DynaForm Controls
Find out about strategies for using Process Maker's DynaForm controls with IFS Workflow. |
Dropdown Controls | |
Dropdowns are built by creating an array of elements, with each element being an array of a string <value> and string <name> value.
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Example PHP Trigger | $localArray = array(); //**Build a local array with elements**// |
Adding Blank Rows | If you need a blank row in the dropdown, you can add the following line of code within the trigger: |
Dependent Dropdowns | In some cases, you may want to have dependent dropdowns. This allows a user to select an element in dropdown A, which changes the options available in dropdown B. This is only possible through use of Process Maker tables and therefore is not recommended. For more information see the Process Maker wiki on SQL Stored Procedures and Dependent Fields. |
Grid Controls | |
A grid is a graphic design that presents data in a tabular format consisting of columns and rows. Grids are built by creating an array of elements, with each element being an array of PM Controls. Controls that can be used are: | |
Populating the Grid | When adding a control to a grid, you will to give it an ID like you would any other variable. Within the main Grid Array, each element will be another array, of which this ID will reference the key value of the PM Control that has been added.
The following code is an exampe of how you could populate the grid shown below: |
Accessing Grid Data | To get access to the grids data, you need to reference the grid and row of data that you require, and then the controls ID. So to get the data from row 2 in the above example, you could use the following: $selectedData = @=userGrid[2][userName]." ". @=userGrid[2][department]." ". @=userGrid[2][active]; More information can be found on the Process Maker Wiki Page. |
Uploading Files vs. FileUpload | |
In essence, uploading files (file control) and FileUpload is the same thing except FileUpload allows you to upload multiple files at once. When adding these controls to a Dynaform, they both need an associated Input Document. However, they differ as to when this association is made.
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Input Document Usage | There are two places where you can use a control to upload files:
The element is called inputDocument (Input Document) In a workflow, you can use a single input document through the workflow, even in different dynaforms. However, each time it is used it will add a new document to the process. Even if they are given the same name, they will be distinguished by the task they were added by. In other words, there is no version control, as is shown in the following figure.
This does, however, allow for all documents added during a process to be viewed once the process has completed. When adding a document as a Step, you will be taken to a screen similar to the following: This allows you to add a new version of the file to the process as well as viewing all previous versions of the file. Once the process is completed, you will only be able to view the last version of the file. |
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