in Business Associates.  

When updating, the Name Cross Reference cannot be updated - a validation error will be given.  If required, change the Name Cross Reference BA Code in the Qbyte CS Land application.


Free-format up to 40 characters.  The Comment can be updated if required on existing rows.

Easement Remarks





File Number*



Do not populate this column when inserting new data. This is a system-generated value and it will be populated during Save.

Note: The  Occurrence (Occ) Number can be renumbered at any time in the Qbyte CS Land application (if required) to change the display order of the rows.


This value is applicable on the spreadsheet only and is not stored in the table. 

When inserting a new Remarks record, enter a value of "N".  If blank, "N" is assumed.

When updating, retrieve existing data via Get Data, the Delete value will default to "N".  Change the value to "Y" to indicate that you wish to delete the specific row.  If blank, "N" is assumed. 

  • Validate will display a 'Conflict' error along with message 'Row will be deleted - are you sure?'.  Simply change the Delete column back to "N", if you change your mind.  

  • Upon Save, the Remarks with a delete flag of "Y" are deleted from the database and the remaining remarks occurrence number will be renumbered.  However, the just deleted row will still appear temporarily on the spreadsheet with status = 'Deleted' as a visual indication that the row has been deleted and the occurrence renumber will not be apparent.  A subsequent Get Data will omit the deleted rows and display the reordered remarks occurrence. 

Remark Type*

Code must exist in Validation Table.

Remark Date

Value must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.


Free-format up to 1910 characters.

Easement Related Files





File Number*

When inserting new records, the File Number specified must already exist.

Note: this field cannot be updated after Insert > Save completed. If relationship is no longer required, it must be deleted in the application. When using 'get data' to retrieve existing data, you may want to sort by File Number to ensure all rows for each File Number appear grouped together.

Related Subsystem*

When inserting new records, enter the module for which the related files is part of.

Acceptable codes:  C (any Contract category), M (Mineral), S (any Surface category), W (Well).  Qbyte Exchange has the same Related Files exceptions as Qbyte CS Land.

Note: this field cannot be updated after Insert > Save completed.

Related File Number*

When inserting new records, enter the file number for which you are relating to the file number specified in column A.

Note: this field cannot be updated after Insert > Save completed.

Related File Sub

When inserting new records, enter a sub, if applicable to relate files at the sub level.

Note: this field cannot be updated after Insert > Save completed.


If entered, the code must exist in Relationship Validation Table.


Free-format up to 120 characters.

Easement Obligations




File Number*

When inserting new Obligation records, the File Number specified must already exist.  

When updating an existing Obligation, the File Number cannot be changed.


When inserting a new row do not populate this column, this is a system-generated value, and it will be populated during Save.

Note: The  Occurrence (Occ) Number can be renumbered at any time in the Qbyte CS Land application (if required) to change the display order of the rows.


This value is applicable on the spreadsheet only and is not stored in the table. 

When inserting a new record, enter a value of "N".  If blank, "N" is assumed.

When updating, retrieve existing data via Get Data, the Delete value will default to "N".  Change the value to "Y" to indicate that you wish to delete the specific row.  If blank, "N" is assumed. 

  • Validate will display a 'Conflict' error along with message 'Row will be deleted - are you sure?'.  Simply change the Delete column back to "N", if you change your mind.  

  • Upon Save, the rows with a delete flag of "Y" are deleted from the database and the remaining rows occurrence number will be renumbered.  However, the just deleted row will still appear temporarily on the spreadsheet with status = 'Deleted' as a visual indication that the row has been deleted and the occurrence renumber will not be apparent.  A subsequent Get Data will omit the deleted rows and display the reordered rows occurrence. 

Obligation Type*

Code must exist in Validation Table  Obligation Surface.


Date must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.


Value must be O, A, SA, Q, M, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, 10, 20, 21 or 25.


Value must be Y or N.


Value must be Y or N.

Comp Date

Date must be in a yyyy-MM-dd format.  Cell format must be Text.

Party Resp*

Code must exist in Validation Table  Obligation Responsibility.


Free-format up to 1910 characters.

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