Feature Highlights
Below is a list of selected enhancements from version and beyond. If you are looking for detailed release notes, check out the IFS IDEAS Release Notes under Resources .
- 1 Summary
- 1.1 IFS IDEAS (Shipped February 11, 2022)
- 1.2 IFS IDEAS (Shipped October 22, 2021)
- 1.3 IFS IDEAS (Shipped September 10, 2021)
- 1.4 IFS IDEAS (Shipped July 23, 2021)
- 1.5 IFS IDEAS 6.1 6.0.0 ( Shipped May 05, 2021 )
- 1.6 IFS IDEAS (Shipped March 18, 2021)
- 1.7 IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 22, 2021)
- 1.8 IFS IDEAS (Shipped October 23, 2020)
- 1.9 IFS IDEAS (Shipped September 11, 2020)
- 1.10 IFS IDEAS (Shipped August 21, 2020)
- 1.11 IFS IDEAS (Shipped July 24, 2020)
- 1.12 IFS IDEAS (Shipped June 2, 2020)
- 1.13 IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 31, 2020)
- 1.14 IFS IDEAS (Shipped November 01, 2019)
- 1.15 IFS IDEAS (Shipped August 30, 2019)
- 1.16 IFS IDEAS (Shipped July 30, 2019)
- 1.17 IFS IDEAS (Shipped April 26, 2019)
- 1.18 IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 25, 2019)
- 1.19 IFS IDEAS (Shipped November 21, 2018)
- 1.20 IFS IDEAS (Shipped October 30, 2018)
- 1.21 IFS IDEAS (Shipped August 14, 2018)
- 1.22 IFS IDEAS (Shipped May 21, 2018)
- 1.23 IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 31, 2018)
- 1.24 IFS IDEAS (Shipped November 17, 2017)
- 1.25 IFS IDEAS (Shipped June 19, 2017)
- 1.26 IFS IDEAS (Shipped May 24, 2017)
- 1.27 IFS IDEAS (Shipped April 21, 2017)
- 1.27.1 The GL Export is now "lightening" fast and each line has the Fully Qualified Account (FQA)
- 1.27.2 Improve access to your data with Microsoft Excel exports
- 1.27.3 Vendor data now flowing through JIB
- 1.27.4 Massively improve performance if you run the User Action Audit Trail
- 1.27.5 Use multiple configurations on one instance
- 1.27.6 Run Account Distribution Analysis Report for multiple currencies at the same time
- 1.27.7 Warehouse clerk can now see the user id that entered and/or processed the transaction
- 1.27.8 Select all entities when running the Journal Batch Detail report
- 1.27.9 Capture user/date in the Journal Correction logs for batches created from sub-ledger modules
- 1.27.10 Core Web Services engine now available
- 1.28 IFS IDEAS
- 1.29 IFS IDEAS
- 1.29.1 Improve search and sort in GL Reports
- 1.29.2 See remaining balance on invoices with partial payments in the AP Open Invoice Report
- 1.29.3 Sort columns in Vendor Inquiry and Check Inquiry grids
- 1.29.4 Speed GL Detail Report analysis with an element-parsed FQA in the Excel export
- 1.29.5 See Billions in the JIB Cross Check report Net column
- 1.29.6 User1 and User2 fields available on (Account Balance Inquiry) Transaction Detail screen
- 1.29.7 Ease JIB Cutback Administration with Company/Owner copy feature
- 1.30 IFS IDEAS
- 1.31 IFS IDEAS
- 1.31.1 Perform multiple JIB passes (Multi-pass JIB)
- 1.31.2 Use Perpetual Inventory Costing methods
- 1.31.3 Summarize Inventory Accounting and Accounts Payable journals
- 1.31.4 Improve control of Purchase Document number and date assignments
- 1.31.5 Process transactions through a specified date in the Warehouse module
- 1.31.6 Select ALL currencies on the Vendor Reconciliation Report
- 1.31.7 Use Invoice Description along with Invoice Number and Amount Due on Manual Check Processing screen
- 1.31.8 Validate Manual Check Date is within 'Period Control Date'
- 1.31.9 View Accounting Period field in Disbursement Report
- 1.31.10 Simplify invoice reviews from Accounts Payable module
- 1.31.11 See INVOICE STATUS on Accounts Payable - Transaction Approval screen
- 1.32 IFS IDEAS
IFS IDEAS (Shipped February 11, 2022)
Ensure Work Order compliance with inherited Contract unit prices and dates
This feature must be enabled.
Ensure compliance with contracted prices in purchasing.
The contract’s unit price for which an associated purchase document is being entered cannot be edited by the user.
Read more details in the IFS IDEAS Release Notes.
Restrict the type of Purchase Documents that can be created by users
The Enhanced Security must be licensed to take advantage of this feature.
Restrict the type of Purchase Documents that can be created by users.
For example, a select team could be assigned to create Contracts. Broad team members could be restricted to only create Purchase Requisitions, but not contracts.
Watch this video overview to see it in action.
Type-ahead search in List Boxes
Just start typing to find text that you are looking to find!
To find all “Tax” accounts, click the Description column and type “Tax” in the search to find all accounts with the word “tax” anywhere in the description.
Need all accounts with “favorite well”? Just type “well” to find them.
Watch this video overview to see it in action.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped October 22, 2021)
Partially pay an invoice in one currency and pay the balance in another
Read more details in the Release Notes.
Watch this video overview to see it in action.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped September 10, 2021)
Filter user’s stock selection to only items that have accounting defined
Ensure users select stock items that have properly defined accounting.
This feature is enabled by a new flag in the Purchase Document Parameters Setup screen.
Stock Number accounting defaults are defined by entity/location and group code. This feature includes the Group Code to complete the validation so that stock numbers are filtered by entity/location and group code.
Watch this video overview to see it in action.
Read more details in the IFS IDEAS Release Notes .
Create invoice lines from receipt lines using an Excel import and auto-invoice process
Save time and ensure invoices match receipts using Auto-invoice’s Excel Import.
The Auto-invoice process will create invoice lines from the lines for the receipt when the INV_REQ_RECPT flag is enabled and a Receipt Number is included in the Auto Invoice file.
Watch this video overview (7 minutes) to learn more.
Read more details in the IFS IDEAS Release Notes .
IFS IDEAS (Shipped July 23, 2021)
Pay an invoice in a different currency
Raise an invoice in one currency and pay it in a different currency.
For example, if you receive and enter an invoice in USD, but the vendor requires payment in the local currency, this information can now be entered at the point of entering the invoice. The paying currency is selected, and the rate table information for the invoice date is automatically entered to the invoice. If the vendor has specified a specific exchange rate for the payment, then the rate table rate can be overwritten with the specified spot rate.
This information flows to the various payment screens including the following:
Generate Cash Requirements
Edit Cash Requirements
Automated Checks
Manual Checks
Void/Delete Checks
If partial payments are made, the Edit Cash Requirements screen recalculates the partial payment amount in the paying currency based on the exchange rate specified in the invoice.
Watch the Pay Invoices in a Different Currency video overview.
Improve cost controls by coding in non-stock receipts
The receiver can now enter the coding for the receipt that matches the AFE and Cost Center purpose and location as they are more likely to understand the final disposition of the goods. This feature streamlines the non-stock purchase document process by eliminating the back-and-forth communication between the receiver and purchasing as well as the overhead of processing amendments to the document for the sake of FQA changes.
Watch the Change Coding in Non-Stock Receipt video overview.
Reduce currency mistakes by defining allowable transaction types by Account
This feature is designed to prevent the entry of currency-sensitive accounts to a journal for the wrong currency. For example, a USD cash account posted to a journal that updates a non-USD segment causes gain/loss issues, reporting discrepancies and is tedious to identify and rectify.
A new Transaction Type tab has been added to the Element Maintenance screen for use with defining Account elements. By ledger, the valid Transaction Types can be added to the Account that will allow for protection against posting to an incorrect currency segment. During the validation process of the journal, the validation will check if the account element of each line has any Transaction Types defined. If so, those Transaction Types are compared to the Transaction Types that are defined for the journal. If they do not match, then the journal cannot be set to valid for posting. If no Transaction Types are defined for an Account Element, then that Account is free to be posted in any journal.
The Journal Import process in Spreadsheet Link was also modified to prevent the import of a spreadsheet to a journal if an Account in the journal is not compatible with the journal based on the Account/Journal Transaction Types.
Watch the Safeguard Currency Posting video overview.
IFS IDEAS 6.1 6.0.0 ( Shipped May 05, 2021 )
Record CFDI to support Mexico’s electronic invoicing model
Record Comprobantes Fiscal Digital por Internet (CFDI) number in the Invoice Entry screen in AP and ART .
Read more in the Mexico section of the release notes.
Import Mexico’s Vendor Backlist using Spreadsheet Link
Users will be warned when using a vendor on the blacklist in select screens in Accounts Payable, Purchase Documents, and Purchase Requisitions.
Get more details in the Mexico section of the release notes.
Maintain compliance with the HMRC’s Making Tax Digital ( MTD ) f ra ud headers
The HMRC updated their requirement to use fraud headers in the VAT return submission. This upgrade will use the headers .
IFS IDEAS (Shipped March 18, 2021)
Approve purchase requisition and purchase documents on mobile devices, tablets using Chrome and Safari
Route and approve purchase requisition and purchase documents using your Delegation of Authorities (DOA). The IFS IDEAS iApprove HTML5 interface works seamlessly across your devices and screen sizes.
Check out the Desktop Screen Examples and Mobile Screen Examples.
You can also watch this 15-minute video demo .
IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 22, 2021)
Prevent journalization mistakes by reviewing a report prior to checking “Finalize”
Review journalization reports to ensure everything is correct in Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable Trade (ART) before committing the data . Once the data are confirmed, check “Finalize” and rerun the process.
UK HMRC fraud headers available for Making Tax Digital (MTD) VAT submissions
The fraud headers requested by the HMRC are available.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped October 23, 2020)
Convert at vendor negotiated spot rate, not market rate
Specify the vendor negotiated spot rate on the invoice. The currency conversion will use the specified spot rate in AP instead of the market rate in GL.
Streamline coding by correcting and validating coding from the web
Invoice validation is now available from within iApprove. Users enter or edit the line details of an invoice and those changes are validated, just like in the main Accounts Payable application. This eliminates the need to drop out of the approval cycle in iApprove, perform the validation in AP, and then resume the approval process in iApprove.
Make iApprove installation easier
The new installer simplifies iApprove installation and reduces the effort and time to perform iApprove upgrades.
Simplify the maintenance of iApprove email notifications
The engine to drive email notifications for the approval process has been moved from SQL Mail to a new windows service. This service is installed by the new iApprove installation process and configured directly from the iIDEAS Administration module. The service can be stopped and restarted from within the iIDEAS Administration module, and there is a test email function to verify that the email parameters have been defined correctly.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped September 11, 2020)
Include Purpose of Payment
Include Purpose of Payment codes in Accounts Payable (AP). You can:
Define a default Purpose of Payment code by vendor
Saved a Purpose of Payment code as part of the invoice record
Include the Purpose of Payment code on the check stub format from the Check Format screen
Include the Purpose of Payment code in the ISO 20022 ACH XML file for electronic payments
IFS IDEAS (Shipped August 21, 2020)
Make "no touch" payments using ISO 20022
Setup the ISO 20022 payment to create the XML file that is written to a directory where it can be securely transferred to the bank. Create a closed-loop secure payment system with banks that support ISO 20022.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped July 24, 2020)
New password reset screen available in iApprove
A new password reset screen is available in the iApprove HTML5 interface.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped June 2, 2020)
Approve invoices on mobile devices, tablets using Chrome and Safari
Route and approve invoices using your Delegation of Authorities (DOA) from all of your devices. The new IFS IDEAS iApprove HTML5 interface works seamlessly across all of your devices and screen sizes.
IFS IDEAS certified on Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019
Confidently upgrade to the latest versions of Microsoft's technology stack.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 31, 2020)
Submit VAT electronically to the HMRC (Make Tax Digital - MTD - UK)
Clients that need to report in the UK can comply with the new HMRC reporting requirement to upload VAT tax information directly from the IFS IDEAS database to the HMRC website. This feature also allows UK clients to do all the preparation work for the report directly in IFS IDEAS, reducing the need to rely on third-party products such as MS Excel. This feature is in the General Ledger module and is described in detail in the General Ledger Help documentation.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped November 01, 2019)
Improve Cost Control with Budget Alerts
Produce warnings and halt approvals when entries exceed an accepted budget variance.
To initiate the control, define budget and transactional segments for comparison, the elements to control, a threshhold for alerting, and a variance percentage. IFS IDEAS will track commitments across all modules (GL, AP, PD, RQ, etc). As entries are made to elements controlled by budgets, the amounts are added to the total commitments and compared against the threshold and variance percentages in all data entry and approval screens. Warnings are generated when entries exceed the threshold in data entry screens and approvals for entries that have exceeded the variance are not allowed without modifying the original budget or the variance percentage.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped August 30, 2019)
Added invoice detail on disbursement journals to either Cash or AP lines (Standard AP)
Added options in the Entity Maintenance > Flags tab to allow selection of Invoice Detail on Disbursement journals. Previously, when this option was enabled, the detail was added to the Cash line entries of the journal. This new option allows the user to specify whether to add the detail to the Cash lines or the AP lines of the journal.
Validate Argentine AP Invoice Number on new format
Validation has been added to the Invoice Number field in the Invoice Entry screen to ensure that the value entered complies with the required invoice number format in Argentina –AAnnnnn-nnnnnnnn.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped July 30, 2019)
Attach files from within iApprove on the web
Users can now upload PDF files and Images to Invoices, Purchase Requisitions, and Purchase Documents.
Make faster approvals - View line descriptions in iApprove
Users can now see the line descriptions along with the codes for the invoices, purchase requisitions, and purchase documents that they need to approve.
Attachments follow Documents in iApprove
When an attachment is added to one document, it is immediately available for all related documents in iApprove (RQ to PD to Invoice). For example, if an attachment is made to a Purchase Requisition, that attachment can be viewed from the related Purchase Document set of attachments.
Faster Excel-formatted Exports
We upgraded the Excel-formatting engine. Your formatted Excel exports will now export in less time.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped April 26, 2019)
Copy Journals with improved controls
Copy a journal to a new company without having to access the Journal Definition screen. Improve the teams' efficiency while maintaining control over the journal definitions.
You can watch a demo of the feature.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 25, 2019)
Certified on Windows and SQL Server 2016
Additional certifications were provided for Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and Microsoft SQL 2016.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped November 21, 2018)
Approve non-stock receipts in IFS IDEAS to ensure goods delivered match what was purchased
Approve non-stock receipts in IFS IDEAS to ensure goods delivered match what was purchased.
Use non-stock receipts to ensure the goods purchased are delivered and received to satisfaction. Streamline communication among internal stakeholders. Enter the data once and track it throughout the process. Segregate Approvals to business owners and push the tracking details to the team.
Streamline communication
Associate receipts to the invoice to help streamline communication among departments.
Enter once, manage throughout
Enter the data one time in the system and track it throughout the purchase and delivery process.
Segregate duties efficiently
Push approvals to business owners while delegating tracking of the details to the team.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped October 30, 2018)
Excel formatting is restored using a new “Format Excel” option
Users can export their formatted Excel files by selecting the "Format to Excel" on the export dialog.
A message box has been added to the process to ask the user if formatting should be included or not in the spreadsheet. If formatting is included, then the report takes ~4.5 times longer to produce. The message box allows the user to include formatting or not depending on the end use of the report.
Currency conversion default operator logic improved
Changed the logic of the screen to enter the operator that was used for the currency combination in the last period. If there is no rates for the previous period, the operator will be left blank. The user must enter an operator manually to be able to save the rates.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped August 14, 2018)
Journalize ART transactions as a single transaction per GL batch
Added a Journal by Customer feature that journalizes ART transactions as a single transaction per GL batch. Also gives the ability to specify ART journals at the entity/currency/ Customer Group or Type level instead of only entity/currency.
Journalize AP transactions as a single transaction per GL batch
Added a Journal by Vendor feature that journalizes AP transactions as a single transaction per GL batch. Also gives the ability to specify AP journals at the entity/currency/ Vendor Group or Type level instead of only entity/currency.
Extend standard Journal Validation to add custom validations
Added a GL Misc Code (JournalValidation) and a new blank stored procedure that allows customers to add additional validation logic to the stored procedure that will be called and added to IFS IDEAS standard validation processes.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped May 21, 2018)
Create a sales invoice (with multiple VAT codes) in one currency and receipts (with WH tax codes) in another currency
Sales invoices can now be entered in one currency and receipts for those invoices can be entered in a different currency. Rates from the rate table can be used based on the invoice date or a spot rate can entered. The Receipt screen will automatically use the rate entered on the invoice for the alternate currency payment calculation. Additionally, multiple VAT tax codes can be recorded on Sales Invoices and multiple WH tax codes can be recorded on Receipt entries.
Reduce time spent at month-end with improved FX Gain/Loss grouping
The Fx Gain/Loss Calculation process has been enhanced to allow the ability to specify G/L account configurations by Entity/Source Currency/Target Currency/Account List. This allows multiple configurations per Entity/Source Currency/Target Currency combinations and eliminating the need to alter the configuration between calculations. Account Lists can also be grouped giving the user the ability to execute the multiple account lists at the same time. This enhancement should greatly reduce the amount of time necessary to run the Fx Gain/Loss calculation at month end.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped January 31, 2018)
Run Trial Balance by Vendor
Summarize the Trial Balance by Vendor using a new "Vendor" option on the Trial Balance report.
In this video:
See how the report is generated
01:30 - Group and subtotal by vendor
02:17 - Export "by Vendor" to Excel
Review prerequisites to run the report
02:45 - Understand what is required to run "by vendor"
03:20 - It needs transactions for the beginning balance
03:45 - Ensure "Prior Segment" is set up in Segment Definitions
04:30 - If you have multiple Prior Years, each Prior Segment would need be to set
Situations that may require adjustment(s)
05:00 - Recognize that if a year is "rolled off" an adjustment may need to be made to keep it in balance
Watch the video on YouTube or watch below.
Enhanced Tax Certificate for Argentina
The tax certificates have been updated.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped November 17, 2017)
Archive Data
A new data archive process was added to allow journals, balances and transactions that were scheduled to be deleted from the production database to be inserted into a new archive database for ad-hoc queries.
Get improved Excel export performance from Financial Report Writer reports
The Financial Report Writer Excel export speed is optimized for faster performance.
View additional audits added to central audit manager
Additional audit trails have been added to the suite of audit trails contained in the System Security module. Full auditing is now available in the following Accounts Payable screens.
Configure and use in the central audit manager, auditing for void/delete check, Batch void/delete check, Auto check, Auto Invoice and Invoice Entry for both Standard and Argentine modules.
Improve unrealized gain/loss report data
View the detail transactions that make up the unrealized FX gain or loss calculation in the same manner that is done with realized FX calculation.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped June 19, 2017)
Reverse a batch to a different journal definition
If a manual error occurs, you can now easily correct it. The Reverse Batch Utility (General Leger) now allows you to reverse a batch to a different journal definition.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped May 24, 2017)
Streamline user management with Microsoft Active Directory group to IFS IDEAS role mappings
Save time managing users and performing access reviews by associating Microsoft Active Directory groups to IFS IDEAS roles. IFS IDEAS will automatically update permissions as users are moved between Active Directory groups. Shift access reviews to the Active Directory level and review role mappings between the systems periodically to lower overhead of system access reviews.
View audits from a new centralized screen
We created an audit trail within the System Security module that mimics the audit trail for the Vendor screen in Accounts Payable. This approach allows the user to select fields from the screen to audit. Changes are then recorded to an audit log based on the fields selected. The user can report on the changes at a Summary or Detail field level.
The Detail report can display the history of changes made to each field.
Three screens are available in this release for auditing with this new approach:
User Setup
User Role Maintenance
Group Role Maintenance
Additional screens can be added to the audit in the future.
IFS IDEAS (Shipped April 21, 2017)
The GL Export is now "lightening" fast and each line has the Fully Qualified Account (FQA)
IFS IDEAS is worth this feature alone!
Our team optimized the GL Export to be much faster.
It now handles large amounts of data, which means you can export lots of data without doing it in separate periods.
The FQA is included on each line, making analysis easier.
Improve access to your data with Microsoft Excel exports
Export data directly into Microsoft Excel from your standard reports and parameter-style reports.
Your Excel exports are now faster and you are no longer limited to the Crystal Reports row limitation. Watch this video to see the power in three examples!
Vendor data now flowing through JIB
Vendor data now flows through JIB making it easier to track net books by vendor for reporting and regulatory purposes.
Massively improve performance if you run the User Action Audit Trail
If you are running the User Action Audit Trail, you can significantly increase performance after an upgrade to or beyond. Perform the steps in the below Word document to keep recording audit trail and reduce the time JIB takes to journalize (among other key processes).
Use multiple configurations on one instance
IFS IDEAS no longer uses DSNs. Unlock the IFS IDEAS Application and Process Manager and run multiple instances on the same machine. This means you can run both cyrilic and non-cycrilic instances from one machine. This is configured in the installation process. The connect string for the TEMPDB is in the .ini file and DSNs have been eliminated.
See a few screenshots in this document - IDEAS 62 DSN-less login.pdf
Run Account Distribution Analysis Report for multiple currencies at the same time
You can now run this report for multiple currencies and multiple entities.
Warehouse clerk can now see the user id that entered and/or processed the transaction
In the Warehouse Control reports, you can now see the user id that entered and/or processed the transaction in the following reports: Create Warehouse Assembly, Sales Report, Disassemble Warehouse Stock.
Select all entities when running the Journal Batch Detail report
Select all entities when running journal batch detail report rather than one entity at a time. This feature can save lots of time when you have many companies to manage.
Capture user/date in the Journal Correction logs for batches created from sub-ledger modules
IFS IDEAS now records the creation of batches from sub-ledger modules in the journal corrections log. Previously, only batches entered in the Journal Entry screen recorded the creation date.
To enable this feature:
Open System Security > Select System Options > Check "Journal Corrections Audit Trail" > Press Save
To run the report to see the audit trail:
Open GL > Select Utilities > Click Journal Corrections Log
On the Journal Corrections Log screen, Select "Audit Only" or "Include Audit" and "Run Report" or export using "Export to Excel"
Core Web Services engine now available
IFS IDEAS includes a new web services engine that is the foundation for future web services that may be built on top of IFS IDEAS. The functionality is not accessible by the end user, but we wanted to make the community aware that the engine is available.
Batch validate AP/ART invoices
Two new DLLs were added to the Process Manager. These DLLs perform batch validation on AP and ART invoices. They are called by the AutoInvoice DLLs so that invoices being imported are automatically validated. But they can also be scheduled as part of the Process Manager to validate manually entered batches.
Improve search and sort in GL Reports
Added searchable/sortable list boxes to the element selection fields in the following GL reports:
GL Report
Trial Balance Report
Conversion Analysis Report
Cost Center Detail Report
Libro Mayor Report
Libro Diario Report
GL Auxiliar Report
See remaining balance on invoices with partial payments in the AP Open Invoice Report
Added a Net Amount column to show remaining balance on invoices with partial payments.
Sort columns in Vendor Inquiry and Check Inquiry grids
Added the ability to sort columns in grids used in Vendor inquiry and Check Inquiry.
Speed GL Detail Report analysis with an element-parsed FQA in the Excel export
When exporting the GL Report to Excel, each element of the FQA will be parsed into its own cell to facilitate analysis.
See Billions in the JIB Cross Check report Net column
Widened the Net column to display amounts in the billions.
User1 and User2 fields available on (Account Balance Inquiry) Transaction Detail screen
Added User1 and User2 fields to (Account Balance Inquiry) Transaction Detail screen.
Ease JIB Cutback Administration with Company/Owner copy feature
Added the ability to copy the setup for one company/owner to another company/owner combination
Filter by Account element on Disbursements Report
Enable a new Disbursements Report that gives the additional option to filter by the Account element. The report will only show those checks that paid invoices that were coded with the specified account within the date range selected. Enabled by the AP Misc code DisbAcct_Rpt = "Y".
Perform multiple JIB passes (Multi-pass JIB)
Perform the JIB process multiple times in an accounting period. In addition, the process was enhanced to support reporting with multiple passes.
Use Perpetual Inventory Costing methods
The system will calculate and update the weighted average cost in any source and target currencies and the stock on hand every time a warehouse transaction is registered.
Summarize Inventory Accounting and Accounts Payable journals
Summarize the Inventory and Inventory Offset FQA's for Warehouse Transactions by FQA and summarize the Warehouse receipts Inventory and Inventory Offset FQA's by receipt. In addition, summarize Accounts Payable purchase journals by FQA, Invoice and Receipt. The summarization is for both Stock and Non-stock items.
Improve control of Purchase Document number and date assignments
Creation of Purchase Document and Requisition will require Date of transaction (same as the Current Date) and Document Number to be in chronological order and be non-editable. The functionality will be activated via a parameter accessed via required permissions defined in system security.
Process transactions through a specified date in the Warehouse module
Added the feature to process transactions through dates to the following screens:
Process Closed Purchase Document Lines
Process Warehouse Receipts and Vendor Returns
Process and Journalize Warehouse Accruals
In addition, the FIFO logic was modified to consider each Receipt/Invoice as a separate layer.
Select ALL currencies on the Vendor Reconciliation Report
Added an option in the Accounts Payable - Vendor Reconciliation Report to be able to select ALL currencies
Use Invoice Description along with Invoice Number and Amount Due on Manual Check Processing screen
Added Invoice Description to Manual Check Processing screen along with the existing fields of Invoice Number and Amount Due.
Validate Manual Check Date is within 'Period Control Date'
Added a validation to verify that the Manual Check Date is within the month start date and month end date from the Period Control Date screen under AP\Utilities menu group.
View Accounting Period field in Disbursement Report
Added the accounting period field to the Disbursement Report.
Simplify invoice reviews from Accounts Payable module
Added Line descriptions and Accounting Period fields to the Invoice Batch Report to assist users in reviewing invoicing in Accounts Payable module.
See INVOICE STATUS on Accounts Payable - Transaction Approval screen
Modified the screen to allow the display of the INVOICE STATUS column.
Improve auditing for journal entry and posting
The existing functionality of the "Journal Corrections Log" was to audit trail records changes to previously entered journal batches. This feature was further enhanced to also audit who entered and posted journal batches. Information on who initially entered a batch, who posted a batch or who inactivated a batch will be stored in the same table as the correction activity. This information is added to the existing Journal Correction Log report. A new report is also added that lists the entry and posting information for each batch on a single report.
Streamline installations for the IFS Cloud (or local environments)
IFS IDEAS 6 has improved installers and is cloud-ready. Focus on your core business and join hundreds of customers in the secure IFS Cloud. If you are moving to IFS IDEAS 6 from an older version, this is the perfect time to move to the IFS Cloud and retire that old hardware.
AP Advance functionality completed
The control totals update correctly when an advance is created for an existing invoice number.
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