Petrinex Imports/Exports
Oil Pipeline Split Import
This window allows the user to import data from a Pipeline Split - Owner report generated in Petrinex for the British Columbia or Saskatchewan. This imported data will be only those oil entries that require oil valuation and will be used to populate the Oil Valuation – RTP (Royalty Tax Payer) screen, allowing the user to then enter the pricing information and re-submit the data for the Oil Valuation – RTP submission. This import will address Petrinex codes only. There will be no need for the user to set up Metrix facility codes for the various codes within the imported file.
The user can access this functionality from the menu Import/Export > Petrinex: “Oil Pipeline Split Import”.
The default location for imported files will be retrieved from the System Configuration Directory based on the Province that is selected.
The File Name is Mandatory. For non-default locations the user may select a single file.
When the Import button is pressed, and the selection criteria validated, the Oil Pipeline Split Import (Preview) screen will be displayed.
The Data Extraction/Import Grid will only ever be one record in this grid.
The Toggle Bar for Imported Data will be populated and sorted by production date, royalty payer, delivering facility, receiving facility, custody transfer, contract, purchaser and unit based on the data successfully imported.
Oil Valuation for RTP
NGL Valuation RTP
Subtype Load/Verification
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