Web Services Installation Guide for IFS BOLO and IFS Excalibur
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This guide contains information to install IFS Midcap Web Services.
Planning Your Installation
Server Prerequisites
• Microsoft .Net Core 2.0.6 Runtime - Server Hosting Bundle, or better
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1, or better
Hardware/Software Requirements
• Windows Server 2012, or better. Windows Server 2016 is preferred.
• IIS 8.5, or better. IIS 10 is preferred
Before configuring IIS, it is a pre-requisite to install .NET Core SDK 3.1.X. Then the Windows Hosting Bundle 3.1.X should be installed after the SDK. Then IIS can be configured as below.
Configuring IIS 8.5
Make sure the following features are enabled for IIS:
Default Document
Directory Browsing
HTTP Errors
Static Content
HTTP Redirection
HTTP Logging
Static Content Compression
Request Filtering
Basic Authentication
Windows Authentication
Net Extensibility 4.5
ASP .NET 4.5
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters
Server Side Includes
WebSocket Protocol
Installation Steps
1. Connect to the application server that will be hosting the IFS Midcap Web Services application.
2. Download the IFS Midcap Web Services (P2MidCapInterop.exe) from the P2 Store, and save it to the server in any desired location.
3. Double-click P2MidCapInterop.exe.
4. The welcome window displays. Click Next.
5. When the IFS Web Services screen displays, select the Web services to start the installation process, then click the Next button.
IFSMidcap Web Services - Supports integration between IFS BOLO and IFS Merrick products.
IFSMidcapAPI - Supports integration between IFS Excalibur and IFS Land and IFS AFE products, as well as IFS BOLO and IFS Land and IFS AFE products.
6. The IFS Instance screen displays. Enter an appropriate environment name (example Prod, Dev, Test), then click Next:
Prod - Enter this option to create a production environment for users to use the application.
Dev - Enter this option to create a development environment (this option is typically only used by IFS personnel).
Test - Enter this option to create a testing environment to test the application. This is useful for testing the application before passing on the application to users.
7. The Unidata Information screen displays when P2MidCap Web Services is selected. Enter the following, then click Next:
OrgID - Enter the Org ID. The OrgID is the name that is given to the installed instance. It commonly is seen as Prod/Test/or <product>reason, i.e. EXCProd. This helps designate it within the different locations (ISS, C:\P2\directories, etc.)
Server Name - Enter the name of the server that hosts the database.
Database - Enter the name of the database.
Database User – Enter the name of the database user.
User Password - Enter the password for the database user.
8. The Unidata Server Information screen displays when P2MidCapAPI is selected. Enter the following, then click Next:
Host - Enter the server name that hosts the database.
Account - Enter the account for database. This is the dedicated UniData account. i.e NG.EXC or ng_NG.EXC.
Database User - Enter a username.
Password - Enter the username password.
9. The Ready to Install the Program screen appears. Click Install to begin the installation.
10. The Setup Status screen displays the installation progress.
11. Once the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen will display. Click Finish to close the wizard.
Post Install Steps
If leveraging the filestreamer functionality in Web Services (such as IFS BOLO and IFS Workflow integration)
Updates to the hosting.json file may be needed as it pertains to the ReportStreamType.
If IFS BOLO is a Windows installation, leave it as unc.
If IFS BOLO is a Linux installation:
If the IFS BOLO server is on-premise and sFTP is enabled, update the ReportStreamType in the hosting.json file to be sftp. Ensure that the IFS BOLO server is configured to allow sFTP from the user specified in the hosting.json file.
If the IFS BOLO server is hosted by IFS, or if sFTP is not enabled, leave the ReportStreamType as unc.
Samba configuration changes are necessary to allow the user defined in the hosting.json file to authenticate. Below is an example of Samba configuration updates with the user IFSmidcap.
# This is a program generated file. Manual editing of this file is
# not supported. See the BoloSamba documentation for more information.
# This assumes that winbind is not used and users and groups are local.
guest account = IFSmidcap
guest ok = yes
map to guest = Bad User
browseable = Yes
#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
# /usr/local/IFSBoloSamba/sections file name: 00-gwclient
# This was developed and refined for Samba 4.6 and RedHat/CentOS 7
# This is a program generated file. Manual editing of this file is
# not supported. See the BoloSamba documentation for more information.
comment = Bolo UI Interoperability
path = /bolo/og/_HOLD_
browseable = Yes
read only = Yes
guest ok = Yes
force user = IFSmidcap
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