Release Notes for IFS Workflow 1.0
Release Type | Major |
Release Date | January 19, 2018 |
Summary of Changes
The purpose of this document is to provide you with the latest information for the release of IFS Energy & Resources Workflow 1.0.
IFS Workflow is a complete, market-leading workflow engine that leverages ProcessMaker software to provide oil and gas workflows for IFS and other applications used in the industry.
This IFS Workflow release includes the following two workflows:
IFS Revenue Close Process Audit (Enterprise Upstream revenue users)
IFS New Well Approval (Enterprise Upstream users)
Going forward, ProcessMaker will need to be updated when ProcessMaker has a new release that is incorporated into IFS Workflow. Workflows will be released more often when they are created.
Although IFS Workflow is a standalone release from other IFS products, some REST Services that are delivered with other IFS products may be required. Additionally, AppLink, which is the routing and security tool for IFS’s REST Services, may also be required. Workflows that require a connection to data sources will always utilize REST Services for these connections.
Compatibility Matrix
Product Certification
Interoperability Certification
Minimum System Requirements - Hardware
Minimum System Requirements - Software
Release Contents
Feature Name | Summary |
IFS Workflow | New IFS Workflow application to streamline business processes. |
IFS Revenue Close | The IFS Revenue Close feature is a manually initiated workflow that begins in Enterprise Upstream with the Sales Allocation process. Once data is entered, it is routed to the Approve Generate Task, where an approver verifies the data entered. Upon Approval, the case goes into a series of automatic execution steps to run Distribution and Cash Matching. Then all source and application documents are exported to a network shared drive. |
IFS New Well Approval | The IFS New Well Approval is a manually initiated workflow that allows a user to enter well details and then send them to a supervisor for approval. Once approved, the details will automatically be pushed to the Enterprise Upstream application for use. An email will be sent to the users upon successful completion of the well setup in Enterprise Upstream. |
Additional Reference Material
You may find the following documents useful:
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