Qbyte Exchange Module Menu

Qbyte Exchange Module Menu

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Qbyte Exchange is a powerful functionality that allows Qbyte CS Land users to update the Qbyte CS Land database using P2 provided MS Excel templates. Work with your System Administrator to complete the one-time Qbyte Exchange Setup before you can see the Qbyte Exchange menu option in MS Excel.

After you Login to Qbyte Exchange , the Qbyte Exchange Main Menu will be shown on the right side of the spreadsheet where you will select the Module you wish to work with. As soon as you select the Module, the menu will change to the specific module menu.  Additionally, column headings are populated and tabs will appear at the bottom of the worksheet that are specific to the tab that was selected.  It is Important to note that only the current tab will be Validated or Saved and the process must be repeated for each tab in the module.

On the Module menu first select if you want to Insert or Update data. 

  • Insert - To add new records into your Qbyte CS Land database.  This is useful if you have acquired new properties and would like to quickly get the data in to your system.  There may be certain fields that must be cross-referenced before attempting to add them into your database.  Should you require assistance with the steps required, please do not hesitate to contact P2.

  • Update - To change specific data fields in your Qbyte CS Land database.  Doing this type of update may help you to mass change specific data fields where that field is not available in the Qbyte CS Land Mass Update functionality.  For example, if you would like to globally update table codes from one value to another.

Tip: Update requires all data columns to be populated on the current spreadsheet tab for each row.  If you are only updating one column, the other columns not being updated should still contain the current values.

Both Insert and Update will validate the data like the Qbyte CS Land application does when you add a new file or change existing data.  The data is validated in the spreadsheet before the process will allow the data to be updated in the database to prevent bad data from entering the database.  

The same options appear on the menu regardless of whether you have selected Insert or Update:



Get Data from P2

Using this option will retrieve the first 500 rows of data found in the Qbyte CS Land database to populate the current tab with sample data.  If your database has more than 500 rows, a message will appear in red in the side panel - "your query has reached the maximum of 500 rows enabled for retrieval".

  • Filter by Project Code – Can be used if you want to Get data from P2 for specific file(s). If you enter a Project Code and click Get data from P2, only the files in the Project that are in the current Qbyte Exchange module will be  retrieved and populated onto the spreadsheet.  If more than 500 files exist in the Project for the current Qbyte Exchange module, all files will be returned, even if greater that 500.  Note: If an invalid or not found Project Code is specified, no rows are returned to the spreadsheet.  Note:  Currently, Projects setup as types of Exchange or Document can be used in Qbyte Exchange. 

If you do a subsequent Get data from P2, a pop-up message will ask Are you sure? You have unsaved changes. Do you wish to refresh the data? Selecting Yes will replace the current data in the spreadsheet with the newly retrieved data.

Tip: You can also cut and paste data into the spreadsheet from other spreadsheets.

For example, you may consider using Qbyte Optix Data Extracts to choose the specific files that you want to update, select the same columns that appear in the Qbyte Exchange spreadsheet, export those results to MS Excel, then copy/paste them into the Qbyte Exchange spreadsheet for processing the updates.



Validate Data

This is a very important step. Before any data is inserted or updated into the Qbyte CS Land database, it must pass validation checks that are performed within the template. This option does not save any data into the database. 

Tip: Before you Validate or Save, tab out of the last cell where data was entered or updated. Failure to do so may result in a red error message appearing on the menu panel. The error can be removed by clicking the X within the message and will not prevent you from continuing.

When you select to Validate data on the current taba couple of things will happen:

  • The Module menu will change to a Validation Results window that provides details for the validation process. You will see:

    • Total Rows – The number displayed here is the number of data rows on the spreadsheet.

    • Passed Validation – This is the number of rows that have no validation errors and have an Upload Status of Validated.

    • Errors – This is the number of rows that failed validation and will need to be corrected in some way before they can be uploaded to the database.

    • Processing Not Required – Represents the number of rows that there were no data changes made on, so no validation occurred.

  • The MS Excel spreadsheet will also automatically shift to the right and the validation process results will appear in the four green columns to the right of the blue template columns. The spreadsheet also shifts down to show the row with the first error message.

    • Processing State – Indicates if the step has completed processing or not. You will most likely see:

      • Complete with error(s) – The data validation was performed and found some issues.

      • Validation Complete – The data changes on that row were validated successfully, no issues.

      • No processing required - There were no data changes made on that row, so no validation occurred.

    • Upload Status – Will tell you if the row has been Validated or if there is an Error.

    • Error Message – When the Upload Status is Error, this column will describe what issue needs to be corrected. There may be more than one issue listed here.

    • Message Context – The information provided here is more technical in nature to provide additional details about the Error Message

Tip: Use the Excel filter functionality to display only the rows that have errors.

The Validate data button on the Validation Results can be used to re-validate your spreadsheet.

The Close button on the Validation Results will take you back to the Module menu.

Tip: If you Delete rows from the spreadsheet, be sure to delete the entire row and not just the data from the row.  If you only delete the data from the row and the Validate data, errors will occur for those rows.



Save Data to P2

This option will perform a validation of all data in the open worksheet and then will save all rows that pass validation into the Qbyte CS Land database. If a row has an error, none of the data on that row will be saved into the database. 

When you select Save data to P2 for the current tab, a couple of things will happen:

  • You will receive an Are you sure? pop-up message. If you choose Yes, the Save process will continue. If you choose Cancel, the Save process will abort and you can continue to work with your spreadsheet.

  • The Module menu will change to an Upload Results window that provides details for the Save process. You will see:

    • Total Rows – The number shown here is the number of data rows in your spreadsheet.

    • Update – This is the number of rows that have been updated to the Qbyte CS Land database. On the spreadsheet, these rows will have an Upload Status of Updated.

    • Errors – This is the number of rows that failed validation and did not get uploaded to the Qbyte CS Land database. The validation error will need to be corrected before the row can be updated to the database. On the spreadsheet, these rows will have an Upload Status of Error.

    • Processing Not Required – Represents the number of rows where no data changed from the original Get Data from P2 and therefore no updates are required into the database. 

  • The MS Excel spreadsheet will also automatically shift to the right and the Save process results will appear in the four green columns to the right of the blue template columns. The spreadsheet also shifts down to show the row with the first Upload Status message.

    • Processing State – Indicates if the step has completed processing or not. You will most likely see either:

      • Complete with error(s) – The data validation was performed and found some issues, so the Save was not completed for that row.

      • Save Complete – The data changes on that row were validated successfully, no issues and the Save was completed for that row.

      • No processing required - There were no data changes made on that row, so no validation or save occurred.

    • Upload Status – Will tell you if the row has been Updated or if there is an Error that prevented the save from occurring.

    • Error Message – When the Upload Status is Error, this column will describe what issue needs to be corrected. There may be more than one issue listed here.

    • Message Context – The information provided here is more technical in nature to provide additional details about the Error Message

The Close button on the Upload Results will take you back to the Module menu.


From the Module menu will exit and take you back to the Qbyte Exchange Main Menu .

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