Reporting Tools

Reporting Tools

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Data Reporting Tools permit users to perform tasks on the data, including the following:

  • Create reports with built-in security models

  • Perform joins in multiple data sets as well as on the core ProcessMaker application tables

  • Define filters

  • Export reports to PDF

Enable Reporting Tools

Enable Reporting Tools

Install the Plugin

To install the reporting tools:

  1. In IFS Workflow, at the top of the screen, select Admin.

  2. Under the IFS Workflow Logo, select the Plugin tab.

  3. In the bottom section, if not already selected, select Enterprise Plugins.

  4. In the list of plugins, select dataReportingTools.

    1. If not installed, click Install Now.

    2. If Disabled, from the menu above the list of plugins, click Enable.

Set Permissions

To view these tools there are 4 new permissions that need to be specified for a user.

Note: even as Admin user, you need to add these permissions to see the reporting tools.

To set permissions:

  1. In IFS Workflow, at the top of the screen, select Admin.

  2. Under the IFS Workflow Logo, select the Users tab.

  3. In the list below the tabs, select Roles.

  4. In the Code column, select the Designer role, and then above the list of Codes, click Permissions.

  5. Below the heading Permission Code, click Edit Permissions.

  6. In the Permission Code column, find REPORT_DESIGNER and then click the single arrow icon () to move the Permission Code to the Assigned Permissions list.

  7. Repeat step 6 for the Permission Code of REPORT_ADMINISTRATOR.

  8. Repeat step 6 for the Permission Code of REPORT_USER.

  9. Repeat step 6 for the Permission Code of REPORT_MANAGER.

Create a Report Table

The most effective way to report against cases is to create a report table within the process. This is done through Designer.

To create a report table:

  1. In IFS Workflow, at the top of the screen, select Designer.

  2. In the Process Title column, select the process that you want to create a report for, and then from the menu above the Process Title column, click Edit.

  3. In the Designer window, from the floating menu called Process Objects, click Report Tables.

  4. From the menu at the top of the window that opens, click New.

  5. In the Report Tables window that opens, type in or select data for all of the fields and then click Create.

  6. You will see your table listed in the Report Tables window. To close this window, click the X icon in the top right corner.

  7. To close Designer window, click the X icon in the top right corner.

Set the Scope of the Report

Once you have a table to report from, you can define the Scope of the report.

To set the scope of a report table:

1. In IFS Workflow, at the top of the screen, select Home.

2. In the left pane, under Data Reporting Tools, click Scope.

3. In the Report Scope window, in the right corner, click Create.

4. In the Scope window, on the Definition tab, type in a name, and then click Next.

5. On the Tables tab, select the table you created for your report in Tables.

6. On the Tables tab, a new section is displayed listing all of the columns in your table. Select the columns you want in your report by selecting their checkboxes.

a. Case Link: The field APP_UID contains the case's unique ID number and the option to create a link to that case. When clicked, the summary of that specific case will be opened.

b. Join: If more than one table has been selected the Join section will become available to relate the tables by a column. To create a Join relationship, choose a table in the left, another in the right and select the joining columns. One or more conditions can be added to specify multiple join conditions. The two columns that join the left and right tables do not need to have the same name. However, the joined fields must have compatible data types.

7. On the Tables tab, add any filters you want, and then click Preview. When you are satisfied with the preview, click Next.

8. On the Report Users tab, select a user or group from the left list of Available Users, and then click the green arrow to move it to the right list of Assigned Users. When you have assigned all users, click Next.

  1. On the Report Designers tab, select a user or group from the left list of Available Users , and then click the green arrow to move it to the right list of Assigned Users . When you have assigned all users, click Finish .

  2. On the Report Scope window, your new Scope is listed.

Allow the Report to Access the Data

This step is required for all non-ProcessMaker Tables in a scope.

In the report, at task time, the App_Delegation table within the MySQL database will have to be added to the whiteTablesList.ini file to allow the Report Scope screen access the data.

The whiteTableList.ini file allows the user to access data outside of Report / ProcessMaker Tables using the Data Reporting Tools plugin. By placing the name of a table into this file, the Data Reporting Tools Wizard will be able to access its data to generate scopes and final reports.

To allow a report table access to data:

1. On the IFS Workflow server, find the whiteTablesList.ini file.

2. To edit the file, open it in a text editor.

3. By default, the whiteTableList.ini file has the following content:

tables[] = 'Table-name1'
tables[] = 'Table-name2'
tables[] = 'Table-name3'

4. To allow a non-ProcessMaker table to access data for reports, replace 'Table-name1' with the name of the reporting table you created.

5. Save your changes and close the file.

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