IFS Enterprise Upstream Revenue Close
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Use IFS Workflow to track and manage the process of Revenue Close. IFS Workflow communicates with the system that processes Automatic Execution of Enterprise Upstream Distribution and Cash Matching through the Concurrent Manager.
System Configuration
API Rest Services developed for IFS Enterprise Upstream are deployed on the target environments for IFS Workflow.
Configure the ProcessMaker Table
Please refer to Environment Configuration .
Mount Network Shared Drive
To successfully export a Network shared drive, the server that hosts IFS Workflow needs to be configured to access the Shared Drive.
Use these procedures to mount a network shared drive to the Linux server and adjust the file directory setting if necessary.
Create the shared drive:
1. On the server that hosts IFS Workflow, create a new group by typing the following at a command prompt:
$ sudo groupadd -g 6000 sharewindow
2. To add users to the group, type the following:
$ sudo usermod -G sharewindow -a centos
3. Rerun line 2, changing centos to apache.
4. Rerun line 2, changing centos to pmaker.
5. To create a new directory, type the following:
$ sudo mkdir /mnt
6. To change owner of the new directory, type the following:
$ sudo chown -R centos:sharewindow /mnt
7. To navigate to the mnt directory, type the following:
$ cd /mnt
8. To create new directory, type the following:
$ mkdir workflow
9. To change the group owner on new folder, type the following:
$ chgrp -R sharewindow /mnt/workflow
10. To change permission on the workflow directory, type the following:
$ chmod -R g+swrx /mnt/workflow
11. To open the fstab file for editing, type the following:
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
12. To add the necessary code to the fstab file, type the following:
//windowshare/sharefolder /mnt/workflow cifs username=##windowsuser##,password=##windowsuserpassword##,rw,users,uid=1000,gid=6000,forceuid,forcegid,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
13. To save your changes press Esc, then type :wq, and the press Enter.
14. To mount the drive, type the following:
$ sudo mount -a
After you have successfully mounted the drive, the IFS Workflow system can now automatically export all the uploaded document and generated Output documents.
Customize the File Directory
The file directory can be customized by adjusting the following trigger: Export to Shared Drive.
To adjust the trigger Export to Shared Drive:
1. Add the following code to the trigger:
//This is the Root of the shared drive - This should only change when the Root changes
$rootDirectory = "/mnt/workflow/";
// Add any sub-directories you want here - can have multiple levels. MUST END WITH "/"
$subDirectory = @@RCGroup.'/'.@@accountingPeriod_label.'/';
2. Save your changes and close the file.
This code allows the trigger to start building a repository on the target shared drive, where data for RC Group and Accounting folders will be created. All uploaded and generated documents will now be inserted in this location.
What's Included?
How the Process Flows
1. A user opens a new case.
The process begins manually when a user in IFS Workflow, on the Home screen, selects New Case.
2. The case is for a Sales Allocation and Generate task.
When the user double-clicks the IFS Revenue Close Workflow, the Sales Allocation and Generate Validation Form opens.
3. The User adds sales information and submits it.
In this form, the user enters data about the sales transaction. The following fields are required:
Report Center Group Desk Code
Processing Party Enterprise Upstream User Name
Production Month Control Group 1
Accounting Period Control Group Description
4. The case is routed for approval.
Selecting Submit routs the data to the Approve Generate Task, where an approver verifies the data entered.
5. The system processes distribution and cash matching.
Upon Approval, the case goes into a series of automatic execution steps to run Distribution and Cash Matching.
If there is an error during this process of Distribution, then the case will be routed back to Sales and Generate task with appropriate Batch Logs to diagnose the problem.
If no error is present during Distribution, then the Cash Matching Process will execute.
If a problem occurs in Cash Matching, then the task will be routed to the Distribution Step, with appropriate Batch Logs, that explain the process.
Should no errors occur during the concurrent process of Cash Matching, then the Distribution and Cash Matching Process Id will automatically be loaded on to the next form.
6. Documents are exported to a shared drive
Finally, the last major process step is the export to the shared drive, upon successful configuration, all the uploaded reports, documents, and output cover sheet generated during the process, will all get exported to a network shared drive. This will allow auditors to successfully see all the documents in one repository at a time.
The following User Groups are built into this workflow:
Revenue Accountant - This is the group tied to more of the Data entry screens to tie the data between IFS Workflow and the EU Accounting System. This group needs to be configured before the successful execution of the IFS Revenue Close workflow.
Revenue Supervisor - This group is in charge of the Approvals steps within the process. They are in charge of oversight before any automatic execution of data occurs.
The following Tasks are built into this workflow:
Sales Allocation and Generate: This task contains the overall process information and Dynaforms to capture process information from Sales Allocation and Generate.
Approve Sales Allocation and Generate After all the data has been entered and uploaded, the case gets routed to Distribution and Cash Matching.
Execute Generate and Distribution This is a summation of automatic tasks to execute Distribution and Cash Matching, as well as upload the batch logs to the case within workflow.
Distribution and Cash Matching: Upon successful execution of Distribution and Cash Matching, it is the next manual step. This step will contain the Distribution and Cash Matching form, which will be pre-populated with the ProcessIDs of the Distribution and Cash Matching Process. All necessary reports and data can be uploaded to the Dynaform within this task.
Approve Distribution and Cash Matching This task is similar to the Approve Sales Allocation and Generate to allow the Revenue Supervisor to approve all uploaded reports and data over the whole process. Upon Approval, the Audit File Output Document will be generated as a cover sheet containing all the process information needed.
Export to Shared drive The final task, is to take all the information and upload it into a shared drive for audit purposes. The IFS Workflow system will take the information and create a file directory in the configured Network Shared Drive with all the case information allowing easy access to the case information.
The following Dynaforms are included with this workflow:
Sales Allocation and Generate Validation Form
Sales Allocation and Generate Approval Form
Distribution and Cash Matching Form
Revenue Approval Form
Sales Allocation and Generate Validation Form
The Revenue Process and Sales Allocation section contains the following fields:
Prepared By: Automatically entered with who is working on the case
Email: Email of the person who is working the Case
Report Center Group: Report Center to be Processed, this will be used as the Case Title upon data being entered*
Processing Party: Processing Party, this is pre-populated with Processing Parties set up in EU This field is required to be correct and will be used later for distribution and cash matching automatic tasks, correct set up is essential. *
Product Category: Product Category designated for this case to be executed. This drop-down is populated with data from the EU Codes table. This field is not required from a IFS workflow perspective and is for informational use only
Production Month: Production Month to be used for the case. It defaults to the current month of when the case is started*
Product Code: Product Code of the case. This again is informational, and will be pre-populated with data from the EU Codes table.
Accounting Period: Accounting Period to be used for the case. This will default to the current month of when the case is started. This field is required to be correct and will be used later for distribution and cash matching automatic tasks, correct set up is essential. *
EU Username: This is a suggest field, meaning when a user begins to type their name, it will suggest the name being typed. This is populated from users set up in the EU system.
Process Type: Simply Select the proper checkbox for sales allocation type.
Allocation Process Request ID: Process ID of the Sales Allocation run for this case
Source Document and Validation Reports: Selecting the Green bar will bring up a file explorer window to allow a user to upload any reports to the case. This will be collected and exported to a shared Repository at a later task.
Validation Report ID: Process ID that ran the appropriate validation Report
Continue to Generate Form Button: Selection here allows a user to save current work
The Generate section contains the following fields:
Generate Process ID: Process ID of the Generate Processes used for this Report Center Group
Desk Code: Desk Code to be used in Processing Distribution and Cash Matching, used in automatic services and is required to be saved
Multiple Agreement: are there multiple Agreements used? If no, no further setup required, if yes the Multiple Agreement Process ID field appears for data entry.
Control Group 1: Control Group of the created Distribution Transactions. This is used in the automatic services for Execution and Cash Matching.
Control Group 1 Description: Control Group Description, data entered here will be uploaded to the EU accounting system for the description of the targeted Control Group, value can not be null. This is repeated for Control Group 2.
Form Status: Pending acts as a save, case will be routed to users inbox for further processing at a later time. Switching this to completion will allow the form to be submitted for approval.
Sales Allocation and Generate Approval Form
This form is locked down and does not allow the user to change the data. This form is only meant to show the information in the process for approval.
The user can select Yes for approved or No for unapproved.
Unapproved forms are submitted back to the original accountant for changes
Approved forms are submitted through the services
Distribution and Cash Matching Form
This form contains the following fields:
Distribution Process ID: Auto populated with Distribution Process ID run during the automatic steps.
Cash Matching Process ID: Auto populated with the Cash Matching Process ID that was run during the automated steps. If this field is blank, that means Cash Matching was unsuccessful. If this occurs, for further analysis see the accounting system or batch logs.
To see the uploaded batch logs from the run of the concurrent process, go to Information, and then Uploaded Documents.
Revenue Approval Form
Similar to the Sales Allocation and Generate form, this form is meant for only approving data and not changing data. This form also contains all data entered during the process.
Users can:
Select Approved - this submits the case to create the Audit File output document.
Select Not Approved - this submits the case back to the Distribution and Cash Matching screen.
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