- 1 Warehousing Overview
- 1.1 Warehouse Menus
- 2 Modules to Set Up Before Warehouse
- 3 System Setup Procedures
- 4 Screen-by-Screen Instructions
- 5 Export to Excel Feature
- 6 Materials Requisition Menu Overview
- 6.1 Close Material Requisitions
- 6.2 Create RQ’s for Stock Shortages
- 6.3 Material Requisition Entry
- 6.4 Material Requisition Print
- 6.5 Outstanding Material Requisition Report
- 6.6 Reserve Inventory Stock
- 6.7 Non-Stock Material Requisition Entry
- 6.7.1 Processing the Non-Stock Material Requisition Entry Screen
- Material Req Tab
- Line Item Tab
- 6.7.1 Processing the Non-Stock Material Requisition Entry Screen
- 7 Warehouse Transaction Menu
- 7.1 Warehouse Receipts Entry
- 7.2 Warehouse Receipts Entry
- 7.3 Warehouse Receipts Entry
- 7.3.1 Processing the Inventory Receipts Entry Screen
- Receipts Information Tab
- Line Item Tab
- 7.3.1 Processing the Inventory Receipts Entry Screen
- 7.4 Issues Entry
- 7.5 Warehouse Returns Entry
- 7.6 Warehouse to Warehouse Transfer Entry
- 7.7 Site To Site Transfer Entry
- 7.8 Condition Code Change Entry
- 7.9 Quantity Adjustment Entry
- 7.10 Create Warehouse Assembly Entry
- 7.10.1 Processing the Create Warehouse Assembly Screen
- Stock Tab
- Line Items Tab
- 7.10.2 Create Warehouse Assembly Report
- 7.10.1 Processing the Create Warehouse Assembly Screen
- 7.11 Disassemble Warehouse Stock
- 7.11.1 Processing the Disassemble Warehouse Stock Screen
- Stock Tab
- Line Items Tab
- 7.11.2 Disassemble Warehouse Stock Report
- 7.11.1 Processing the Disassemble Warehouse Stock Screen
- 7.12 Sales Entry
- 7.13 Transfer Issues Entry
- 7.14 Intercompany Transfers Entry
- 7.15 Vendor Returns Entry
- 7.15.1 Processing the Vendor Returns Entry Screen
- Return Information Tab
- Line Item Tab
- 7.15.1 Processing the Vendor Returns Entry Screen
- 7.16 Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval
- 7.17 Restricted Returns Entry
- 8 Warehouse Stock Inquiry Menu Overview
- 8.1 Bill of Materials Inquiry
- 8.2 Material Requisition Inquiry
- 8.3 Stock Status Inquiry
- 8.4 Stock Status Inquiry
- 8.4.1 Processing the Stock Status Inquiry Screen
- SOH Tab
- 8.4.2 Stock Usage Tab
- Transactions Tab
- Stock Information Tab
- 8.4.1 Processing the Stock Status Inquiry Screen
- 8.5 Stock Quantity Inquiry
- 8.5.1 Processing the Stock Quantity Inquiry Screen
- Stock No. Tab
- Group Tab
- Stock Type
- 8.5.1 Processing the Stock Quantity Inquiry Screen
- 9 Warehouse Reports Menu Overview
- 9.1 Inventory Activity Report
- 9.2 Inventory on Order Status Report
- 9.2.1 Processing the Warehouse Inventory on Order Status Report Screen
- Stock No Tab
- Group Tab
- Document Tab
- 9.2.1 Processing the Warehouse Inventory on Order Status Report Screen
- 9.3 Inventory Quantity Status Report
- 9.3.1 Processing the Inventory Quantity Status Report Screen
- Stock No Tab
- Group No. Tab
- Stock Type Tab
- 9.3.1 Processing the Inventory Quantity Status Report Screen
- 9.4 Inventory Stocking Report
- 9.5 Inventory Transactions Report
- 9.6 Physical Inventory Worksheet Report
- 9.7 Purchase Receipts Worksheet
- 9.8 Quantity Adjustment Log
- 9.9 Stock Usage Report
- 9.10 Receipts/Vendor Returns Status Report
- 9.11 Stock Shortage Report
- 10 Warehouse Utilities Menu Overview
To view IFS IDEAS Report Wizard Documentation, please see General Ledger document.
Warehousing Overview
The Warehousing (WH) module provides the ability to monitor the physical movement of inventory. It interfaces with the Inventory Accounting, Purchase Requisition, and Purchase Document modules. The module can be operated in a multi-warehouse environment to monitor and update stock quantities at each warehouse location.
The Warehouse module tracks inventory quantities through the following major processes:
Warehouse Receipts Entry
Increases warehouse quantities for items received from vendors.
Warehouse Issues Entry
Reduces warehouse quantities for items issued to field sites.
Warehouse Returns Entry
Increases warehouse quantities for items returned from field sites.
Warehouse-to-Warehouse Transfers Entry
Reduces quantities at warehouse A and increases quantities at warehouse B for items transferred from warehouse A to B.
Site-to-Site Transfers Entry
Performs a return from field site A and an issue to field site B in one process resulting in no change to warehouse quantities.
Condition Code Change Entry
Reduces quantities of an item with a condition code of A and increases quantities of the same item with a condition code of B as a result of a change in the condition of an item from A to B.
Quantity Adjustment Entry
Reduces or Increases warehouse quantities due to damage, write-downs, physical inventory results, etc.
Create Assembly Entry
Reduces the warehouse quantities for multiple stock items and increases the quantity for the item(s) assembled.
Disassembly Entry
Increases the warehouse quantities for multiple stock items and decreases the quantity for the item(s) disassembled.
Sales Entry
Reduces warehouse quantities for items sold to outside buyers.
Transfer Issues Entry
Reduces warehouse quantities for items issued out of a warehouse to another warehouse.
Transfer Receipts Entry
Increases warehouse quantities for items received at a warehouse which came from another warehouse.
Minimum and maximum quantities and warehouse sublocations are set up using the Warehouse module. The minimum and maximum quantities are used to determine when stock needs to be replenished. Sublocations designate where in the warehouse items are stored.
The Warehouse module provides several reports that analyze inventory quantity status, report warehouse transaction activity, and assist in the physical inventory process. In addition, inquiry is provided to review inventory balances.
The Warehouse module is designed to address the day-to-day activities of an operating warehouse. In addition, it is equipped to handle non-routine action and is closely linked to the Purchase Documents and Purchase Requisition modules.
Warehouse Menus
The warehouse main menu covers the spectrum of typical warehouse operations. It consists of the following menus: Material Requisitions, Warehouse Transaction, Warehouse Stock Inquiry, Warehouse Reports, and Utilities.
The Material Requisitions menu provides for the entry and control of requests made by a field site (rig, vessel, well, etc.) for goods to be delivered out of the warehouse.
The Warehouse Transaction menu provides for the entry of goods received at the warehouse, which were delivered by a vendor and referenced against a specific purchase order. It also provides for the entry of all transactions having an effect on inventory quantities. The change in quantities can be the result of movements, issues to field sites, returns from field sites, condition changes, breakage, theft, sales, assemblies, disassembles, miscounts, physical inventory results, etc. As a by-product of the warehouse transactions entered, an authorized person has the ability to conduct inquiries and produce reports to analyze the effects of warehouse transactions on inventoried stock.
The Warehouse Stock Inquiry menu provides the ability to inquire on the availability of stock to produce a Bill of Materials, the status of Material Requisitions, and the quantities and warehouse transactions related to a specific stock item.
The Warehouse Reports menu contains a variety of reports needed for effective material management. In addition, it contains worksheets to aid in the receiving of materials and taking physical inventories.
Modules to Set Up Before Warehouse
At minimum, the Warehouse module requires some setup in the Purchase Documents module before the module can be used. In addition, if the Warehouse module is to track stock, which exists at the time of installation, this beginning stock must be input in the Inventory Accounting module.
System Setup Procedures
The following steps must be performed as a prerequisite to using the IFS IDEAS Warehouse module. Complete the steps in the order listed below. Each step requires that you click on an icon (or select a function from the Functions drop-down menu) and complete the screen(s) that IFS IDEAS displays. Please see the next section, Screen-by-Screen Instructions, for detailed instructions on how to complete each screen.
Code Tables
Several code tables must be established in order to use the Warehouse module. The administration of these codes is performed in the Purchase Documents module, in the Utilities, Purchase Documents Constants Setup menu. The codes to be established include:
Adjustment Reason Codes
Condition Codes
Group Codes
Location Codes
Stock Master Catalog
The Stock Master catalog must be established and maintained in the Purchase Document, Utilities, Stock Master Maintenance screen.
Beginning Stock Setup
If there is existing stock in the warehouse at the time the Warehouse module is being installed, it is assumed that an IFS IDEAS consultant will assist you in loading the beginning stock into the appropriate tables. Otherwise, the beginning stock is manually entered in the Inventory Accounting module, Utilities, Beginning Stock Setup screen.
Screen-by-Screen Instructions
The Warehousing module offers functions to support the activities required to effectively manage a warehouse. There are several ways to access a function. IFS IDEAS organizes functions into drop-down menus. Click once on a menu name to get the drop-down menu from which to select a function. Below are the drop-down menu names and the functions that fall under each:
Close Material Requisitions (Close Material Requisition) Create RQs for Stock Shortages (Create Purchase Requisitions for Stock Shortages) Material Requisition Entry
Material Requisition Print
Outstanding Material Requisition Report Reserve Inventory Stock (Warehouse Reserve Inventory Stock) Non-Stock Material Requisition Entry | Receipts Entry (Inventory Receipts Entry) Issues Entry (Warehouse Inventory Issues Entry) Returns Entry (Warehouse Inventory Returns Entry) Warehouse-to-Warehouse Transfers Entry (Warehouse To Warehouse Transfer Entry) Site-to-Site Transfers Entry (Site To Site Transfer Entry) Condition Code Change Entry (Warehouse Inventory Condition Code Change) Quantity Adjustment Entry (Warehouse Inventory Quantity Adjustment Entry) Create Assembly Entry (Create Warehouse Assembly) Disassembly Entry (Disassemble Warehouse Stock) Sales Entry (Warehouse Inventory Sales Entry) Transfer Issues Entry (Warehouse Inventory Transfer Issues Entry) Transfer Receipts Entry (Warehouse Inventory Transfer Receipts Entry) Intercompany Transfers Entry (Intercompany Transfer Entry) Vendor Returns Entry (Inventory Vendor Returns Entry) Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval (Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval) Restricted Returns Entry | Bill of Materials Inquiry (Bill of Material Inquiry) Material Requisition Inquiry
Stock Status Inquiry (Warehouse Stock Status Inquiry) Stock Quantity Inquiry | Bill of Materials Inquiry (Bill of Material Inquiry) Material Requisition Inquiry
Stock Status Inquiry (Warehouse Stock Status Inquiry) Stock Quantity Inquiry | Min/Max Qty, Sublocation Setup (Min/Max Quantity and Sublocation Setup) Warehouse Miscellaneous Setup Warehouse Parameter Setup MR Approval Setup
Status Codes Setup |
Warehouse Module Main Screen
Functions in the Warehouse module may be accessed through the drop-down menus or by using buttons.
After you log into the module:
Click once on a button to load a function, or
Select a function from one of the drop-down menus.
Export to Excel Feature
Some screens in this module may have an Export to Excel button incorporated in the screen or an export to excel icon in the toolbar. The user can click on this button or icon to export the raw report data directly to an Excel spreadsheet, bypassing the report. This feature is useful as it allows clients to use Excel features (for example, pivot tables, etc.) to organize the data as desired.
Materials Requisition Menu Overview
This menu is used to allow access to the functions that are necessary to process material requisitions.
Close Material Requisitions
This screen is used to close material requisitions. A material requisition is closed when no further action related to the open material requisition is required.
The Close Material Requisitions screen provides the capability to select one or multiple material requisitions to close. The material requisition(s) will be closed upon clicking on the button identified with an exclamation mark.
Processing the Close Material Requisitions Screen
Select Close Material Requisitions from the Material Requisitions drop-down menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list provided, or choose it from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you utilize the search icon.
Location – Enter the location for which the material requisitions are being closed.
Requisition Type – Select the types of requisitions you wish to close. By selecting the load button, the type of requisitions you chose will display in the grid.
Requisition No – In the Requisition No field of the entry table, enter the material requisition numbers to be closed. If the quantity on each line item of the material requisition has not been fully issued to the site for which the goods were requested, the material requisition cannot be closed using this screen. (Use the Material Requisition Entry screen.) To simplify the selection process, the system will automatically select material requisitions and display them in a window for selection by clicking on the spyglass and clicking on the items to be closed. For each requisition chosen to be closed, the date, requestor, and reference will display.
Execute the Close of Selected Material Requisitions – Click on the button designated with an exclamation to close the selected material requisitions.
Create RQ’s for Stock Shortages
The Create RQ’s for Stock Shortages screen will be used to select stock items with current minimum quantity shortfalls to automatically create Purchase Requisitions in the RQ module.
If the user has maintained the minimum required quantity and the actual stock on hand falls below that quantity, then the system will identify these shortages and create a temporary list in a worktable so the user can then select the items that need to be reordered.
The process will be done by location and can create one RQ for a location. Alternatively, RQ’s can be created by preferred vendor as defined in the Stock Master definition for each stock item.
Processing the Create RQ’s for Stock Shortages Screen
Select Create RQ’s for Stock Shortages from the Material Requisitions drop-down menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list provided, or choose it from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you utilize the search icon.
Location – Enter the location for which purchase requisitions are to be created, or choose it from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you utilize the search icon.
Additional Location – Enter an additional location for which purchase requisitions are to be created, or choose it from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you utilize the search icon.
Use Default Preferred Vendors – Check this box to signify that the Preferred Vendor defined for the stock item (see Purchase Document Utilities, Stock Master Maintenance) should be included in the generated Purchase Requisition.
Reorder Quantity greater than zero – Check this option if you wish to only select the items which have a defined Reorder Quantity which is greater than zero.
Minimum Quantity greater than zero – Check this option if you wish to only select the items which have a defined Minimum Quantity which is greater than zero.
Automatic calculation for Reorder Quantity – Check this option if, rather than using the defined Reorder Quantity, you wish to calculate the Reorder Quantity as the value required to attain the defined Maximum Quantity.
Display only items below Minimum Quantity (Available Qty +RQ Qty + Open Order Qty)<Min Qty) – Check this option if you wish to only select items that are currently below the defined Minimum Quantity, excluding items that are currently equal to the defined Minimum Quantity.
Display only items equal to Maximum Quantity (Reorder Qty=Max Qty) – Check this option if you wish to only select the items which have a defined Reorder Quantity which is equal to the defined Maximum Quantity.
Sum all Condition codes – Select this option if you wish to ignore the Condition Code of the items when determining the quantities.
Stock Description – The description of the highlighted stock item is displayed in this box.
Material Requisition Entry
This screen is used to enter and maintain material requisitions. These requisitions may later be transferred to the Purchase Requisitions module.
Processing the Material Requisition Entry Screen
Select Material Requisition Entry from the Material Requisitions drop-down menu.
Company – Select the company that will own the material.
Material Requisition Number – Enter the requisition to be created or modified. Click on the New button to enter a new requisition and assign a system generated number.
Approval Status – Indicate whether or not the requisition has been approved; the approver; and that approval date.
Close Material Requisition – Check this box to close a Material Requisition, which signifies no further action is needed.
Location – Select the location requesting the goods.
Requisition Date – Enter the date of the material requisition, or press Tab to default to the current date.
Requested By – Enter the initials of the person authorizing the material requisition.
Comments – Enter comments regarding this requisition.
Reference – This is a free-form field. Enter a reference number or other information.
Description – Enter information concerning stock whose stock number is unknown or does not exist. This field will default to the stock number short description if the stock number is entered in the Stock Number field.
Bill of Material Code – Enter the Bill of Material Code using the spyglass provided.
Stock Description - Enter the description for the material code.
Line No – Double-click in the line to proceed to the detail line items entry screen.
Line Status – Displays the status of each detail line item (Open or Closed). Double-click on any line to add or change detail line items of the Material Requisition.
Stock Number – Enter a valid stock number, or click the spyglass to use the stock search utility to locate a stock number in the Stock Master file. (See further explanation below.) If the number is unknown, you may skip this field and provide enough information in the description field to complete the line request.
Short Description – If a stock number is selected, the short description for the stock item will be displayed from Stock Master. If no stock number is specified, enter a short description for the item being requested.
Condition – Enter the desired condition for the material being requested. Example: A- New B- Serviceable-Used C- Used- requires re-work.
Primary Quantity – Enter the quantity being requested for the item specified.
Primary Unit of Measure – Displays the unit of measure, which applies to the item being requested.
Date Needed – Enter the date by which the item is needed.
Reserved and Warehouse Location – Click on the reserved box to reserve the requested material at specific warehouse location. The warehouse location field is available only when the reserved box is checked.
Line Comments – Enter comments related to the stock item (e.g., supplier, lead time, cost).
Material Requisition Print
This screen is used to print specified material requisitions.
Processing the Material Requisition Print Screen
Select Material Requisition Print from the Material Requisitions drop-down menu.
Company – Select the company name for the material requisition to be printed.
Location Status – Select the location status of the requisition you want to print.
Location – Enter the location code for the site, which requested the goods. You have the option of selecting one or multiple locations, a range of locations, or all of the locations. Should you select a range of locations, you must enter the beginning location code to be included and the ending location to be included.
Requisition Number – Enter the requisition numbers to print. You have the option of selecting one or multiple requisitions, a range of requisition numbers, or all of the requisitions. Should you select a range of requisitions to print, you must enter the beginning requisition number and the ending requisition number.
Print Options – This allows you to print either, the new and modified requisitions only, or all of the requisitions.
Material Requisition Print
Click on the printer icon to print the current material requisition.
Outstanding Material Requisition Report
This screen is used to report requisition items that are outstanding. A requisition line item is considered to be outstanding until it is closed.
The information printed in the report header is as follows:
Location Status
Material Requisition Number
Material Requisition Date
Requested By
The information printed by line item in the report detail for open material requisitions is as follows:
Stock Number
Line Number
Condition Code
Order Quantity
Unit of Measure
Date Needed
Process Status
Purchase Requisition, Number, Line, Quantity, and Unit of Measure (if line item had been transferred into a Purchase Requisition line)
Short Description
Reserved (Yes or No)
Processing the Outstanding Material Requisition Report Screen
Select Outstanding Material Requisition Report from the Material Requisitions drop-down menu.
Company – Select the company for which you wish to have this report. You may select all companies simply by marking the All field.
Location Status – Select the location status of the requisition you want to print.
Location – You have the option of selecting one or multiple locations, a range of locations or all of the locations. Should you select a range of locations you must enter the beginning location code to be included and the ending location to be included.
Approval Status – Select the Approval status you want to report on. Approved, Unapproved and ALL.
Process Status – Select the Process status you want to report. Pending, PO, RQ, partial issue, closed and All.
Reserve Inventory Stock
This screen is used to change the reserved status on material requisition line items.
Processing the Reserve Inventory Stock Screen
Select Reserve Inventory Stock from the drop-down menu under the Material Requisitions menu.
Company – Select the company that will reserve the stock.
Material Requisition Number – Select an existing finalized material requisition number.
The following fields will display information:
Requisition Date
Requested By
Stock Description
Line Number
Stock Number
Short Description
Condition Code
Primary Quantity
Primary Unit of Measurement
Date Needed
Warehouse Location
Line Comments
Only the Reserved and Warehouse Location fields are available to be edited.
Non-Stock Material Requisition Entry
Processing the Non-Stock Material Requisition Entry Screen
Select Non-Stock Material Requisition Entry from the drop-down menu under the Material Requisitions drop-down menu.
Company – Select the company that will reserve the stock.
Material Requisition Number – Select an existing finalized material requisition number.
Material Req Tab
The following fields will display information:
Ledger ID
Requisition Date
Requested By
Line Item Tab
The following fields will display information:
Line No.
Line Status
Commodity Code
Short Description
Unit of Measure
Unit Price
Extended Amount
Other Cost
Date Promised
Warehouse Transaction Menu
The Warehouse Transaction menu provides all of the functions that affect warehouse quantities and movements.
Click on the Warehouse Transaction menu button to receive the drop-down list containing all of the particular functions for this menu.
Warehouse Receipts Entry
This screen is used to receive items into stock. All items received require entry of a purchase document number existing in the purchasing module.
Upon filing the Receipts Entry screen, Receipt ("R" type) transaction or transactions are created for each line item in the receipts batch. In addition, warehouse quantities are immediately increased by the number of items received.
Processing the Inventory Receipts Entry Screen
Select Receipts Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Warehouse Receipts Entry
This screen is used to receive items into stock. All items received require entry of a purchase document number existing in the purchasing module.
Upon filing the Receipts Entry screen, Receipt ("R" type) transactions are created for each line item in the receipts batch. In addition, warehouse quantities are immediately increased by the number of items received.
Processing the Inventory Receipts Entry Screen
Select Receipts Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Warehouse Receipts Entry
This screen is used to receive items into stock. All items received require entry of a purchase document number existing in the purchasing module.
Upon filing the Receipts Entry screen, Receipt ("R" type) transactions are created for each line item in the receipts batch. In addition, warehouse quantities are immediately increased by the number of items received.
Processing the Inventory Receipts Entry Screen
Select Receipts Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list provided, or choose it from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you utilize the search icon.
Location – Enter the location receiving the goods by using the spyglass or drop-down options.
Reference No – Enter a reference number for receipts (up to 14 alphanumeric characters) after the prefix R appears. If an existing reference number is entered, the receipt information for that reference will be displayed for inquiry purposes only.
Receipts Information Tab
Document Type – Enter a purchase document type for the purchasing document to be received against.
Document No – Enter the purchase document number that relates to this receipt. The location entered on this screen must be the same as the location on the selected purchase document.
Received Date – The current date will be displayed. To override, enter the date of receipt in the following format: MMDDYY.
Received By – Enter the initials of the individual who received the inventory receipt.
Received From – Enter the location, vendor, name, or initials from which the inventory was received.
Country – Enter the name of the originating country.
Comments – Enter any comments applicable to this inventory item.
Line Item Tab
Line Item Grid – The line number, stock number, condition, and pooled or specific status will be displayed for each line item from the selected Purchase Document. Complete the grid entering the requested column information.
Owner – This is an unedited field where any entry which designates ownership may be entered. Or, enter the name or initials of the person receiving the materials.
Open Qty. – (Display) The open quantity field will auto-fill from the purchase document line item containing the stock number being received. Open quantity is ordered quantity less the previously received quantity.
Open UOM – (Display) The unit of measure field will auto-fill from the purchase document line containing the stock number being received.
Dual Units – (Display) If the stock number on the current line is defined as using dual-unit control, this field will display ‘YES.’ Otherwise, it will display ‘NO.’
Primary Received Quantity/Unit of Measure – Enter the primary quantity received. The unit of measure will be displayed based on the Stock Master record. If a secondary unit of measure is applicable, the unit of measure may be changed, in which case the open quantity or unit of measure will be systematically adjusted. (For an explanation of primary and secondary units, please refer to the documentation for the Purchase Documents module, Stock Master Maintenance screen.)
Secondary Received Quantity/Unit of Measure – If this item is subject to dual-unit control, enter the secondary quantity received and the unit of measure. (For an explanation of dual-unit control, please refer to the documentation for the Purchase Documents module, Stock Master Maintenance screen.)
Line Comments – Enter any comments related to this receipt line.
Serial button – The Serial button located above the grid on the right-hand side will become enabled when the current line item contains a specific (serialized) stock item. Click this button to enter the serial number for the current line item.
Prepared by, Reviewed by and Approved by – These fields have been added to the footer of the report.
Issues Entry
This screen is used to record the issue of inventory items from a warehouse location to a field site (or any other type of site where it is appropriate to charge the location with the cost of the stock). The items must exist in inventory before being issued.
Upon filing the Issues Entry screen, Issue ("I" type) transaction(s) are created for each line item in the issues batch, and warehouse quantities are immediately decreased by the number of items issued.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Issues Entry Screen
Select Issues Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you click on the search icon.
Location – Enter or select the warehouse location from which the stock is being issued.
Reference Number – Enter any reference number for the issue (up to 13 characters, alphanumeric) after the prefix I. If an existing reference number is entered, the issue information for that reference will be displayed for inquiry purposes only.
Note: Maintenance on existing transactions is not allowed. A return transaction is entered to reverse an issue transaction.
Issued Date – Enter the date of the issue in the following format: MMDDYY. If no date is entered and Tab is pressed, the current date will be entered. You may load issues from Open MR.
Material Requisition Number – If you want to load issues to satisfy a specific Material Requisition, then you can enter the Material Requisition number here, and the screen will load all appropriate issues for the selected Material Requisition.
Batch FQA button – (This button will only appear next to the issued date if, in the Purchase Documents module, Purchasing Parameter setup screen, FQA prompting is set to Batch Level.) Click on this button to enter the FQA to be charged (pertains to controllable items only).
Stock Description – As you complete the Line items grid, a description of the item for the current line will be displayed in this box.
Prim/Sec OH Qty – Upon entry of a Stock No in the Line items grid, the available on-hand information for the stock item will be displayed.
Bill of Material Code – If you would like to issue items from an existing Bill of Materials, enter the Bill of Material code by using the spyglass.
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid by entering the requested column information or by selecting values using the spyglass as follows:
Line – (display only)
Trans No – (display only)
Stock No – Enter the stock number or select the number using the spyglass.
Condition – Enter a condition code that was set up in the Condition Code Setup function of the Purchase Document module. The stock number/condition code must exist at the selected location in order to be issued.
Issued By – Enter the initials of the individual who issued the inventory item.
Issued to Location – Enter the location where the inventory is being sent, or select the number using the spyglass.
MR No. – (Optional). Enter the material requisition number that is being serviced by this transaction, or select the MR number by using the spyglass.
MR Line – (Optional). Enter the related material requisition line number, or select the number by using the spyglass.
Primary Qty – Enter the primary quantity being issued.
Primary Unit – Enter the unit of measure in which the item is being issued.
Secondary Qty – For Dual Unit Control items, enter the secondary quantity being issued.
Secondary Unit – Enter the secondary unit of measure, or select the unit by using the spyglass.
Note: The system prohibits entry of an issue transaction that would result in a negative stock on hand quantity. If the stock on hand quantity in the system is incorrect, a quantity adjustment should be recorded on the Inventory Adjustments screen.
Work Order No. – If applicable, enter a work enter number for the issue.
Owner – (Optional). Enter the initials of the owner.
Line Comment – Enter comments regarding the current line item.
Line FQA button – (This button will appear next to the Bill of Material Code field only under these circumstances: If, in the Purchase Documents module Purchasing Parameter setup screen, FQA prompting is set to Line Level.) Click on this button to enter the FQA to be charged (pertains to controllable items only) for the current line item.
Serial button – The Serial button will become enabled when the current line contains a serialized (specific) stock item. Click this button to enter the serial number for the line item.
Prepared by, Reviewed by and Approved by – These fields have been added to the footer of the report.
Warehouse Control Issue Report
The Warehouse Control Issue Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered issue batch. It may be printed and attached to the issues paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Warehouse Returns Entry
This screen is used to return items into warehouse stock from a field location.
Upon filing the Returns Entry screen, Return ("RT" type) transaction(s) are created for each line item in the receipts batch, and warehouse quantities are increased by the number of items returned.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Returns Entry Screen
Select Returns Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you click on the search icon.
Location – Enter the location receiving the returned goods.
Reference Number – Enter any reference number for the return (up to 13 characters, alphanumeric) after the prefix RT. If an existing reference number is entered, the return information for that reference will be displayed for inquiry purposes only.
Note: Maintenance on existing transactions is not allowed. An issue transaction is entered to reverse a return transaction.
Return Date – Enter the date of the return. Pressing Tab will default to the system date.
Batch FQA button – (This button will appear next to the return date only under the following circumstances: If in the Purchase Documents module Purchasing Parameter setup screen, FQA prompting is set to Batch Level.) Click on this button to enter the FQA offset to the inventory account for all line items to be entered in the batch.
Line Item Grid – The information from the selected Purchase Document will be displayed. Complete the grid entering the requested column information or by selecting values using the spyglass as follows:
Line Number – (Display Only)
Transaction Number – (Display Only)
Stock Number – Enter the stock number or select the number using the spyglass.
Condition – Enter a condition code for the item being returned.
Returned By – Enter the initials of the individual who returned the inventory item.
Return from Location – Enter the location from which the inventory is being returned or select the number using the spyglass.
Primary Quantity – Enter the primary quantity being returned.
Primary Unit of Measure – Enter the unit of measure of the item being returned.
Secondary Quantity – For Dual Unit Control items, enter the secondary quantity being returned.
Secondary UOM – Enter the secondary unit of measure or select the unit using the spyglass.
Work Order Number – If applicable, enter a work order number for the return.
Owner – (Optional) Enter any text which designates ownership, or enter the name or initials of the person receiving the materials.
Line Comments – Enter comments regarding the line item.
Bill of Material Code – If there is a Bill of Materials associated with the items being returned, the code may be used to populate the grid with the list of items contained in the Bill of Materials. The Bill of Materials code may also be selected from a window by using the spyglass. If a Bill of Materials code is entered, the items from the Bill of Materials may be edited in the grid.
Line FQA button – (This button will only appear next to the Bill of Material Code field if in the Purchase Documents module, Purchasing Parameter setup screen, FQA prompting is set to Line Level.) Click on this button to enter the FQA offset to the inventory account for the current line item.
Serial button – The Serial button will become enabled when the current line contains a specific (serialized) stock item. Click this button to enter the serial number for the line item.
Warehouse Returns Report
The Warehouse Control Returns Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered returns batch. The report may be printed and attached to the returns paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Prepared by, Reviewed by, and Approved by – These fields have been added to the footer of the report.
Warehouse to Warehouse Transfer Entry
This screen is used to record transfers between warehouse locations. It provides the means to generate two transactions, a transfer issue and transfer receipt transaction, using a single entry screen. The result is efficient data entry, eliminating the need to enter two transactions.
Upon filing the Warehouse to Warehouse Transfer screen, a Transfer Issue ("TI" type) transaction and Transfer Receipt ("TR" type) transaction is created for each line item in the Warehouse-to-Warehouse transfer batch. The warehouse quantities are immediately adjusted accordingly.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you click on the search icon.
Location – Enter the location transferring the stock items.
Reference No – Enter a new reference number (maximum 13 alphanumeric characters) following the T prefix. To display an existing Warehouse to Warehouse Transfer batch, enter an existing reference number or use the spyglass to select an existing reference number.
Note: Existing warehouse transfer transactions cannot be edited in the Warehouse to Warehouse Entry screen. If a warehouse transfer quantity is entered incorrectly, the transaction is reversed with another warehouse to warehouse transfer in the opposite direction.
Bill of Material Code – If there is a Bill of Materials associated with the items being transferred, enter the Bill of Materials code or use the spyglass to select a Bill of Material code. The items listed from the Bill of Materials may be edited.
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid by entering the requested column information or by selecting values using the spyglass as follows:
Line No. – (display only)
Trans No. – (display only)
Trans Type – (display only)
Stock No – Enter the stock number or select the number using the spyglass.
Condition – Enter a condition code for the item being returned.
Transferred By – Enter the initials of the individual who transferred the inventory item.
Transferred To Loc – Enter the location to which the inventory is being transferred or select the number using the spyglass.
Primary Qty – Enter the primary quantity being returned.
Primary Unit of Measure – Enter the unit of measure of the item is being returned.
Secondary Qty – For Dual Unit Control items, enter the secondary quantity being returned.
Secondary Unit of Measure – Enter the secondary unit of measure or select the unit using the spyglass.
Line Comments – Enter comments regarding the current line item.
Serial button – The Serial button will become enabled when the current line includes a serialized stock item. Click this button to enter the serial number for the current line item.
Warehouse to Warehouse Transfer Report
The Warehouse to Warehouse Transfer Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered warehouse to warehouse transfer batch. It may be printed and attached to the warehouse to warehouse transfer paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Site To Site Transfer Entry
This screen is used to record transfers between two field locations. It provides the means to generate two transactions, a return and issue transaction, using a single entry screen. All transfers between field locations (sites) are recorded passing through a warehouse.
Location designates the warehouse while the From and To fields in the entry grid represent the field locations. The result is more efficient data entry by eliminating the need to enter two transactions.
Upon filing the Site-to-Site Transfer screen, a Return ("RT" type) transaction and an Issue ("I" type) transaction are recorded, effectively canceling each other out with no impact on quantities in the warehouse.
Processing the Site To Site Transfer Entry Screen
Select Site to Site Transfers Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you click on the search icon.
Location – Enter the location that is receiving the stock items.
Reference No – Enter a new reference number (maximum 13 alphanumeric characters) following the ST prefix. To display an existing Site to Site Transfer batch, enter an existing reference number or use the spyglass to select an existing reference number.
Transferred Date – Enter the date of the transfer or press Tab to accept the current system date.
Comments – Enter comments regarding Site to Site transfer.
Bill of Material Code – If there is a Bill of Materials associated with the items being sold, enter the Bill of Materials code or use the spyglass to select a Bill of Materials code. The items listed from the Bill of Materials may be edited.
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid by entering the requested column information or by selecting values using the spyglass as follows:
Line No – (Display Only)
Trans No – (Display Only)
Trans Type – (Display Only)
Stock No – Enter the stock number or select the number using the spyglass.
Condition – Enter a condition code for the item being returned.
Transferred By – Enter the initials of the individual who transferred the inventory item.
Returned From Site – Enter the location from which the inventory is being returned or select the number using the spyglass. (The returned terminology relates to the fact that the transaction is viewed by the system as a return to the warehouse from a field location then issued to another field location)
Issued To Site – Enter the location the line items are issued to which the inventory is to be issued or select the issue to location using the spyglass.
Prim Qty – Enter the primary quantity being received.
Prim Unit – Enter the unit of measure of the item is being received.
Sec Qty – For Dual Unit Control items, enter the quantity being received.
Sec Unit – Enter the secondary unit of measure or select the unit using the spyglass.
Work Order No – Enter the Work Order related to this transaction, if any.
Line Comments – Enter comments regarding line item.
Serial button – The Serial button will become enabled when a line that includes a serialized stock item is referenced. Click this button to enter the serial number for the current item.
Site to Site Transfer Report
The Warehouse Control Site To Site Transfer Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered site to site transfer batch. It may be printed and attached to the site to site transfer paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
The Site to Site Transfer Report provides a listing of transfers that were made from one non-warehouse site to another non-warehouse site.
Condition Code Change Entry
This screen is used to change condition of stock due to weathering, usage, breakage, repairs, etc.
Upon filing the Condition Code Entry screen, two Quantity Adjustments ("QA" type) transaction(s) are created, and warehouse quantities are adjusted to reflect the change in conditions.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Condition Code Change Entry Screen
Select Condition Code Change Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Enter the company desired by either selecting it from the drop-down list or choosing it from the pop-up menu that appears once you utilize the search icon.
Location – Enter the location possessing the stock item by either selecting it from the drop-down list or choosing it from the pop-up menu that appears once you utilize the search icon.
Stock No – Enter the stock number of the item requiring the condition change. Once you click on the search icon, a pop-up screen will appear requiring information on the stock number. Fill in the required information on this screen. The search information, which may be entered, is the manufacturer’s name, a part number, a description of the stock item, and/or the group to which it belongs.
Original Condition Code – Enter the original condition code of the item in inventory.
New Condition Code – Enter the New Condition code for the item.
Reason Code – Select a reason code for the change. Reason codes are defined in Purchase Document, Utilities.
Primary Quantity – The unit of measure for the item, the description, and the Original Quantity On Hand will be displayed.
Move to New Condition Code Quantity - Enter the quantity to be moved from the Original Condition Code to the new condition code.
Secondary Quantity – For Dual Unit of measure items; the unit of measure for the item, the description, and the Original Quantity On Hand will be displayed. If the Move To New Condition Quantity box is enabled for the secondary quantity, it must be completed
Serial Number – Click on the Serial button to access a window, which will allow serial number entry for all line items containing specific stock. The window will not allow access to lines containing pooled items.
Reference – (Optional) Enter any reference related to the condition code change.
Comment – (Optional) Enter comments related to the condition code change.
Condition Code Change Report
The Warehouse Condition Code Change Report is displayed to the screen upon the filing of a newly entered condition code change. The report may be printed and attached to the condition code change paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Quantity Adjustment Entry
This screen is used to record adjustments to the inventory quantity on hand reported by the system. Adjustments can be necessary as a result of obsolescence, incorrect data entry, or unreported inventory activity. The current quantity on hand will be displayed on the screen for verification. The system allows entry of either the adjustment amount or the final adjusted quantity.
Upon filing the Quantity Adjustments Entry screen, Quantity Adjustment ("QA" type) transactions are created and warehouse quantities are immediately increased or decreased by the number of items adjusted.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Quantity Adjustment Screen
Select Quantity Adjustment Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you click on the search icon.
Location – Select or enter the location where the item is or was being held.
Transaction No – Select an existing transaction number or click on the New button to enter a new quantity adjustment. A new transaction number will be assigned automatically when the adjustment is filed. Transaction numbers are assigned consecutively within each company/location combination.
Stock No – Select the stock number to adjust from the spyglass or enter the stock number.
Stock Long Description – The stock item description will be displayed once a stock number has been selected.
Condition Code – Enter the condition code of the item to adjust.
Adjust To Quantity/Quantity Adjustment – Enter a quantity in either the Primary Adjust To Quantity field or the Primary Quantity Adjustment field. When entering a quantity in the Primary Adjust To Quantity field the adjusted quantity that is to replace the current primary quantity is entered. When entering a quantity in the Primary Quantity Adjustment field the quantity to adjust by is entered. The system will calculate and display the corresponding field.
Secondary Adjust To Quantity/Secondary Quantity Adjustment – For Dual Unit Control items, enter a quantity in either the Secondary Adjust To Quantity field or the Secondary Quantity Adjustment field.
Reason Code – Select from the spyglass or enter an adjustment reason code. Adjustment reason codes are defined in the Purchase Documents module. The text description associated with the code will automatically be displayed.
Reference – Enter any reference information regarding the adjustment.
Comments – Enter comments regarding the inventory adjustment.
Serial No – If the stock item being adjusted is a specific item, enter or use the spyglass to select the same number of serial numbers as the quantity being adjusted. This field is not used for pooled items.
Prepared by, Reviewed by and Approved by – These fields have been added to the footer of the report.
Create Warehouse Assembly Entry
The Create Warehouse Assembly screen is used to create an assembled stock item out of one or more existing stock on hand items.
Upon filing the Create Warehouse Assembly screen, an Assembly Parts ("AP" type) transaction is created for each line item making up the assembly, and a Transfer Assembly ("TA" type) transaction is created for the newly assembled item. Warehouse quantities are immediately adjusted accordingly.
Processing the Create Warehouse Assembly Screen
Select Create Assembly Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list provided or choose it from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you utilize the search icon.
Location – Enter the location for the Warehouse, using the spyglass or dropdown options.
Reference No – Enter any reference number for assembly (up to 13 characters, alphanumeric) after the prefix TA. If an existing reference number is entered, the assembly information for that reference will be displayed for inquiry purposes only.
Note: Maintenance on existing transactions is not allowed. Assembly transactions are reversed with disassembly transactions.
Trans Date – The System Date will automatically fill in the Transaction Date field. This date can be overridden with the actual date of the assembly.
Trans No – (Display Only) A Transaction Number will display if the company, location, and reference number combination already exists. This transaction number is assigned when each new assembly is filed.
Comments – Enter comments regarding the transaction.
Stock Tab
Use the Stock Search Utility to look up an existing Stock Number:
Stock No – Select the stock number for the item to be assembled using the spyglass.
1. Click on the spyglass to open the Stock Search pop-up window. You may search on the Manufacturer, Part Number, or the Text Description text boxes using the wildcard character (*) to represent one or many characters of the text or number.
2. Click on the Execute (!) button at top left to start the search. The search will return a list of items from which to select.
3. Highlight a stock number then click on the OK button.
Stock Description – The long description associated with the entered stock number will be displayed from Stock Master.
Condition Code - Select the valid condition codes using the drop-down list or the spyglass.
Created By – Enter the user that created the inventory assembly.
Prim Qty – Enter a positive numeric value for the primary quantity of new stock items created as a result of the assembly.
Prim UOM – (Display Only) The unit of measure associated with the entered stock number will be displayed from Stock Master.
Serial No. – If the assembly will be a specific (non-pooled) item, enter a serial number for the item.
Line Items Tab
This form is used select the items to be included in the assembly.
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid by selecting values using the spyglass for the Stock No and Condition columns and entering a Primary Quantity. The Secondary Quantity is required for items designated as dual-unit control items. A line comment may also be entered.
Note: In order to include an item in an assembly, sufficient on hand quantities must exist.
Stock Description – As you complete the Line items grid, the description of the stock item for the current line will be displayed in this box.
Bill of Material Code – If you would like to create an assembly that includes the items within an existing Bill of Materials, enter the Bill of Material code by using the spyglass.
Available on Hand – As you complete the line items grid, the available on hand quantity for the current line item will be displayed.
Create Warehouse Assembly Report
The Warehouse Control Create Warehouse Assembly Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered assembly. It may be printed and attached to the assembly paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Disassemble Warehouse Stock
The Disassemble Warehouse Stock screen is used in the Warehousing module to disassemble an existing stock item into one or more parts.
Upon filing the Disassemble Warehouse Stock screen, a Disassembled Parts ("DP" type) transaction is created for each line item which resulted from the disassembly. A Transfer Disassembly ("TD" type) transaction is created for the item disassembled. Warehouse quantities are immediately adjusted accordingly.
Processing the Disassemble Warehouse Stock Screen
Select Disassembly Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list provided or choose it from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you utilize the search icon.
Location – Enter the location for the inventory disassembly using the spyglass or dropdown options.
Reference No – Enter any reference number for assembly (up to 13 characters, alphanumeric) after the prefix TD. If an existing reference number is entered, the disassembly information for that reference will be displayed for inquiry purposes only.
Note: Maintenance on existing transactions is not allowed. Disassembly transactions are reversed with assembly transactions.
Transaction Date – The System Date will automatically fill in the Transaction Date field. This date can be overridden with the actual date of the disassembly.
Transaction Number – (Display Only) A Transaction Number will display if the company, location, and reference number combination already exists. This transaction number is assigned when each disassembly is filed.
Comments – Enter comments regarding the inventory disassembly.
Stock Tab
Use the Stock Search Utility to look up an existing Stock Number:
Stock Number - Select the stock number for the item to be disassembled using the spyglass.
Click on the spyglass to open the Stock No. Search pop-up window. You may search on the Manufacturer, Part Number, or the Text Description text boxes using the wildcard character (*) to represent one or many characters of the text or number.
2. Click on the execute button (!) at top left to start the search. The search will return a list of items from which to select.
3. Highlight a stock number then click on the OK button.
Stock Description – The long description associated with the entered stock number will be displayed from Stock Master.
Condition Code – Select the valid condition codes using the dropdown list or the spyglass.
Disassembled By – Enter the user that created the disassembled items.
Available on Hand – The available on hand quantity is displayed for this item.
Prim Qty – Enter a positive numeric value representing the item quantity disassembled.
Sec Qty – Enter a positive numeric value representing the secondary quantity, related to the secondary unit of measure
Prim UOM – (Display) This field will display the primary unit of measure for the stock item as defined in stock master.
Sec UOM – This field will display the secondary unit of measure for the stock item as defined in Stock Master, if the stock item has dual units of measure
Serial No – If the assembly is a specific (non-pooled) item, enter a serial number for the item.
Line Items Tab
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid by selecting values using the spyglass for the Stock No and Condition columns and entering a Primary Quantity. The Secondary Quantity is required for items designated as dual-unit control items. A line comment may also be entered.
Stock Description – As you complete the Line Items grid, the description of the stock item for the current line will be displayed from Stock Master.
Bill of Material Code – If you would like to disassemble an item into an existing Bill of Materials, enter the Bill of Material code by using the spyglass.
Disassemble Warehouse Stock Report
The Warehouse Control Disassemble Warehouse Stock Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered disassembly. It may be printed and attached to the disassembly paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Sales Entry
This screen is used to record the sale of items from the warehouse to a buyer outside of the company.
Upon filing the Sales Entry screen, Sale ("SL" type) transactions are created for each line item in the sales batch. In addition, warehouse quantities are immediately decreased by the number of items sold.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Sales Entry Screen
Select Sales Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window once you click on the search icon.
Location – Enter the warehouse location selling the goods.
Reference Number – Enter any reference number for the sale (up to 13 characters, alphanumeric) after the prefix SL. If an existing reference number is entered, the sales information for that reference will be displayed for inquiry purposes only.
Note: Maintenance on existing transactions is not allowed. A quantity adjustment transaction is entered to reverse a sales transaction.
Sales Date – Enter the date of the sale or tab through the field to default to the system date.
Sold To – Enter the location of the related site or name of the unrelated party to whom the goods are being sold.
Comments – Enter comments regarding the sale.
Bill of Material Code – If there is a Bill of Materials associated with the items being sold, enter the Bill of Materials code or use the spyglass to select a Bill of Materials code. The items listed from the Bill of Materials may be edited.
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid entering the requested column information or by selecting values using the spyglass as follows:
Line No. – (display only)
Trans No – (display only)
Stock No. – Enter the stock number or select the number using the spyglass.
Use the Stock Search Utility to look up an existing Stock Number:
Click on the spyglass to open the Stock No. Search pop-up window. You may search on the Manufacturer, Part Number, or the Text Description text boxes using the wildcard character (*) to represent one or many characters of the text or number.
2. Click on the Execute button (!) at top left to start the search. The search will return a list of items from which to select.
3. Highlight a stock number then click on the OK button.
Condition Code – Enter a condition code for the item sold.
Primary Qty – Enter the primary quantity being sold.
Primary Unit – Enter the unit of measure for the quantity being sold.
Secondary Qty – For Dual Unit Control items, enter the secondary quantity being sold.
Secondary Unit – Enter the secondary unit of measure, or select the unit using the spyglass.
Owner – (Optional) Enter the initials of the owner.
Line Comments – Enter comments regarding line items.
Serial button – The Serial button will become enabled when a line that includes a serialized stock item is referenced. Click this button to enter the serial number for the item.
Line FQA button – (This button will appear next to the Bill of Material Code field under these circumstances only: If, in the Purchase Documents module, Purchasing Parameter setup screen, FQA prompting is set to Line Level.) Click on this button to enter the FQA to offset the inventory account (pertains to controllable items only) for the current line item.
Sales Report
The Warehouse Control Sales Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered sales batch. It may be printed and attached to the sales paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Transfer Issues Entry
The Transfer Issues Entry screen is used to record the issue of items being transferred from one warehouse to another warehouse. Use the Transfer Issue rather than the Warehouse-to-Warehouse Transfer screen when the item being transferred has not yet been received at the receiving warehouse.
Upon filing the Transfers Issues Entry screen, Transfer Issue ("TI" type) transactions are created for each line item in the transfer issues batch. In addition, the number of items issued immediately decreases warehouse quantities.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Transfer Issues Entry Screen
Select Transfer Issues Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window, once you click on the search icon.
Location – Enter the warehouse location that is issuing the stock items.
Reference No – Enter a new reference number (maximum 13 alphanumeric characters) following the TI prefix. To display an existing Transfer Issue batch, enter an existing reference number or use the spyglass to select an existing reference number.
Transferred Date – Enter the date of the transfer issue, or press Tab to default to the system date.
Comments – Enter comments regarding the inventory transfer issue.
Bill of Material Code – If you would like to issue items from an existing Bill of Materials, enter the Bill of Material code by using the spyglass.
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid by entering the requested column information or by selecting values using the spyglass as follows:
Line No – (display only)
Trans No – (display only)
Stock No – Enter the stock number, or select the number using the spyglass.
Condition Code – Enter a condition code for the item being transfer issued.
Transferred By – Enter the initials of the individual who transferred the inventory item.
Transfer To Loc – Enter the transfer to warehouse location or select the number using the spyglass.
Primary Qty – Enter the primary quantity being transfer issued.
Primary Unit – Enter the unit of measure of the item is being transfer issued.
Secondary Qty – For Dual Unit Control items, enter the secondary quantity being transfer issued.
Secondary Unit – For Dual Unit Control items, enter the secondary unit of measure or select the unit using the spyglass.
Line Comments – Enter comments regarding the current line item.
Serial button – The Serial button will become enabled when a line that includes a serialized stock item is referenced. Click this button to enter the serial number for the current line item.
Transfer Issue Report
The Warehouse Control Transfer Issue Report is displayed to the screen upon filing a newly entered transfer issues batch. It may be printed and attached to the transfer issues paperwork as confirmation it was entered into the Warehouse module.
Transfer Receipts Entry
The Transfer Receipts Entry screen is used to record the receipt of items issued using the Transfer Issues screen.
Upon filing the Transfer Receipts Entry screen, Transfer Receipt ("TR" type) transaction(s) created are for each line item in the transfer receipts batch, and the number of items received immediately increases warehouse quantities.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Transfer Receipts Entry Screen
Select Transfer Receipts Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Select the company from the drop-down list or from the list that appears in the pop-up window, once you click on the search icon.
Location – Enter the location that is receiving the stock items.
Reference No – Enter a new reference number (maximum 13 alphanumeric characters) following the TR prefix. To display an existing Transfer Receipts batch, enter an existing reference number or use the spyglass to select an existing reference number.
Note: Maintenance on existing transactions is not allowed. A transfer issue transaction entered is to reverse a transfer receipt transaction.
Transferred Date – Enter the date of the transfer. or press Tab to accept the current date.
Comments – Enter comments regarding transferring receipts.
Bill of Material Code – If there is a Bill of Materials associated with the items being sold, enter the Bill of Materials code or use the spyglass to select a Bill of Materials code. The items listed from the Bill of Materials may be edited.
Line Item Grid – Complete the grid by entering the requested column information or by selecting values using the spyglass as follows:
Line No – (Display Only)
Trans No – (Display Only)
Stock No – Enter the stock number, or select the number using the spyglass.
Condition – Enter a condition code for the item being received.
Transferred By – Enter the initials of the individual who is receiving the transferred inventory item.
Transferred From Loc – Enter the location, which transferred the item, or select the location using the spyglass.
Issue Reference No – Enter the Transaction Number for the Transfer Issue transaction related to this receipt.
Prim Qty – Enter the primary quantity being received.
Prim Unit – Enter the unit of measure of the item being received.
Prim Issue Qty Variance – (Display) The variance between the issue quantity and received quantity is displayed.
Sec Qty – For dual-unit control items, enter the secondary quantity being received.
Sec Unit – For dual-unit control items, enter the secondary unit of measure or select the unit using the spyglass.
Line Comments – Enter comments regarding line items.
Serial button – The Serial button will become enabled when a line that includes a specific (serialized) stock item is referenced. Click this button to enter the serial number for the item.
Inventory Transfer Receipts Report
The Warehouse Control Transfer Receipt Report is displayed to the screen upon the filing of a new transfer receipt batch.
Intercompany Transfers Entry
This screen is used to create transactions to transfer stock between companies. This screen is only used if the system is set up for intercompany processing.
Processing the Intercompany Transfers Entry Screen
Select Intercompany Transfers Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Enter the company ID for which you wish to create intercompany transfers or view intercompany transfers which have previously been created
Location – Enter the location for which you wish to create intercompany transfers or view intercompany transfers which have previously been created.
Reference No – Enter the reference number which represents the intercompany transfer entered. (Intercompany transfer reference numbers always begin with IT.)
Comments – Enter free-form comments related to the intercompany transfer you wish to create or display the comments entered for an intercompany transfer which has previously been created.
Line Items – Enter the detailed information related to the intercompany transfer you wish to create or display the detailed information related to an intercompany transfer which has previously been created. The information is entered or displayed in a grid, which indicates the field contents with descriptive headings.
Vendor Returns Entry
Vendor returns are associated with Purchase Orders and provide for the capability to return goods to vendors on Open purchase orders. It can be used to return over-deliveries by the vendor, correct excess quantity errors on Receipts, or return of good damaged in transit. The Vendor Return (VR) transaction type will reduce the total quantity received on a PO line and could result in the reversal of accrued warehouse receipts, if goods received have not been invoiced.
Processing the Vendor Returns Entry Screen
Select Vendor Returns Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Enter the company ID for which you wish to create vendor returns or view vendor returns which have previously been created.
Location – Enter the location for which you wish to vendor returns or view vendor returns which have previously been created.
Return Information Tab
Document Type – Enter the document type of the purchase document which has receipts that should be returned to the vendor; select the appropriate document type from the drop-down; or click the magnifying glass to select the appropriate document type
Document No. – Enter the document number of the purchase document which has receipts that should be returned to the vendor, or click the magnifying glass to select the appropriate document number
Return Date – The date of the current vendor return transaction.
Returned By – Name of the location or person returning the items.
Returned To – Name of the vendor to whom the items are being returned.
Country – The country to which the items are being returned.
Comments – Any comments or description necessary for the vendor return.
Line Item Tab
Stock Description – Displays the long description of the stock item on the selected line.
Line No. – The line number of the vendor return transaction.
Stock No. – The stock number for each line of the vendor return transaction.
Condition – The stock number for each line of the vendor return transaction.
Pooled/Specific – Shows whether the stock number for the line is of the Pooled or Specific type.
Owner – The owner of the stock for each line.
Prior Receipts – The quantity of existing receipts for each line.
Control UOM – The control unit of measure for the stock number for each line.
Dual Units – Whether the stock number is set up to use Dual Units of measure or not.
Primary Return Qty – Enter the primary quantity to be returned for each line.
Primary Unit of Measure – The primary unit of measure for each line.
Sec. Return Qty – Enter the secondary quantity to be returned for each line (if the stock number uses Dual Units of measure).
Sec. UOM – The secondary unit of measure for each line (if the stock number uses Dual Units of measure).
Line Comments – Any comments or description related to the line of the vendor return transaction.
Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval
Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns must be approved before further processing. The Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval screen can be used to approve receipts and/or vendor returns.
Processing the Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval Screen
Select Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Specify the criteria fields below as needed to filter for the desired receipts and/or vendor returns. When complete, click the Execute (!) button at top left to populate the receipts and/or vendor returns in the approval grid (in the respective Receipts tab and/or Vendor Returns tab). From this grid, the user can approve each record as needed. See the Receipts Tab and Vendor Returns Tab subsections for detailed information.
Company – Select the desired company from the drop-down list or from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Status – Select a location status.
Active – Select this option to specify an Active location status.
Inactive – Select this option to specify an Inactive location status.
All – Select this option to specify for both Active and Inactive location status.
Location – Select the location from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Start Location – Select the start location from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Ending Location – Select the ending location from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Location Options
One or Multiple – Select this option to specify one or multiple locations.
Range – Select this option to specify a range of locations.
All - Select this option to specify all locations.
Prepared By – To filter the record selection by a specific Preparer, select the Preparer from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
All checkbox – To select all records regardless of Preparer, mark the All checkbox.
Receipts radio button – Click to filter the available records to only receipts.
Vendor Returns radio button – Click to filter the available records to only returns.
Both radio button – Click to load both receipt and return records.
Load Records button – Click to load the records to be approved to the approval grid based on the entered criteria
Approval All button – Click to mark all of the records in the approval grid as approved.
Reset button – Click to set all records in the grid back to unapproved.
Receipts Tab
The Receipts tab will be enabled if the Receipts radio button or the Both radio button is selected.
The Receipts tab contains the receipts approval grid. This grid will populate with the receipts previously specified by the user using the filters in the Processing the Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval screen (if applicable). The receipts approval grid contains the following columns for each receipt:
Approved – To approve records individually, enter a Y in the appropriate row in the Approved column. Alternately, double-click the Approved cell for the desired record to display a drop-down list containing Y and N. Select Y from the drop-down list.
Company – Displays the receipt’s company.
Location – Displays the receipt’s location.
Trans Type – Displays the receipt’s transaction type.
Reference No – Displays the receipt’s reference number.
Trans Date – Displays the receipt’s transaction date.
Doc Type – Displays the receipt’s document type.
PO No. – Displays the receipt’s PO No.
Prepared By – Displays the receipt’s preparer.
Received From – Displays the company who sent the receipt.
User ID – Displays the user ID of the preparer.
Vendor Returns Tab
The Vendor Returns tab will be enabled if the Vendor Returns radio button or the Both radio button is selected.
The Vendor Returns tab grid contains the vendor returns approval grid. This grid populates with the vendor returns previously specified by the user using the filters in the Processing the Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns Approval screen (if applicable). The vendor returns approval grid contains the following columns for each vendor return:
Approved - To approve records individually, enter a Y in the appropriate row in the Approved column. Alternately, double-click the Approved cell for the desired record to display a drop-down list containing Y and N. Select Y from the drop-down list.
Company - Displays the vendor return’s company.
Location - Displays the vendor return’s location.
Trans Type - Displays the vendor return’s transaction type.
Reference No - Displays the vendor return’s reference number.
Trans Date - Displays the vendor return’s transaction date.
Doc Type - Displays the vendor return’s document type.
PO No. - Displays the vendor return’s PO No.
Prepared By - Displays the vendor return’s preparer.
Returned To - Displays the vendor to which the stock item returned.
User ID - Displays the user ID of the preparer.
Restricted Returns Entry
This screen is used instead of the standard Return processing. The restriction imposed by this screen is that the return item and quantity are compared to past issues to the same location. If the item and return quantity are equal to or less than historical issues to the same location, then the return is allowed. If the item has not be previously issue or quantity issued is less than the return quantity, the return is not allowed. Both the restricted and standard Return entry screens are active in the system at the same time. The standard Return Entry screen should have user access limited through the security mode to enforce the use of the Restricted Returns Entry screen.
Processing the Restricted Returns Entry Screen
Select Restricted Returns Entry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Transaction menu.
Company – Enter the company I.D. for which you wish to create intercompany transfers or view intercompany transfers which have previously been created
Location – Enter the location for which you wish to create intercompany transfers or view intercompany transfers which have previously been created.
Reference No – Enter the reference number which represents the intercompany transfer entered. (Intercompany transfer reference numbers always begin with IT.)
Return Date – The date of the return transaction.
Warehouse Stock Inquiry Menu Overview
This screen provides access to the following Warehouse inquiry functions:
Stock Status Inquiry
Bill of Materials Inquiry
Material Requisition Inquiry
Stock Quantity Inquiry
Click on the Warehouse Stock Inquiry menu to receive the drop-down list containing all of the particular functions for this menu.
Bill of Materials Inquiry
This screen is used to review the status of stock items that make up a bill of materials. It provides both on-hand and on-order information to arrive at total available quantities.
Processing the Bill of Materials Inquiry Screen
Select Bill of Materials Inquiry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Stock Inquiry menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to inquire.
Location – Enter the location where the stock has been maintained.
Bill of Material Code – Enter the bill of materials number to be reviewed
Condition Code – Enter the condition code for the items found on the BOM. The remaining fields will be displayed upon pressing TAB.
Display Stick Descriptions in Grid – This option allows the user to display the description of the stock in the grid.
Material Requisition Inquiry
This screen is used to review the status of material requisitions including their relationship with purchase requisitions and purchase documents.
Processing the Material Requisition Inquiry Screen
Select Material Requisition Inquiry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Stock Inquiry menu.
Company – Enter the company for which the material requisition was prepared.
Requisition Number – Enter the requisition number to be reviewed or select from the spyglass list.
The following information related to the requisition will be displayed:
Location – Displays the location for which the material requisition was prepared.
Requisition Date – Displays the date on which the material requisition was prepared.
Requested by – Displays the I.D. of the user who prepared the material requisition.
Reference – Displays the free-form reference text entered by the user who prepared the material requisition.
Approval and Closed Status – A check appears in the Approved checkbox for an approved material requisition, while a material requisition which has not been approved will show an empty Approved checkbox. A check appears in the Closed Material Requisition checkbox for a closed material requisition, while a material requisition which has not been closed will show an empty Closed Material Requisition checkbox.
Comments – Displays the free-form comments entered by the user who prepared the material requisition.
Description – Displays the free-form description entered by the user who prepared the material requisition.
The grid at the bottom of the form displays information related to the requested items as well as information from the related Purchase Requisition and Purchase Document (if available).
The grid Status column may contain the following codes:
O-RQ | Requisition line is open |
C-RQ | Requisition line is closed |
O-PD | Purchase Document line is open |
C-PD | Purchase Document line is closed |
Issues Transactions Button
Use this button to list any issues against this Material Requisition.
Receipt Transactions Button
Use this button to list any receipts against this Material Requisition.
Stock Status Inquiry
This screen is used to review the status of stock items within a warehouse in regard to quantities and usage.
Processing the Stock Status Inquiry Screen
Select Stock Status Inquiry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Stock Inquiry menu.
Issues Transactions Button
Use this button to list any issues against this Material Requisition.
Receipt Transactions Button
Use this button to list any receipts against this Material Requisition.
Stock Status Inquiry
This screen is used to review the status of stock items within a warehouse in regard to quantities and usage.
Processing the Stock Status Inquiry Screen
Select Stock Status Inquiry from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Stock Inquiry menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to inquire.
Location – Enter the location where the stock is maintained.
Stock Number – Enter the stock number of the item to be reviewed. To search for a particular stock number, click on the spyglass and enter the required information.
Condition Code – Enter the Condition Code to be used with the Stock Number.
Stock Description – After the stock number is entered the description of the item will be displayed.
Sublocation 1 and 2 – Displays location information for selected item.
Estimated Price – Displays the stock item’s Estimated Price from the Stock Master record.
Standard Price – Displays the stock item’s Standard Price from the Stock Master record, if the stock item uses the Standard Costing Method.
The Stock On Hand tab provides the following information:
Unit of Measure
Available Quantity - (On Hand less Reserved)
Reserved Quantity
On Hand Quantity
On Order Quantity
Minimum and Maximum Quantity
Re-Order Quantity
Over/(Under) - If Under: Available – Min; If Over: Available -Max
Net Over/(Under) – Use available + On Order
Stock Usage Tab
The Stock Usage tab provides historical usage information. The usage in primary quantity units is displayed for each period of the selected year.
Year – Choose the year for which the usage information should be displayed from the drop-down list.
Period – Primary Quantity – (Display) The period and usage information will be displayed for the selected year.
Transactions Tab
The Transactions tab of Warehouse Stock Status Inquiry provides a listing of all transactions that affected the selected stock item (item and condition).
The following information is displayed in the grid:
Transaction Number – The transaction number for this transaction.
Transaction Type – The Transaction Type indicates the nature of the transaction as follows:
R Receipt
I Issue
TR Transfer Receipt
TI Transfer Issue
QA Quantity Adjustment
RT Return
SL Sale
TA Transfer Assembly
AP Assembly Part
TD Transfer Disassembly
DP Disassembly Part
SU SAP Update
VA Value Adjustment
Transaction Date – The date of the transaction.
Reference Number – The Reference number of the transaction.
From/To – The location or vendor code that the transaction was from or to.
Owner – If the transaction was associated with a specific Owner, the owner code is displayed.
Primary Quantity – The number of primary units for the transaction.
Primary Unit – The unit of measure for the transaction.
Secondary Quantity – For dual-unit control items, the number of units in the secondary unit of measure for the transaction.
Secondary Unit – For dual-unit control items, the unit of measure for the transaction.
Stock Information Tab
The Stock Information tab of Warehouse Stock Status Inquiry displays the Manufacturers and Part Numbers associated with the stock item in the Stock Master record.
Manufacturers – Displays the Manufacturers defined for the stock item in the Stock Master record.
Part Number – Displays the Manufacturers’ Part Numbers defined for the stock item in the Stock Master record.
Stock Quantity Inquiry
This screen is used to review the quantity of stock items within a warehouse in regard to quantities and usage.
Processing the Stock Quantity Inquiry Screen
Select Stock Quantity Inquiry from the Warehouse Stock Inquiry menu.
Company – Enter the company for which the material requisition was prepared.
Selection Criteria – Select the criteria to be included in this report. The options are selection by Stock Number, Group number or Stock Type.
Stock No. Tab
Stock No. Status – Select the status you would like to be included in the report
Stock No – Enter the stock number or select the number using the spyglass.
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option.
Stock Description – The description of the highlighted stock item is displayed in this box.
Group Tab
Group – As the report may be grouped by stock number or by group, you may select the desired report grouping. In addition, you may select the option to specify One or Multiple stock numbers or groups, a Range of stock numbers or groups, or All stock numbers or groups for which the report is to be prepared, and select the desired stock number(s) or group(s). If the Group option is selected and the All groups option is not selected, you may select the option to include any or all specified groups.
Stock Description – The description of the highlighted stock item is displayed in this box.
Stock Type
Stock Type – Select the stock item from the spyglass or choose the All checkbox to select all stock types.
Stock Description – The description of the highlighted stock item is displayed in this box.
Warehouse Reports Menu Overview
This screen is used to access various reports associated with warehouse inventory activity.
Click on the Warehouse Reports menu to receive the drop-down list containing all of the particular functions for this menu.
Inventory Activity Report
The Inventory Activity Report screen is used to generate a report or multiple reports, which provide the total quantity and/or value of stock transactions by stock item or group.
Processing the Inventory Activity Report Screen
Select Inventory Activity Report from the Warehouse Reports drop-down menu.
Company – Select the company code(s) for which you wish to produce the report, or select the option to report on all companies.
Location Status – Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Select the option to specify One or Multiple locations, a Range of locations, or All locations for which the report is to be prepared, and choose the desired location(s).
Transaction Dates – Select option for a single specified transaction date or a range of specified transaction dates, and enter the desired date(s).
Selection Criteria – As the report may be grouped by stock number or by group, you may select the desired report grouping. In addition, you may select the option to specify one or multiple stock numbers or groups, a range of stock numbers or groups, or All stock numbers or groups for which the report is to be prepared, and select the desired stock number(s) or group(s). If the Group option is selected and the ‘All’ groups option is not selected, you may select the option to include any or all specified groups.
Inventory on Order Status Report
This screen is used to generate a report showing the current order status in each warehouse by stock number and condition code. The report displays the on-hand, on-order, and committed quantities.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory on Order Status Report Screen
Select Inventory On Order Status Report from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status - Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Enter the warehouse location to be reviewed. You have the option of choosing a particular location to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of locations to be included, you must select the beginning location and the ending location.
Selection Criteria – Select the criteria to be included in this report. The options are selection by Stock Number or by Group number.
Stock No Tab
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option.
Text Boxes – The text boxes will be available based on the Selection Option you choose. For One or Multiple, you will be able to complete the top box. Once the box is completed, the selection will appear in the Selection Edit box. To include additional items in the list, enter the value in the text box and press Tab. To edit your selection, highlight the selection in the edit box, and click the Delete button. For the Range option, the Start and End boxes will be enabled. No further action is required if the All option is chosen.
Group Tab
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option.
Text Boxes – The text boxes will be available based on the Selection Option you choose. For One or Multiple, you will be able to complete the top box. Once the box is completed, the selection will appear in the Selection Edit box. To include additional items in the list, enter the value in the text box and press Tab. To edit your selection, highlight the selection in the edit box, and click the Delete button. For the Range option, the Start and End boxes will be enabled. No further action is required if the All option is chosen.
Document Tab
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option.
Text Boxes – The text boxes will be available based on the Selection Option you choose. For One or Multiple, you will be able to complete the top box. Once completed, the selection will appear in the Selection Edit box. To include additional items in the list, enter the value in the text box and press Tab. To edit your selection, highlight the selection in the edit box, and click the Delete button. For the Range option, the Start and End boxes will be enabled. No further action is required if the All option is chosen.
Inventory Quantity Status Report
This screen is used to generate a report showing the current level of inventory items in each warehouse by stock number and condition code. The report displays the on-hand, on-order, and committed quantities.
Processing the Inventory Quantity Status Report Screen
Select Inventory Quantity Status Report from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status - Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Enter the warehouse location to be reviewed. You have the option of choosing a particular location to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of locations to be included, you must select the beginning location and the ending location.
Selection Criteria – Select the criteria to be included in this report. The options are selection by Stock Number, by Group number, or by Stock Type.
Stock No Tab
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option.
Text Boxes – The text boxes will be available based on the Selection Option you choose. For One or Multiple, you will be able to complete the top box. Once the box is completed, the selection will appear in the Selection Edit box. To include additional items in the list, enter the value in the text box and press Tab. To edit your selection, highlight the selection in the edit box, and click the Delete button. For the Range option, the Start and End boxes will be enabled. No further action is required if the All option is chosen.
Group No. Tab
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option
Text Boxes – The text boxes will be available based on the Selection Option you choose. For One or Multiple, you will be able to complete the top box. Once completed, the selection will appear in the Selection Edit box. To include additional items in the list, enter the value in the text box and press Tab. To edit your selection, highlight the selection in the edit box, and click the Delete button. For the Range option, the Start and End boxes will be enabled. No further action is required if the All option is chosen.
Stock Type Tab
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option
Text Boxes – The text boxes will be available based on the Selection Option you choose. For One or Multiple, you will be able to complete the top box. Once the box is completed, the selection will appear in the Selection Edit box. To include additional items in the list, enter the value in the text box and press Tab. To edit your selection, highlight the selection in the edit box, and click the Delete button. For the Range option, the Start and End boxes will be enabled. No further action is required if the All option is chosen.
Inventory Stocking Report
This screen is used to generate a report showing the current stock status of inventory items in each warehouse. The report compares the on-hand quantity to the minimum and maximum quantities that were set up on the Minimum/Maximum Quantity and Sublocation Setup screen. In addition, it compares the on- hand and on-order quantities to minimum and maximum quantities and displays any over/under variances.
Processing the Warehouse Inventory Stocking Report Screen
Select Inventory Stocking Report from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status – Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Enter the warehouse location. You have the option of choosing a particular location to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of locations to be included, you must select the beginning location and the ending location.
Stock – Select the stock number to be included in this report. You have the option of choosing a particular stock number to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of stock number to be included, you must select the beginning number and the ending number.
Report Options – You may request that only items with variance be listed. Select either the Exceptions Only field or All.
Inventory Transactions Report
This screen is used to generate a report showing all Warehouse Inventory transactions that have occurred at the warehouse within a given time period. The report displays the transactions in the following order:
Transfer Receipts
Transfer Issues
Quantity Adjustments
Processing the Inventory Transactions Report Screen
Select Inventory Transactions Report from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status – Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Enter the warehouse location. You have the option of choosing a particular location to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of locations to be included, you must select the beginning location and the ending location.
Transaction Type – Enter the corresponding code from the list displayed. These are:
Transfer Receipts
Transfer Issues
Quantity Adjustments
Transfer Assemblies
Assembly Parts
Transfer Disassembles
Disassembly Parts
Transaction Date – Select the transaction date. You may enter the beginning date for the transaction selection in the format MMDDYY and the ending date for the transaction selection. You also have the option of selecting All transaction dates.
Print Serial Number – Check this field if you wish the serial number to be printed on the report.
Selection Criteria – Select the criterion choice that you desire. These are:
Stock Number
Transaction Number
With each of these choices you may select a particular record or a number of transactions or all transactions. If you select a range of transactions, you must enter the beginning range and the ending range.
Physical Inventory Worksheet Report
This screen is used to generate a hard copy worksheet to record the results of physical inventory counts. The report shows the inventory that currently exists on the system and leaves worksheet space for recording the actual physical quantity.
Processing the Physical Inventory Worksheet Report Screen
Select Physical Inventory Worksheet from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status – Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Enter the warehouse location. You have the option of choosing a particular location to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of locations to be included, you must select the beginning location and the ending location.
Selection – Select the criteria from the choices provided:
Stock Number
Sub location 1
Depending on the criteria you select, enter the option you require. You may enter a particular stock or sublocation, a range of stocks or sublocations, or all stocks and sublocations to be included on the report. If you select a range, you must enter the beginning range value and the ending range value.
Print Book (OH) Quantity – Mark this field if you wish to print the book quantity on the report.
Include Zero (OH) Quantity – Mark this field if you wish to print zero quantities on the report.
Print Serial Number – Check this field if you wish the serial numbers to be printed on the report.
Purchase Receipts Worksheet
The Purchase Receipts Worksheet screen is used to print out a worksheet report which the user can use to record receipt of ordered items. The report will display ordered items, purchase document references, and fields to record receipt of the items.
Processing the Purchase Receipts Worksheet Screen
Select Purchase Receipts Worksheet from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status – Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location Options – Enter the location(s) on which to report. The One or Multiple option will allow the user to select a specific location or multiple specific locations. The Range option will allow the user to select a sequential or alphabetic range of locations. The All option will report on all locations.
Print Stock/Non- Stock – The Stock option will produce a report for only stock items. The Non-Stock option will produce a report for only non-stock items. The Both option will produce two separate reports, one for stock items and one for non-stock items.
Sort Criteria – The By Vendor option will sort the items on the report(s) in order by the vendor ID. The By Purchase Order option will sort the items on the report(s) in order by the purchase document number.
Vendor ID – This option is used only if the user has selected the By Vendor sort criteria. Enter the vendor(s) on which to report. The One or Multiple option will allow the user to select a specific vendor or multiple specific vendors. The Range option will allow the user to select a sequential or alphabetic range of vendors. The All option will report on all vendors.
Purchase Order – This option is used only if the user has selected the By Purchase Order sort criteria. Enter the document type(s) on which to report and the vendor(s) on which to report. The All Document Types option will produce a report for all available document types. The One or Multiple option will allow the user to select a specific purchase document or multiple specific purchase documents. The Range option will allow the user to select a sequential or alphabetic range of purchase documents. The All option will report on all purchase documents. If specific purchase document numbers or a range of purchase document numbers is selected, then they should match the document type selected.
Quantity Adjustment Log
This screen is used to generate a report of any quantity adjustment entries made to inventory.
Processing the Warehouse Quantity Adjustments Log Screen
Select Quantity Adjustment Log from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status – Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Enter the warehouse location. You have the option of choosing a particular location to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of locations to be included, you must select the beginning location and the ending location.
Transaction Date – Select the transaction date to be included in the report. The options are to select a particular date, a range of dates or all of the transaction dates. Should you select a range of transaction dates, you must enter the beginning date and the ending date.
Sort by Reference – Mark this field if you wish to sort the transactions by reference number.
Print Serial Number – Check this field if you wish the serial numbers to be printed on the report.
Stock Usage Report
This screen is used to generate a report that provides usage history for items at benchmark periods of two months, six months, and 12 months. It also provides on-order and on-hand quantities, as well as the unit price.
Processing the Inventory Stock Usage Report Screen
Select Stock Usage Report from the drop-down menu under the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company on which to report.
Location Status – Select a location status for which you wish to produce to the report.
Location – Enter the warehouse location. You have the option of choosing a particular location to be included in the report as well as the option to include several locations in the report. Should you select a range of locations to be included, you must select the beginning location and the ending location.
Year – Enter the year for which stock usage information should be reported, or check the All Years box to report all information.
Period – Select one or more periods for which stock usage information should be reported or check the All Periods box to report all information.
Selection Criteria – Select the criteria for the report from the list provided. The options are:
Stock Number
Stock Type
Depending on the criteria you select, enter the option you require, either a particular stock number or type or group, a range of these criterion or all. If you select a range you must enter the beginning range value and the ending range value.
Options – Select the option type: One or Multiple to form a selection criteria list (1,2,3), Range to select by a range of values (1-3), or All to select all values for this option.
Text Boxes – The text boxes will be available based on the Selection Option you choose. For One or Multiple, you will be able to complete the top box. Once the box is completed, the selection will appear in the Selection Edit box. To include additional items in the list, enter the value in the text box and press Tab. To edit your selection, highlight the selection in the edit box, and click the Delete button. For the Range option, the Start and End boxes will be enabled. No further action is required if the All option was chosen.
Receipts/Vendor Returns Status Report
The Receipts/Vendor Returns Status Report allows the user to generate a report that lists the approval status of the records selected, including approval (Y/N), approver, and approval date.
Processing the Receipts and Vendor Returns Status Report Screen
Select Receipts/Vendor Returns Status Report from the Warehouse Reports menu.
Specify the following criteria as necessary to filter for the desired receipts and/or vendor returns that will appear on the generated report:
Company – Select the desired company from the drop-down list or from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Location – Select the location from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Start Location – Select the start location from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Ending Location – Select the ending location from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
Location Options
One or Multiple – Select this option to specify one or multiple locations.
Range – Select this option to specify a range of locations.
All – Select this option to specify all locations.
Prepared By – Filter the selection by who prepared the receipt or return by selecting from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
All checkbox – Click to include receipts and/or vendor returns from all preparers.
Status – Select a location status from the drop-down list or from the pop-up menu that appears after clicking the spyglass icon.
All checkbox – Click to include receipts and/or vendor returns from all statuses.
Transaction Date
Date – Enter the transaction date.
Start Date – Enabled if the Range date option is selected. Enter the desired start date for the range of dates.
Ending Date – Enabled if the Range date option is selected. Enter the desired end date for the range of dates.
Date Options
One or Multiple – Select this option to specify one or multiple dates.
Range – Select this option to specify a range of dates.
All – Select this option to specify all dates.
Approved radio button – Select to filter for only approved records.
Unapproved radio button – Select to filter for only unapproved records.
Both – Select to filter for both approved and unapproved records.
Report Options
Receipts checkbox – Select this option to create the report for receipts.
Vendor Returns checkbox – Select this option to create the report for vendor returns.
Both checkbox – Select this option to create the report for receipts and vendor returns.
Click the Execute ( ! ) button at top left to generate the report.
Stock Shortage Report
This screen is used to generate a report that provides shortage history for items at benchmark periods of two months, six months, and 12 months. It also provides on-order and on-hand quantities, as well as the unit price.
Processing the Stock Shortage Report Screen
Select Stock Shortage Report from the Warehouse Reports menu.
Company – Enter the company possessing the inventory.
Main Location – Enter the warehouse location and any additional locations needed for your report.
Stock Number Tab – Select the stock number for which you want to establish or modify the min/max level or sublocation. When you hit the search icon, a screen will appear requiring information. Enter the required information.
Group Tab – As the report may be grouped by stock number or by group, you may select the desired report grouping. In addition, you may select the option to specify One or Multiple stock numbers or groups; a Range of stock numbers or groups; or All stock numbers or groups for which the report is to be prepared and select the desired stock number(s) or group(s). If the ‘Group’ option is selected and the ‘ All’ groups option is not selected, you may select the option to include any or all specified groups.
Warehouse Utilities Menu Overview
The Warehouse Utilities provide the capability to administer selected codes and system information used by the Warehouse module.
Click on the Warehouse Utilities menu to receive the drop-down list containing all of the particular functions for this menu.
Min/Max Quantity and Sublocation Setup
This screen is used to establish and maintain the minimum and maximum inventory stock levels for a Warehouse. In addition, this screen allows you to establish and maintain the stock item sublocation detail. This sublocation detail is used to identify the location of the inventory within the Warehouse location.
Processing the Min/Max Quantity and Sublocation Setup Screen
Select Min/Max Qty, Sublocation Setup from the drop-down menu under the Utilities menu.
Company – Enter the company possessing the inventory.
Location – Enter the warehouse location where the stock is to reside.
Stock Number – Select the stock number for which you want to establish or modify the min/max level, or sub location. When you hit the search icon, a screen will appear requiring information. Enter the required information.
Condition Code – Enter the condition code.
The following remaining fields will be displayed as a result of the data input.
Stock Type
Primary Units
Following are the operator instructions for the numbered fields.
Minimum Quantity – Enter the minimum quantity level for the selected stock item.
Maximum Quantity – Enter the maximum quantity level for the selected stock item.
Sub location 1 – Enter the first sub location for the selected stock item.
Sub location 2 – Enter the second sub location for the selected stock item.
Reorder Quantity – Enter the re-order quantity (the suggested quantity, frequently the Economic Order Quantity) to be purchased when re-ordering this item. This data will be used to generate automatic purchase requisitions during the Create RQs for Stock Shortages process.
Warehouse Miscellaneous Setup
The Warehouse Miscellaneous Setup is used during the installation process. Contact IFS IDEAS support for more information.
(entity) * (location) * next_trans_no | WH | Next Trans no | ||
integrate_sys | WH | Integrated system | Y N | Y=Yes system is integrated N=System is not integrated |
mr_interface | WH | To activate the ME interface option | Y/N | Field 1 = Y/N |
receipt_user_fld_lables | WH | Prompt1,Prompt2,Prompt3,Prompt4,Prompt5 | ||
po_receipts_approval | WH | Separate approval of receipts | Y N | Y=Separate approval required N=Separate approval not required |
vendorreturns_user_fld_lables | WH | Prompt1,Prompt2,Prompt3,Prompt4,Prompt5 | ||
parameters |
Warehouse Parameter Setup
The Warehouse Parameter Setup utility is used to indicate whether or not the system is configured to report on multiple companies.
Processing the Warehouse Parameter Setup Screen
Select Warehouse Parameter Setup from the drop-down menu under the Utilities menu.
Multiple Companies Reporting – Multiple Companies Reporting allows the users to select multiple companies when running reports.
Separate Material Requisition Approval – Activates a separate screen for approval of Material Requisitions. Using this option will make it mandatory to approve Material Requisitions using the approval screen.
Disable MR Stock Revenue – Used to inactivate the option to reserve stock through a Material Requisition.
MR Approval by Stock Group – Activates additional approval security, whereas approval security is set by stock groups for approval users.
If the system is configured to report on a single company, then the checkbox should be empty. If the system is configured to report on a multiple companies, then the checkbox should be checked. This will provide the All option, where available, when producing reports.
MR Approval Setup
The MR Approval Setup utility is used to define the permissions each appropriate user is to have for material requisitions. This will indicate which material requisitions a user is allowed to approve.
User Name – Enter the name of the user whose material requisition approval parameters are to be set up or modified; select the user name from the drop-down; or you can click the magnifying glass to select the appropriate user from a list of available users.
Copy – Click this button to copy the approval parameters from one user to another.
All Companies and Locations – Select this option only if the user is to have approval permissions for material requisitions for all companies and all locations.
Company – Select the company or companies for which the selected user should have material requisition approval permission.
Location – Select the location(s) for which the selected user should have material requisition approval permission.
Location Description – Displays the description of the selected location.
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