Qbyte AFE - Qbyte Financial Overhead Method Integration

Qbyte AFE - Qbyte Financial Overhead Method Integration

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Overhead information can now be integrated between Qbyte AFE and Qbyte Financial. 



Qbyte Financial is the source application for Overhead information. On integration, Qbyte Financial will send existing Overhead information to Qbyte AFE. This data is viewable under the Master Data > Overhead Methods screen in Qbyte AFE. The table displays all available Overhead Method/Control information that has been sent from Qbyte Financial.


Integration Behaviour

Qbyte Financial sends both Overhead Method and Overhead Control information, concatenated together. The Method Name appears first in the code, while the Control Name displays in parenthesis, directly behind the Method Name

  • Qbyte AFE refers to this Method/Control value only as the Overhead Method.

When an AFE with Overhead information is sent to Qbyte Financial from Qbyte AFE, the Overhead record will be added to the AFE, viewable in the Overhead tab.

The Overhead Method and Overhead Control information for the AFE will be taken directly from the existing Overhead Method and Overhead Control.

  • The Overhead Property information will be mapped as follows:

    • Overhead Type = Capital

    • AFE Number = AFE number Overhead is entered on

    • Cost Centre = The Cost Centre attached to the AFE in Qbyte AFE

    • Recovery Cost Centre = Same as the Cost Centre. This field is editable. A Qbyte FM user can change the recovery cost centre after integration has occurred.

    • OM ID = Null

    • Method Code = Method from the Method/Control combination selected in Qbyte AFE

Integration Settings

Under System & Corporate Setup > Interoperability Settings, ensure the Control Overhead Method is set to Financial System. This will allow Qbyte AFE to accept incoming Overhead from Qbyte Financial.


1. Create a New AFE in Qbyte AFE.

2. Fill out all required fields.

3. Select an Overhead Method from the list.

4. Add a property to the AFE.

5. Save the AFE.

6. View the Interop Queue on the AFE to ensure the AFE record has been successfully sent.

7. Navigate to Master Data > AFEs to view the AFE in Qbyte Financial.

8. Search for the AFE.

9. Select the Overhead tab on the AFE.

  • The Overhead Method, Control and Agreement information will be displayed.

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