Enterprise Reporting

Enterprise Reporting

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Enterprise Reporting Overview

The Report Writer allows the creation of meaningful reports that  are capable of displaying  information that is contained in the IFS IDEAS database. A visual user interface facilitates the creation and maintenance of reports. A technical background is not required to use the Report Writer.  

Modules to Set Up Before Enterprise Reporting

IFS IDEAS requires that the General Ledger module be set up before settings and configurations in the Enterprise Reporting module can be defined.  

Refer to the General Ledger  manual for guidance on how the GL module should be configured.  

Screen-by-Screen Instructions – Overview  

The Enterprise Reporting module allows users to define and generate reports. Specify reports to have detailed FQA selections, complicated mathematical calculations, as well as user-defined formats and headings. Report parameters can be printed and reviewed, if desired, to ensure accuracy of selections. Reports can also be grouped together in a cycle, which allows users to produce them either together or individually.  

IFS IDEAS   logically organizes functions into menus. The chart below shows the three menus and the functions that fall under each.  







Report  Specification Maintenance  

Standard  Column Definition  

Hold File Maintenance  

Cycle Maintenance  

Report Export  

Report Import  

Report Generation  

Report Specifications  Listing  

Column  Format Specification Listing  

Report Listing  by Cycle  

System  Utilities  

FRW Miscellaneous  

Purge  iIDEAS  Reports  

Renumber Report Lines  

In addition to accessing features through menus, users can also quickly and easily access three commonly used functions by clicking on the associated icons:  

 Report Specification Maintenance  

 Standard Column Definition  

 Report Generation  

The sections that follow contain detailed instructions for each of the functions in the Enterprise Reporting module.  

Maintenance Menu

The Maintenance menu gives users access to the main functions used to specify a report. The Maintenance menu contains the following:  

  • Report Specifications Maintenance  

  • Standard Column Definition  

  • Hold File Maintenance  

  • Cycle Maintenance  

  • Report Export  

  • Report Import  

Report Specifications    Maintenance  

Report Specifications Maintenance provides the means to create a report.  

Click on the   icon or select Report Specifications Maintenance from the Maintenance menu.  

The screen consists of two panes:  the tab pane and the work pane. Entries and selections made in the tab pane will generate a preview of the report in the work pane.  

Options Tab  

There are two sections of this tab screen: Master and Print Option. Each of the sections is responsible for different controls. When the Report Specification window first opens, all fields will be blank, and the only active tab will be the Options tab. Complete the Options tab to activate the remaining three tabs.  

  • Report ID  – Select an existing report ID from the drop-down list or enter a new report ID name. Report ID can be up to 12 characters long.  

  • Description  –   The description displays automatically for existing codes. Enter a description when creating a new report. Use this field to briefly describe the report’s purpose.  

  • Ledgers Defined  – This box displays the defined ledgers. Use this box to make the name(s) of the available ledger(s) defined appear automatically in the text box. As previously defined, a ledger is a database.  

  • Ledgers Used  –   The ledger(s) selected to be accessed by this report appear automatically in the text box.  To change the ledger(s) selected, either 1) highlight a ledger in the Ledgers Defined text box and add it to the Ledgers Used text box by clicking on the >> button, or 2) delete a ledger from the Ledgers Used text box by highlighting it and clicking on the << button.  

  • Period Ending  – If you select an existing report, IFWReport Specifications Maintenance  automatically displays a period ending or “none” in this text  box,. Or,  click on the drop-down arrow and select from the drop-down menu.  You may print various available reporting period ending dates at your option.  The period ending dates are taken from the System Customizer calendar.  This option, when  turned on in conjunction with special header lines, prints various available period ending date formats.  

  • Column Format  – If you select an existing report, IFW automatically displays the default column format. Or, click on the drop-down arrow and select a column format.  Column formats must be previously defined prior to being used by report specifications.  If you click on the   icon, you will be taken to the Standard Column Definition screen.    

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes of the Print Options section:  

  • Page Numbering  – If you select an existing report, IFW automatically displays either yes or no in this text box. Or, click on the drop-down arrow and select "yes" or "no."  " Yes"  indicates you want page numbers printed on the report; "no" indicates you do not want page numbers printed.  In addition to printing page numbers, this option also prints date, time, and Report ID.  

  • Orientation  – If you select an existing report, IFW automatically displays a page orientation in this text  box. Or,  click on the drop-down arrow and select an orientation.  Valid options are:  

    • Default  to use the current window settings to print the report (recommended).  

    • Portrait  to print the report in portrait orientation.  

    • Landscape  to print the report in landscape orientation.

  • Zero Suppression IFW automatically displays an option in the text box. Or, click on the drop-down arrow and select an option to designate line and zero suppression.  The value in this text box will be used as a default that can be overridden for any line sequence number entered.  Valid options are as follows:  

    • Zero Suppression  suppresses the printing of zeros and instead prints blanks.  

    • Line Suppression  suppresses the printing of lines that contain only zeros in all data columns.  

    • No  Suppression  allows the system to print zeros instead of blanks and does not suppress printing of lines that contain only zeros in all data columns.    

    • Both suppresses the printing of 1) zeros and instead prints blanks and, 2) lines that contain only zeros in all columns.

  • Responsibility Titles – If you select an existing report, IFW  automatically displays an option in the text box. Or, click on the drop-down arrow and select an option to specify if and where on the page to print a responsibility title that is the paging element(s) Chartmaster description for the logical page(s) printed. This process is referred to as paging. When you specify paging, the element ID’s Chartmaster description for which the report is produced may be suppressed or printed on the top left, center, or right portion of the report.  Valid options are: None, left, right, and center. 

  • Logo Source  – To select a logo to print on your report, you will need to click on the  drop-down  list and select Default or Paging Element.  If you select default you will then need to click on the spyglass to select the logo.  If you do not have a logo selected you will need to click on the folder and locate the logo,  

    • Default allows you to choose a logo that will print for that report.  You can also have that logo set up for other reports by selecting those reports and setting up the logo as default.  

    • Paging Element allows you to choose a logo on any element i.e., entity/company.  (This is set up in General Ledger Element Maintenance.)

  • Logo Position  – You can set your logo to print on your report.  Your options are (top) right, (top) left and (top) center.  

  • Auto refresh  – The  icon option allows you to enable or disable the refreshing of the screens display of line and calculation specifications.  

Icons located along the top of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:  

Once you enter all information in the Options tab, next define paging using the Pages tab screen.  

Pages Tab Screen    

There are two sections for this tab screen.  The top section is labeled Reporting Structure section, and the bottom section is Page Break Selection.  

The Pages tab enables you to do several things.  First, it allows you to designate a structure for each element in the account code.  Through the summary controls on the Pages tab, you logically group data according to a predetermined reporting scheme.  The predetermined schemes are the reporting structures.  

The Pages tab also allows you to have  a number of  “logical pages,” or reports, generated from each report specification.  These reports are physically separate, because each one starts printing on a new page, but logically related, because they originate from the same report  specification.  Each logical page may consist of one or many physical pages.  The number of logical pages that you generate from one report specification is determined when you specify “paging” on one or more levels of an element structure.   

To access the Pages tab screen, select a Report ID on the Options screen, then click on the Pages tab.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes of the Reporting Structure Section:  

  • Structure  – Check to see if the Structure column on your screen contains the proper structure name.  If no structure displays or if the wrong structure displays, click in the text box to obtain a drop-down arrow.  Then click on the drop-down arrow and select a structure.  

Click on the buttons or enter information in the following text boxes of the Page Break Selection section:  

  • Select only one element you want to “page on.”  Elements are listed in the text box at the bottom left side of your screen.  Using the text box located in the bottom middle of your screen, click on the drop-down arrow and selects a level from the list.  Click on the Add button to add the selected element to the box on the bottom right side of your screen. (Refer to Add button description below.) Continue in this way until you are finished selecting levels.  You must specify at least one level but not more than ten levels of pagination.  You may only page on one element at a time.   IFW  produces a separate report for all elements that are on each level selected.  To change the element you page on, first delete the current selection.  Highlight the level in the box on the bottom right side of the screen and click on the Remove button to delete it.  Follow the procedure above to select a new element and level on which to page.  

  • Add Button (>>)  – Choose an element and level (refer to level button description, above, for instructions), then click on this button to add it to the list on the lower right of the screen.  

  • Remove Button (<<)  – Highlight the pagination specification in the text box on the bottom right of the screen and click on this button to remove it.  

Once you have finished with the Pages tab screen, click on the Lines tab to get the Lines screen to complete.  

Lines Tab  Screen  

Use the Lines tab to define or edit line numbers for a new or existing report.  When you edit a line number on an existing report you enter information using pop-up screens.  The information  entered into  the pop-up screens is reflected as the proforma visual image after you close the pop-up screen. If the refreshing icon is enabled, a proforma visual image for each of the defined lines appears on the right side of the screen.  

Adding New Lines

After you create a line number and select a line type for the new line, a Properties pop-up screen displays.  The name of the Properties pop-up screen, as well as the number of tab screens that display within it, varies according to the line type you select.   

Editing Existing Lines

To edit an existing line number, click anywhere on the line, then click on the Properties button, located at the bottom left of the screen, to display a Properties pop-up screen containing tab screens. Or, double-click on the line number in the proforma side.  Make changes in the appropriate text box(es) on the appropriate tab(s ), and  click on the OK button.  Your new line number specifications will be displayed in the proforma side once you click on the OK button that closes the pop-up screen.  

Here is a list of the  nine line  types, the five properties screen types associated with them, and the tab screens within each Properties screen:  







PH/FH Line Properties  

  • Permanent Heading  

  • Floating Heading  

Misc  and  Fonts  

Description Line Property  

  • Description

Misc  and  Fonts  

Retrieval/Memo Line Properties  

  • Retrieval  

  • Page Retrieval  

  • Memorandum  

  • Page Memorandum  

Selection,  Leveling, Subtotal, Misc , and  Fonts  


Calculation Line Properties  

  • Calculation

Misc  and  Fonts  

Underline Line Properties  

  • Underline

Misc and  Fonts  

Two sections below both explain the function of each text box.  The sections are organized differently, however.  The first section, Viewing Text Boxes on the  Lines Tab Screen, lists text boxes in the order they appear on the  Lines tab.  You might use view text boxes in this order when  reviewing a line before making changes.    

The second section, Working with a Line using Properties Pop-Up Screens, lists text boxes in a different way.  It lists Properties pop-up screens, the tab screens within them, and the text boxes within the tab screens.  You might access text boxes in this way if you clicked on the Properties button to edit an existing line.  

  • Viewing vs. Editing Text Boxes on the Lines Tab Screen:  Before you edit a line number, you might first want to view the text boxes of the existing line number. These text boxes display on the proforma side of the screen.   You edit a text box using the Properties icon button rather than entering information on the proforma side. Instructions below describe how to click on the Properties icon button in order to edit a  particular text  box.  Once the Properties pop-up screen activates, however, you may edit multiple text boxes while you are within the pop-up screen.  You can also edit a line number by double-clicking on it on the proforma side and it will bring up the properties window.  

  • Working with a Line Using Properties Pop-Up Screens:   When you are in the  Lines tab screen and you wish to edit a line, the easiest way to make changes is to open the Properties pop-up screen.  Click anywhere on a line within the  Lines tab, and click on the Properties button to bring up a Properties pop-up screen. Or, you can double-click on the line number in the proforma side to bring up the properties window.  This allows you to view or change the text boxes that define characteristics of that line. 

Kinds of Properties Pop-Up Screens

There are five Properties pop-up screens.  Each one has a title based on the type of line you are editing.  For example, if you are editing a Permanent Heading or a Floating Heading line type, the Properties pop-up screen is titled PH/FH Line Properties.  

Within each Properties pop-up screen are several tab screens.  The tab screens that display also depend on the type of line with that you are working.  Each tab screen is composed of text boxes necessary to define your line, so the text boxes on tab screens of different line types may differ.    

Below are screen-by-screen instructions on how to complete each one of the five Properties pop-up screens and the associated tab screens.  The line types associated with each are also listed.  You will see text boxes displayed in this way when you click on the Properties button to edit an existing line.  

PH/FH Line Properties Screen    

  • Line Types: 

    • Permanent Heading Line Type  

    • Floating Heading Line Type  

  • Tab  Screens: 

    • Misc   Tab Screen  

    • Fonts  Tab Screen  

Misc Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to specify or change the following text boxes:  

  • Ledger ID  –  IFW   displays the default value from the Ledgers Used text box on the Options tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow, and select another Ledger ID.    

  • Format ID  –   IFW   displays the default value for the column format from the Format ID text box on the Options tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow and select a column format from the drop-down menu.  

  • Line Space  – To edit, click on the drop-down arrow and select a specification for the Line Space text box.  This text box defines the spacing between report lines.  The numeric entries 1, 2 and 3 represent the number of spaces between the previous report line number and the report line to be produced by the current line number.  Select “None” if this line is to immediately follow the previous line.  To print the line at the top of the page after the line types that print on the top of physical pages, select “New Page w/ Header.”  To print the line on the top of a page without all the line types that print on the top of physical pages, select “New Page w/o Header.”  

  • Description  – To edit, click in the text box and enter the appropriate description.    

Left-justify the header line unless the centering placement option is specified in the next input text box.  Otherwise, enter the permanent and floating header date format options as desired.  The following table details the permanent and floating header date format options available.  

The following are special permanent and floating header  options RW  module.  To use them, create a header line type and enter the following in the description text box:  module.  To use them, create a header line type and enter the following in the description text box.








Period End Date  


Results: FOR  THE PERIOD ENDED 3/31/06  


Period End Long Date  


Results: FOR  THE PERIOD ENDED Wednesday, March 31, 2006  


Period Number  

Enter: FOR  PERIOD @PC@  

Results: FOR  PERIOD 03  


Paging Element Number  

Enter: COMPANY  @PE@  

Results: Company  01  


Paging Element Desc.  

Enter: @ PD@  

Results: IDEAS  International   


Paging Element Var Field 1  

Enter: @ VT1@  

Results: Variable  field 1 for paging element  


Paging Element Var Field 2

Enter: @ VT2@  

Results: Variable  field 2 for paging element  


Paging Element Var Field 3

Enter: @ VT3@  

Results: Variable  field 3 for paging element  

  • Centered (Y/N) or Col Heading(1/2)  – Click in the text box and type “Y” or “N” to specify whether you want the contents of the Description text box centered when it prints on the report.   Or ,  enter “1” or “2” to specify whether you want to retrieve and print the contents of the Header 1 or Header 2 text boxes previously defined in the designated column format.  Only the value of the selected header, either of “1” or “2,” displays in the LineDescr2 text box on the Lines tab screen.  

Click on the Fonts tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the  Lines tab screen.  

Fonts Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to enter or change the appearance of the text on the selected line.  You may view changes in text appearance using the Sample box on the lower-right side of the screen.    

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Fonts tab screen:  

  • Font Name  – To change the font, double-click on the font in the list provided.  You may need to use the scroll bar to access all available fonts.  

  • Font Size  – To change font size, click on the drop-down arrow and select a font size.  

  • Font Color  – Click on the spyglass to select an appropriate color for the text.  

  • Effects  –   To change underline, bold, italic, and/or strikethrough font effects, mark or deselect the check box as appropriate.  

Click on the Misc  tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the  Lines tab screen.  

Description Line Property Screen    

  • Line Type: Description Line Type  

  • Tab Screens: 

    • Misc  Tab Screen 

    • Fonts Tab Screen  

Misc Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to specify or change the following text boxes:  

  • Ledger ID    IFW  displays the default value from the Ledgers Used text box on the  Options  tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow, and select another Ledger ID.    

  • Format ID  –   IFW  displays the default value from the Format ID text box on the Options tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow and select a format specification form the drop-down menu.  

  • Line Space  – To edit, click on the drop-down arrow and select a specification for the Line Space text box.  This text box defines the spacing between report lines.  The numeric entries 1, 2, and 3 represent the number of spaces between the previous report line number and the report line to be produced by the current line number.  Select None if this line is to follow the previous line immediately.  To print the line at the top of the page  after  the line types that print at the top of physical pages, select New Page w/ Header.  To print the line at the top of a page  without  all the line types that print at the top of physical pages, select New Page w/o Header.  

  • Description  – To edit, click in the text box and enter the appropriate description.  Enter the desired description line to be left-justified in the DESC1 column as specified in the designated column format.  

  • Columns  – No input required, as a descriptive line type left-justifies itself over a Desc 1 column.  

Click on the Fonts tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the  Lines tab screen.  

Fonts Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to enter or change the appearance of the text on the selected line.  You may view changes in text appearance using the Sample box on the lower-right side of the screen.    

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Fonts tab screen:  

  • Font Name  – To change the font, double-click on the font in the list provided. You may need to use the scroll bar to access all available fonts.  

  • Font Size  – To change font size, click on the drop-down arrow and select a font size.  

  • Font Color  –  Click on the spyglass to select an appropriate color for the text.  

  • Effects  –   To change underline, bold, italic, and/or strikethrough font effects, mark or deselect the check box as appropriate.  

Click on the Misc tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the Lines tab screen.  

Retrieval/Memo Line Properties Screen

  • Line  Types: 

    • Retrieval  Line Type  

    • Page Retrieval Line Type   

    • Memorandum Line Type  

    • Page Memorandum Line Type  

  • Tab  Screens:

    • Selection  Tab Screen  

    • Leveling Tab Screen  

    • Subtotal Tab Screen  

    • Misc  Tab Screen

    • Fonts Tab Screen  

Selection Tab Screen  

The text boxes at the top of the Selection tab display the elements of which the line is composed.  This tab screen allows you to specify or change element text boxes for your  retrieval line as well as specify the column numbers in each selection.  The  number of selections you specify is limited only by the number of columns in your report.  This tab screen allows you to specify or change the following text boxes:  

  • Ledger ID  –  IFW  displays the default value from the Ledgers Used text box on the Options tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow, and select another ledger ID.    

  • (Various Elements)  –   IFW  displays the elements that make up your account code and allows you to make selections of element ID’s for each.  To  make a selection , click in the text box to produce a spyglass icon.  Then click on the spyglass icon to produce a drop-down menu containing element ID’s for each of the elements in the account code from which to select database retrieval based upon the element ID’s selected.    

IFW allows you to use an asterisk as a wildcard in place of a specific element ID.  This allows you to assign an element value to multiple reports or to a single report  at the time of execution of the report .  Upon execution,  IFW  prompts you to replace the “*” with a specific element ID for either the current report selected or to all reports in a report cycle.  Refer to page 78  for more information.  

  • Columns  –   Enter the column number(s) in which to place the results of the database retrieval based on the element ID’s selected.  If there are no multiple selections, see the Selection  section directly below.   IFW  defaults to the appropriate column number(s) based on the designated column format for this line.  

  • Selection  – To add multiple selections to the list, click on the scroll arrows, and a  new multiple selections  can be entered.  Multiple selections allow very specific data retrieval and insertion into specified column(s).  When you click on the element text boxes themselves, a magnifying glass icon will appear and, from the pop-up screen that appears, you can either select an existing element or enter a new one.  The total number of multiple selections can be as great as the number of columns in your report.  Once you move on to add another multiple selection, the previous one will be saved.  The red X button will delete the desired multiple selection.  

Click on any one of the remaining tabs to edit another tab screen. Or, when finished with all tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the Lines tab screen.  

Leveling Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to select both the element and its appropriate level to display Chartmaster  descriptions for the retrieval lines.  If you do not want to use leveling to provide Chartmaster  descriptions for the retrieval line but instead want to provide a unique description, mark the No Leveling checkbox and supply a primary description in the Misc tab.  You must either select only one element and one level or supply a primary description to create the descriptions on the report.  If you choose an element, the appropriate element ID’s  Chartmaster  descriptions appear in numerical order based on the level you select.  

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Leveling tab screen:  

  • No Leveling  – If you want a Primary Description entered in the Misc tab printed on the report  instead of element ID descriptions retrieved from the Chartmaster, you must mark the No Leveling checkbox.  

  • (Various Elements)  –   IFW  displays the elements that make up your account code.  If you did not mark the No Leveling checkbox, select only one of the elements to provide the Chartmaster  entered description for the retrieval line(s) by marking the bullet.  

  • (Level Number Text B ox)  – If you select an element to level on, this text box appears to the right of the element you select.  Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list only one level number as defined in  Chartmaster. The number of element ID’s that display for the selected element on the report is based on the number of element ID’s existing at the level.  If you want all elements’ ID’s to print regardless of their level, select level  Æ , which will print all detail element ID’s.  

Click on any one of the remaining tabs to edit another tab screen. Or, or when finished with all tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the  Lines tab screen.  

Subtotal Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to have the report perform subtotaling automatically without separately creating calculations. Create these subtotals by selecting element(s) and appropriate level(s) to subtotal.  You may select multiple elements and multiple levels for each element. Create the multiple element and level requests in the order you want the totaling performed.  When you highlight an element, the drop-down menu will give you  a number of  levels from which to select.  The > > button  allows you to add the selected level to the list on the grid box on the right of your screen.  The < < button  lets you remove a selected level from this list.  

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Subtotal tab screen:  

  • (Various Elements)  –   IFW  displays the elements that make up your account code, thus allowing you to  make a selection  on which to subtotal.  Click on the element to highlight it, then refer to the Level  number text box instructions below.  

  • Level N umber  – After you highlight an element, click on the drop-down arrow and select a level from the list.  

  • Add Button (>>)  – Choose an element and level (refer to level button description, above, for instructions), then click on this button to add it to the list on the right of the screen.  

  • Remove Button (<<)  – Highlight the level specification in the text box on the right of the screen and click on this button to remove it from the list.  

Continue to add or delete level specifications.  Remember, create the subtotaling requests in the exact order you want them performed.  When finished, click on any one of the remaining tabs to edit another tab screen. Or, when finished with all tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and  return to the Lines tab screen.  

Misc Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to specify or change the various text boxes.  

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Misc tab screen:  

  • Format ID  –   IFW  displays the default value for the column format from the Format ID text box on the Options tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow and select a column format specification from the drop-down menu.  

  • Line Space  – To edit, click on the drop-down arrow and select a specification for the Line Space text box. This text box defines the spacing between report lines.  The numeric entries 1, 2 and 3 represent the number of spaces between the previous report line number and the report line to be produced by the current line number.  Select None if this line is to follow the previous line immediately.  To print the line at the top of the page  after  the line types that print at the top of physical pages, select New Page w/ Header. To print the line at the top  of a page  without  all the line types that print at the top of physical pages, select New Page w/o Header.

  • Suppression  –  IFW  displays the default value from the Suppression text box on the Options tab.  If you wish to override the default, click on the drop-down arrow and enter one of the following options in the Suppression text box:  

  • Z  Zero  Suppression  suppresses the printing of zeros and instead prints blanks.  

  • L  Line  Suppression  suppresses the printing of lines that contain only zeros in all data columns.  

  • N  No  Suppression  allows the system to print zeros instead of blanks and does not suppress printing of lines that contain only zeros in all data columns.    

  • B  Both  suppresses the printing of 1) zeros and instead prints blanks and 2) lines that contain only zeros in all columns.  

  • Primary Description  – To edit, click in the text box and enter the appropriate description. Enter the desired override description for the retrieval line instead of specifying an element and level number.  To print in the DESC1 column as specified in the designated column format.  

  • Optional Description  – To edit, click on the Properties button. Using the Misc tab from the pop-up screen, click in the text box and enter the appropriate description.    

Enter the desired description to be left-justified in the DESC2 column as specified in the designated column format.  

Click on any one of the remaining tabs to edit another tab screen. Or, when finished with all tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the Lines tab screen.  

Fonts Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to enter or change the appearance of the text on the selected line. You may view changes  in text appearance using the Sample box on the lower-right side of the screen. 

Specify or change the following text boxes  of the Fonts  tab  screen:  

  • Font Name  – To change the font, double-click on the font in the list provided. You may need to use the  scroll bar to access  all available fonts .  

  • Font  Size  – To change font  size, click on the drop-down arrow and  s elect a font  size.  

  • Font Color   –  C lick on the  spyglass  to  s elect an appropriate color for the text.  

  • Effects   –   To change underline, bold, italic, and/or  strike out font effects, mark or de elect the check box as  appropriate.  

Click on any one of the remaining tabs to edit another tab screen. Or, when finished with all tab  screens,  click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the  Lines  tab  screen.  

Calculation Line Properties Screen    

  • Line  Types :  Calculation  Line Type

  • Tab  Screens : 

    • Misc   Tab  Screen

    • Fonts   Tab  Screen  

Misc Tab Screen  

This  tab  screen allow s  you to  specify or change the following text boxes :  

  • Ledger ID  –  IFW  displays  the default value from the Ledgers Used text box on the Options  tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow, and  select another Ledger ID.    

  • Format ID   IFW  displays  the default value for the column format from the Format ID text box on the Options  tab. To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow and  select a column format  specification from the drop-down menu.  

  • Line Space  – To edit, click on the drop-down arrow and select a specification for the Line Space text box.  This  text box defines  the  spacing between report lines . The numeric entries  1, 2, and 3 represent the number of  spaces  between the previous report line number and the report line to be produced by the current line number.  Select None if this  line is  to follow the previous  line immediately.  To print the line at the top of the page  after  the line types  that print at the top of physical pages, select New Page w/ Header.  To print the line at the top of a page  without  all the line types  that print at the top of physical pages,  select New Page w/o Header.  

  • Suppression  –  IFW  displays  the default value from the Suppression text box on the Options  tab.  If you wish to override the default, click on drop-down arrow and enter one of the following options  in the Suppression text box:  


    • Z  Zero Suppression suppresses the printing of zeros and instead prints  blanks .  

    • Line Suppression  suppresses the printing of lines that contain only zeros in all data columns .  

    • No Suppression allows the system to print zeros instead of blanks and does  not  suppress printing of lines  that contain only zeros  in all data columns .    

    • B  Both  suppresses the printing of 1) zeros and instead prints blanks and, 2) lines that contain only zeros  in all columns .  

  • Line Description 1  – To edit, click in the text box and enter the appropriate description. Enter the desired description to be left justified in the DESC1 column as specified in the designated column format.  

  • Line Description 2  – To edit, click in the text box and enter the appropriate description.  Enter the desired description to be left justified in the DESC2 column as specified in the designated column format.  

  • Columns  – This  feature is  not used at this time.  

Click on the Fonts tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the Lines tab screen.  

From the Lines  tab, click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes :  

  • LineNum  – Click in this text box and enter a line number.  The line number must be an integer; do not zero-fill on the left. A good practice is to increment your line numbers by multiples of 10 in case you need to insert lines  later.    

The  RW  module executes the line numbers  bas ed upon their  sequence number.  Sequence number order is important to ensure that line numbers execute in the proper order.  If you need to add a line number that falls  between two existing  sequence numbers , do not try to insert it between existing line numbers. Instead, go to the end and add the line number. Upon approving the properties tab, the  RW  module re-sequences the line numbers; the program automatically inserts the newly created line in the proper sequence. You cannot change the line number, however.  If you want to change a line number in order to change its  execution  sequence, first delete the entire line. Then recreate the entire line with a new line number that properly re- sequences  your line.  

  • LineType  – Click in the text box to produce a drop-down arrow.  Click on the drop-down  arrow to produce a list of line types and select a line type. A Properties pop-up screen displays . (Refer to the section Working with a Line Using Properties Pop-Up Screens for information about Properties  pop-up  screens.) Valid line types are:  

    • Permanent Heading  – Use this line type to define report heading lines. You may define an unlimited number of heading lines for a report.  The permanent report heading line prints on all logical and physical pages of a report. Your options when specifying a permanent header are: 1) to center the heading automatically (yes or no) or, 2) to include user-defined column headings created in the column format to be drawn into the report line automatically.  

    • Floating Heading  – This line type functions  like a permanent header line except that it prints on all  logical pages of a report, not on all physical pages of a report. Since IFW  processes line specifications  sequentially, a floating header allows you to define exactly where on the logical  pages  it will appear.  

    • Description  – Use this line type to include descriptions in a report. It prints only on all logical pages of a report. The position of the description in the line is determined by the placement of the description column in the column format that you reference for the line.  

    • Retrieval  – Use this line type to retrieve data from the database and format it on the line.  It prints  only on all logical pages of a report. IFW  formats data on the line according to the column format referenced to the line.  The database name  specified in the column format designates  the  segment and period fields in the database from which the IFW obtains the data.    

      • You may specify that data goes  in a column either through a column segment and period specification or as  a result of a calculation.  Columns  are in turn related to a  specific line or lines of a report through the line specification.  

      • You will also specify the element selection specification used to access the database on the retrieval line screen. One retrieval line may generate more than one actual report line. The level of summarization you request in the selection specifications, as determined by the designated structure and its associated levels, determines the number of actual report lines generated by a retrieval line. For example, if a summary control request results in the generation of three elements, then  IFW  generates three report lines for the retrieval line for which the summary control operation is performed. Similarly, if you specify that IFW print the detail amounts for a subtotaling operation, then as many report lines will be generated as there are details and subtotals. Refer to the section on element selection specifications for more information on this topic.  

    • Page Retrieval  – This line type functions  similarly to a retrieval line except that it applies to all  logical and  physical pages of a report.  All information relating to the retrieval line type in the rest of this documentation holds true for page retrieval line types.  

    • Memorandum  –   This line type does not print in a report. A memo line type functions  similarly to non-printing columns in that you can use it to store intermediate results while performing calculations. It prints only on all  logical  pages of a report. You may obtain data for a memo line from the database through the element selection mechanism, or you may generate data using calculations.  

      • Page Memorandum  – This line type differs from memo line types in that  IFW ignores the logical paging specifications during data retrieval. The data retrieval in these lines is then available on  logical and  physical pages of a report. All information that relates to memo line types in the rest of this documentation also holds true for page memo line types.  

      • Calculation  – This line type receives the results of various calculations as defined in the Calculations tab. It only prints on logical pages of a report.  

      • Underline  – Use this line type to underline automatically in the numeric data columns of a report line. To specify an underline character, enter a single occurrence  of the character in this text box. Typically, you use a dash (-) as  for a single underline, or an equal sign (=) for a double underline. Underline line types print only on logical pages of a report.  

  • Properties Button  – Click on this button to display properties for a selected line. When you click on the button a pop-up screen, which is comprised of a varying number of tab screens, appears.  You may edit multiple text boxes  directly using these tab  screens.  

  • Copy Button –  Click on this button to copy the properties of an existing line to a new line. A new window will di s play to allow the new line to be indicated.  All of  the properties of the existing line will be copied to the new line. The copy function is available for all line types except calculation lines.  

Note:  The line type you  specify determines which Properties  screen pops up to display tab screens for you to complete or edit. The following section lists the text boxes available in each tab screen. Even when  two tab screens have the same name, they may be composed of different text boxes.  

Fonts Tab Screen  

This  tab  screen allows  you to enter or change the appearance of the text on the selected line. You may view changes  in text appearance using the Sample box on the lower-right side of the screen.    

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Fonts tab screen:  

  • Font Name  – To change the font, double-click on the font in the list provided. You may need to use the scroll bar to access all fonts available.  

  • Font Size  – To change font size, click on the drop-down arrow and select a font size.  

  • Font Color    Click on the spyglass to select an appropriate color for the text.  

  • Effects –   To change underline, bold, italic, and/or strikethrough font effects, mark or deselect the check box as appropriate.  

Click on the Misc tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the Lines tab screen.

Underline Line Properties Screen  

  • Line Types :  Underline  Line Type

  • Tab Screens:

    • Misc Tab Screen  

    • Fonts Tab Screen  

Misc Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to specify or change the following text boxes:  

  • Ledger ID  –  IFW  displays the default value from the Ledgers Used text box on the Options tab.  To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow, and  select another Ledger ID.    

  • Format ID  –   IFW  displays the default value for the column format from the Format ID text box on the Options tab. To override the default, click on the drop-down arrow and select a column format specification from the drop-down menu.  

  • Line Space  – To edit, click on the drop-down arrow and select a specification for the Line Space text box. This text box defines the spacing between report lines. The numeric entries 1, 2, and 3 represent the number of spaces between the previous report line number and the report line to be produced by the current line number. Select None if this line is to follow the previous line immediately. To print the line at the top of the page  after  the line types that print at the top of physical pages, select New Page w/ Header. To print the line at the top of a page without  all the line types that print at the top of physical pages, select New Page w/o Header.

  • Underline Character  –  IFW  automatically underlines the data in all columns formatted by the column format to be data retrieval columns or calculation columns.  Typically, you use a dash (-) as for a single underline. To override the default, click in the text box and enter a single occurrence of any other character.    

  • Columns – This feature is not used at this time.  

Click on the Fonts tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the Lines tab screen.  

Fonts Tab Screen  

This tab screen allows you to enter or change the appearance of the text on the selected line. You may view changes in text appearance using the Sample box on the lower-right side of the screen.    

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Fonts tab screen:  

  • Font Name  – To change the font, double-click on the font in the list provided. You may need to use the scroll bar to access all fonts available.  

  • Font Size  – To change font size, click on the drop-down arrow and select a font size.  

  • Font Color  –  Click on the spyglass to select an appropriate color for the text.  

  • Effects  –  To change underline, bold, italic, and/or strike-through font effects, mark or deselect the check box as appropriate.  

Click on the Misc tab to continue editing. Or, when finished with both tab screens, click on the OK button to close the pop-up screen and return to the Lines tab screen.  

Calculations Tab Screen  

The RW module provides an extensive computational capability that allows you to perform calculations on data extracted from the database. The computations to be performed on the data are specified through the Calculations specification tab.  

Each calculation specification consists of a calculation sequence number, a calculation type, and calculation operands. Calculation sequence numbers, which you assign during the definition of calculations, determine the order in which the calculations are performed. The operands of a calculation identify the line numbers and the columns to be used in the calculation. A note about calculation efficiency: in most in stances the column information should be filled in with the specific column numbers or mark the “ALL” checkbox.  The  calculations operate more efficiently if you use specific column numbers rather than “ALL.”  

A proforma visual image for each of the defined calculations appears on the right side bottom of your screen.  

The Calculations tab enables you to define the calculations required for a report. If you select a Report ID from the Options tab screen and then click on the Calculations tab, the calculations display on the screen. Add to this list of calculations by clicking after the last line and entering the appropriate information. Refer to the Overview – Calculation Codes  section for information on which calculations you may use. Text boxes associated with the calculation code you select display if you click on an existing calculation line.  These text boxes also display once you select the calculation code type of a new line. Use these text boxes to input or change calculation information.    

Specify or change the following text boxes of the Calculations tab screen:  

  • SeqNo  – Click in the text box and enter an integer as the calculation sequence number. Note that IFW performs calculations in numerical order by sequence number. The order in which IFW performs calculations is important. For example, you might want to use the Round calculation before using the Total calculation. Therefore, it is wise to increment calculation sequences by multiples of 10.  This allows you to insert calculation instructions later, if necessary.    

  • Cal cCode  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select the calculation code that corresponds to the operation you want to perform. Below is a list of the 16 valid types of calculation codes available, each of which is defined in detail in the section below.  

    • Total   

    • Sub-Total  

    • Line  

    • If-Column  

    • Column  

    • Matrix  

    • If-Matrix  

    • Goto  

    • Line Column  

    • Exception  

    • Output  

    • Round  

    • Sign Reversal  

    • Get  

    • Put  

    • Xfoot  


Calculation Codes  
  • Total  Calculation Code

The Total calculation code allows you to total referenced line numbers for specified columns to a designated line number.  Please see the following screen print and table.  Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Total calculation code.  



Line 1 00  Thru 22 0  To 25 0  

Where 100 and 220 are the lines to be used to perform the  calculation; the line number line types specified in the range may be retrieval, memorandum, or  calculation lines.  

Where 250 is the target line and thus is the line in which the total will be placed.  

For Cols  2, 3  

Where 2 and 3 identify column(s) that are to be accumulated and the column(s) on the total line in which the results will be placed.  The column(s) must have been defined as  calculation ( Cal c) or formula types  

To include all columns in the  calculation, mark the All Columns checkbox.  

  • Subtotal  Calculation Code

The Subtotal  calculation code allows you to total referenced line numbers for specified columns to a designated line number.    

Please see the  following  screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Subtotal  calculation code.  



Line 330 Thru 330 To 350

Where 330 and 330 are the lines to be used to perform the  calculation; the line number line types specified in the range may be retrieval, memorandum, or  calculation lines.  

Where 350 is the target line and thus is the line in which the total will be placed.  

For Cols  2, 3  

Where 2 and 3 identify column(s) that are to be accumulated and the column(s) on the total line in which the results will be placed.  The column(s) must have been defined as  calculation ( Cal c) or formula types  

To include all columns in the  calculation, mark the All Columns checkbox.  

  • Line  Calculation Code

Data from two selected lines may be arithmetically operated upon with the results stored in another line.  You may use five arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %.  In addition, you may use a constant value in place of lines. 

Please see the  following  screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Line calculation code. 



Line   120    =  Line   45    +     Line   60  

Where 120 is the line that receives the result of the arithmetic operation.  

Where 45 and 60 are the range of lines that contain the amounts on which the arithmetic  calculation is to be performed.  

Where “+” is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  

Where a constant value may be used in place of lines 45, 60, or both by marking the Constant checkbox.  When you mark the Constant checkbox the letter C appears in the proforma screen along with the constant value you designate.  

For Cols  2, 3, 4  

  • 2, 3, 4 refer to the columns in the specified lines on which the operation will occur.    

To include all columns in the  calculation, mark the All Columns checkbox.  

  • If-Column  Calculation Code

An If-Column calculation code provides you with the capability to conditionally perform  calculation(s)  on the basis of  a comparison between the amounts in two columns.  An amount in a column may be alternatively compared to a constant value.  The If-Column and the  calculations that follow it, which are to be performed depending on the results of the comparison, are referred to as the If-Column block.    

Certain restrictions apply to any  calculations in the If-Column block. The calculations contained in the If-Column block may be either all detail  calculations or all summary  calculations but not a mixture of both.  Below is a table that lists detail and summary calculations.  





  • Column  

  • Line Column  

  • If-Column  

  • Round  

  • Sign reverse  

  • Xfoot  

  • OutPut  

  • Goto  (both detail and summary)  

  • Total  

  • Subtotal  

  • Line  

  • Goto  (both detail and summary)  

  • Matrix  

  • Exception  

  • Get  

  • Put  

  • If-Matrix  

  • A calculation is a  detail   calculation if it is one of the  calculations in the table above and the report line or range of report lines it processes  is the same  as the line or range of lines  processed by the If-Column  calculation itself.  

  • A calculation is a summary calculation if it is one of the calculations listed in the table above and the report line or range of report lines it processes is not the same as the line or range of lines processed by the If-Column itself.  

Please see the  following  screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid If-Column calculation code.  



For Line  100  Thru  410  

Where 100 Thru 410 are the range of lines for which the condition is to be evaluated.  

If Column  6     <=    Column  C 1000  Then  

  • Where column 6 refers to the column within the range of lines specified against which the comparison will be performed.  

Where the <=  is one of the valid operations that can be performed.  See the  Valid Operations  chart below for a list of valid operations.  

Column  6   =   Column  6   *  Column  C0  Else  

  • Where this equation refers to the range of sequence numbers of the conditional  calculations  to be executed next if the specified condition is true, or else the  calculations on the next line will be performed.  

Where * is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  

Col  6   =   Column  6   *  Column  C1  

  • Where this equation refers to the range of sequence numbers of the conditional  calculations to be executed if the specified condition in the previous equation is not true.  

Where * is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  


= equal to  

<> not equal to  

< less than  

> greater than  

<= less than or equal to  

    >=    greater than or equal to  

  • Column  Calculation Code

The Column calculation code provides the facility to perform arithmetic operations on the contents of the specified columns within a line or range of lines.  

Please see the  following  screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text box to define a valid Column calculation code.



For Line  100 Thru  410    

Where 100 and 410 are the range of lines to include in the calculation.  

Column  4  = Column 4 ( or constant )  /  Column  1or (constant100)  

  • Where column 4 identifies the column in the range of lines in which the data will be placed.  

  • Where column 4 refers to the column containing data to be operated upon.  

  • Where a constant value is used in place of a column by marking the Constant checkbox.  When you mark the Constant checkbox the letter C displays in the proforma screen along with the constant value you designate.  

Where / is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  

  • Matrix Calculation Code

The Matrix calculation allows you to perform arithmetic operations on the contents of the lines and columns specified.  

Please see the  following  screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Matrix calculation code.  



Line  100  Column  6  = Line 120 (or constant) Column 4  /  Line 130 (or constant) Column 5  

Where line 100 and column 6 are the line and column in which the result of the operation will be stored.  

Where line 5, column 6, and line 100, column 5 are the lines and columns containing the data to be operated upon.  

Where a constant value may be used in place of lines 5, 100, or both by marking the Constant checkbox.  When you mark the Constant checkbox the letter C displays in the proforma screen along with the constant value you designate.  

Where / is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  

  • If-Matrix Calculation Code

The If-Matrix calculation provides you with the capability to conditionally perform a calculation or calculations based on a comparison between two lines and column amounts.    

Please see the following screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid If-Matrix  calculation code.  



If Line  100  Column  6   =  Line  110  Col  5   Then  

Where line 100, column 200, line 110, and column 5 are the lines and columns that contain the values for comparison.  

Where = is one of the valid operations that may be performed.  See the  Valid Operations  chart below.

Line  120  Col  6  = Line  130  Col 5  +  Line  140  Col  5  Else  

  • Where the line and column numbers refer to the range of sequence numbers of the conditional  calculations to be performed next, if the specified condition is true. Otherwise the calculation on the next line is executed.  

Where + is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  

Line  150  Col  6  = Line  160  Col 5  +  Line  170  Col  5    

  • Where the line and column numbers refer to the range of sequence numbers of the conditional  calculations to be executed if the specified condition in the previous equation is not true.  

Where + is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  


  = equal to  

<> not equal to  

< less than  

> greater than  

<= less than or equal to  

  >=    greater than or equal to  

  • Goto  Calculation Code

The  Goto  calculation provides the capability to unconditionally bypass  a number of  calculations.    

Please see the following screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid  Goto  calculation code.  




Goto 100  

Where 100 is the sequence number of the calculation that is to be performed next.  The  calculations between the  Goto  calculation and sequence number 100 are not performed.  

  • Line Column  Calculation Code

The Line Column  calculation is used to perform an operation on the contents of a specified column against the total of a  particular column  in the same or a different line.    

Please see the following screen print and table.  Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Line Column  calculation code.  



For  Line  100  Thru  460  

Where lines 100 and 460 identify the lines where the derived percentage is to be placed.  

Column   3  = Column  2   %  Line  120  Column  2  

Where column 2 refers to the column within the range of lines specified in which the amount is to be stored.  

Where % is one of the valid operations that may be performed.  See the  Valid Operations  chart below.  

Where column 3 refers to the column within the range of lines specified from above which amounts are to be operated on with line 100 column 2.  

Line 120, column 2 identifies the line and column of the amount that is to be used to operate against the data specified.  

Where % is one of five arithmetic operations you can choose from the drop-down arrow: +, -, *, /, %.  

  • Exception  Calculation Code

The Exception calculation allows you to perform arithmetic operations on the contents of the lines and columns specified in order to suppress printing of lines based on criteria you specify.   

Please see the following screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Exception  calculation code.  



For  Line  100  Thru  410    

Where lines 100 through 410 identify the lines for which the condition will be evaluated.  

If Column  5   <  Column (or constant) C5Then Del  

  • Where Column 5 refers to the column within the range of lines specified against which comparison would be performed.  

  • Where < is one of the valid operations that may be performed.   See the  Valid Operations  chart below.  

  • Where constant C5 identifies the column that contains the data that is to be compared to the data in the specified range of lines.  

Where a constant value may be used in place of constant C5 by marking the Constant checkbox.  When you mark the Constant checkbox the letter C appears in the proforma screen along with the constant value you designate.   


= equal to  

<> not equal to  

< less than  

> greater than  

<= less than or equal to  

                 >=    greater than or equal to  

  • Output  Calculation Code

The Output calculation provides the capability of generating automated journal entries.  The RW module generates a journal batch that is then stored on the JVAUTO file.  Once the line items have been stored in JVAUTO, you must then transfer the batch from JVAUTO to the JVTRAN file.  This is accomplished through the Journal Entry Processing – Automated Batches function of the General Ledger module.  Once the line items are in JVTRAN, they may be validated, and posted to the database.  During report generation a journal entry creation report print as an audit train for the journal entry. 


If you are operating a dual currency system, you will also be prompted for a conversion date and flag. This data will be used for all lines in the output journal.  

Please see the following screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Output calculation code.  



Output  Line  100  Column  5    

Where output line 100 represents the line that is to be transferred to the JVAUTO file as journal line items .  

Where column 5 refers to the column in the specified line that contains amounts to be transferred.  

To Entity*Journal  10 *ALLOC  FQA  10-2160-(*)-00-00000    

  • Where 10*ALLOC identifies the entity and journal number for the line items.  The journal must have been defined as an automated journal.  The journal may be for the same or a different ledger than the report. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down menu.  

Where 10-2160-(*)-00-00000   identifies the account ID for posting.  The entry format will be the same as the entry format defined for the ledger specified in the automated journal.    One element must be entered as “(*)” to indicate that the variable element number is to be derived from the lowest level of summary control entered for that element in the line specification screen for the retrieval line.  

  • Round   Calculation Code

The Round  calculation allows rounding for the amounts in the indicated columns for the specified lines.  You may round to the nearest 1, 2, 3, or 4 decimals, to ones or units, hundreds, thousands, hundred  thousands,  or millions.  

Please see the following screen print and table.  Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Round  calculation code.  



For  Line  100  Thru  410  

Where the line numbers designate the range of lines containing the data to be rounded.  

Round To  0 decimals    

Where 0 decimals  is  the rounding parameters (rounding to ones or units).  

For  Cols  5  (or All Columns)  

Where column 5 refers to the columns in lines 80 through 100 that contain the data to be rounded.   

To include all columns in the calculation, mark the All Columns checkbox.  

  • Sign Reversal  Calculation Code

The Sign Reversal  calculation causes the sign of the data within the line and column range specified to be reversed. That is, positive amounts become negative, and negative amounts become positive. Use the sign reversal calculation code to normalize the balances of accounts that normally store credit balances such as income and liability accounts.  

Please see the following screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Sign Reversal  calculation code.  



For  Line  100  Thru  410  

Where lines 100 through 410 is the range of lines that contains the data to be processed .  

Reverse Cols   2   (or All Columns )  

Where column 2 defines the column(s) in the line(s) specified that contain the data that will have its sign reversed.    

To include all the columns in the calculation,  mark the All Columns checkbox.  

  • Get Calculation Code

The Get calculation allows reports to access an amount that is stored by the Put calculation.  The stored amount is keyed by a combination of a data name, period, logical  page, and column. You may review the stored information using the  Hold File Maintenance function of the  Maintenance drop-down menu of the Report Writer module. Refer to the Put calculation code section for more information.  

Please see the following screen print and table.  Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Get  calculation code.  



Line  100  Columns  2,3  From  Dataname   BALSHT1  Period _ Page  _  

Where Line 100 is the line from which the data is to be retrieved and stored to the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  

Where Columns 2,3 refers to the column(s) from which data is to be retrieved and stored to the RPT.DATA.PERM file name is the data name of the report in the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  

To include all the columns in the calculation  mark the All Columns checkbox.  

Where BALSHT1 is the Dataname , which is the name of the file where the data is stored in the RPT.DATA.PERM file. This Dataname  is the same name as is used in the PUT calculation, which functions to put user specified data in the RPT.DATA.PERM file  

Where Period _ identifies the period for the stored data.  If a period is not entered, the period defaults to the report run period.  

Where Page _ identifies the logical  page name, or the paging element ID’s  Chartmaster  ID for the stored data.  If a logical  page is not entered, the page defaults to the current logical  page of the report.  

Columns   2,3  (or All Columns)  

Where columns 2,3 indicates whether the Put data is to be added to (+) or replace (C/R) existing data on the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  

To include all the columns in the  calculation,  mark the All Columns checkbox.  

  • Put  Calculation Code

The Put calculation provides the means to store any amount from a report to a Hold File in order to be retrieved by the Get calculation in other reports.  The stored information is keyed by a combination of a data name, period, logical  page, and column.  You may review the stored information using the  Hold File Maintenance  function of the  General Ledger  module.  Refer to the Get calculation code section for more information.  

Please see the following screen print and table.  Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid Put calculation code.  



For  Line  200  Thru  200  Columns  2,3  (All Columns)  

Where line(s) 200 through 200 is the range of lines from which the data is to be retrieved and stored to the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  

Where column(s) 2,3 is the column from which data is to be retrieved and stored to the RPT.DATA.PERM file. The Dataname  is the data name to which the report will be stored in the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  

To include all the columns in the  calculation  mark the All Columns checkbox.  

For  Line  200  Thru  200  Columns  2,3  (All Columns)  

Where line(s) 200 through 200 is the range of lines from which the data is to be retrieved and stored to the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  

Where column(s) 2,3 is the column from which data is to be retrieved and stored to the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  The  Dataname  is the data name to which the report will be stored in the RPT.DATA.PERM file.  

To include all the columns in the  calculation  mark the All Columns checkbox.  

Columns  2,3   (or All Columns)  

Where column 2,3 refers to the column within the range of lines specified in which the amount is to be stored.  

To include all the columns in the calculation  mark the All Columns checkbox.  

  • XFoot  Calculation Code

The  XFoot  calculation does two things:       

  • Sums  the contents of two or more contiguous columns within a range of lines

  • Stores  the result in another column within the same range of lines.  

Please see the following screen print and table. Together they explain how to complete text boxes to define a valid  XFoot  calculation code.  



For  Line  100  Thru  460  

Where lines 100 through 460 identify the range of line numbers being operated upon.  

XFoot Cols   2,3,4,5   (or All Columns )  

Where column 2, 3, 4, 5 refers to the columns within the range of lines indicated, which will be summed.    

To include all the columns in the calculation,  mark the All Columns checkbox.  

To Cols   6   (or Constant )  

Where column 6 refers to a column within the range of lines specified in which the result will be stored.  

Copy Report Specifications Function  

The IFW Report Writer  has the ability to  copy both the report specification and column format.   

This function is typically used when you need create a Prior Year report from an existing Current Year report, for example; you may have a Current Year Trial Balance report that is very useful to you and need the same report but you want it to reflect prior year.  

The IFS IDEAS IFW Report Writer has the ability to copy existing reports to new reports using the Save As  button in the Report Specification Maintenance screen as follows: 

To copy reports you will need to do the following.  

  • Select the report name you wish to copy.  

  • Determine the New report name.  

After choosing the Save As button, you will see the following screen.  In this screen you will need to enter in the “new” report name and select the OK button.  Now you have created your “new” report.   

Now that you have your new report name, you will need to create a new column format.  This column format will need to be noted in your new report. If you choose to use the same column  format  then this will not need to be changed. Typically  when a new report is created a new column format would also be created to go with the new report.    

Please refer to the Copy Column Formats section of this document to learn how to create new column formats.  

Standard Column Definition  

The Standard Column Definition  function allows you to define a new column format or to copy an existing column format to a new ID and subsequently make changes to be used by a report or multiple reports.  This function is made up of separate tabs for this purpose.  These screens are:  

  • Column Definition  

  • Data Expression  

  • Column Layout  

Using the Standard Column Definition Screens  

Click on the  icon to load the Standard Column Definition function, or select Standard Column Definition from the Maintenance drop-down menu or from the Report Specifications Options tab click on the  icon.  

The Column Definition tab appears on the screen initially. Showing behind the Column Definition tab is the Data Expression tab and the Columns Layout tab. After you enter a Format ID name, all tabs display.  Instructions for each of these tabs follow. 

Column Definition Tab

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Ledger ID  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a Ledger ID IFW  retrieves data from this ledger. If you have defined only one ledger,  IFW  displays it automatically.  

  • Use Column Length Wizard  – Click to mark the checkbox to use the Column Length Wizard to determine the appropriate character length for a column.  The appropriate character length for a column depends on font size and character type (alphabetic or numeric); it is not directly related to the number of characters in the column.  Refer below to the section on the Len (length) text box for instructions on setting column length manually.  

  • Format ID  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a column format ID or enter a new column format ID name.  A column format ID defines the column format name that will identify the column format specification. Once you enter an existing column format ID, the Description text box displays, and a grid of column formats appears.  

  • Delete Selected Row  – Click this after clicking on a row within the grid and highlighting it.  This will delete the highlighted row or rows.  

  • Use Column Length Wizard  – Click to mark the checkbox for  IFW  to automatically determine the appropriate column length based on a combination of factors.  The Column Length Wizard  calculates length as a function of the font, font size, and column content (either alphabetic or numeric ).  

  • Col  – A column number appears automatically in the text box.  

  • Description  – If you selected an existing Format ID in the step above, a description automatically appears.  Otherwise, enter a new description.  Use the Description text box to define a meaningful description for the column format.  The information you enter in this text box should be input into the Description text box for each column number in the grid.  

  • Print  –   Click on the drop-down arrow and select Yes or No to define  whether or not  to print the column. Usually, non-printing columns are for hidden  calculation or memo line types.  

  • Expression  – To enter information in this text box, click on the Data Expression tab and complete the screen.  The Expression text box is used to define the content of the column.  The content can be descriptions, element ID’s, calculations, or data retrievals.  Refer to the Data Expression tab section below for details.    

  • Header 1 & Header 2  – Click in the text box and enter header information that will appear over the column. IFW allows up to two headings over a given column.    

Special header date options are available to print dates contained in both the current and prior year  calendars. The prior year  calendar must be created as PYCLNDR.  







Current Period date from period list  


Enter: @ CD@  

Results: The current year’s calendar, CLNDR; current period’s date displays.  

Current Period date from period list  


Enter: @ CD-1@  

Results: The  current year’s  calendar, CLNDR; current period’s date minus one period’s date displays.  

Current Period date from period list  


Enter: @ CD-12@  

Results: The  prior year’s  calendar, PYCLNDR; current period’s date displays.  

  • Start  – Enter the position where the column begins.   IFW   displays the previous column’s ending position above the task bar.  

  • Len (Length)  – Enter the width of the column or, to have the length  calculated for you, mark the Column Length Wizard checkbox instead. (See Column Length Wizard instruction above.)  The Column Length Wizard  calculates length as a function of the font, font size, and column content (either alphabetic or numeric); it is not directly related to the number of characters in the column.  

  • Justification  –   Click on the drop-down arrow and   select right or left justification for the column.  Typically, you right-justify numbers and left-justify words.    

  • Credit –  Click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of credit amount to be displayed on the column.  Choices are shown in the table below:  






Negative amounts to be displayed with a “CR” suffix

( )

Negative amounts to be displayed within parentheses


Negative amounts to be displayed with a minus sign prefix (default)


Displays Negative amounts in red

( )R

Displays Negative amounts in re with parentheses


Displays Negative amounts in red and with a minus sign


Displays Negative amounts in red and with a minus sign

  • Rounding   Click on the drop-down menu and select a method of rounding.  Choices are listed in the table below.






Display amounts to thousands.  


Display amount to hundreds only.  


Display amount to ones only.  


Display amount to tenths.  


Display amount to hundredths (default).  


Display amount to thousandths.  


Display amount to ten thousandths.  


No Rounding.  You must select this option if no numbers appear in the column.  

  • Symbols Click on the drop-down arrow and select the way you wish your column printed.  Choices are shown in the table below:






A dollar sign ($) prints in front of the amount.  


Commas print where appropriate.  


A dollar sign ($) and commas print where appropriate.  


The amount prints with no signs.  You must select this option if no numbers appear in the column.  

To add a new line to the column definition, click in a text box on the next line of the grid and enter information. As you are doing so, IFW  automatically assigns a column number. Enter the previously defined description. Complete each text box as described above.    

Buttons located along the bottom of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:  

  • Insert Col  – Click on this button to produce a pop-up window that prompts you to, “Enter column to insert before.”  Enter the column number of the column that will follow the new column.   IFW   inserts a new line on the grid for you to use to define your new column.  This line appears above the line that contains the column number you  entered into  the pop-up window.   IFW   appropriately re-sequences all column numbers on the grid.  

  • Options  –   Click on this button to produce a pop-up window that allows you to select which text boxes to hide on the grid. Mark the checkbox of the text boxes to hide, then click on the OK button to save changes.  The next time you view the Standard Columns Definition screen the columns you selected will be hidden from view. Click on the Cancel button to exit the screen without saving changes.  

  • Save As  –   Click on this button to produce a pop-up window that prompts you to choose a Ledger ID and Format ID to which you wish to copy the column format. Click on the drop-down arrows and make your selections or enter a new column format ID.  Then click on the copy icon  button or  the exit icon button to exit from the pop-up window without making any changes.  

Data Expression Tab  

The purpose of the Data Expression tab is to specify the type of data that will appear in the referenced columns in a printed report.  Click on the Data Expression tab to see the following screen:  

Using the Data Expression Screen    

Choose the expression type by selecting from the following choices you will find in the Expression Type section:  

  • Description1 and Description2  –   Click to mark the bullet for this option.  Then click on the Column Definition tab to return to the previous screen.  The Expression text box automatically reflects your selection by displaying DESC1 or DESC2 in the text box.   If you choose DESC1 for retrieval line types, the  RW  uses the appropriate Chartmaster descriptions based upon the leveling you select as the default.  If you choose to override these descriptions, then do not select leveling in the retrieval line leveling tab and enter a description in the Primary Description text box in the retrieval line  Misc  tab.  If you choose DESC1 for a description line type, enter the desired description in the Description text box. For a calculation line type, enter the desired description on the line Description 1 text box.   For retrieval line types, if the column is defined as DESC2, enter the appropriate description in the optional description text box.  DESC2 is not available for a description line type. If you are using a calculation line type, enter the appropriate description on the Description 2 line.  

  • Element  –   Click to mark the bullet for this option. A new text box appears. Click on the new drop-down arrow and select an element, then click on the Column Definition tab to return to the previous screen.  The Expression text box automatically reflects your selection by  displaying it in the text box.  The selected element has its appropriate element ID’s displayed in the column based upon the leveling selection.  

  • Calculation  –   Click to mark the bullet for this option. Then click on the Column  Definition tab to return to the previous screen. The Expression text box automatically reflects your selection by displaying CAL C in the text box. This column is now reserved to receive the results of a  calculation produced by a calculation line type.  

  • Formula  – Click to mark the bullet for this option. New buttons and text boxes appear to help you create a formula. The selection instructs the  RW  to retrieve data from the database.  

You create a formula using the text boxes and buttons located in the middle of the screen and edit the formula using the buttons at the top of the screen.  Your formula may be as simple or as complex as you require.  You create a formula by clicking on either the Standard Formula parenthesis button or the Complex Formula parenthesis button.  Both are described below.   

  • [ ]  (Standard Formula)  – Click on this button and a standard formula displays in the text box. Then select a segment, period type (optional), period name, and operator (if necessary) for  IFW  to create the formula for you. You may use this type of retrieval to instruct the  RW  to dynamically retrieve data for moving periods. To achieve this, during segment definition in the  General Ledger  module, you must complete the Prior Segment text boxes.  Otherwise, if you instruct the  RW   to move over to a period not contained in the specified segment, it will not know the segment to which it should go.  Click on the period type drop-down arrow, select the appropriate period designator, and enter the period and appropriate number of periods.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes to flesh out your formula:  

  • Segment  –   Click on the drop-down arrow and select a segment.  

  • Period Type  –   Only    Use this text box for a dynamic, moving period. Otherwise, accept the default. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate choice.    

  • Period Name  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select the period name.  

  • Operator  – If you want an additional data expression, click on the drop-down arrow and select an operator symbol.  Options are +, -, * and /.  Click the Standard or Complex formula button and complete the displayed text boxes.  

At this point, you may use icon buttons at the top of the screen to change the formula before you return to the Column Definition screen:  






Click on this button to verify body text.  


Click on this button to undo the last action or input to the formula displayed in the Data Expression text box.  


Click on this button to erase the formula displayed in the Data Expression text box.  


Click on this button to restore the original formula to the Data Expression text box.  

  •   [(   )] (Complex Formula)  – Click on this button and a more complex formula displays in the text box. Then select a segment, period type, period name, and operator for  IFW  to create the formula for you. 

  • Segment  –   Click on the drop-down arrow and select a segment.  

  • Period Type   –   Click on the drop-down arrow and select a period type. You have the option of selecting several types of period that will affect the formula that you are creating.  The options are listed  below and  explained in detail.  

    • Period Period  is the default.  If you want only one period, accept the default.  If not, select one of the other Period choices. 

  • Period < x     ( Less Than a Certain Number)  –   When you select this option, a new text box appears to prompt you for a number to substitute for “x.”  Select a number using the up or down scroll arrows. 

  • Period > x (Greater Than a Certain Number)  –   When you select this option, a new text box appears to prompt you for a number to substitute for “x.”  Select a number using the up or down scroll arrows.

  • Period:  ThruPeriod  – When you select this option, a new text box appears to prompt you for a “thru period,” through which you must specify a time.  For example, you might choose a  period name through to a certain month.  

Once you finish defining Period Type, continue working with the other text boxes on the screen:  

  • Period Name  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select the period names for all period responses listed.  

  • Operator  – If you want additional data expressions, click on the drop-down arrow and select an operator symbol. Options are +, -, *, and /.  Click on either the Standard or the Complex formula  button and  complete the displayed text boxes to finish building your formula.  

When you are finished building your formula, you may use any of the icon buttons at the top of the screen to change the formula before you return to the Column Definition screen. The icon buttons available to you are:  






Click on this button to verify…  


Click on this button to undo the last action or input to the formula displayed in the Data Expression text box.  


Click on this button to erase the formula displayed in the Data Expression text box.  


Click on this button to restore the original formula to the Data Expression text box.  

Buttons located along the bottom of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:  

  • Insert Col  –  Click on this button to produce a pop-up window that prompts you to, “Enter column to insert before.” Enter the column number of the column that will follow the new column.   IFW  inserts a new line on the grid for you to use to define your new column. This line appears above the line that contains the column number you  entered into  the pop-up window.   IFW  appropriately re-sequences all column numbers on the grid.  

  • Options  –   Click on this button to produce a pop-up window that allows you to select which text boxes to hide on the grid.  Mark the checkbox of the text boxes to hide, then click on the OK button to save changes.  The next time you view the Standard Columns Definition screen the columns you selected will be hidden from view.  Click on the Cancel button to exit the screen without saving changes.  

  • Save As  –   Click on this button to produce a pop-up window that prompts you to choose a Ledger ID and Format ID to which you wish to copy the current Ledger ID and Format ID.  Click on the drop-down arrows and make your selections, then click on the copy icon button. Or click on the exit icon button to exit from the pop-up window without making any changes.  

Processing the Column Layout Tab  

This option displays a proforma view of your columns .  

Column Layout Tab  

Copy  Column  Formats  F unction  

The IFS IDEAS IFW Report Writer has the ability to copy existing column formats to new column formats by using the Save As button in the Standard Column Definition screen.

Note: This function is typically used when you need create a Prior Year report from an existing Current Year report, for example; you may have a Current Year Trial Balance report that is very useful to you and need the same report but you want it to reflect prior year.

To copy column  formats  you will need to determine the following:

  • The existing column format name located in the existing report specifications options tab.  

  • The “New” column format name.  

Column Format  

In the Column Definition tab, select the existing format that you wish to copy and choose the Save As button.  

After choosing the Save As button, you will see the following screen. In this screen, enter in the “new” column format name and select the “copy” button.  Now you have created your “new” column format.    

In the column definition tab click on the  drop down  menu an d select your “new” format ID.   

After selecting the “new” format ID you will need to modify the “data expression” to reflect the PYA or any segment you want to copy this for. Highlight the column that you will need to update the expression for and select the Data Expression tab.  


In this tab, you will need to clear the current data expression,  i.e., [ CYA;YTD ] prior to selecting your needed expression for your new column format. Use the “Erase”    button to do so.

Using the  drop-down  menu for the Segment, select the desired segment option. Be sure your segment reflects your calendar;  this is most important for prior year segments.  

Using the  drop-down  menu for the Period Name, select the YTD option. Your expression result will be as follows if you choose Prior Year as a segment option. Otherwise, it will be the segment you chose.  

Select the “verify”  button to save your updates.  

You have now created a new column format ID and updated the expression to reflect the desired segment.  

Hold File Maintenance  

The  Hold File Maintenance function enables you to delete data names created on the hold file  by the execution of a PUT calculation on a report.  Refer to the description of the PUT calculation in the  Calculation Codes section of the  Calculations Tab  Screen, which is part of the  Report Specification Maintenance  section of this manual.  

Using the Hold File Maintenance Screen  

Select Hold File Maintenance from the  Maintenance drop-down menu.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Data Name  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a  data name  from the drop-down menu.  The  data name  is the name of the location of where the data is stored for a PUT  calculation code. Refer to the description of the PUT calculation in the  Report Specification Maintenance  section of this manual.  

  • Period   No  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a period number for the information you desire from the  data name  from the drop-down menu.  The period is specified in the PUT  calculation.  Refer to the description of the PUT calculation in the  Report Specification Maintenance  section of this manual.  

  • Page Number  – Click in the text box and enter the logical  page’s element ID for the information you desire from the  data name .  The logical  page is specified in the PUT calculation.  Refer to the description of the PUT calculation in the  Report Specification Maintenance  section of this manual.  

Once you select all the desired information, a grid appears on the screen containing the line number and column number relating to this information.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Delete  – Click on the delete button to produce a pop-up window of delete options.  Click on the appropriate circle to delete one of the following options: 1) delete the  data name  entirely, 2) delete the  data name’s  period, or 3) delete the  data name’s  period’s page.  Then click on the OK button.   

  • Close  – Click on this button to exit from the screen without saving  changes.  

Cycle Maintenance    

Use the  Cycle Maintenance  function to define reporting cycles to be used when creating and running reports. Cycle names are created to group similar reports so that when requesting  reports, executing them is easier.  When requesting reports, just the cycle name  has to  be entered instead of all the individual report IDs.  

Using Cycle Maintenance Screen  

Select Cycle Maintenance from the  Maintenance drop-down menu.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Cycle ID  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a Cycle ID from the drop-down menu, or enter a new Cycle ID.  When you select or enter the Cycle ID, a list of all the reports that make up the cycle and their descriptions appears on the screen.  

  • Description  – Click in the text box and enter a brief description of what is contained in this cycle.  

Buttons located along the bottom of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:  

  • Add  – Clicking this button produces a pop-up window.  Select reports from this window to be included in this cycle.  

  • Remove  – Highlight rows containing report ID’s to be deleted from this cycle.  

  • Delete  – Click on this button to delete the entire cycle.    

  • Close  – Click on this button to exit from the screen without saving changes and return to the mail  RW  menu.  

The Report Export  

The Report Export function allows you to export both report specifications and column formats to another IFW database.  


  • Report ID Spyglass  – C lick the spyglass to select a report or reports to export.  If you incorrectly selected a report to export, highlight the Report ID and then click on the “X” to remove it.  When exporting, both the Report ID and its associated column format(s) are included.  

  • Export Path Spyglass – C lick on spyglass to browse for a location to export the report or report(s) to.  

    • File Name –  Type in the file name to be used when importing the report or reports.  

    • Export –  Click this button to initiate the export process.  

    • Close –  Click this button to exit the program.  

The Report Import  

The Report Import function allows you to import both report specifications and columns formats from another IFW database.  

  • Import File Name Spyglass   –  Click this spyglass to browse into the location of the exported file. If a detail location was previously specified it will display. After selecting,  all of  the individual Report IDs in the exported file will be displayed.  

  • Import All  – If the import file contains more than one report, mark this check box to import  all of  the reports.  If you do not want to import all the reports, highlight the reports to be imported.  

  • Over Write  All   –  If a report to be imported already exists mark this check box to overwrite the existing report.  

  • Import  – Click this button to begin the import process.  

  • Close  – Click this button to exit the program.  

Reports  Menu  

The  Reports Menu  allows you access to report generation and table listings.  It consists of the following functions:  

  • Report Generation  

  • Report Specification  Listing  

  • Column  Format Specification Listing  

  • Report Listing  by Cycle  

Using the Reports Screen

Select  Reports from the  RW  main screen after login.  The  Reports menu looks as follows:  

Report Generation  

The  Report Generation  function enables you to select reports for printing. Requests for printed reports may be processed for a selected report or for all reports within one or more report cycles, or for one or more individual reports without regard to a report cycle.  

Each printed report selection is executed in the order in which it appears in the grid.  The Printed Reports section also features a  Stop Printing  capability in which a report or report cycle that is being printed can be stopped at any point by clicking on the Cancel button.  This command will stop the printing of the  current  report as well as  cancel any other reports in the report cycle queue not yet executed .  

Using the Report Generation Screen

Select Report Generation from the  Reports drop-down menu.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Printer – Accept this default if you want the report to go to a printer.  Or remove the check and mark the preview.  

  • Preview –  Mark this checkbox to produce a preview of the report.  

  • Period  – Select the default period for which the selected report(s) are to be printed or click on the scroll arrows provided to select the desired period.

  • Report Cycle  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the Report Cycle ID you wish to send to the printer.  The report cycles are defined on the  Cycle Maintenance  screen.  If you do not want to execute an entire cycle, bypass this and enter a report ID.  

  • Report ID  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a report ID.  

Once you select the Report Cycle or Report ID, a list of all the reports available for that  particular selection  appears on the screen.  The list displays the following:  

  • Report ID – clicking on the heading will sort and print the list by Report ID,  

  • A  brief description of what the report is; clicking on the heading will sort and print the list by description,  

  • The period number

  • How long it took to execute the report previously, based upon the last time the report ran.    

    • The format of the starting time is in military time, e.g.,  hours:minutes .  

  • Output Options: Please see tech memo IFW-RW-R4.0-01-Report Generation.

  • Run Options:

    • Delay – Click to mark this checkbox to delay the execution of this report to a specific time.  Should you mark this checkbox, a text box appears into which you will put the time for this report to begin execution.

    • Trace Flag – Click to mark this checkbox to retain temporary work files under the direction of support for subsequent analysis.

  • Publishing Options: Please see Tech Memo IFW-RW-R4.0-03-PDF Setup.

Buttons located along the bottom of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:

  • Delete – Click on this button to delete the highlighted report ID from report execution request.

  • Run – Click on this button to send the reports you have selected to the printer.  When you execute this command, the Report Status screen displays to show you the progress of the report execution.  You may click on the Cancel button at any time to stop report execution.

If you entered an asterisk as a wildcard character for an element ID in a retrieval/memo line properties screen, the Set Runtime Parameters pop-up window opens to prompt you for an element ID.  Enter the element ID on the first line in the ElementValue column, then click on one of the buttons below:

  • Fill All Reports – Click on this button to assign that element ID to all reports in the report cycle.

  • Fill Current Report – Click on this button to assign that element ID to the selected report only.  This allows you to assign a different value to each report in the report cycle, if applicable.

After clicking on a button, click on the Close button to execute the report.  Refer to the section Report Specifications Maintenance > Lines Tab Screen for more information on retrieval/memo line properties screen.

  • Close – Click on this button to exit from the screen without saving changes.

Report Specifications Listing

Use the Report Specifications Listing function to run programs that will print information pertaining to reports defined on your system.

Using the Report Specifications Listing Screen

Select Report Specifications Listing from the Reports drop-down menu.

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes: 

  • Report Cycle  – Click on the drop-down arrow and choose a Report Cycle ID.  A list of the reports for this cycle appears.  

  • Report ID  – Click on the drop-down menu and select an individual report ID.  

The sections that you choose as follows will determine exactly how the report you specified will print.  

  • Master  – Mark this checkbox to print the master specifications of the selected reports.  

  • Hierarchy  – Mark to print the hierarchy and pagination options of the selected reports.  

  • Line  – Mark this checkbox to print the line specifications of the selected reports.  If you mark this option, you may select which lines you want to print: all the lines, all the retrieval lines, or only the lines you select.  

  • Calculation  – Mark this checkbox to print the  calculation specifications of the selected reports.  

  • All Lines  – Mark this circle to print all the lines in the specified reports.  

  • All Retrieval Lines  – Mark this circle to print only the retrieval lines in the specified reports.  

  • Specific Lines  – Mark this circle to print only the lines that you specify.  When you mark this  option  you will be prompted to enter the exact lines to print.  

  • Print Options  –   Mark one of the following circles in the Print Options section :  

    • Default  – Mark this circle to send the report to the printer with default settings.  This option will not set portrait or landscape instead it will use your current Windows settings.

    • Portrait  – Mark this circle to print the report in portrait form.  

    • Landscape  – Mark this circle to print the report in landscape form.  

Buttons located along the bottom of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:  

  • Remove  – Click on this button to remove the current selected report from the list displayed.  

  • Print  – Click to allow all the reports listed or specified to be sent to the printer.  

  • Close  – Click on this button to exit from the screen without saving changes.  

Column Format Specification Listing  

Use the  Column Format Specification Listing  function to print column formats.  

Using the Column Format Specifications Listing Screen  

Select Column Format Specifications Listing from the Reports drop-down menu.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Ledger  – Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the desired ledger.  

  • Format ID  – Click on the spyglass icon to produce a pop-up window that prompts you to select a format ID available for this  particular ledger .  Select a format ID and click on the OK  button, or  select all format ID’s by marking the Select All checkbox.  

Buttons located along the bottom of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:  

  • Run Reports  – Click on the button to allow the selected reports to be compiled and sent to the printer  

  • Close  – Click on this button to exit from the screen without saving changes.  

Report Listing  By  Cycle  

Use the Report Listing by Cycle function to display information pertaining to all reports defined for a cycle.  

Using the Report Listing  By  Cycle Screen  

Select Report Listing by Cycle from the  Reports drop-down menu.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Cycle ID  –  Click on the spyglass icon to produce a pop-up window that prompts you to select a Cycle ID that corresponds to the cycle information you wish to see.  Highlight your selection, then click on the OK button.  

Buttons located along the bottom of the screen allow you to perform certain actions:  

  • Run Report  – Click on this button to execute the selected report.  Use the icons at the top of the screen to work with the report.    

  • Close  – Click on this button to exit from the screen without saving changes.  

Tools Menu

Select the Tools Menu t o access various FRW utilities.  

System Utilities  

Use the  System Utilities  function to perform various system utilities.    

Using the System Utilities Screen  

Select System Utilities from the Tools drop-down menu.  

Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:  

  • Unlock Report  – Select the option you wish to run by highlighting it in this window.  Current options are:  

    • Unlock Report Specification – This process unlocks the report that you wish to run. 

    • Unlock GL Posting  – This process unlocks the GL posting process.  

  • Execute  – Click on this button to unlock the selected report.  

  • Close  – Click on this button to exit from the screen without saving changes.  

FRW Miscellaneous  

Processing the FRW Miscellaneous Screen  

  Select the FRW Miscellaneous screen from the System Utilities Menu.

Please find the available FRW Miscellaneous codes below.










Allows the designation of a valid path to export a  report’s  report  specifications and column format.  

Valid path  

Report file is exported to the designated path.  


Allows the designation of a valid path to import a  report’s report  specifications and column format.  

Valid path  

Report file is imported from the designated path.  


Allows the designations of valid paths to the same file when using the HTML and Adobe PDF options. Field 1 is for the Web Site designation and Field 2 is for the Report Writer designation.  

Field 1Virtual directory path  


Field 2 UNC/Mapped drive directory path  

Output file is copied from the  distillerpath  . ini  location to the designed location. Field 1 is the  iIDEAS  reference to the output file and Field 2 is the Report Writer reference to the same output file.  


Determines the timing of the  iIDEAS  paging designation and the type of output file created for HTML and Adobe PDF.  






Globally creates a file for each logical paging element.  

Globally creates a file for each report id, regardless of logical pages.  


Run-time enables Report Generation’s   iIDEAS  Paging checkbox to designate either a file for each logical paging element or a file for each report id.  

Purge iIDEAS Reports Screen  

The Purge  iIDEAS  Report process deletes the report that was saved to the web server and removes it from the purge list.  This option is only available for clients that have purchased the  iIDEAS  modules.  


Processing the Purge iIDEAS Reports Screen

Select the iIDEAS Purge Reports from the Tools menu.

  • Period –  Enter the period for which you want to purge the  iIDEAS  report.  Then click on the Purge button to execute the process.    

Renumber Report Lines Screen  

This screen is used to renumber the report lines for a specific report ID.  

Processing the Renumber Report Lines Screen  

Select the Renumber Report Lines from the Tools  menu.  

  • Report ID – I n this field, enter the report for which you want the lines to be renumbered.   This process will increment the line items by 10.  An example of this would be if you have 5 lines in a report and they were numbered 5, 12, 15, 18 and 20. Then the Renumber Report Lines utility would renumber them to 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50.  


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