Utilizing Sub-Processes
A sub-process can be used to split large, complex workflows into multiple smaller and simpler workflows. A sub-process acts as a task that begins another workflow; this way sub-processes can be potentially re-used to handle common business practices. These can be used anywhere within a workflow, except as the beginning task.
To use a sub-process, simply drag the bolded task icon onto the designer.
If the sub-process workflow requires input variables, it is possible to pass variables from the parent process into the sub-process. This is done by right clicking on the sub-process task and going to properties. Once in the properties screen, there will be several fields that need to be filled out and the variables section below those. The first field is the sub-process name (the name that is displayed on the designer). The second field is the specific workflow process that this sub-process task represents. After that is the task of the workflow that the sub process will start. Finally, there is an option for the sub-process to be “Synchronous” or “Asynchronous”. Synchronous will prevent the user from continuing with the parent workflow until the sub workflow is done, while asynchronous allows the user to continue with the parent workflow.
The “Origin” variable, on the left, are the variables defined in the parent process that will be given to the sub-process. The “Select Target Process”, on the right, are the variables defined in the sub-process. Once these two variables have been chosen, when the sub-process begins, the value in the origin variable will become the value of the target variable. If multiple variables need to be passed, keep adding variables in this way until all have been accounted for.
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