Message Centre

Message Centre

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Message Centre option is available at the bottom of the Menu bar for each processed facility. In the Menu bar, the Message Centre menu option will appear with the data present indicator. The option can be selected and a new window opens with data for the entity that is highlighted in the schematic. The Message Centre, when selected by Schematic Entity from the Menu bar, has Sort and Filter capability but not the ability to change the Production Date or Entity information. The Message Centre can be selected at the Control Group level and all of the Entities within the Control Group will be available.

The Message Centre can also be accessed from the link at the top of the application near the Region link. This would be mainly used to access messages for jobs run at a Corporate, Region, Financial Group, or Injection Facility level. However, the valid Entity Types are: Control Group, Corporate, Financial Group, Injection Facility, and Region. When the Message Centre is selected this way the Entity Type/ID must be entered.

The Message Centre is in a grid format. The action buttons are Refresh,  Print Friendly, Cancel, and View.



Facility Type

Injection, Plant, GGS and Battery.

Facility ID

ID of the Facility of he specified Facility Type.

Process Start Date/Time

Process Start Date/Time.

Process User

User who Submitted Job.

Process Job Type

Type of job submitted (i.e. Step, etc.).

Message Type

Success, Information, Warning, Exception, Alert, and Error.

Message Text

Details of the message.

Message ID

ID associated with the Message, if any. If the Message ID appears with an underline then clicking the Message ID will launch the Qbyte Metrix Wiki directly to the page providing more information about the specific Message. Messages with additional information can be found at Message Centre Messages .


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