iLandMan and IFS BOLO User Documentation

iLandMan and IFS BOLO User Documentation

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Step 1

1. Create an Owner, Lessee, and Contract in iLandMan.

2. Create a Payment in iLandMan and associate with an Owner and a Contract (Lease).

3. If direct billing allocations are known for this Payment, select the Allocate in Land checkbox on the Payment and add Lessees and Amounts to the Allocation table.

  • If a Payment was previously created for this Contract, the Direct Billing Allocation data will auto-populate based on the most recent Payment for that Contract.

4. The Payment is taken through the Payment Approval process as set in the Project.

  • Once the Payment has reached a status of Final Approval, the Payment(s) is then exported from the Export Approved Payments table in the Accounting section of iLandMan.

Step 2

1. The Name and Address Route is run.

2. Owner and Lessee data is imported into IFS BOLO and Name Records are created for each entity.

  • When BOLO is importing the data into its own tables, it checks to make sure there are no duplicates or missing values before adding the data.

3.  After the data is successfully added to the BOLO database, Name reference is created and added to the Owner and Lessee pages as the BOLO ID.

4.  A user can review the data transferred to BOLO in the Name and Address Maintenance (COM1201) screen.

     a. The following fields update and import into a Name Record in BOLO from the iLandMan Lessee and Owner pages.

     b. All core fields are locked in BOLO and any modifications to these fields must be performed in the source system iLandMan.

iLandMan - Lessee or Owner Page

COM1201 - Name & Address


iLandMan - Lessee or Owner Page

COM1201 - Name & Address




If Lessee, then value defaults to AR; If Owner, then value defaults to AP.


Input user & date

iLandMan user ID & date created


Last update info

iLandMan user ID & date updated


Foreign system ID

If a Lessee record, then ID will begin with a ‘C'. If an Owner record, then ID will begin with a 'V’.


Foreign system

Indicate ‘iLandMan’ as a source system

Name 1,2, & 3

Name 1,2, & 3



Name sort key

Defaults from Name 1.

Address 1 & 2

Street Address 1 & 2


City, State, Zip

City, State, Zip





Entity type code

Entity type



Valid companies

Defaults to ‘ALL’



Defaults to 'L' IFS Land Name & Address

Tax Information Screen

Tax Type

Tax Entity Type



Tax ID

This will by encrypted when being passed.

5. When a Lessee is tied to a Payment in iLandMan, then an AR1210 – Customer Maintenance record is automatically created for the Base record if one does not already exist.  Valid companies and Default credit terms will populate from values entered in (INT1201)  IFS Land Settings screen.

6. When an Owner is tied to a Payment in iLandMan, then an AP1210 – Vendor Maintenance record is automatically created for the Base record if one does not already exist.  Dflt 1099 code, Valid companies and Default credit terms will populate from values entered in (INT1201) IFS Land Settings screen.

Step 3

1. When the Name and Address Route identifies a duplicate record, the iLandMan user has three options:

     a. Create a new Base record in BOLO.

     b. Update BOLO Base record with values from iLandMan record.

          i. This option will override existing values in BOLO.

     c. Create a new site for Base record in BOLO.

Step 4

1. The Lease Header route is run and a Lease Cost Center is created.

2. The following fields from the Contract import into a Lease Cost Center in IFS BOLO.

  1. Contract Number

  2. Contract Name

  3. Serial Number

  4. AID Number

  5. Contract Date

  6. Effective Date

  7. County (from the first associated Tract)

  8. State

  9. Company Code (from License set up)

  10. Project Code (from Project set up)

Step 5

1. The Checks (Payables Invoices) route is run and creates an Invoice with an Accounts Payable component.

2. The following fields from the Payment page will import into IFS BOLO as an Invoice with an Account Payable component:

  • Payment ID (backend ID auto-generated by ILM)

  • Company Code (from License setup)

  • Accounting Period (pulled from Project Information)

  • Owner/Grantor Address ID

  • Invoice Number

  • Invoice Date

  • Export Date

  • Payment Amount

  • Bank Code (pulled from Project Information)

  • Description (Consideration For)

  • AFE Number

  • Due Date

  • Payment Reason (Payment Type code pulled from List Maintenance)

  • Payment Number

  • Contract File Number

3. If there are no Land Allocations, once this is completed, the Payment will be automatically given a status of Received from Accounting.

Step 6

1. The Accounts Receivable Invoices route will add an Account Receivable component to the same Invoice in IFS BOLO. Multiple Lessees in the Allocation table on the iLandMan Payment will create multiple Accounting Distribution transactions in IFS BOLO.

2. The following fields from the Payment page will import into the Account Receivable component of the same Invoice in IFS BOLO:

  • Payment Number

  • Company Code (from License setup)

  • Accounting Period (Auto-Populate from Project Information)

  • Payment Amount

  • Lessee (from the Direct Billing Allocation table)

  • Invoice Date

  • Description (Consideration For)

  • AFE Number

  • Payment Reason (Account and Sub Account Code pulled from List Maintenance)

  • Contract File Number

  • Export Date

  • Amount (from the Direct Billing Allocation table)

  • Payment Reason (Payment Type Code pulled from List Maintenance)

3. Once this is completed, the Payment will be automatically given a status of Received from Accounting.


If there are errors in any of the Routes run between iLandMan and IFS BOLO, they will appear in the following places:

  • The IFS Dashboard

  • The BOLO Interop Screen INT3301

  • The respective records in iLandMan (Owners, Lessees, Contracts (Leases), Payments)

For example, a failed payment will show an error in the Error field directly on the Payment, such as “Critical: Vendor ‘77_1’ for invoice ‘RR - 115515’ does not have a usage code of AP.”

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