IFS Connector Installation & Configuration
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This document contains instructions for installation and configuration of IFS Connector The downloaded executable for IFS Connector can install and set up the IFS Connector Client Console application, the IFS Connector Windows Service, and the IFS Connector Dashboard website.
The IFS Connector Client Console application can queue (send) messages (requests) to the IFS Connector Message Queue.
IFS Connector Windows Service is a Windows Service that needs to run on a Windows Server under the Local System account. The IFS Connector Windows Service is the heart of this interop solution as it is the process that processes the task scheduler requests and exchanges data among systems. The IFS Connector Windows Service is designed to connect various IFS systems.
The IFS Connector Dashboard is a web-based dashboard that will allow users to check the health status of the IFS Connector’s various connected systems and will allow users to see its different systems log messages.
The required prerequisites for the installation of IFS Connector are as follows.
The Windows Administrator should set up Operating System and hardware prerequisites and software installation. The Database Administrator should only set up database related prerequisites and database generation (DBG) tasks.
4 Processors 2.5 GHz or higher
16 GB of RAM
1 GB of Available Disk Space
Operating System
Windows Server 2012 (or Higher)
Operating System Features/Roles
IIS 7.5 (or Higher)
Suggested IIS configuration settings are as follows:
.NET Framework
.NET Framework 4.5 (or Higher)
SQL Server 2008 R2 (or Higher)
Oracle is not supported for the IFS Connector installation but IFS Connector can connect to a IFS system that has an Oracle server.
Database Credentials
A SQL Server Authenticated account is required for any SQL Server connections. The database account should have permissions to read, write, and delete. The database user should allow create and drop tables, indexes, and stored procedures.
Database Schema
The SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) must create one database for the IFS Connector to be able to continue with the installation.
For integrations with IFS Merrick ProCount, to use a single IFS Connector Windows Service for all IFS ProCount instances, only one database schema is needed. To use a IFS Connector Windows Service for each IFS ProCount instance, one database schema is needed for each IFS Connector Windows Service (the number of IFS Connector Window Services depends on the number of IFS ProCount instances applicable to your company).
There are no restrictions on database schema name, but the following suggested database name can be used: IFSConnector
The initial database size could be anything the DBA wants, but if the DBA did not want to create an auto growing database and wants to create a fixed size database from the beginning, then the initial size should be at least 1GB.
Multiple Instances
For the IFS BOLO integration with IFS Merrick, IFS Land and IFS AFE using IFS Connector, it is required that an instance of the IFS Connector is installed for the IFS Merrick integration and an additional instance of the IFS Connector is installed for the IFS Land and IFS AFE integration as depicted in Figure 1:
Figure 1. IFS Connector on a Separate Server
Installation Steps
New Installation
1. Click Next on the InstallShield Wizard Welcome screen.
The IFS Connector Instance Name screen displays.
2. Enter the following information and click Next .
Client Application Name: Enter the client console application name, if applicable.
Windows Service Name: Enter the Windows service name, if applicable.
Connector Dashboard Name: Enter the Connector dashboard website name, if applicable.
The Choose Destination Location screen displays.
3. Click Change to change the location where the files are installed, or click Next to continue.
The Choose Routes Location screen displays.
4. Click Change to select the location of the routes folder.
This will not create the folder.
The Connector Windows Service Configuration screen displays.
5. Enter the following information and click Next.
SQL Server Hostname: Enter the SQL Server hostname.
Database Name: Enter the database name.
Database Username: Enter the user that has access to the SQL database.
Database Password: Enter the SQL user password.
6. Select which product (if any), and update the Web Service URI to point to the correct application.
7. Select which product (if any), and update the Web Service URI and Security Tokens .
8. Select which product (if any), and update the Web Service URI and Security Tokens .
9. Select the Financial System (if needed) and choose EU (IFS Enterprise Upstream), Bolo (IFS BOLO) or Excalibur (IFS Excalibur).
Update the Web Service URI or Security Token.
The Ready to Install the Program screen displays.
10. Click Install to begin the installation of IFS Connector.
Upgrade Steps
1. Click Next on the InstallShield Wizard Welcome screen.
The Choose Routes Location screen displays.
2. Click Change to select the location of the routes folder.
This will not create the folder.
3. Select which product (if any), and update the Web Service URI and Security Tokens .
4. Select which product (if any), and update the Web Service URI and Security Tokens .
5. Select the Financial System (if needed) and choose EU (IFS Enterprise Upstream), Bolo (IFS BOLO) or Excalibur (IFS Excalibur).
Update the Web Service URI or Security Token.
The Ready to Install the Program screen displays.
6. Click Install to begin the installation of IFS Connector.
Route Installation Steps
With IFS Connector 2.0, Routes supporting the product to product integrations have been packaged independently of the IFS Connector Engine.
Once the IFS Connector 2.0 Engine has been installed or upgraded from 1.x to 2.0, Routes supporting a product-to-product integration will need to be individually downloaded from the IFS Store, and the instructions for each route must be followed on the server on which IFS Connector Engine has been installed.
Post Installation Steps
The IFS Connector Windows Service systems must be configured by the administrator after installation.
Configuring IFS Connector flow can assist in the configuration.
Refer to Configuring the IFS Connector Windows Service Systems for additional details.
Update Passwords and Database Connection
1. Double-click on P2Connector.exe.
2. Select Maintain or update the instance of this application selected below and click Next.
3. Select Repair and click Next.
4. Verify that the web service URI is correct for the already checked item and click Next.
If no new products are to be added:
5. Verify that the web service URI is correct for the already checked item and click Next.
If no new products are to be added:
6. Verify that the web service URI is correct for the already checked item and click Next.
If no new products are to be added:
7. Verify that the web service URI is correct for the already checked items and click Next.
Once you have clicked Next, the repair will begin.
8. Click Finish once done.
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