IFS IDEAS Accounts Payable User Guide

IFS IDEAS Accounts Payable User Guide

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Accounts Payable Overview

The Accounts Payable module enables users to perform the entire accounts payable process and to update and maintain all payables records.  Each invoice entered into the system is recorded and maintained in the currency (foreign or domestic) in which the financial settlement is due.

To operate the Accounts Payable module, follow these procedures:

  • Initialize the system

  • Process invoices

  • Process checks

  • Journalize

  • Perform month end processing

  • Perform year-end processing

Modules to Set Up Before Accounts Payable

P2 IDEAS requires that the General Ledger module be set up before the Accounts Payable module can be set up.

AP System Setup Procedures

To set up the Accounts Payable module, complete the steps in the following chart.  Each step requires that a button be clicked, or a function be selected from a drop-down menu and completing the screen(s) that P2 IDEAS displays.  Please see the Screen-by-Screen Instructions section for detailed instructions regarding how to complete each screen.


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Select Entity Maintenance from the Utilities menu. 

Set up entities, journals, and currency types that will be used in the AP module. 


Select Accounting Periods from the User Tables submenu in the Utilities menu. 

Set up accounting periods. 


Select Period Control Dates from the Utilities menu. 

Define the beginning and ending dates of each entity's current processing period. 


Select Check Format Utilities menu. 

If writing checks to pay invoices, set up check format(s). 


Select Vendor Maintenance from the Vendor menu or click the VM button on the toolbar. 

Define all vendors used in the Accounts Payable module. 

AP Monthly Processing Procedures

To perform monthly processing, complete the steps in the chart below.  Each step requires clicking a button or selecting a function from a menu and completing the screen(s) that P2 IDEAS displays.  Please see the Screen-by-Screen Instructions section for detailed instructions regarding how to complete each screen.


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Select Period Control Dates Utilities menu.

Define the beginning and ending dates of each entity's current processing period.


Select Invoice Entry Transaction menu or click the INV button on the toolbar. menu or click the INV button on the toolbar.

Enter transaction data. 


Select Transaction Batch Validation Transaction menu.

Validate data entered during invoice entry Validation verifies that the entries contain fully qualified accounts (FQAs) and actual totals equal to control total for the batch to be posted.  

For Invoice Entry

(None) For Transaction Approval

Approve transactions two (2) ways, both accessed from the Transaction menu:

  •  Invoice Entry

  • Transaction Approval

Approve transaction.. 


Follow directions for either automatic or manual check processing: 

Automatic Check Process :

Use the following functions of the Checks menu for automatic check processing:

  • Generate Cash Requirements

  • Cash Requirements Report  

  • Automatic Check Process

To modify payments to vendors after running Generate Cash Requirements, Edit Cash Requirements

Cash Requirements Report  again.  

This is to verify changes made using Edit Cash Requirements.


Generate printed checks as well as create an audit trail with these automatic check processing functions.


Manual Check :  

Use the following function of the Checks menu for manual check processing:

  Manual Check.


Create an audit trail ally prepared checks using the Manual Check Processing function.


Select Create Account Payable Journal from the Journalize menu.

Journalize – i.e., transfer the current Accounts Payable data to the General Ledger system. 


 Select Period Control Dates Utilities menu.

Define the beginning and ending dates of each entity's current processing period. 

AP Month End Processing Procedures

To perform month end processing, refer to the chart below and use the function specified.  Please see the Screen-by-Screen Instructions section for detailed instructions regarding how to complete it.


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Select Period from the Control Dates Utilities menu. 

Define the beginning and ending dates of each entity's next processing period.

AP Year End Processing Procedures

To perform year end processing, the first two steps in the chart below are required. All other steps are optional based on system configuration and individual business processes at each company.  Each step requires a function to be selected from a menu and the screen(s) that P2 IDEAS displays to be completed.  Please see the Screen-by-Screen Instructions section for detailed instructions regarding how to complete each screen.


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Access From Drop-Down Menu

Use the Function To


Select Accounting Periods from the User Tables submenu Utilities  menu.

Set up accounting periods for the next year


Select Period Control Dates from the Utilities menu. 

Define the beginning and ending dates of each entity's current processing period. 


Select Invoice Purge Year End Utilities submenu under the Utilities menu.

Optional:  Clears invoice files and associated check files.

Note: The system will not purge invoices that are not yet paid.


Select Vendor Purge from the Year End Utilities submenu under the Utilities menu.

Optional :  Clears vendors that are not longer in use


Use the following functions in the Utilities menu if required:

1099 Report

IRS 1099-Misc Forms

Adjust 1099 Amount

U.S. Only: If the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. government requires reporting of miscellaneous income paid to a vendor using a 1099 form, use the functions listed at left.

Screen-by-Screen Instructions

The Accounts Payable module offers functions to support all activities required to perform accounts payable processing.  The following chart contains the seven menus and the functions that fall under each. The remainder of this guide details the menus and features in the P2 IDEAS AP module.








Vendor Maintenance 

Vendor Analysis Report  

Vendor Audit Trail  

Vendor Listing Report 

Vendor Lock 

Vendor Fields Unlock 

Vendor Fields Log

Vendor Audit Trail Purge



Invoice Entry 

Miscellaneous Invoice (Miscellaneous Invoice Entry)

Recurring Invoice (Recurring Invoice Entry) 

Auto Invoices 

Apply Advance


Remove Advance


Invoice Batch Report 

Transaction Batch Validation 

Transaction Approval



Vendor Inquiry 

Purchase Inquiry 

Invoices by Vendor Inquiry 

Check Inquiry 

Invoice Inquiry


Aged Open Payables (Aged Open Payables Report) 

AP Reconciliation Report

AP Reconciliation Period Report 

Open Invoices Report


AP Invoice Listing Report (Invoice Listing Report)


Purchases (Purchases Report)


(Purchases Distribution Report))


Disbursements (Disbursements Report) 

Disbursements (Disbursements Distribution Report)) 

Disbursements Tax Detail (Disbursements Tax Detail Report) 

Daily Disbursements (Daily Disbursements Report) 

Account Distribution Analysis (Account Distribution Analysis Report) 

Invoice / Reference Tracking Report


Cash Forecast Report


Detailed Cash Forecast Report

Advance Status (Advance Status Report) 

Vendor Reconciliation Report 

Vendor Payment History Report (Vendor Payment History) 

Unapproved Batch Report


Generate Cash Requirements 

Cash Requirements Report 

Edit Cash Requirements (Cash Requirements Edit) 

Automatic Check Process (Automated Check Processing) 

Manual Check (Manual Check Processing) 

Void/Delete Check (Void/Delete Checks) 

Batch (Batch Void/Delete Checks)) 

Check Reconciliation 

Unreconciled Checks Report 

Positive Pay 

Positive Pay (Positive Payment Setup) 

Create Account Payable Journal (Create Accounts Payable Journal) 

User Tables (sub menu): 



Postal Codes 

Bank Codes (Bank Code) 

Accounting Periods 

Account Codes (Define a code and FQA for each offset type) 

User Definitions 

Vendor Groups 

Vendor Types 

Entity Maintenance 

Period Control Dates 

Check Format 

Year End Utilities (sub-menu): 

Invoice Purge 

Vendor Purge 

1099 Report 

IRS1099-Misc Form (IRS 1099-Misc Forms) 

Adjust 1099 Amount (IRS 1099 Adjustments) 

System Tables:: 

Account Types 

Check Handling Codes 

Invoice Class 

Invoice Line Status 

Invoice Status 

Payment Types 

Term Codes (Terms  Codes) 

Transaction Types 

AP Miscellaneous 

Reset WH Accumulators (Reset Tax Accumulators)  

Unlock Tables (Unlock Tables) 

Reset Grid Format   

P2 IDEAS also provides quick and easy access to four commonly-used functions by clicking on the associated toolbar buttons:


  Vendor Maintenance


  Invoice Entry


  Vendor Inquiry

  Create Accounts Payable Journal

Export to Excel Feature

Some screens in this module may have an Export to Excel button  incorporated in the screen or an Export to Excel  icon in the toolbar.  The user can click on this button or icon to export the raw report data directly to an Excel spreadsheet, bypassing the report.  This feature is useful as it allows clients to use Excel features (for example, pivot tables, etc.) to organize the data as desired.

Advances (Optional)

P2 IDEAS supports vendor payment (trade) advances as well as employee advances.

To enable features for advances (optional) in P2 IDEAS, perform the following steps:


1. Double-click the P2 IDEAS .ini file on the local computer. The filename is usually the database name followed by ‘_Ideas.’ In this example screenshot, OGDEMO_Ideas is the .ini file.  

2. The .ini file opens in Notepad. Scroll down to the text that says ‘ODBC=TRUE,’ then enter either ‘ADVPAY=NORUS’ OR ‘ADVPAY=RUS.’ Each option is explained below.

  • NORUS processes advances according to GAAP.    

  • RUS processes advances according to Russian Accounting Practices. 

3. Save the file ( File > Save), then close the window ( File > Exit).

4. If the Accounts Payable module is open, close the module.

5. Open the Accounts Payable module.

6. P2 IDEAS features for advances are now enabled.    

The subsections below describe all the advance features that are available in the Accounts Payable module in detail. Refer to the subsections below for information about how to create, approve and validate, and pay an advance, as well as for instructions to apply an advance to invoice(s) and journalize advance applications.

Creating Advances

The first step in the general process of applying an advance to invoice(s) is to create an advance. Advances are created in the Invoice Entry screen ( Transaction menu > Invoice Entry).

When ADVPAY=NORUS or ADVPAY=RUS is set, an additional invoice option called A – Advance becomes available for selection in the Invoice Entry screen ( Transaction menu > Invoice Entry > Invoice tab > General tab > Inv/Mem Type field). Selecting the A – Advance option allows the user to designate that an advance is being created. The user can then proceed with creating the advance like any other invoice type. For detailed information on how to create an invoice, refer to the Invoice Entry section.

Enter Fully Qualified Account Elements Information for Advances

When creating an advance, enter the element information (for the advance’s FQA) in the Non-Stock Line/Stock Line tab in the Invoice Entry screen (Transaction menu > Invoice Entry > Invoice Tab > Non-Stock Line/Stock Line tab).

For advances, the Non-Stock Line tab or Stock Line tab will only have one (1) grid line/row. The available column fields in this row are the line number, which will always be 1, and the columns that are applicable to each of the advance’s FQA elements.  An advance only requires the FQA that represents the advance account so only one FQA is entered.

Approving and Validating Advances

After an advance is created, it must be validated and approved just like any other invoice type.  To validate advances, use the Transaction Batch Validation and Transaction Approval screens.

Paying Advances

Once an advance is validated and approved, it needs to be paid. Users can use the Generate Cash Requirements screen to select invoice(s), including advances, due on or before the due date for the specified payable accounts and vendors.  Invoices selected on this screen are designated for automatic check payment.  Advances can be paid using the Automated Check Processing (Automatic Check Process) screen or the Manual Check Processing (Manual Check) screen.  The Automated Check Processing screen requires that the Generate Cash Requirements process be run.  The Manual Check Processing screen does NOT require that the Generate Cash Requirements process be run.

Applying Advances to Invoices

After an advance has been paid, it can be applied to invoice(s) in the place of payment(s). The Apply Advance function can be used to do this. (For detailed information about how to enable this function in the Transaction menu in P2 IDEAS, refer to the Advances (Optional) section.) 

An advance can be applied fully to one invoice or it can be applied partially to multiple invoices.  The invoice must be valid, approved, and not of the advance invoice type to be eligible to be paid with an advance.

The Apply Advance screen is configured differently depending on the vendor selected for the advance in the Invoice Entry screen (Accounts Payable module > Transaction menu > Invoice Entry > Invoice tab > General Tab > Vendor ID field). There are two types of vendors available, Trade Vendors or Employee vendors. By default, vendors created in the Vendor Maintenance screen (Vendor menu > Vendor Maintenance) are designated as Trade Vendors unless the Employee checkbox in the General tab is marked to indicate an Employee vendor, and not a traditional vendor. 

Trade Vendors

When a Trade Vendor is selected for an advance, only invoices entered for the same vendor as the advance are eligible for application in the Apply Advance screen.  An advance is created for a Trade Vendor when the vendor requires a down payment or some form of advance payment before processing an order.  The advance is generated and the payment for the advance is sent to the vendor to satisfy the advance payment request.  When the goods are received and invoiced, then the advance is applied against the invoice and any remaining balance can be paid with standard payment types (e.g., auto check, bank draft, manual check, wire transfer).  Therefore, only invoices for the same vendor as the advance are eligible for application.

Employee Vendors

When a vendor of the Employee vendor type is selected for an advance, any valid and approved invoice is eligible for application in the Apply Advance screen.  As an employee incurs various costs, invoices are entered into AP to record those costs.  The advance given to the employee is then applied to those invoices for reporting purposes.  It is necessary, therefore, to have the ability to apply the advance to other vendors’ invoices in the Apply Advance screen.  Because of this, an additional Vendor ID column exists in the Apply Advance grid to identify the different vendors applicable to the invoices for selection.

Journalizing Advances, Paid Advances, and Advance Applications

Journalization is a required process. Journalization organizes data from the sub-ledger modules (AP, ART, JIB, etc.) and sends it to the General Ledger module so that it can be posted and included in financial reports.  The original advance and payment for the advance are journalized as part of the invoice and disbursement process found in the Create Accounts Payable Journal screen (Journalize > Create Account Payable Journal).  Advance applications to invoice(s) are journalized in the same screen by selecting the option ‘Journalize only Advance Applications.’  An example of what the user can expect for the accounting for advances when a journal is created at each step of the process is as follows.

Advance Entry





Advance Payment





Invoice Entry





Advance Application





Removing Advance Applications

Like voiding payments, occasionally the need arises to remove an advance application from an invoice.  The Remove Advance Application screen allows for the removal of the advance application from an invoice and reopens the invoice so that another advance or payment can be applied instead. (For instructions to enable the Remove Advance Application function in the Transaction menu, refer to the Advances section.)  Whenever an advance is removed using this screen, the system will verify if the original advance application was journalized.  If so, a reversing journal batch is created in the General Ledger module to reverse the original posting.  These reversing journal entries are created for previously journalized advance applications to maintain an audit trail. 

For detailed instructions to use this screen, refer to the Remove Advance Application subsection.

Generating Advance Status Reports to Manage Advances

Advance Status Report (Reports menu > Advance Status) generates an Advance Status report that helps the user manage advances and their applications.  The report can be run to show all advances and their respective activity, or it can be run to show only open advances.

For instructions to enable this function in the Reports menu, refer to the Advances (Optional) section.

Vendor Menu

Vendor functions allow users to establish vendors, perform vendor maintenance, and report on vendor maintenance that has been performed. 

Following are screen-by-screen descriptions of how to use each function.

Vendor Maintenance

To track accounts payable history for a vendor or to automatically pay a vendor, a record for that vendor must be created in the P2 IDEAS system.  Invoice and payment history, as well many other items, can then be tracked.

To create the vendor record or to modify or delete an existing vendor record, use the Vendor Maintenance function. Invoice Entry function can then be used  to enter invoices for those vendors.

Extensive information about a vendor can be stored using the Vendor Maintenance function.  However, only five fields are required:  Vendor ID, Name, Abbreviation, Status, and Payment Type.

To save changes to a newly created vendor or modifications to an existing vendor in this screen, ensure the respective fields described in the subsections below are completed as necessary, and then click the Save button   from the toolbar.

Processing the Vendor Maintenance Screen

Click on the VM button   to load the Vendor Maintenance screen  from the Vendor menu.

The top portion of the Vendor Maintenance screen, called the Header, contains a set of fields and toolbar buttons that are always visible on the screen.  The fields on the header always remain in view, regardless of tab or sub-tab selections.

The bottom portion of the screen contains seven main tabs. There is a set of sub-tabs on the Address tab for inputting different Address Types, if desired. Each tab is discussed in detail in the sections below.   

  • Vendor ID To create a new vendor record, type a unique Vendor ID in the text box or click the New button in the Toolbar to obtain a system-generated Vendor ID.  To view an existing vendor record, type the existing Vendor ID or use the spyglass  button to search.

    • If using the spyglass, the following window will pop-up:

To use this window, type in any known information. Use the   button to execute the search. Once the search results are displayed, select a vendor from the list by double-clicking the record or by selecting the record and clicking the Ok button.


  • Name If creating a new vendor, enter a vendor name.  The vendor name may be up to 50 characters long.  When viewing an existing vendor record, the vendor name will display automatically.

  • Abbreviation If creating a new vendor, enter a vendor abbreviation.  It may be up to 30 characters long.  When viewing an existing vendor record, the vendor abbreviation displays automatically.

  • Status – Mark a vendor’s status as active or inactive using the Active or Inactive radio buttons in this group box.  The radio button selected by default is Active.  Active vendors can have new invoices entered for them.  Inactive vendors cannot.  A company may mark a vendor as inactive if they do not want to use a vendor anymore, but still want to include that vendor in reporting.  Inactivating a vendor does not delete the vendor.

These four  fields, and the Payment Type field in the Defaults tab are the only required fields for a vendor record.  These fields must be completed before the user can save the record.  If desired, the user may complete these fields, click the Save button to save the record, then complete additional, optional information in the other tabs and fields later.  These tabs and fields are described in detail in the subsections below.  Although these fields are not required to save the vendor record, completing them may be necessary for the successful use of other P2 IDEAS processes or modules.

The Address Tab

The Address tab consists of six sub-tabs:  Vendor, Miscellaneous, Mailing, Remit, Return, and Bank.

Each is discussed in detail below. Entering address information for a vendor is optional but encouraged.

Vendor Sub Tab

The Vendor subtab is the first subtab in the Address tab.  

The Vendor subtab is for recording physical address information for a vendor. This address may be omitted, or it can be included for informational purposes.

  • Address 1 - 3 Type in the vendor’s physical address.

  • City – Type in the city for the vendor’s physical address.

  • State – Type the state abbreviation for the vendor’s physical address or select one from the drop-down list. All US states will be loaded automatically. States outside the US can be set up through User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Country – Type the country for the vendor’s physical address or select one from the drop-down list. Countries can be set up through User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide. 

  • Postal Code – Type in the postal code for the vendor’s physical address or use the spyglass  button to search for an existing postal code.  Unlike with the State and Country fields, postal codes do not need to exist in the database to be valid. Frequently-used postal codes can be set up using User Tables, but this is an optional step.

  • Contact – Type in a point-of-contact name for the vendor.

  • Telephone – Type in the vendor’s telephone number.

  • Fax – Type in the vendor’s fax number. 

  • E-mail – Type in the vendor’s e-mail address.

Miscellaneous Sub Tab

The next sub-tab on the Address tab is the Miscellaneous tab. The Miscellaneous sub-tab can be used to record miscellaneous vendor address information that does not fall under the other Address sub-tabs.   

  • Address 1 - 3 – Type in the vendor’s miscellaneous address.

  • City Type in the city for the vendor’s miscellaneous address.

  • State Type the state abbreviation for the vendor’s miscellaneous address or select one from the drop-down list. All US states will be loaded automatically. States outside the US can be set up through User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Country – Type the country for the vendor’s miscellaneous address or select one from the drop-down list. Countries can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Postal Code Type in the postal code for the vendor’s miscellaneous address or use the spyglass   button to search for an existing postal code.  Unlike with the State and Country fields, postal codes do not need to exist in the database to be valid. Frequently-used postal codes can be set up in User Tables, but this is an optional step.

  • Contact – Type in the vendor’s miscellaneous point-of-contact name.

  • Telephone – Type in the vendor’s miscellaneous telephone number.

  • Fax – Type in the vendor’s miscellaneous fax number.

 Mailing Sub Tab

The third Address sub-tab is the Mailing sub-tab. Use the Mailing sub-tab to record mailing address information for the vendor, if it is different from the information on the Vendor sub-tab. For example, use this sub-tab if the vendor prefers to receive all mail at a P.O. Box.  

  • Address 1 - 3 – Type in the vendor’s mailing address.

  • City Type in the city for the vendor’s mailing address.

  • State Type the state abbreviation for the vendor’s mailing address or select one from the drop-down list. All US states will be loaded automatically. States outside the US can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Country – Type the country for the vendor’s mailing address or select an option from the drop-down list. Countries can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Postal Code Type in the postal code for the vendor’s mailing address or use the spyglass  button to search for an existing postal code.  Unlike with the State and Country fields, postal codes do not need to exist in the database to be valid. Frequently-used postal codes can be set up in the User Tables, but this is an optional step.

  • Contact – Type in a point-of-contact name for the vendor.

  • Telephone – Type in a telephone number for the vendor.

  • Fax – Type in a fax number for the vendor. 

Remit Sub Tab

The fourth sub-tab under the Address tab is the Remit sub-tab. Use the Remit sub-tab to record remittance address information for the vendor, if it is different from the information on the Vendor sub-tab.


  • Address 1 - 3 – Type in the vendor’s remittance address.

  • City Type in the city for the vendor’s remittance address.

  • State Type the state abbreviation for the vendor’s remittance address or select one from the drop-down list. All US states will be loaded automatically. States outside the US can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Country – Type the country or select an option from the drop-down list. Countries can be set up through User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Postal Code Type in the postal code for the vendor’s remittance address, or use the spyglass  button  to search for an existing postal code.  Unlike with the State and Country fields, postal codes do not need to exist in the database to be valid. Frequently-used postal codes can be set up in User Tables, but this is an optional step.

  • Contact – Type in a point-of-contact name for the vendor.

  • Telephone – Type in a telephone number for the vendor.

  • Fax – Type in a fax number for the vendor.

Return Sub Tab

The next Address sub-tab is the Return sub-tab. Use the Return sub-tab to record the vendor’s address for returned goods, if different from the information on the Vendor sub-tab.

  • Address 1 - 3 – Type in the vendor’s return address.

  • City Type in the city for the vendor’s return address.

  • State Type the state abbreviation for the vendor’s return address or select an option from the drop-down list. All US states will be loaded automatically. States outside the US can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Country – Type the country for the vendor’s return address or select an option from the drop-down list.  Countries can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu.  For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Postal Code Type in the postal code for the vendor’s return address or use the spyglass  button to search for an existing postal code.  Unlike with the State and Country fields, postal codes do not need to exist in the database to be valid. Frequently-used postal codes can be set up in User Tables, but this is an optional step.

  • Contact – Type in a point-of-contact name for returned goods.

  • Telephone – Type in a telephone number for returned goods.

  • Fax – Type in a fax number for returned goods.

Bank Sub Tab

The final Address sub-tab is the Bank subtab. Use the Bank subtab to record a vendor’s bank address, account, and routing information.

  • Bank Name – Type in the name for the vendor’s bank

  • Address 1 - 3 – Type in the address for the vendor’s bank.

  • City Type in the city for the vendor’s bank.

  • State Type the state abbreviation for the vendor’s bank address or select one from the drop-down list. All US states will be loaded automatically. States outside the US can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the Utilities section of this guide.

  • Country – Type the country or select an option from the drop-down list. Countries can be set up through the User Tables located in the Utilities menu. For detailed instructions, see the User Tables section of this guide.

  • Postal Code Type in the postal code for the vendor’s bank address or use the spyglass   button to search for an existing postal code.  Unlike with the State and Country fields, postal codes do not need to exist in the database to be valid.  Frequently-used postal codes can be set up in User Tables, but this is an optional step.

  • Contact – Type in a point-of-contact name for the vendor’s bank.

  • Phone – Type in a telephone number for the vendor’s bank.

  • Fax – Type in a fax number for the vendor’s bank.

  • Account Number – Type in the account number for the vendor’s bank account.  This is necessary information if this vendor will be paid via wire transfer.

  • Routing Code – Type in the bank routing code, or routing number, for the vendor’s bank. This is necessary information if this vendor will be paid via wire transfer.

  • Country Code – For ACH payment purposes, enter the country code for the vendor’s bank.

  • Routing Number Identifier – For ACH payment purposes, enter the Routing Number Identifier (ABA or CPA) for the vendor’s bank.

Defaults Tab

The Defaults tab contains the Payment Type field, the only field required for a vendor record that is not on the header.e header fields and the Payment Type field must be completed before the Vendor record can be saved. While all other fields are optional to save the vendor record, completing optional fields may be necessary for successful use of other P2 IDEAS processes or modules. processes or modules.

Any selections made in the Defaults tab will be the default value for that vendor in the Invoice Entry screen. However, any default can be changed while performing invoice entry, if desired.      

  • Payment Type (Required) – Type in the respective number code for the desired payment type or use the spyglass button for a list of valid payment type options. If using the spyglass, the following pop-up window appears. Select an option from the list and click Ok.


  • Tax Type (optional) – If the Purchase Taxes module is installed, complete this text box. Enter the tax type letter code or use the spyglass   button to open the Tax Type Selection window shown below.  Select the appropriate tax type for this vendor, then click Ok.

  • Purpose of Payment (optional) – Enter the Purpose of Payment code or use the spyglass  button to open the Purpose of Payment Selection window.  Select the appropriate Purpose of Payment code for this vendor, then click Ok.

  • Payment/Discount Terms (optional)– Type in the respective number code for the desired term or use the spyglass button to open the Discount Terms Selection window shown below.  Select the desired term, then click the Ok button.  The system will then calculate the due date and any applicable discount information during invoice entry. See the chart below for definitions of the available payment/discount terms. the available payment/discount terms.

   Payment/Discount Terms :








Payment is due according to the invoice date and corresponding due date as shown below:

Invoice Date      Due   Date

 1 – 10                                 25th of same month 

11 – 25                               10th of next month 

26 – EOM                           25th of next month 


Payment is due according to the invoice date and corresponding due date as shown below: 

Invoice Date      Due  Date

 1 – 15                                 25th of same month

16 – EOM                           10th of next month


“NN” is the day of the month on which payment is due.  When this option is selected, the Payment Days field activates. Enter the desired value for “NN.” For example, if a payment is due on the 25th of the month, enter “25” in the Payment Days field. 

NN Days Net* 

Net payment is due “NN” days following the invoice date.  When this option is selected, the Payment Days field activates. Enter the desired value for “NN.” For example, if a payment is due 30 days from the invoice date, enter “30” in the Payment Days field. 

NN Disc Net Days 

Net payment is due in “NN”days following the invoice date. 

End of Month* 

Payment is due at end of month. 

*No discount available for these terms

  • Payment Days – This field is only active for payment/discount term codes 3, 4 and 5. See the chart above for details.

  • Discount This field is only active for payment/discount term code 5. See the chart above for details. code 5. See the chart above for details.

  • Discount This field is only active for payment/discount term code 5. See the chart above for details. code 5. See the chart above for details.

  • Entity (or Company) – Type a valid entity ID into the grid or double-click the field to display a list of entities.

  • Currency Type a valid currency code into the grid or double-click the field to display a list of currencies.

  • AP Account Type a valid AP Account ID into the grid or double-click the field to display a list of AP accounts.

 More than one entity, currency, and AP Account combination can be defined in the grid, if desired

Other Tab

The Other tab can contain up to 16 user-defined fields. These fields can be used for recording useful information about the vendor, but which does not fit into another field or tab. Examples of information that may be recorded on the Other tab are:  minority vendor status information; government contract details; and additional, key employees beyond the main point-of-contact. This tab and the user-defined fields are at the discretion of each company.

User-defined fields are set up in the User Definitions screen. See the User Definitions section for detailed instructions.

Once the user-defined fields have been set up, they may be used from this sub-tab according to established business practices.

Notes Tab

Unlike the Other tab, the Notes tab can be used to record a narrative of the vendor record. There is a single field on the Notes tab that can be used for recording additional details about the vendor or the vendor’s contract terms.  

To use this subtab, simply click into the Comments text box and begin typing.


Use the IVA tab to enter tax information for the vendor. This information is necessary for processing 1099s at year end.

Renaming the IVA Tab

The default tab name (IVA) can be renamed. For example, the IVA tab can be renamed to 1099, 394, or any other name that more closely aligns with the local reporting requirements for the user’s respective country.

To rename the IVA tab, perform the following steps:

1. Click the Utilities menu > System Tables submenu > AP Miscellaneous.

2. Enter VAR in the Code field. Enter the desired name in Field 1. Click the Save button .

3. Close the Accounts Payable module.

4. Reopen the Accounts Payable module. The IVA tab is now renamed.  Note that the IVA Tax checkbox that appears in the Defaults tab of the Invoice Entry screen and the Recurring Invoice Entry screen will be renamed as well.  For example, if the IVA tab was renamed to 1099, the checkbox will be renamed to “1099 Tax.”  Other screens in Accounts Payable that contained the IVA name will be updated as well. 

Using the IVA Tab
  • Tax ID – Enter the vendor’s tax ID.  If a Tax ID is specified for a vendor, the (IVA/1009/394/etc.) Tax checkbox on the Invoice tab > Defaults tab of the Invoice Entry and Recurring Invoice Entry screens will be marked by default whenever that vendor is selected in those screens.  Users will also be able to search for the vendor by the specified Tax ID in these screens.  This information can be changed during invoice entry or recurring invoice entry, as desired. 

  • Tax Authority vendor’s applicable tax authority. applicable tax authority.

Rating Tab

Use the Rating tab to record an internal rating of the vendor based on past performance.

  • Quality Rating – This is a freeform field. Type a description of the internal rating for this vendor.

  • Delivery – This is a freeform field. Type a description of the usual delivery time for this vendor.

General Tab

Use the General tab to assign vendors to groups, types and factors. This tab also contains two checkboxes to further specify the vendor’s type; one to designate the vendor as a foreign company and one to mark the vendor as an employee.

  • Group – Enter a valid group code or use the spyglass to choose from a list of groups. These groups are defined in the Utilities menu. See the Utilities Menu section for details.

  • Type – Enter a valid type code or use the spyglass to choose from a list of types. These types are defined in the Utilities menu. See the Utilities Menu section for details.

  • Factor – Enter a valid factor or use the spyglass  to choose from a list of factors. This field is used when a vendor passes to or sells their accounts receivable processing to a 3rd-party company and requires their customers to pay the 3rd-party company directly. This 3rd-party vendor must be set up in Vendor Maintenance as well.

  • Foreign – Use this checkbox to designate the vendor as a foreign (or non-domestic) company.

  • Employee – Use this checkbox to designate the vendor as an employee.  This checkbox indicates that the vendor record is for an employee and not a trade vendor.  Selecting a vendor of the ‘Employee’ vendor type in the Apply Advance screen will affect which grid columns display in the Apply Advance screen.

Vendor Analysis Report

Use the Vendor Analysis Report to create a report to analyze vendor activity. The report can be run for one or more vendors, covering one or more years.

The report includes information such as name and address of vendors as well as current balance due and last invoice paid.  In addition, the report includes period-to-date and year-to-date information regarding purchases, returns, discounts taken, discounts missed and disbursements.  It also includes purchase taxes, if applicable.  The system calculates information for the report by summing current and historical data.

Processing the Vendor Analysis Report

Select Vendor Analysis Report from the Vendor menu.

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically. Users may use the All Entities checkbox instead to select all entities.

  • All Entities – Check this checkbox to generate the report for all entities in the system.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for the selected entity, the currency name displays automatically. 

  • Year – Choose the desired radio button in this section.  To generate the report for a single year, choose One Year.  To generate the report for more than one year, choose Multiple Years. Choose Range of Years to select all years in a desired range.

    • Year – This field is active with One Year and Multiple Years radio button selections. Type the desired year. When the Multiple Years radio button is selected, press tab after entering a new year to add the year to the list box on the right. Once a year has been added to the list box, the << Remove button activates.

    • Beginning Year – This field is active when the Range of Years radio button is selected.  Type the desired beginning year of the range, and press tab to jump to the Ending Year field.

    • Ending Year – This field is active when the Range of Years radio button is selected.  Type the desired ending year of the range and keep pressing tab to jump to the Period field.

    • Period – Enter a code to represent the desired fiscal period.

  • Vendor – Choose the desired radio button from this section. These options function in a similar way to the way the radio buttons work in the Year section.

    • Vendor ID – This field is active with the One Vendor and Multiple Vendors selections. Type the desired vendor ID or use the spyglass  button to search for a vendor ID. If the Multiple Vendors radio button is selected, press tab after specifying a vendor ID to add it to the list box on the right.  Once a vendor ID has been added to the list box, the << Remove button activates.

    • Beginning Vendor ID – This field is active when the Range of Vendors radio button is selected.  Type the desired beginning vendor number in the range or use the spyglass  button to search. Press tab to jump to the Ending Vendor ID field below.

    • Ending Vendor ID – This field is active when the Range of Vendors radio button is selected. Type the desired ending vendor number in the range or use the spyglass  button to search.

    • All Vendors – If desired, the user can check the All Vendors checkbox to generate the report for all vendors.

Once all selections have been made in the Vendor Analysis Report screen, use the  button to view the report. A Crystal Report viewer will come up once the report has completed. The report can be printed or exported as desired.

Vendor Audit Trail

Use the Vendor Audit Trail function, and deletions to vendor records. Generate the report for specific vendors, users, or dates in any combination. or dates in any combination.

Processing the Vendor Audit Trail Screen

Select Vendor Audit Trail from the Vendor menu.

  • Print -  For a summary report of vendor changes and the respective type of changes (New, Changed, Deleted), select the Vendor Audit Trail radio button from this group box.  For a more detailed summary report that includes the fields in the vendor record that were changed, and when and by whom they were changed, select the Vendor Change Audit Trail radio button from this group box.  This will activate the Detail Audit Trail panel in the bottom left portion of the screen (see the Delete Audit Trail bullet below for details). 

  • User – Type in a user ID to audit. Use the wildcard character (*) to select users whose user IDs begin or end with the same characters. To run the audit report for all users, check the All Users checkbox.

  • Type – Enter the code for the type of activity to view in the audit report or use the spyglass button to select from a list of available options. Available activity types are:  Added, Changed, Deleted. To run the audit report for all types, check the All Types checkbox.

  • Modified Dates Options – Choose the desired radio button. Select One or Multiple to choose one or more dates. Select Range to choose a range of dates. Select All to view activity for all dates.

    • Date – This field activates with the One or Multiple selection. Type a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a date. Press tab to add the date to the selected dates list box.

    • Beginning Date – This field activates with the Range selection. Type a beginning date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a date.

    • Ending Date – This field activates with the Range selection. Type an ending date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a date.

  • Vendor Options Choose the desired radio button. Select One or Multiple to choose one or more vendors. Select Range to choose a range of vendor IDs. Select All to view activity for all vendors.

    • Vendor ID This field activates with the One or Multiple selection. Type a vendor ID, then press tab to add the vendor ID to the selected vendors box. Or use the spyglass   button to search for a vendor ID from a pop-up window.

    • Beginning Vendor ID – This field activates with the Range selection. Type in a beginning vendor ID number or use the spyglass   button to search.

    • Ending Vendor ID – This field activates with the Range selection. Type in an ending vendor ID number or use the spyglass   button to search.

  • Delete Audit Trail Enabled when the Vendor Change Audit Trail radio button from the Print group box is selected.  Use the spyglass  button to choose fields from the vendor record to view in the audit report.  There is also a checkbox option to show the old value and the new value after changes were made.

  • Sort By Chose the desired radio button for the field on which the report should be sorted. Vendor ID, Vendor Name, or Date are the options.

Once all desired entries have been made in the Vendor Audit Trail screen, use the button to view the report. A Crystal Report viewer will come up once the report has completed. The report can be printed or exported, as desired.

Vendor Listing Report

Use the Vendor Listing Report action to print a list of vendor records in the system  Listing Report window to narrow down the listing of vendors.

Processing the Vendor Listing

Select Vendor Listing Report from the Vendor menu.

  • Name – Use the name field to select only certain vendors by typing full or partial vendor names. Use the wildcard character (*) to choose vendor records that begin, contain, or end with a certain word or even a letter. For example, type “N*” to select all vendors with names that begin with N.

  • All Vendors – Check this checkbox to return a listing of all vendors.  Checking this box enables the Vendor Type field.  The listing can further be narrowed down by choosing a vendor type. However, note that entries in the Address 1-3, City, State, Country, and Postal Code fields will override the All Vendors selection.

  • Address 1 - 3 – Use the Address 1 through Address 3 fields to select for vendors with certain address information.

  • City – Use the City field to select vendors in a specified city.

  • State – Use the State field to select vendors in a specified city.

  • Country – Use the Country field to select vendors in a specified country.

  • Postal Code – Use the Postal Code field to return vendors in a specified postal code.

  • Vendor Type – Enabled when the All Vendors checkbox is selected. To filter for a specific vendor type, select the desired vendor type from the drop-down list. Examples of vendor types include CN (contractors), EMP (employees), and Trade (trade vendors). Vendor types can be added/defined using the Vendor Types utility. This field can be used together with the radio buttons in the Status group box to further refine the list of vendor record(s) in the report.

  • Status – Enabled when the All Vendors checkbox is selected. The Status group box contains radio buttons that can be used together with the Vendor Type field to further refine the list of vendor record(s) in the report.

    • Active – Select this radio button to include only active vendors (invoices can be applied to these vendors) in the report.

    • Inactive – Select this radio button to include only inactive vendors (invoices cannot be applied to these vendors) in the report.

    • Both Radio Button – Select to include both active and inactive vendors in the report.

  • Available Sort Options – Highlight sort options from the Available Sort Options box and move them to the Sort By box by using the Add - > button. The order in which items are selected is the order in which the vendor records will be sorted on the report. To correct any accidental additions to the Sort By box, use the < - Remove button.

  • Sort By – See above.

Once all selections have been made, use the  button to generate the report. A Crystal Report viewer will come up once the report has completed. The report can be printed or exported, as desired.

Vendor Lock

Use the Vendor Lock process to place locks on vendor records.  Updates to the vendors are not permitted once the lock is in place.  Vendor Lock can also be used to unlock vendor records that were previously locked with this screen.

Processing the Vendor Lock

Select Vendor Lock from the Vendor menu.

  • Vendor ID – Type in a vendor ID or use the spyglass  button to search.

  • Lock Vendor – If the selected vendor ID is not locked, the user can check the Lock Vendor checkbox to so that the vendor record will lock when this screen is saved.  If a vendor record was previously locked using this screen, the user can uncheck this box so that the vendor record will unlock when this screen is saved.

 To lock or unlock a vendor record, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save button from the toolbar.

Vendor Fields Unlock

It is possible to unlock specific fields for all locked vendor records. Use the Vendor Fields Unlock screen to unlock fields for editing.  This screen can also be used to generate a report of all Vendor Maintenance fields that will still be enabled even if a vendor record is locked.

Processing the Vendor Fields Unlock

Select Vendor Fields Unlock from the Vendor menu.


To unlock fields, use the spyglass  button to search for the desired field(s) to unlock. The pop-up window shown below appears. To select multiple fields from this window, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking more than one field. Then click the Ok button. The selected fields will be added to the Unlock Fields list box on this screen.


Once all desired fields have been added to the Unlock Fields list box for unlocking, click the save  button to save and then click the exit button to exit the screen.

To remove a previously-added field name from the Unlock Fields list box, highlight the field and delete it using the delete   button. Once the change has been saved, this field will no longer be open for editing in the Vendor Maintenance screen for locked vendor records.

To generate a report of all unlocked fields, click on the  button.

Vendor Fields Log

Use the Vendor Fields Log screen to indicate the desired fields from Vendor Maintenance to audit for activity.  This screen allows the user to set up what fields are tracked for the Vendor Audit Trail report when the Vendor Change Audit Trail radio button is selected on that screen and the report is run.  The spyglass in the Audit trail field names list box from this screen will only contain fields that were specified in the Vendor Fields Log screen.

Processing the Vendor Fields Log

Select Vendor Fields Log from the Vendor drop-down menu.

  Use the spyglass button to bring up a list of available fields, select the fields, and then click Ok to add them to the Log Fields list box.   


Once all desired fields have been added to the Log Fields list box for unlocking, click the save button   to save and the exit button  to exit.

To remove a previously-added field from the Log Fields list box, select the field and delete it using the delete  button.  Once the change has been saved, this field from the Vendor Maintenance screen will be audited for activity.

To generate a report of all fields from the Vendor Maintenance screen that will be audited, click on the  button.

Vendor Audit Trail Purge

Use the Vendor Audit Trail Purge to delete the audit trail of the additions, changes, and deletions made on vendor records. The purge can be done for a specific user, vendor, and date or for all users, vendors, and dates.

Processing the Vendor Audit Trail Purge

Select Vendor Audit Trail Purge from the Vendor menu.

  • User – Enter the user ID for which to run the purge. Use the wildcard character (*) to add user IDs with similar beginning or ending characters. Alternatively, use the All Users checkbox to run the purge for all users.

  • Type – Enter the code for the type of activity to purge or use the spyglass button to select from a list of options.  Select Added, Changed, Deleted, or Original.  Users may also check the All Types checkbox to purge all four types of audit information.

  • Modified Dates Options – Choose the desired radio button.  Select One or Multiple to choose one or more dates. Select Range to choose a range of dates. Select All to purge activity for all dates.

    • Date – This field activates with the One or Multiple selections. Type a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a date.  Press tab to add the date to the selected dates list box.

    • Beginning Date – This field activates with the Range selection. Type a beginning date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a date.

    • Ending Date – This field activates with the Range selection. Type an ending date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a date.

  • Vendor Options – Choose the desired radio button. Select One or Multiple to choose one or more vendors. Select Range to choose a range of vendor IDs. Select All to purge activity for all vendors.

    • Vendor ID – This field activates with the One or Multiple selections. Type a vendor ID and press tab to add the vendor ID to the selected vendor's list box.  Or, use the spyglass button to search.

    • Beginning Vendor ID – This field activates with the Range selection. Type in a beginning vendor ID number or use the spyglass button to search.

    • Ending Vendor ID – This field activates with the Range selection. Type in an ending vendor ID number or use the spyglass button to search.

Once all selections have been made, use the    button to execute the purge process.

Transaction Menu

The Transaction menu is where all day-to-day functions of the AP module are accessed, including, but not limited to, invoice entry and approvals.

Invoice Entry

Use Invoice Entry Maintenance invoice can also be used to update, delete, and approve open invoices.

To save changes to new or edited invoices, ensure the fields described in the subsections below are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

Processing Invoice Entry

Click on the INV button   to load the Invoice Entry function Invoice Entry from the Transaction menu.

The Invoice Entry screen consists of a header section and a tab section.  These are the fields in the header section:

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity number or select from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined in the system, it will display automatically.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency code or select from the drop-down list. If only one currency is defined for the selected entity, it will display automatically.

  • Batch button  to search.

  • Open Batches Only -   Check this box to filter for only batches that have open invoices.  (The spyglass loads all batches.)

The fields in the tab section are explained in detail below.

Batch Tab

The Batch tab has two subtabs: Control and Detail.

Control Sub Tab

The Control must be completed before moving on to the Invoice tab.

  • Control – Use these fields to indicate the number of invoices and the amount for the current batch. 

    • Count Enter the total number of invoices for this batch.

    • Amount – Enter the total monetary value for the invoices for this batch.

  • Actual – These fields are system-generated. The system will keep a running count of the invoices entered and their monetary value.

    • Count This field will display a running count of the invoices entered.

    • Amount – This field will display a running total of the monetary value of the invoices entered.

  • Difference – These fields are system-calculated. The system will calculate the difference between the Control and Actual totals.

    • Count This field will display the difference between the Control Count and the Actual Count.

    • Amount – This field will display the difference between the Control Amount and the Actual Amount.

Detail Sub Tab

The information on the Details subtab will populate with a list of the invoices that have previously been entered to the batch.  Use the Detail subtab to review data entered for the current batch. It provides an overview of the individual invoices. Refer to the Invoice Tab subsection for detailed information about the fields that populate the Detail tab’s grid, if desired.  Double-clicking on a line in the grid will load that invoice’s details to the main Invoice Entry screens.

  • Invoice No – The invoice number populates after each invoice is saved.

  • Invoice Amount – The total amount of each invoice displays after each invoice is saved.

  • Vendor ID – The applicable vendor ID displays for each invoice after each invoice is saved.

  • Vendor Name – The applicable vendor name displays for each invoice after each invoice is saved.

  • Invoice Date – The applicable invoice date displays after each invoice is saved.

  • Due Date – The applicable invoice due date displays after each invoice is saved.

  • Approved – The status of the invoice displays after each invoice is saved. Y=Approved, N=Not approved.

Invoice Tab

The next tab on the Invoice Entry screen is the Invoice tab. The Invoice tab and its subtabs are where the entry of individual invoices is performed.

When in the Invoice tab, the header changes slightly, displaying additional fields to aid in accurate data entry. These fields display total information at a glance.

  • Invoice Total This field displays the total of the current invoice.

  • Distribution Total This field displays the total of the line items entered on the current invoice.

  • Tax Total This field displays the total amount of taxes for the current invoice.

  • Approved – This checkbox will display as checked if the current invoice has been approved. Invoices must be approved before they can be journalized and paid.

There are four subtabs on the Invoice tab, described in detail below.

General Sub Tab

The General subtab is the first tab in the Invoice tab. This subtab contains fields for entering the basic information on the invoice, including the vendor, invoice number and applicable dates.

  • Vendor ID (Required) – Enter a valid Vendor ID or use the spyglass button to search.

  • Inv/Memo Type (Required) – This field will default to “I” for Invoice. If desired, enter a valid invoice/memo type code or use the spyglass button to select a different one. The available type options are I – Invoice, D – Debit Memo, and C – Credit Memo.  If advance features are enabled, then A – Advances will also be available for selection. For instructions to enable advance features, refer to the Advances (Optional) section.

  • Invoice No (Required) When entering a new invoice, type in its invoice number from the vendor’s invoice.  To view or edit an existing invoice, use the spyglass button to search for the desired invoice.

  • Ledger ID (Required) Enter a valid ledger ID or use the drop-down list to choose the ledger to which the invoice will be posted.  If only one ledger is defined, it will automatically display when the user tabs through the field.

  • Reference No (Optional) Use this field to record an additional reference number for the invoice, if necessary.  This field limit is 50 characters.

  • Document Type (Optional) – If creating purchase orders (POs) using the Requisition Processing and Purchase Documents modules, this field allows the user to enter or choose a document type from the drop-down for those POs.

  • Document No (Optional) This field is used in conjunction with the Document Type field. Enter the document number of the PO in this field. The system will then load the existing line items into the grid on the Line Items sub-tab.

  • Receipt No (Optional) – The Receipt No field is only enabled if it is turned on through AP Miscellaneous.  If desired, refer to the AP Miscellaneous section for instructions to enable this field (code INV_REQ_RECEIPT in the AP Miscellaneous Codes table).  This flag should be set if the invoice is related to a purchase document.  If this flag is enabled, every invoice requires a receipt.  Enter a receipt number or click on the spyglass icon to select a receipt number to be included with the invoice. 

  • Invoice Date (Required) This field is used for recording the date of the invoice.   Enter a new date using the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to use the defaulted date (current date) or select a new date.  If the date entered is in the future or is more than a year old, the system will prompt with a warning message.  Click yes.

  • Invoice Amount   Type the amount of the invoice. If entering a credit memo, enter a negative amount in this field.

  • Receipt Date (Required) Enter the date the goods were received. Use the calendar button to choose the defaulted date (current date) or a new date.

  • Due Date (Required) Enter or use the calendar button to select the date the payment is due. If Payment/Discount Terms were selected in Vendor Maintenance, this date will be calculated automatically based on the invoice date. If no date or the No Terms option were selected, the system will set the Due Date to the same date as the Invoice Date.

  • Discount – The system will calculate the discount date for the vendor automatically, but the date can be changed by typing a new date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or by using the calendar button.

  • Discount   This field will only be active if option 5 was selected in the Payment/Discount Terms field of Vendor Maintenance. Based on entries in Vendor Maintenance, the system will automatically calculate the discount amount for paying by the discount date. This amount can be changed, if necessary.

  • Description (Optional) Enter a description for the invoice, if desired. The description can be up to 50 characters long.

  • Comments (Optional) Enter any desired comments for the invoice. The comments can be up to 60 characters long.

  • Factor If a factor vendor was selected for this vendor in Vendor Maintenance, that information will display in the lower right corner of the screen in this box.

The factor vendor is set up as a regular vendor in P2 IDEAS and is referenced on the vendor’s vendor record in Vendor Maintenance.

When an invoice is entered to a vendor associated with a factor vendor, the factor field appears on the Invoice Entry screen indicating that the payment will go to the factor vendor, not the vendor the invoice is for.

  • Attachments – This field is only visible if iApprove is enabled.  From the iDEAS group box, click the Attachments button to add an attachment to the invoice.

  • Approvals – This field is only visible if iApprove is enabled.  From the iDEAS group box, click the Approvals button to view approval information for the invoice.

  • Route To (Optional) – From the iDEAS group box, click the Route To button to select the reviewer(s) and approver(s) to which this invoice or purchased goods should go to for review/approval.  

Invoice Spot Rate

If a conversion rate different than the invoice date in the Rate table is needed for conversion, the information can be entered here.  The rate will be passed to the General Ledger and will be used to convert the invoice instead of the Rate table rate.

  • Target Currency – Select the Currency that the invoice will be converted to.

  • Spot Rate – Enter the operator and conversion rate to be used instead of the Rate table rate.

  • Converted Amount – After supplying the Target Currency and Spot Rate, the Converted Amount will be calculated based on the Invoice amount and the Operator and Spot Rate entered.


Payment in a Different Currency

If there is a requirement to pay the invoice in a currency other than the source currency of the invoice, then the information to accomplish that is entered here.  At the point of payment, either Automatic Check Process or Manual Check, the Operator and Pay Rate entered here will be used to create the payment record in the target currency.

  • Pay Currency – Select the Currency that the invoice will be paid in.

  • Pay Rate – Enter the operator and conversion rate to be used to calculate the other currency payment amount.

  • Converted Amount – After supplying the Pay Currency and Pay Rate, the Converted Amount will be calculated based on the Invoice amount and the Operator and Pay Rate entered.[WR1]

Tax Sub Tab

The Tax subtab is used to assign tax information to an invoice.  It can be done at the invoice level or at the line level. If a default was chosen for the tax type for a vendor, that information will display. It can be changed as desired.  The Purchase Taxes module must be set up before taxes can be added to the invoice in Invoice Entry.

  • Tax Only Invoice – If desired, select the Tax Only Invoice checkbox to enter invoices for VAT taxes only without any expense lines. 

  • Tax Option – Use the spyglass button to select the desired Tax Option.  If the Purchase Taxes module is not in use, the only available option will be None.  If using the Purchase Taxes module, select to apply taxes at the invoice level (I), the line level (L), or not at all (N).

  • Tax Type If a tax type was defined for this vendor in Vendor Maintenance  button to select a Tax Type after choosing at which level the taxes should be button to select a Tax Type after choosing at which level the taxes should be applied button to select a Tax Type after choosing at which level the taxes should be applied.


  • Tax Amount (Display-only) – This field will populate with the tax amount after a Tax Code is chosen.

  • Tax Charged This field only displays for the Incremental Tax Type. Enter the tax charged.

The subtabs in the subsections below will activate based on the selection made in the Tax Type field. The user will be able to choose a tax code to apply to the invoice.

VAT Sub Tab Instructions - Tax Type “V” – Heading 7?

For the Tax Type “V,” the VAT activates.

  • Tax Code  Use the spyglass button to select a tax code from the list.

  • Basis  The system calculates the basis based on invoice amount and tax type and displays it automatically in this field. This amount can be changed, if necessary.

  • Rate Rate is the tax rate Taxes. This field cannot be changed.

  • Amount The system calculates the tax amount and displays it in the grid.  This field cannot be changed.

Withholding Sub Tab Instructions - Tax Type “W” 

For the Tax Type “W,” the Withholding subtab activates.

  • Tax Code  Use the spyglass button to select a tax code from the list.

  • Basis   The system calculates the basis based on invoice amount and tax type and displays it automatically in this field.  This amount can be changed, if necessary.

  • Rate Rate is the tax rate Taxes.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Amount The system calculates the tax amount and displays it in the grid.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Tax Authority – This is the tax authority entered in the Purchase Taxes module when the tax code was created.  This field cannot be changed.

Incremental Sub Tab Instructions - Tax Type “I” 

For the Tax Type “I,” the Incremental subtab activates.

  • Tax Code Use the spyglass button to select a tax code from the list.

  • Basis    The system calculates the basis based on invoice amount and tax type and displays it automatically in the text box. This amount can be changed, if necessary.

  • Rate Rate is the tax rate Taxes.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Amount The system calculates the tax amount and displays it in the grid.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Tax Authority – This is the tax authority you entered in the Purchase Taxes module when you created the tax code.  You may not override this field.

VAT and Withholding Sub Tabs Instructions - Tax Type “B” 

For the Tax Type “B,” both the VAT subtab and the Withholding subtab.

Complete the VAT subtab first.

  • Tax Code Use the spyglass button to select a tax code from the list.

  • Basis The system calculates the basis based on invoice amount and tax type and displays it automatically in the text box. This amount can be changed, if necessary. The system calculates the basis based on invoice amount and tax type and displays it automatically in the text box. This amount can be changed, if necessary. The system calculates the basis based on invoice amount and tax type and displays it automatically in the text box. This amount can be changed, if necessary.

  • Rate Rate is the tax rate Taxes.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Amount The system calculates the tax amount and displays it in the grid.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Tax Authority – This is the tax authority entered in the Purchase Taxes module when the tax code was created. This field cannot be changed.

Click the Withholding tab and complete the required fields.

  • Tax Code – Use the spyglass button  to select a tax code from the list.

  • Basis The system calculates the basis based on invoice amount and tax type and displays it automatically in the text box.  This amount can be changed, if necessary. This amount can be changed, if necessary.

  • Rate  Rate is the tax rate Taxes.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Amount The system calculates the tax amount and displays it in the grid.  This field cannot be changed.

  • Tax Authority – This is the tax authority entered in the Purchase Taxes module when the tax code was created. This field cannot be changed. 

Defaults Sub Tab

The Defaults sub tab displays information chosen as the default values for the vendor selected for the invoice.  The fields on this tab can be changed if desired.

Review the following to determine if any of the default settings should be changed for the current invoice.

  • AP Account

  • Accounting Period

  • Conversion (Currency Conversion)

  • Special Handling  

  • Single Check        

  • Tax 1099 (or IVA)

  • Invoice Level or Line Level

  • Payment Type

  • Purpose of Payment

  • Payment/Discount Terms (Display-Only): This text box contains the default payment and discount terms code selected for this vendor Refer to the chart below for the codes and their associated terms. This field cannot be edited.  Refer to the chart below for the codes and their associated terms. This field cannot be edited.



No Terms 




NN Days Net 

NN NN Disc Net Days 

  • Payment Days (Display-only): This number is determined by the payment and discount terms selected for this vendor and the number in the Payment Days text box will be zero. This field cannot be edited.

  • Discount   The number is calculated by the system based on the payment and discount terms selected for the vendor. This field displays the number of days from invoice date payment must be made to receive a discount. This field cannot be edited. The number is calculated by the system based on the payment and discount terms selected for the vendor. This field displays the number of days from invoice date payment must be made to receive a discount. This field cannot be edited. The number is calculated by the system based on the payment and discount terms selected for the vendor. This field displays the number of days from invoice date payment must be made to receive a discount. This field cannot be edited.

  • Discount   This field displays the discount percentage entered in Vendor Maintenance when the payment and discount terms were selected. This field cannot be edited.

  • AP Account (Required) This field will display the default AP account defined in Vendor Maintenance for the vendor. It can be changed, if necessary.

  • Accounting Period (Required) – The current accounting period automatically displays.  It can be changed, if necessary.  Both the period and year values come from what is entered in the Period Control Dates screen from the Utilities menu.

  • Accounting Year (Required) – The current accounting year automatically displays.  It can be changed, if necessary.  Both the period and year values come from what is entered in the Period Control Dates screen from the Utilities menu.

  • Conversion (Optional) This checkbox will only appear on the screen if the Currency Conversion module is installed and configured. This checkbox will default based on the selections made in Entity Maintenance in the AP module General Ledger and that converting journal is used in Entity Maintenance; this checkbox will be checked.  If the journal in General Ledger is not set to convert and that journal is used in the Entity Maintenance screen, this checkbox will not be checked. When marked, this indicates that the system will convert this invoice into a foreign currency during journalization.

  • Special Handling (Optional) Mark the checkbox to indicate that payment of this invoice requires some sort of special handling after the check is printed. When this box is checked, the system will print the check for this invoice at the end of the run to make it easier to find and perform the necessary special handling. Mark the checkbox to indicate that payment of this invoice requires some sort of special handling after the check is printed. When this box is checked, the system will print the check for this invoice at the end of the run to make it easier to find and perform the necessary special handling. Mark the checkbox to indicate that payment of this invoice requires some sort of special handling after the check is printed. When this box is checked, the system will print the check for this invoice at the end of the run to make it easier to find and perform the necessary special handling.

  • Single Check (Optional) Check this check box to indicate that this invoice needs to be paid on a separate check, even if there are other invoices to be paid to this vendor during the same check run.

  • X 1099 (or IVA Tax) – This checkbox defaults if a tax ID was entered on the 1099 tab of Vendor Maintenance. This can be changed, if necessary




If a tax ID was provided on the 1099 tab, the system automatically marks the 1099 Tax checkbox and the Invoice Level radio button.  

Available options: 

  • Accept both defaults. The system tracks for 1099 issuance at the invoice level.

  • Select the Line Level radio button. The system tracks for 1099 issuance at the line level.

 Override the default by clearing the 1099 Tax check box.  The invoice would not be tracked for 1099  issuance. 


If no tax ID was provided on the 1099 tab, the 1099 Tax box is not automatically checked. 1099 issuance will not be tracked automatically, but this can be changed until the invoice is paid. 

Available options:

  • Enter a tax ID for this vendor on the 1099 tab of Vendor Maintenance to track the current invoice for 1099
      issuance, then proceed with invoice entry.

  • Mark the 1099 Tax checkbox to track the invoice at the invoice level. If  no tax ID is provided on the vendor record, no tax ID will appear on the 1099 generated for the vendor. The tax ID must be entered on the vendor record so the tax ID will appear on the 1099 form.

  • Invoice Level – This radio button is the default level selection. If selected, it indicates that the 1099 issuance will be tracked at the invoice level.

  • Line Level - If this radio button is selected, it indicates that the 1099 issuance will be tracked at the line level.

  • Payment Type (Required) – This field will default with the value provided on the vendor record. It can be changed, if necessary. 

  • Purpose of Payment – Enter the Purpose of Payment code to be used on the invoice.  Purpose of Payment codes are defaulted from the Vendor record for each invoice and can be modified if needed.

  • Supplement of Payment ID – For Mexican customers, the Supplement of Payment ID (Complimentos de Pagos) can be entered or updated in this field.[WR1]

Line Sub Tab

Use the appropriate Line sub-tab to enter or edit multiple line items on an invoice. The Stock Line sub-tab is used in conjunction with the Warehousing, Requisition Processing, and Purchase Documents modules. The Non-Stock Line sub-tab can be used on its own or in conjunction with the Requisition and Purchase Documents modules.



  • Line No (Display-only) The system will generate line numbers in numerical order for each invoice line.

  • Elements - The elements that display in the grid columns depend on the Fully Qualified Account setup (General Ledger module > Account Code Definition screen). Fully Qualified Accounts can have as few as 3 elements and up to 10 elements. Below are the five elements that pertain to this example screenshot. Your elements may be different depending on what fully qualified account elements were specified for your reporting requirements.

    • Entity (or Company) (Required) Enter the entity number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available entities.

    • Account (Required) – Enter the GL Account number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available accounts.

    • Cost Center (Required) – Enter the cost center number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available cost center codes.

    • AFE (Required) – Enter the AFE number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available AFEs.

    • Billing (Required) – Enter the Billing code or double-click the field to choose from the list of available billing codes.

  • Quantity (Required) Enter the quantity.

  • Unit of Measure (Optional) Type in a unit of measure.  This text box is optional.

  • Unit Price (Required) Enter the price per piece.

  • Extended Amount (Display-only) – This is a system-generated field. The system multiplies the value in the Quantity field by the value in the Unit Price field to generate the Extended Amount.

  • Description (Required) Enter a brief description for the line.

  • Tax Code (Required) This field will only be active if Tax Option “L” was chosen on the Tax tab. Enter the tax code or double-click the field to choose from a list of available tax codes.  

  • Tax Amount (Display-only) This field will only display if Tax Option “L” was chosen on the Tax tab. The system calculates the tax amount and displays it in the grid. This field cannot be edited.

  • 1099 (Required) This field will only display if the Line Level option for 1099 tracking was chosen on the Default tab. Enter Y or N.

  • Custom Field(s)   -   Custom fields can be added to this screen if desired.  For instructions, refer to the General Ledger module’s help documentation to see how to use the GL Miscellaneous screen to create a custom field(s).  

Miscellaneous Invoice

Most invoices will be entered for payment using standard Invoice Entry.  Rarely, a need may arise for entering an invoice for a vendor that does not exist in the system, and there is no need to track history. This is typically for a vendor that will only be used once. However, it is strongly recommended that all vendors be entered into P2 IDEAS and all invoices are created through the Invoice Entry screen.

To save changes to a newly created or existing invoice for a vendor that does not exist in the system, ensure the fields described in the subsections below are specified as necessary, then click   from the toolbar.

Processing Miscellaneous Invoice

Select Miscellaneous Invoice Transaction menu.

As with other screens in P2 IDEAS, the Miscellaneous Invoice Entry screen consists of a header with tabs below.

  • Entity (or Company) (Required) – Select an Entity from the drop-down list. If only one Entity is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Currency (Required) – Select a Currency from the drop-down list. If only one Currency is defined for the chosen Entity, it will display automatically.

  • Vendor (Display-only) – This field will automatically populate with “Miscellaneous Vendor” once the Entity and Currency are selected. It cannot be changed.

  • Invoice Total (Display-only) This field will automatically calculate the total for the invoice.

  • Distribution Total (Display-only) As items are added to the grid on the Line tab, the system will calculate the distribution total for the item(s) entered.

  • Tax Total (Display-only) – If taxes are added to the invoice on the Tax tab, the system will calculate the tax total for the selected tax and display the amount in this field.

  • Approved Once the invoice is approved, this checkbox will show as checked. Until approval, this checkbox will be empty, and the invoice cannot be paid or journalized.

The Detail Tab

Use the Detail tab to enter basic information about the invoice, such as receipt date, invoice number, and any comments.


  • Invoice No (Required) To create a new invoice, type a unique invoice number in this field. To look up an existing invoice, use the spyglass  button to open the search.

  • Ledger ID (Required) Enter a valid ledger ID or use the drop-down list to select one. If only one ledger is defined for the chosen entity, it will display automatically.

  • Reference No (Optional) Use the Reference No field to record an additional reference number for the invoice. This might be a PO, or a reference number provided by the vendor.

  • Invoice Date (Required) The current date will display by default. To enter a different date, type a new date using the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select.

  • Invoice Amount   Enter the total of the invoice.   Enter the total of the invoice.   Enter the total of the invoice.  

  • Route To (Optional) Enter the name of the person or department to which this invoice and/or the purchased goods should go.

  • Receipt Date (Required) The current date will display by default.  To change the date, type the desired date in the date format that applies to your region (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY or DDMMYYYY), or use the calendar button to make a selection.

  • Due Date (Required) The date will default to the same as the Invoice Date. To change this, type a new date in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or use the calendar button to choose a new date.

  • Discount Date (Optional) Enter a discount date, if applicable.

  • Discount Amount (Optional) – Enter a discount amount, if applicable.

  • Description (Optional) Type in descriptive notes that pertain to the invoice. A description can be up to 50 characters long.

  • Comments (Optional) Type in comments that pertain to this invoice. Comments can be up to 60 characters long.

Tax Tab

Use the Tax tab to select applicable taxes for the invoice. This tab functions similarly to the Tax tab in the Invoice Entry screen.


  • Tax Option (Required) – Use the spyglass  button to select the desired Tax Option. If the Purchase Taxes module is not in use, the only available option will be None. If using the Purchase Taxes module, select to apply taxes at the invoice level (I), the line level (L), or not at all (N).

  • Tax Type (Required) – Choose a tax type.  This field is required if taxes will be added at the invoice or line level. It is not required if no taxes will be added.

  • Tax Amount (Display-only) – This field will populate with the tax amount after a Tax Code is chosen.

  • Tax Charged This field only displays for the Incremental Tax Type. Enter the tax charged.

  • Tax Code (Required) – This field will display on the appropriate sub-tab based on the chosen Tax Type. Use the spyglass  button to choose from the list.  Once the Tax Code is selected, the Basis, Rate, Amount, and/or Tax Authority (populates only when the Tax Code is selected) will populate.

For VAT, Withholding, and Incremental tab information refer to the applicable section:

Defaults Tab

Use this tab to review default information and specify other information regarding the invoice.

vendor maintenance.jpg




      • AP Account (Required) Enter a valid AP Account ID or use the drop-down to select one from the list.

      • Accounting Period (Required) – The current accounting period automatically displays.

      • Conversion (Optional) This checkbox will only display if the Currency Conversion module is installed and configured. The checkbox will default based on settings for the Entity record journalization.

      • Special Handling  Use this check box to indicate that the check has special handling instructions.

Line Tab

Use the Line tab to enter the line item(s) on the invoice.  This tab functions in much the same way as the Line tab in the Invoice Entry screen.

  • Line No (Display-only) The system will generate line numbers in numerical order for each invoice line.

  • Element Columns – The columns that appear for your configuration may differ depending on what elements were specified for your Fully Qualified Account.  The following elements are specific to this screenshot example:

    • Entity (or Company) (Required) Enter the entity number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available entities.

    • Account (Required) – Enter the GL Account number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available accounts.

    • Cost Center (Required) – Enter the cost center number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available cost center codes.

    • AFE (Required) – Enter the AFE number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available AFEs.

    • Billing (Required) – Enter the Billing code or double-click the field to choose from the list of available billing codes.

  • Quantity (Required) Enter the quantity.

  • Unit of Measure (Required) Type in a unit of measure.

  • Unit Price (Required) Enter the price per piece.

  • Extended Amount (Display-only) – This is a system-generated field. The system multiplies the value in the Quantity field by the value in the Unit Price field to generate the Extended Amount.

  • Description (Required) Enter a brief description for the line.

Address Tab

Record address information for the vendor using the Address tab.  This information can be used during the check printing process, but it is largely informational.

  • Vendor Name – Type the vendor’s name in this field.

  • Address 1 - 3 – Enter the vendor’s street or mailing address.

  • City Enter the city of the vendor’s address.

  • State Enter a valid state code or choose one from the drop-down list. 

  • Country – Enter a valid country code or choose a one from the drop-down list.

  • Postal Code Enter the postal code for the vendor’s address in this field or use the spyglass button for a list of available options.

  • Contact – Enter the name of a contact person for the vendor.

  • Telephone – Enter a telephone number for the vendor.

  • Fax – Enter a fax number for the vendor. 

Recurring Invoice Entry

Use the Recurring Invoice, the system sets up a Screen I nvoice Entry screen.

After the template to the invoice number.  The sequence number indicates where the individual invoices fall in the sequence of recurring invoices.  For example, the third invoice for recurring invoice 501 would be referenced as 501.3. to the invoice number.  The sequence number indicates where the individual invoices fall in the sequence of recurring invoices.  For example, the third invoice for recurring invoice 501 would be referenced as 501.3.

To save changes to a new or edited recurring invoice template, ensure the fields described in the subsections below are specified as necessary, then click  from the toolbar.

Processing Recurring Invoice Entry

Select Recurring Invoice from the Transaction menu. The screen consists of the main header and two tabs. Remember that once the template invoice is established, all subsequent invoices are accessed and edited through the Invoice Entry screen.

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or use the drop-down list to select one. If only one entity is defined, it will display automatically.

    • Currency – Enter a currency code or use the drop-down list to select one. If only one currency is defined for the selected Entity, it will display automatically.

    • Vendor ID – Enter the vendor ID or use the spyglass  button to open the search.

The Header Tab

   Recurring Invoice   Type a unique invoice number. It can be up to 20 characters long.      

  • Total Obligation Amount (Required) Enter the total amount of the obligation.  For example, if the obligation is 12 payments of $100.00 each, enter $1,200.00.

  • Number of Payments (Required) Enter the number of payments. For example, if the total obligation is $1,200.00 spread over 12 months, enter 12 in this field.

  • Starting Invoice Date (Required) Enter the date of the first invoice using the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select the desired start date.

  • Frequency of Payments (Required) Enter a frequency or use the spyglass  button to select an option.  Frequency options are Day, Week, Month, Year or 1-92. The 1-92 option is a placeholder. This option allows the user to type a number in the Frequency of Payments field to indicate the number of days between payments. This option can be used for payments to be made quarterly or bi-monthly.

  • Individual Payment Amount (Display-only) The system will calculate the individual payment amount based on entries in the Total Obligation Amount and Number of Payments fields and display it in this field. This is a good way to double-check that these entries are correct. 

The Invoice Tab

The Invoice tab contains four subtabs used for entering additional information about the recurring invoice.


Once the Invoice tab is opened, four additional fields appear at top right on the main header of the Recurring Invoice Entry screen. These fields are display-only.

  • Invoice Total – The Invoice Total field displays the amount of a single payment, based on the entries made in the Header tab.

  • Distribution Total The Distribution Total field will populate from entries made on the Line sub-tab.

  • Tax Total The Tax Total field will populate from entries made on the Tax sub-tab.

  • Approved The Approved checkbox will populate once the invoice has been approved.

Detail Sub Tab

Use the Detail subtab to enter basic information about the recurring information.

  • Ledger ID (Required) – Enter a valid ledger ID or use the drop-down list to select one. If only one Ledger ID is defined for the selected Entity and Currency, it will display automatically.

    • Reference No (Optional) Use this field to enter an additional reference number for this invoice, if necessary.

    • Invoice Date (Display-only) The Starting Invoice Date from the Header tab displays in this field. It cannot be edited from here; if changes should be made, they must be made from the Header tab.

    • Invoice Amount (Display-only) The Individual Payment Amount displays in this text box. It cannot be edited from here; if changes should be made, they must be made from the Header tab.

    • Route To (Optional) Enter the name of person or department to which this invoice and/or the purchased goods should go.

    • Description (Optional) Type descriptive notes that pertain to the invoice.  A description can be up to 50 characters long.

    • Comments (Optional) Type comments that pertain to this invoice.  Comments may be up to 60 characters long.

Tax Sub Tab

Use the Tax subtab to attach taxes to the invoice.  This tab functions in a similar fashion to the Tax tab in the Invoice Entry screen.


  • Tax Option Enter or use the spyglass button to select the desired Tax Option. If the Purchase Taxes module is not in use, the only available option will be None. If using the Purchase Taxes module, select to apply taxes at the invoice level (I), the line level (L), or not at all (N).

  • Tax Type (Required) – Choose a tax type. This field is required if taxes will be added at the invoice or line level. It is not required if no taxes will be added.

  • Tax Amount (Display-only) – This field will populate with the tax amount after a Tax Code is chosen.

  • Tax Charged This field only displays for the Incremental Tax Type.  Enter the tax charged.

  • Tax Code (Required) – This field will display on the appropriate sub-tab based on the chosen Tax Type. Use the spyglass button to choose from the list. Once the Tax Code is selected, the Basis, Rate, Amount, and/or Tax Authority (only appears when the Tax Code is selected) will populate.

For VAT, Withholding, and Incremental tab information refer to the applicable section:

Defaults Sub tab

Use the Defaults sub tab to review default information for the vendor and specify other information regarding the invoice, if desired.

  • Payment/Discount Terms (Display-only) The code in this field is the default payment and discount terms code that the user sets up for the vendor. For reference, the codes and their definitions are below.






No Terms 





NN Days Net 

NN NN Disc Net Days 

End of Month 


  • Payment Days (Display-only) – This number is determined based on the payment and discount terms set up for this vendor and the number in the Payment Days text box will be zero.

  • Discount   The number in this text box is the number of days from invoice date until a payment is due to get a discount, if applicable.

  • Discount   The number in this text box is the discount percentage, if applicable. The number in this text box is the discount percentage, if applicable. The number in this text box is the discount percentage, if applicable.

  • AP Account (Required) The AP Account will default from the vendor record. This can be changed using the options from the drop-down list if desired.

  • Accounting Period (Required) – A default accounting period automatically displays. 

  • Accounting Year (Required) – The current accounting year automatically displays.

  • Conversion (Optional) This checkbox Entity Maintenance. When marked, this indicates that the system will convert this invoice into a foreign currency during journalization. This checkbox will not be active if the Currency Conversion module is not installed and configured. the module is not installed and configured. the module is not installed and configured.

  • Special Handling (Optional) Check this check box if the check for this invoice has special handling instructions. The check will print at the end of the check run, making it easier to locate in the batch. Check this check box if the check for this invoice has special handling instructions. The check will print at the end of the check run, making it easier to locate in the batch. Check this check box if the check for this invoice has special handling instructions. The check will print at the end of the check run, making it easier to locate in the batch.

  • Single Check (Optional) Check this check box to indicate that this invoice needs to be paid on a separate check, even if there are other invoices to be paid to this vendor during the same check run. Check this check box to indicate that this invoice needs to be paid on a separate check, even if there are other invoices to be paid to this vendor during the same check run. Check this check box to indicate that this invoice needs to be paid on a separate check, even if there are other invoices to be paid to this vendor during the same check run.

  • 1099 Tax (or IVA Tax) (Optional) – This checkbox defaults if a tax ID was entered on the 1099 tab of Vendor Maintenance. This can be changed, if necessary.

Is there a tax ID on the 1099 tab? 

Is there a tax ID on the 1099 tab? 


If a tax ID was provided on the 1099 tab, the system automatically marks the 1099 Tax checkbox and the Invoice Level radio button.  

Available options: 

  • Accept both defaults. The system tracks for 1099 issuance at the invoice level.

  • Select the Line Level radio button. The system tracks for 1099 issuance at the line level.

  • Override the default by clearing the 1099 Tax check box.  The invoice would not be tracked for 1099


If no tax ID was provided on the 1099 tab, the 1099 Tax checkbox is not automatically checked. 1099 issuance will not be tracked automatically, but this can be changed until the invoice is paid. 

Available options: 

  • Enter a tax ID for this vendor on the 1099 tab of Vendor Maintenance to track the current invoice for 1099
    issuance, then proceed with invoice entry.

  • Mark the 1099 Tax checkbox to track the invoice at the invoice levelIf no tax ID is provided on the vendor record, no tax ID will appear on the 1099 generated for the vendor. The tax ID must be entered on the vendor record so the tax ID will appear on the 1099 If no tax ID is provided on the vendor record, no tax ID will appear on the 1099 generated for the vendor. The tax ID must be entered on the vendor record so the tax ID will appear on the 1099 form.If no tax ID is provided on the vendor record, no tax ID will appear on the 1099 generated for the vendor. The tax ID must be entered on the vendor record so the tax ID will appear on the 1099 form.

  • Level – There are two options for indicating at which level the 1099 issuance will be tracked:  Invoice Level or Line Level .  The default is Invoice Level .

Line Sub Tab

Use the Line subtab to enter or edit lines for the invoice.


  • Line No (Display-only) The system will generate line numbers in numerical order for each invoice line.

  • Element Columns – The columns that appear for your configuration may differ depending on what elements were specified for your Fully Qualified Account.  The following elements are specific to this screenshot example:

    • Entity (or Company) (Required) Enter the entity number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available entities.

    • Account (Required) – Enter the GL Account number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available accounts.

    • Cost Center (Required) – Enter the cost center number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available cost center codes.

    • AFE (Required) – Enter the AFE number or double-click the field to choose from the list of available AFEs.

    • Billing (Required) – Enter the Billing code or double-click the field to choose from the list of available billing codes.

  • Quantity (Required) Enter the quantity.

  • Unit of Measure (Optional) Type in a unit of measure.  This text box is optional.

  • Unit Price (Required) Enter the price per piece.

  • Extended Amount (Display-only) – This is a system-generated field. The system multiplies the value in the Quantity field by the value in the Unit Price field to generate the Extended Amount. 

  • Description (Required) Enter a brief description for the line.

  • Tax Code (Required) This field will only be active if Tax Option “L” was chosen on the Tax tab. Enter the tax code or double-click the field to choose from a list of available tax codes. This field will only be active if Tax Option “L” was chosen on the Tax tab. Enter the tax code or double-click the field to choose from a list of available tax codes. This field will only be active if Tax Option “L” was chosen on the Tax tab. Enter the tax code or double-click the field to choose from a list of available tax codes.

  • Tax Amount (Display-only) This field will only display if Tax Option “L” was chosen on the Tax tab. The system calculates the tax amount and displays it in the grid. This field cannot be edited.

  • IVA (or 1099) (Required) This field will only display if the Line Level option for IVA (or 1099) tracking was chosen on the Default Tab. Enter Y or N.

Auto Invoices

The Automated Invoice Processing Function allows the user to generate invoices from feeder systems and import them into the AP module. The process requires specific information to be entered into an ASCII file, or the information can be imported directly from an external table. The chart below shows the information needed, as well as the format for each item.

Processing Auto Invoices

Select Auto Invoices transaction drop-down menu.



  • The batch number must be unique.  P2 recommends using a different set of batch numbers for auto invoices. For example – auto batch numbers might begin with “9999” or “A.”  This will eliminate duplicate batches between manual and auto invoices.

    • Invoice numbers must be unique for a specific entity, currency code, and vendor number combination.

  • The auto Invoice process will not automatically create new vendors. The vendor must exist prior to executing the auto invoice process.

    • The auto invoice process will not automatically create new entities. The entity must exist prior to executing the auto invoice process.

    • All dates must be in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

    • Amounts must be entered with decimals and without commas.

    • All amount fields are required and cannot be blank.  0.00 must be entered if a specific amount is not necessary.

    • If the auto invoice is taxed at the Invoice Level, the tax amount must be evenly distributed between all the lines of the invoice.  The individual line’s tax amount is then entered in the TAX AMOUNT field of the ASCII file.

    • If the auto invoice is taxed at the Line Level, the tax amount must be entered in the TAX AMOUNT field for the taxed line.  If a line is a not taxed, 0.00 must be entered in the TAX AMOUNT field for that line.

    • The taxable amount is the full tax amount of the invoice.  This amount is entered in the TAXABLE AMOUNT field of the ASCII file for each line of the invoice.

    • The auto Invoice process will not automatically create new tax codes. The tax code must exist prior to executing the auto invoice process.

    • The tax code is blank when the tax option is “N,” and the tax type is “N.”  For all other tax options and tax type combinations, the tax code is required.

    • When INV_REQ_RECPT is active and a Receipt Number is entered, Auto Invoice will automatically create the lines of the invoice from the receipt record.  Therefore, it is not necessary to have lines in the ASCII file for each of the lines.  Only one line is required with all of the header information and the PO and Receipt Numbers.














The entity used in processing (Required) 



Currency Code (Required)*** 




Batch Number (Required) 




Vendor (Required) 




Invoice Number (Required) 



Invoice Type (Required) 

I=Invoice  C=Credit Memo  D=Debit Memo 



Invoice Amount (Required) 



Invoice Date (Required) 



Receipt Date (Required) 



Due Date (Required) 




Discount Date (Optional) 



Discount Amount (Required) 




Ledger Name (Required) 




AP Account ID (Required) 




GL Account ID (Required) 




Discount Account ID (Optional) 




Accounts Payable FQA (Required) 




General Ledger FQA (Required) 




Discount FQA (Optional) 




General Ledger Description (Required) 



Accounts Payable Amount (Required) 



Line Item Quantity (Required) 



Line Item Price (Required) 



Purchase Amount (Required) 



Tax Option (Required)

I=Invoice  L=Line  N=None 



Tax Type (Required) V=Vat Tax

W=Withholding Tax  I=Incremental Tax  N=None




Tax Code (Optional) 



Taxable Amount (Required) 



Tax Amount (Required) 




Invoice Description (Required) 




Purchase Order Type (Required) 




Purchase Order Number (Optional) 



Conversion Flag (Required) 



1099 Flag (Required) 



Accounting Period (Required) 



Line Number 




Receipt Number (Optional)

To import the ASCII file IDEAS system, click Import from File. A Windows Explorer window will pop up. Navigate to the save location of the ASCII file, if it was not saved in the Documents folder. Select the file, then click Open...


Once the file has been opened, the screen will populate with the information from the file. See the example below.

Click Execute to begin the import process. A progress window will display. The individual radio buttons next to each task will be marked as the system processes each item. Once the import has been fully processed, the Process Completed radio button will be marked.

As with all other types of invoices, the imported invoices must be approved before they can be paid or journalized.     

Apply Advance

The Apply Advance function allows the user to apply existing advances to newly-entered invoices as payment. In other words, this function applies previously-paid advances to the balance of the associated invoice. Advances must first be entered in Invoice Entry using Inv/Mem Type A on the General sub-tab under the Invoice tab. An advance account must be established before the Apply Advance can be used. An advance account is created in the GL and cross-referenced to other elements to create an FQA that transactions can be entered against.  This FQA is then used in advance entry ( Invoice Entry screen).  Apply Advance uses the FQA information entered for the advance in the Invoice Entry screen. For detailed information about how to enable this function in the Transaction menu, refer to the Advances (Optional) section.

Processing Apply Advance

Open the Apply Advance window from the Transaction menu.

The Apply Advance window will display different grid columns depending on whether the selected Vendor ID is of the Trade Vendor or Employee vendor type. For additional information about how to use this screen to apply an advance to invoice(s), refer to the Applying Advances to Invoices subsection.

To apply an advance to invoice(s), ensure the fields described in the subsections below (the fields that appear depend on whether the vendor for the vendor ID selected is of the ‘Trade Vendor’ type or ‘Employee’ vendor type) are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

Trade Vendor Type

Apply Advance can be used to apply an advance to an invoice when trade vendors require advance payment (a down payment) before processing an order.  Advances associated to a Trade Vendor can only be applied to invoices from the same trade vendor for which the advance was created. 

The screenshot below shows grid columns that will display when the selected Vendor ID for the advance is of the ‘Trade Vendor’ vendor type.


  • Entity (or Company) (Required) – Choose an entity from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Currency (Required) – Choose a currency from the drop-down list. If only one currency is defined for the selected entity, it will display automatically.

  • Vendor ID (Required)vendor ID or use the spyglass one...

  • Advance No (Required) Use the spyglass advance number created through Invoice Entry...

  • Application Date (Required) – The current date will display by default. It can be changed by typing a new date in MM/DD/YYYY format or by clicking the calendar button to choose a date from the calendar window.

  • Batch (Display-only) – The batch will populate once the advance number is selected.

  • Balance (Display-only) – The balance will populate once the advance number is selected. This amount is the total balance of all invoices entered for this vendor.

  • Adv Balance (Display-only) – The advance balance will populate once the advance number is selected. This is the total balance for the advance number selected.

  • Invoice No (Required) – Enter the invoice number which to apply the advance or double-click in the field to choose from a list of invoices.

  • Amount Due (Required) – Enter the amount due on the selected invoice.

  • Amount Paid (Required) – The Amount Paid column displays in the grid after the vendor ID for the advance is entered or selected.   Amount paid is the amount of the advance that should be applied to the invoice.   Enter the amount paid on the selected invoice. For example, to apply an advance of $1,000 to 3 invoices, enter the portion of the $1,000 that applies to each invoice in the Amount Paid column. 

Employee Vendor Type

An advance associated with the ‘Employee’ vendor type can be applied to any invoice for any vendor (e.g., airlines, hotels, taxis, and restaurants).  For detailed information, refer to the Applying Advances to Invoices subsection.

The screenshot below shows the Apply Advance field and grid columns that will display when the selected advance’s specified Vendor ID is of the ‘Employee’ vendor type. 

  • Entity (or Company) (Required) – Choose an entity from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Currency (Required) – Choose a currency from the drop-down list. If only one currency is defined for the selected entity, it will display automatically.

  • Vendor ID (Required)vendor ID or use the spyglass button to select a button to select a vendor.button to select a vendor.

  • Advance No (Required) Use the spyglass  advance number created through Invoice Entry...

  • Application Date (Required) – The current date will display by default. It can be changed by typing a new date in MM/DD/YYYY format or by clicking the calendar button to choose a date from the calendar window.

  • Batch (Display-only) – The batch will populate once the advance number is selected.

  • Adv Balance (Display-only) – The advance balance will populate once the advance number is selected. This is the total balance for the advance number selected.

  • Invoice No (Required) – Enter the invoice number which to apply the advance or double-click in the field to choose from a list of invoices.

  • Amount Due (Required) – Enter the amount due on the selected invoice.

  • Vendor ID (Required) – Enter the Vendor ID to which to apply the advance or double-click in the field to choose to form a list of vendors. 

  • Amount Paid (Required) – The Amount Paid column displays in the grid after the vendor ID for the advance is entered or selected.   Amount paid is the amount of the advance that should be applied to the invoice.   Enter the amount paid on the selected invoice. For example, to apply an advance of $1,000 to 3 invoices, enter the portion of the $1,000 that applies to each invoice in the Amount Paid column. 

Remove Advance Application

The Remove Advance Application screen disassociates relationships between invoices and advances established by a user in the Apply Advance screen.  

For detailed instructions on how to enable this function, refer to the Advances (Optional) section. For detailed information about how to remove advance applications using this screen, refer to the subsection Removing Advance Applications.


  • Entity (or Company) (Required) – Choose an entity from the drop-down list. If only one Entity is defined, it will display automatically.

    • Currency (Required) – Choose a currency from the drop-down list. If only one currency is defined for the selected entity, it will display automatically.

    • Vendor ID (Required) one from the list.from the list.from the list.

    • Batch (Required)

    • Period (Optional) – Enter the accounting period.

    • Journalized (Display-only) – This checkbox will default based on whether or not the invoice has been journalized.

    • Application Date (Display-only) – This is the date the advance was applied to the invoice.

    • Invoice No (Display-only) This is the invoice number the advance was applied to.

    • Amount Due (Display-only) – This is the amount due on the invoice.

    • Advance No (Display-only) – This is the advance number.

    • Amount Paid (Display-only) – This is the amount paid on the invoice.

To remove an applied advance, ensure the fields described above are specified as necessary, then click   from the toolbar.

Invoice Batch Report

Use the Invoice Batch Report functionatch report.  This report lists, by vendor, all invoices in the selected batch or batches.  It includes the following information regarding the invoice(s):

  • Vendor Number

  • Invoice Number

  • Invoice Fully Qualified

  • Account

  • Ledger Amount

  • Discount Amount

  • Tax Code

  • Tax Amount

  • Invoice Amount

  • Vendor Total

  • Batch Total

  • Entity Total

Processing the Invoice Batch Report

Select Invoice Batch Report transaction menu.


  • Entity (or Company) – Choose an entity from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically. Choosing an available entity will clear the All Entities checkbox.

    • All Entities – Mark this checkbox to analyze all entities, if applicable. If this checkbox is checked, the entity field will be cleared. This box defaults to checked.

    • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

    • Details – Only visible if the AP Miscellaneous screen’s INVOICE_BATCH_CONV Field 1 is set to 1. (Refer to the INVOICE_BATCH_CONV in the AP Miscellaneous table for detailed information to enable this checkbox.)  If this checkbox is marked, the converted value of the selected currency to other currenc(ies) will be displayed on the report.

Batch Section

  • One or Multiple Batch– Use this option to choose a single batch or multiple batches for which to generate the report. The Batch Number field will activate.– Use this option to choose a single batch or multiple batches for which to generate the report. The Batch Number field will activate.

    • Range of Batches – To select a range of batches, select this radio button. The Beginning Batch and Ending Batch fields will activate when this option is selected.

    • All Batches – Mark this checkbox to report on all batches.  If the All Batches option is selected, the system clears any existing selections for One or Multiple Batch and Range of Batches.

    • Misc Batches Only Use this option to generate the report for miscellaneous batches only.

    • No Batches Only This option will only activate if batches are not used for invoices. Choose this option when running the report for No Batches Only.

    • Batch  box to the right. Continue making entries in this manner until finished.. Continue making entries in this manner until finished.. Continue making entries in this manner until finished.

    • Beginning Batch ...

    • Ending Batch .    

    • Account Description When this radio button is selected, the line descriptions on the report for each invoice will contain the account description of the account element in the FQA for that line.

    • Line Description When this radio button is selected, the line descriptions on the report for each invoice will contain the line description entered in the invoice for each line.

Date/Period/Year Section

The boxes and fields in this section are unique in that they change based on the initial selection. The box on the right has three options. Based on the radio button chosen, the labels in the box on the left and the fields below change.

  • Accounting Period – Choose this radio button to use Accounting Period as the time criteria for the report.

    • Input Date Select this radio button to use the input date for the time criteria for the report.

    • Invoice Date Select the Invoice Date radio button to use invoice date as the time criteria for the report.

    • One or Multiple (Dates or Periods) – Use this radio button to select a one or more dates or accounting periods. The label on this radio button will change based on the choice made in the first box in this section.

    • Range (of Date or Periods) – This radio button can be used to select a range of date or accounting periods. The label on this radio button will change based on the choice made in the first box.

    • All (Dates or Periods) – Use this radio button to select all dates or accounting periods. The label on this radio button will change based on the choice made in the first box.

    • Period / Input Date/ Invoice Date – This field will activate when One or Multiple is chosen. Enter the desired period or date and press tab to move selections to the Selected Dates/Selected Periods list box to the right.

    • Beginning Period / Beginning Input Date / Beginning Invoice Date – This field will activate when the Range option is selected. The name of this field depends on whether the Accounting Period, Input Date, or Invoice Date radio button was selected. Enter the desired beginning period or date. For dates, users may also click the calendar button to choose an option.

    • Ending Period / Ending Input Date / Ending Invoice Date – This field will activate when the Range option is selected. The name of this field depends on whether the Accounting Period, Input Date, or Invoice Date radio button was selected.  Enter the desired ending period or date. For dates, users may also click the calendar button to choose an option.

    • Year – This field will activate when both Accounting Period and One or Multiple Periods are selected. Enter the desired year for the report.

Sort Order Section

There are two sort options for the invoices in the report. Select the Invoice radio button to sort by invoice. Choose the Entry Sequence radio button to sort the invoice by the order in which they were entered into the batch.

Display Date Section

There are two options for the date that appears on the report. Select Invoice Date to print the invoice date for each invoice in the batch. Choose Receipt Date to print the date each invoice in the batch was received.

Use the  button to execute the report.

Transaction Batch Validation

Use Transaction Batch Validation input parameters for the batch validation process and to perform batch validation.  When executed, the system processes all invoices in the batch to determine if they are valid.  Invoices must be successfully validated before they can be approved.  to input parameters for the batch validation process and to perform batch validation.  When executed, the system processes all invoices in the batch to determine if they are valid.  Invoices must be successfully validated before they can be approved. 

The system generates a report that shows validation status codes for each line and for each batch. Print or export this report, as desired.  Validation status codes are listed in the Error Code column on the report:






Validation Process Incomplete 

Invalid Ledger 

Invalid FQA (Line) 

Invalid Tax FQA (Expense) 

Invalid Accrual FQA (Payable) 






Validation Process Incomplete 

Line Item Invalid 

Distribution Total Not Equal to Invoice Total 

Batch Out of Balance 

Invalid Accrual FQA (Payable) 

Any errors must be corrected using Invoice Entry Miscellaneous Invoice process again so the invoices can then be approved.alidation process again so the invoices can then be approved.alidation process again so the invoices can then be approved.

Processing Transaction Batch Validation

Select Transaction Batch Validation Transaction menu.


  • Entity (or Company) – Choose an entity from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency – Choose a currency from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Batch  will clear entries made in the Batch field.

  • All Batches – Mark this check box to validate is checked, entries made in the Batch field will be cleared.

  • Sort By Select the desired radio button in this group box to sort by invoice (Invoice number) or entry sequence (the order in which the invoice was entered in the batch).

Click the   button to run the process.

Transaction Approval

The Transaction Approval function can be used to view statuses of invoices and to change the approval status of any invoice within a batch when separate approval is  can be used to view statuses of invoices and to change the approval status of any invoice within a batch when separate approval is enabled.pproval can be used to view statuses of invoices and to change the approval status of any invoice within a batch when separate approval is enabled.

Processing Transaction Approval

Select Transaction Approval Transaction menu.

  • Entity (or Company) (Required) – Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency (Required) – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Batch (Required) .

  • Sort By (Required) Select the desired radio button from this group box to sort by invoice (invoice number) or entry sequence (the order in which the invoice was entered in the batch).

  • Display Invoices (Required) Select the All radio button to display all invoices or choose the Unapproved Only radio button to only show those invoices that have not yet been approved.

  • Actual(Display-only) – The Actual Count and Actual Amount fields calculate the total number of invoices and the total amount of those invoices entered in the Invoice Entry screen. This information is calculated based on the Invoice tab of Invoice Entry...

  • Control Count and Amount (Display-only) The Control Count and Control Amount fields are pulled from the Control tab of Invoice Entry...

  • Difference Count and Amount (Display-only) – The Difference Count and Difference Amount fields calculate the difference between the corresponding Actual and Count fields. The difference for both should equal zero.

  • Approve (Required) – Displays the approval status of the invoice(s) displayed. It can be changed.  Options are Y = Yes or N = No.

  • Invoice No (Display-only) – Displays the invoice number. Double-click on the invoice to view the detail information.

  • Vendor ID (Display-only) – Displays vendor ID.

  • Vendor Name (Display-only) – Displays the vendor name of the displayed invoice(s).

  • Ref No (Display-only) – Displays any applicable reference numbers for the displayed invoices(s).

  • Amount (Display-only) – Displays the total amount of each invoice.

  • Due Date (Display-only) – Displays the due date for the displayed invoice(s).

  • Document No (Display-only) - If the invoice is associated with a purchase order, displays the purchase document number.   

  • Validation Statuses (Display-only) – This field displays the validation status of each invoice.  The following table lists validation status codes.

Error code

Error message (line) 

Error code

Error message (line) 



Validation Process Incomplete 

Invalid Ledger 

Invalid FQA (Line) 

Invalid Tax FQA (Expense) 

Invalid Accrual FQA (Payable) 

Invalid Incremental Tax Payable FQA 

Error code 

Error message (batch) 

Error code 

Error message (batch) 


Validation Process Incomplete 

Line Item Invalid 

Distribution Total Not Equal to Invoice Total 

Batch Out of Balance 

Invalid Accrual FQA (Payable) 

Inquiry Menu

The Inquiry menu provides multiple inquiry options. These inquiries can be used to search for information for specific items or a range of items.  No data is modified during inquiries; therefore these inquiries may be used at any time to obtain current information.

Vendor Inquiry

Use Vendor Inquiry to access and review vendor information.  The information provided includes:

  • Vendor Name and Address

  • Year-to-Date Purchases

  • Discounts

  • The last Invoice Received

  • Terms of Payment

  • Period-to-Date Purchases

  • Taxes

  • Last Payment Made

The Vendor Inquiry screen consists of a header and tabs below. The header contains fields for entering inquiry criteria. Once criteria are selected, the tabs will populate with data for the specific information entered.

To perform the inquiry, ensure the respective fields in the subsections below are specified as necessary, and then click the  button from the toolbar.

 Vendor Inquiry

Click on the   button to open the Vendor Inquiry menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter an entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Select to include all entities in the inquiry.

  • Currency – Enter a currency or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • All Currencies – Select to include all currencies in the inquiry.

  • Vendor ID – Enter a vendor number or use the spyglass button  to search.

  • Balance – Balance information is the amount due to the vendor. If all invoices are paid, the balance is zero.

  • Advance Balance – Enabled if the Advances radio button above the grid is selected.  Advance balance is the total advance amount due.  The Advances radio button is only enabled if advance features in P2 IDEAS are enabled.  For detailed information, see the Advances section.

  • Abbreviation – The vendor name abbreviation displays in the text box.

  • Status – The system displays whether the vendor is active or inactive.

  • Items in Display in Grid – Inquire by the vendor, by period/year or by date.  If displaying information by period, the By Period/Year boxes will activate. 

  • Display All – This option will display all invoice information for the entity, currency, and vendor information selected.

  • Display By Period – This option will display the invoice information for the period/year combination selected in the By Period/Year group box.  By selecting the Previous and Next options, users can see the requested information for previous and following periods for the year selected.

  • Display By Date – This option will display the invoice information for the beginning and ending date (by invoice date or receipt date) specified in the By Date group box.

The Invoices Tab

The Invoices tab Vendor Inquiry screen.  Use this tab to review invoice information regarding the vendor. 

  • Invoices -   The Invoices radio button above the grid is only enabled if advance features in P2 IDEAS are enabled.  For detailed information, see the Advances section.  Select this radio button to display only invoices in the grid.

    • Advances - The Advances radio button above the grid is only enabled if advance features in P2 IDEAS are enabled.  For detailed information, see the Advances section.   Select this radio button to display only advances in the grid.  In addition, an Advance Balance field will display in the header to show the total number of advances available for that vendor.

Those invoices entered into the system since the last time the Paid Invoice Purge was run display on the grid.

  • Entity (or Company) - Displays the entity (or company) that is the vendor for the invoice.

  • Currency - Displays the applicable currency of the invoice.

  • Invoice – Invoice number displays for all invoices for this vendor.  Double-click the invoice number to display the Invoice Detail Report.

  • Approved – Approval status (Yes or No) displays.

  • Invoice Date – Invoice date displays.

  • Due Date – Due date displays.

  • Gross Amount – Gross amount displays.

  • Amount Due – Amount due to displays.  If the Amount Due equals zero, then the invoice has been paid already.

The following columns in the grid will only display once the required fields in the header are completed:

  • Discount Displays Discount available

  • Comments – Displays comments from the invoice, if available.

  • Reference No. Displays the reference number from the invoice.

Below the grid, three text boxes display:

  • Total Gross Amount – Displays  Total gross amount of all invoices.

  • Total Amount Due – Displays Total amount due for all invoices.

  • Total Discount – Displays Total discount for all invoices displays.

Purchase Tab

The Purchase tab Invoice and Transactions. These subtabs allow the user to view detailed information about specific invoices and transactions.

Invoice Sub Tab

Use the Invoice subtab to review information about a specific invoice. 


  • Invoice (Memo) No – Type an invoice or memo number or click the spyglass button to make a selection.

  • Batch The batch number for the invoice displays.  Click the spyglass button to preview the Invoice Batch report.

  • Purchase Doc No – If using the Purchase Documents module, any Purchase Document number associated with the invoice will display here.

  • Journal No – The journal number for the invoice displays, if any. If the invoice has been journalized, it will display the Entity Number, GL journal ID, Journal Batch Number and Period Number when the journal was created.

  • Approved – This checkbox indicates the approval status of the invoice.

  • Description – A description of the invoice displays.

  • Due Date – The invoice due date displays. 

  • Discount– The amount of the discount displays, if applicable.– The amount of the discount displays, if applicable.

  • Discount – The discount date displays, if applicable. 

  • Invoice Status – The validation status of the invoice displays. 

  • Invoice Comments – Comments about the invoice display, if any.

  • Vendor Comments – Comments about the vendor display, if any.

Transactions Sub Tab

Use the Transactions subtab to review transactions for the invoice number chosen on the Invoice subtab.

  • Date – The date of the transaction displays.

  • Type – The transaction type displays. 

  • Payment Reference – The payment reference displays.

  • Sequence Number – The sequence number of the transaction displays, if applicable.

  • Invoice Amount The invoice amount displays.  The invoice amount displays.  The invoice amount displays. 

The Last Invoice Tab

Use the Last Invoice tab to review information about the last invoice entered and last payment made to this vendor. 

  The following text boxes display on the grid for your review:

  • Last Invoice Date – The date of the last invoice displays.

  • Last Invoice Amount – The amount of the last invoice displays. 

  • Last Payment Date – The date of the last payment displays. 

  • Last Payment Amount – The amount of the last payment displays. 

The PTD Tab

Use the PTD tab to review period-to-date (PTD) purchases.


  • Year – Enter a valid year or use the drop-down list to select one.

  • Period – Enter a valid period or use the drop-down list to select one.

  • Purchases – This field displays the total amount of purchases (invoices) for the period and year. 

  • Returns – This field displays the total amount of any returns for the period and year.

  • Discounts Taken – This field displays any discounts for the period and year. 

  • Discounts Missed – This field displays any potential discounts missed for the period and year. 

  • VAT – This field displays value-added tax for the period and year.

  • WH Tax – This field displays withholding tax for the period and year.

  • INC Tax – This field displays incremental tax for the period and year.

The YTD Tab

Use the YTD tab to review year-to-date (YTD) purchases.  


  • Year – Enter a valid year or use the drop-down list to select one.

  • Purchases – This field displays the total amount of purchases (invoices) for the year. 

  • Returns – This field displays the total amount of returns for the year.

  • Discounts Taken – This field displays any discounts for the year. 

  • Discounts Missed – This field displays any potential discounts missed for the year. 

  • VAT – This field displays value-added tax for the year.

  • WH Tax – This field displays withholding tax for the year.

  • INC Tax – This field displays incremental tax for the year.

Vendor Tab

The Vendor tab consists of four subtabs that display information from the Vendor record. If the information contained in these subtabs was not entered in Vendor Maintenance, it will not display in the Vendor Inquiry screen.  Any edits must be done in Vendor Maintenance

Address Subtab

The Address subtab contains address information as entered on the vendor record in Vendor Maintenance.

  • Address 1 - 3 – The vendor’s physical address.

  • City – The city for the vendor’s physical address.

  • State – The state for the vendor’s physical address.

  • Country – The country for the vendor’s physical address.

  • Postal Code – The postal code for the vendor’s physical address.

  • Quality – The quality of the vendor (from the Rating tab of Vendor Maintenance, if recorded).

  • Comments – Comments regarding the vendor (from the Notes tab of Vendor Maintenance, if recorded).

  • Contact – The contact person for the vendor’s physical address.

  • Telephone – The telephone number for the vendor’s physical address.

  • Fax – The fax number for the vendor’s physical address.

  • Terms – The vendor’s terms (from the Default tab of Vendor Maintenance., if recorded).

  • Terms 1 – The vendor’s terms (from the Default tab of Vendor Maintenance...

  • Terms 2 – The vendor’s terms (from the Default tab of Vendor Maintenance., if recorded).

  • Discount  (from the Default tab of Vendor Maintenance, if recorded

Other Subtab

The Other subtab will only be active if the user-defined fields in Vendor Maintenance are activated and used.  This tab will display any entries made in the user-defined fields.

Bank Sub Tab

The Bank subtab displays any bank information entered on the vendor record in Vendor Maintenance.

  • Bank Name – The name of the vendor’s bank.

  • Address 1 - 3 – The physical address of the vendor’s bank.

  • City – The city for the physical address of the vendor’s bank.

  • State – The state for the physical address of the vendor’s bank.

  • Country – The country for the physical address of the vendor’s bank.

  • Postal Code – The postal code for the physical address of the vendor’s bank.

  • Contact The name of the point-of-contact for the vendor’s bank.

  • Telephone – The phone number for the vendor’s bank.

  • Fax – The fax number for the vendor’s bank.

  • Account Number – The account number for the vendor’s bank account.

  • Routing Code – The routing code (or number) for the vendor’s bank.

Defaults Sub Tab

The Defaults subtab contains the default information set up for the vendor in Vendor Maintenance.


  • Payment Type The default payment type for this vendor.

  • Tax Type – The default tax type for this vendor.

  • Payment/Discount Terms – The default Payment and Discount Terms code for this vendor.

  • Payment Days – The default number of days after the invoice date that payment is due.

  • Discount Days The default number of days after the invoice date that a discount may be received.

  • Discount % – The default amount of the discount amount.

  • AP Account – The default AP Account for the vendor.

Purchase Inquiry

Use the Purchase Inquiry function. This inquiry is essentially a stand-alone version of the Invoices tab in Vendor Inquiry.

Processing Purchase Inquiry

Select Purchase Inquiry menu. The screen consists of a header and two tabs.


  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID – Enter a vendor number or use the spyglass button to search.

  • Balance – Balance information for the selected vendor displays.  Balance information is the amount due to the vendor.  This figure includes all invoices and payments through the date on which the inquiry is run.  If all invoices are paid, the balance is zero.

  • Advanced Balance – Displays the advance balance held by the vendor.  This is only enabled if the advance features in P2 IDEAS are enabled (for detailed instructions, see the Advances section).

  • Abbreviation – The abbreviation for the vendor displays in this field.

The Invoice Tab

The Invoice tab for a specific invoice.rmation for a specific invoice.

  • Invoice (Memo) No – Type an invoice or memo number or click the spyglass button to make a selection.

  • Batch The batch number for the invoice displays.  Click the spyglass button to preview the Invoice Batch button to preview the Invoice Batch report button to preview the Invoice Batch report.

  • Purchase Doc No – If using the Purchase Documents module, any Purchase Document number associated with the invoice will display here.

  • Journal No – The journal number for the invoice displays, if any. If the invoice has been journalized, it will display the Entity Number, GL journal ID, Journal Batch Number, and Period Number when the journal was created.

  • Approved – This checkbox indicates the approval status of the invoice.

  • Description – A description of the invoice displays.

  • Due Date – The invoice due to date displays. 

  • Discount– The amount of the discount displays, if applicable.

  • Discount – The discount date displays, if applicable. 

  • Invoice Status – The validation status of the invoice displays. 

  • Invoice Comments – Comments about the invoice display, if any.

  • Vendor Comments – Comments about the vendor display, if any.

  • Total Amount Due - The total amount due for the invoice displays.

Transactions Tab

The Transactions tab.

  • Date – The date of the transaction displays.

  • Type – The transaction type displays. 

  • Payment Reference – The payment reference displays.

  • Sequence Number – The sequence number of the transaction displays, if applicable.

  • Invoice Amount - The invoice amount displays. The invoice amount displays. The invoice amount displays.

Invoices by Vendor Inquiry

The Invoices by Vendor Inquiry function Amount

The report provides a total for each vendor and for each entity.  It also provides a grand total for all vendors and all entities.

Invoices by Vendor Inquiry

Select Invoices by Vendor Inquiry menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID – Enter a vendor number or use the spyglass button to search.

  • All Vendors – Mark the checkbox to report all vendors.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Vendor ID field will clear.

  • Date Type Choose to run the inquiry based Accounting Period or Invoice Date.

  • Date Selected – The labels on these radio buttons change based on the selection in Date Type.  Choose to run the inquiry for One or Multiple periods / dates, Range of periods / dates or All periods / dates.

  • Beginning Period / Invoice Date – This field will activate when the range option is selected. Enter a beginning period or date. For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Ending Period / Invoice Date – This field will activate when the range option is selected. Enter an ending period or date. For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Period / Invoice Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple radio button is selected. Enter a period or date and press tab to add it to the list box to the right. For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.  Click the <-Remove button to remove a period or date from the list box.

  • Year – This field will activate when the One or Multiple Periods radio button is selected. Enter the desired year.

Once all fields are completed, use the   button to generate the report.

Check Inquiry

The Check Inquiry screen allows users to inquire on checks by the vendor using check date and bank code options.  If a check was paid to a vendor factor, the factor vendor number will be displayed.

Processing the Check Inquiry Screen

Select the Check Inquiry option from the Inquiry drop-down menu.

Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically. Or, mark the All checkbox next to this field to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the entity field will clear.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically. Or, mark the All checkbox next to this field to include all currencies in the inquiry.

  • Vendor ID – Enter a valid vendor number or use the spyglass button to search.  Or, mark the All checkbox next to this field to report all vendors.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Vendor ID field will clear.

  • Check Number Enter in the check number that to inquire on or select all check numbers by marking the All Check Numbers checkbox next to this field.

  • Beginning Date Enter the beginning check date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or select a date using the calendar button.

  • Ending Date – Enter the ending check date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or select a date using the calendar button.

  • All Check Dates – Select to include all check dates in the inquiry.  The Beginning Date and Ending Date fields will clear.

  • Bank Code – Enter the bank code or use the spyglass  button to make a selection.

  • All Bank Codes – Select to include all bank codes in the inquiry.  The Bank Code filed will clear.

Once the fields above are specified, the grid below will return results and display information in the following columns:

  • Check No

  • Check Date

  • Check Amount

  • Bank Code

  • Payment Type

  • Entity

  • Currency

  • Vendor

 To perform the inquiry, ensure that the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the Execute   button.

Invoice Inquiry

The Invoice Inquiry screen allows users to inquire on any invoice that has been entered into the system.  Users can also print an invoice cover sheet in this screen. The screen layout is similar to the Invoice Entry screen. Most of the fields are display-only. Only four fields are open for entry:  Entity (or Company), Currency, Vendor ID and Invoice (or Memo) No. Use these fields to make selections for the inquiry. Review invoice information in the tabs.

For specific details regarding the fields in these screens, refer to the section above on Invoice Entry.  These fields and tabs correlate to the Invoice tab of Invoice Entry.

To perform the inquiry, ensure the required fields in the Invoice Inquiry screen (described above and in the Invoice Entry section) are completed, then click   from the toolbar.  This will generate a report with the requested inquiry information.  

Reports Menu

The options in the Reports menu allow users to create accounts payable reports. 

Information provided by these reports will be as current as the last transaction entered into the system.

Reports Menu

The Aged Open Payables Report accounts.  The report is organized by vendor.  It can be sorted by vendor ID or by vendor name.  The report allows users to include invoices that are approved, unapproved or both.

For purposes of this report, the system determines that an invoice is past due according to the latest date on which payment was expected.  Any invoice not paid by this date shows on the aging schedule as past due.  Any invoice not past due but which will be due in the current period shows in the Current column of this report.  Any invoice due in future periods shows in the Amount and Balances fields but not in the aging schedule.

The Aged Open Payables lists, by company and vendor, the following:eport lists, by company and vendor, the following:

  • Invoice Number

  • Transaction Type (Invoice, Memo, or Payment)

  • Invoice Date

  • Due Date

  • Gross Amount

  • Balance

  • Aging statusnvoice or Memo: Current, 1-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 90+ Days Past Dueemo: Current, 1-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 90+ Days Past Dueemo: Current, 1-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 90+ Days Past Due

Processing Aged Open Payables

Select Aged Open Payables Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Details Mark the checkbox to show invoice details on report.

  • Vendor ID – Enter a vendor number or use the spyglass button to search. After each entry or selection, press tab to move the vendor ID to the selected list.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to report all vendors.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Vendor ID field will clear.

  • Vendor Type – Select a vendor type to refine the type of vendors that will be displayed on the report, if desired.

  • Sub-total by AP Account Select this option to Sub-Total by AP Account.

  • AP Account – The user has the option to sub-total by one AP Account, several AP Accounts, or all AP Accounts.  Enter a valid AP Account ID or select one by using the spyglass to choose the account(s) to report on. Click tab to add the AP account ID to the list box to the right.

  • Items – Mark the checkbox for any combination of the four available options.

    • Approved – This checkbox indicates the report should include approved invoices.

    • Unapproved – This checkbox indicates the report should include unapproved invoices.

    • Include Advances – This checkbox indicates the report should include advances.

    • Include Wh Tax – This checkbox indicates the report should include Withholding Tax, where applicable.

  • Journalized – Select the Posted invoices only radio button to add posted invoices only or the All radio button to add all invoices to the report.

  • Date – Select Invoice Date or Receipt Date.

    • Invoice Date Radio Button – Select to print the invoice date from the invoice on the report.

    • Receipt Date Radio Button – Select to print the receipt date from the invoice on the report.

  • Period Section – Select Current or Range.

  • Period – Enter the accounting period through which the report should be run.

  • Year – Enter the accounting year for the period chosen.

  • Period End Date – Enter the date after which to exclude checks. The date should be entered in the MM/DD/YYYY format.  Alternatively, use the calendar button to choose a date.

  • Beginning Date – This field will activate when the Range checkbox is marked. Enter a desired beginning date for the ranges or use the calendar button to select a date.

  • Ending Date – This field will activate when the Range checkbox is marked. Enter a desired ending date for the ranges or use the calendar button to select a date.

  • Sorting – Choose the Vendor Name radio button to sort the report by vendor name or the Vendor ID radio button to sort the report by vendor ID.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click  from the toolbar.

AP Reconciliation Report

The AP Reconciliation Report is used to reconcile activity in the AP module against the AP account in GL.

Processing the AP Reconciliation Report

Select AP Reconciliation Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Convert – Mark this checkbox to convert the original currency on the report to a different currency.

  • Period Enter the desired period for the report.

  • Year – Enter the desired year for the report.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.  Click tab to add it to the list of vendors on the right.

  • All Vendors – Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Vendor ID field will clear.

  • Sub-total by Vendor This option is only available for the Detail format.  Mark the checkbox to sort the report by vendor. This will add a sub-total by vendor to the report.  Otherwise, all vendors are listed and only a final total is included at the end of the report.

  • Payable Account Enter a valid payable account ID or choose one from the drop-down list.  Click tab to add it to the list box of payable accounts on the right.

  • All Payable Accounts – Mark the checkbox to run the report for all payable accounts. If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Payable Account field will clear.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click  from the toolbar.

AP Reconciliation Period Report

The AP Reconciliation Period Report is used to reconcile activity in AP versus the AP account in GL by a period in summary or detail.

Processing the AP Reconciliation Period Report

Select AP Reconciliation Period Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for the selected entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Convert Mark this checkbox to convert the original currency on the report to a different currency.

  • Summary – Choose this radio button to run the report in a summary format.

  • Detail – Choose this radio button to run the report in a detailed format.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.  Press tab to add the vendor to the list box of vendors on the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If selected, the Vendor ID field and list box of vendors to the right will clear.

  • Sub-total By Vendor – Mark the checkbox to sort the report by Vendor. This option is only available if the Detail radio button is selected to run the report in detail format.

  • Account Section Enter a valid AP account ID or check the All Accounts check box.

    • Payable Account Enter a valid AP account ID or choose one from the drop-down list.  Press tab to add the vendor to the list box of payable accounts on the right.

    • All Payable Accounts – Mark the checkbox to run the report for all payable accounts. If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Payable Account field will clear.

  • Sort Sequence – Choose a radio button option to sort the report by vendor number or by vendor name.

  • Period Choose the One-Period radio button to include one period on the report, or choose the Range of Periods radio button to include a range of periods on the report.

  • Begin Period – This field will activate when Range is selected. Enter the desired beginning period for the report.

  • End Period - This field will activate when Range is selected. Enter the desired ending period for the report.

  • Period This field will activate when One Period is selected. Enter the desired period for the report.

  • Year – This field will activate when One Period is selected. Enter the desired year for the report.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click   from the toolbar.

Running this report will generate three separate Crystal report windows. The system will generate either the summary format or the detail format, depending on the user’s selection.

Summary Report – Displays Purchases, Withholdings, Discounts, Disbursements, Applied Amounts, and Voids in summary by vendor for the period selected.  Also displays the Net AP Amount for the period.  The Grand Total for all vendors should equal to the amount posted in GL for the AP account for that period.

Detail Report – Displays Purchases, Withholdings, Discounts, Disbursements, Applied Amounts, and Voids in detail by the vendor for the period selected.  Also displays the Net AP Amount for the period.  The Grand Total for all vendors should equal to the amount posted in GL for the AP account for that period.

Journal Detail Report – Displays journal information for invoices and disbursements for the period selected.  This report only displays the detail reconciliation report.

Exception Report This report displays only those vendors whose balance in the GL for the selected period does not equal to the period activity for the vendor in AP.  This report prints with the summary or detail report.

Open Invoices Report

The Open Invoices Report allows users to view information about open invoices in the system.

Enabling Open Invoices Report

If the Open Invoices Report submenu does not appear in the Accounts Payable module, the user has the option to enable it, if desired.

To enable the Open Invoices Report submenu, perform the following steps:

1.  Click the Utility menu > System Tables submenu > AP Miscellaneous.

2. Enter OPENINVOICERPT in the Code Field. Enter Y in Field 1. Click Save 

3. Close the Accounts Payable module.

4. Reopen the Accounts Payable module. The Open Invoices Report submenu now appears under the Reports menu.

Processing the Open Invoices Report

Select Open Invoices Report from the Reports menu.


  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Target Currency – Enter a valid target currency or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • Vendor ID Enter a valid vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search. Press tab to add the vendor ID to the list box of vendors on the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If selected, the Vendor ID field and a list box to the right will clear.

  • AP Account Enter an AP account or click the spyglass button to search. Press tab to add the AP Account to the list box of AP accounts to the right.

  • All AP Accounts – Mark the checkbox to run the report for all AP Accounts.

  • Items – Choose to see approved items, unapproved items, or both. Both are checked by default.

  • Current – Choose to run the report for the current period or uncheck the Current checkbox to make a different selection in the Period, Year, and Period End Date fields.

  • Period – Only enabled if the Current checkbox is unchecked. Enter the desired period.

  • Year – Only enabled if the Current checkbox is unchecked. Enter the desired year.

  • Period End Date – Only enabled if the Current checkbox is unchecked. Enter the desired period end date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to make a selection.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the   button from the toolbar.

The following is an example of the Open Invoices report that will be generated.  For clients using currency conversion, the Amount Due and Converted Amount columns (shown in yellow below) will also display on the report.  If the system is not using currency conversion, then these converted columns are hidden.

These columns show the remaining amount due on the invoice.   For example, if the Invoice Amount is 100.00, and there were no payments made towards the invoice, the Amount Due column would be 100.00, and the Converted Amount would be the value of this Amount Due converted to the target currency listed in the top left corner of the report.  If a partial payment of 75.00 was made on the invoice, then the Amount Due column would be 25.00, and the Converted Amount would be the value of this Amount Due converted to the target currency listed in the top left corner of the report.  Fully paid invoices are excluded from the report. 

AP Invoice Listing Report

The AP Invoice Listing report allows the user to produce a listing of invoices using several options such as by Invoice Date, and if the invoice was paid, and or open, etc.

Processing the Invoice Listing Report Screen

Select AP Invoice Listing Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.

  • Vendor Type – If desired, enter a Vendor Type or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • Data Type – From this group box, choose the Accounting Period, Input Date, or Invoice Date radio button to specify the data type.

  • Date Selected – Select the One or Multiple Periods / Date, Range of Periods / Dates, or All Periods / Dates from this group box.  The name of the radio button will change depending on what was selected in the Data Type group box.

  • Beginning Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Ending Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Period / Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple Periods option is selected. Enter a period or date and press tab.  For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Year – If the Accounting Period radio button is selected, enter the desired year for the report.  If the Input Date or Invoice Date radio button is selected, this field can be left blank.

  • Include Account Description – Use this checkbox to include the description of each account on the report.

  • All Invoices - Select this radio button to display information for all invoices in the report.

  • Paid Invoices - Select this radio button to display information for only paid invoices in the report.

  • Open Invoices - Select this radio button to display information for only open invoices in the report.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Purchases Report

The Purchases Report prints data entered in the Invoice Entry screen in either a summary or detail report format.  Organize the report by three different transaction date types:

  • Accounting Period

  • Input Date

  • Invoice Date

The Summary Purchases Report lists the following:

  • Invoice Number

  • Approval/Payment Status

  • Accounting Period

  • Invoice Date

  • Invoice Amount

  • Journal Voucher Number

The Detail Purchases Report lists the following:

  • Invoice Number

  • Reference Number

  • FQA Number

  • Quantity

  • Unit of Measure

  • Extended Amount

  • Ledger Amount

  • Discount Amount

  • Tax Code

  • Tax Amount

  • Invoice Amount

Processing the Purchases Report Screen

Select Purchases Reports menu.


  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or chose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass  button to search.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If this is checked, the information in the Vendor ID field and list box to the right clears.

  • Vendor Type – If desired, enter a vendor type or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • Date Type From this group box, choose the Accounting Period, Input Date, or Invoice Date radio button.

  • Date Selected – Select the One or More Periods / Date, Range of Periods / Dates, or All Periods / Dates radio button in this group box.  The name of the radio button will change depending on what was selected in the Date Type group box.

  • Beginning Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Ending Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Period / Date – This field will activate when one or multiple options is selected.  Enter a period or date and press tab.  For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Year –   If the Accounting Period radio button is selected, enter the year for the report.  If the Input Date or Invoice Date radio button is selected, this field can be left blank.

  • Report Format Choose the Detail radio button to display the report in detail format or the Summary radio button to display the report in summary format.

  • Include Posted Invoices Only Mark this checkbox to include only posted invoices in the report.

 To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Purchases Distribution Report

The Purchases DistributionAccounts Payable.  The amounts shown on the report are calculated from the detail entries made to FQAs..  The amounts shown on the report are calculated from the detail entries made to FQAs..  The amounts shown on the report are calculated from the detail entries made to FQAs.

The FQAs represent three types of distribution activity:

  1. Purchases Distributionrom line items on invoices/memos.rom line items on invoices/memos.rom line items on invoices/memos.

  2. Vat Tax Distribution – From FQAs defined in the Purchase Taxes module.

  3. Accounts Payable Offsets – From accounts defined in Entity Maintenance.

The report is organized by account number and shows only those invoices with date types (i.e., accounting period, input date or invoice date) that fall into the selected range.  It also shows the total debits and credits made to various accounts during the period or date chosen.

Processing the Purchases Distribution Report

Select Purchases Distribution Reports menu.


  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Date Type – Choose the Accounting Period, Input Date, or Invoice Date radio button from this group box.

  • Date Selected – Select One or Multiple Periods / Date, Range of Periods / Dates, or All Periods / Dates. The name of the radio button will change depending on what was selected in the Date Type group box.

  • Beginning Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Ending Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Period / Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple radio button is selected. Enter a period or date and press tab to add it to the list box on the right.  For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Year –    If the Accounting Period radio button is selected, enter the year for the report.  If the Input Date or Invoice Date radio button is selected, this field can be left blank.

  • Include Posted Invoices Only – Mark this checkbox to include only posted invoices in the report.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the    button from the toolbar.

Disbursements Report

The Disbursementsfunction allows users to create a report that lists all disbursements. The primary purpose of this report is to provide an audit trail of disbursements made. The report is organized first by day then by either check number vendor.  Information provided for each disbursement includes:

  • Disbursement Number, i.e., Check Number, Etc.

  • Amount Paid

  • Discountmountmountmount

  • Invoice or Invoices Paid by the Check

  • Name and number of the vendor paid.  If a factor vendor was paid, the factor vendor’s name is displayed, and the invoice vendor number is also displayed.

  • VATax Paidaidaid

  • Withholding Tax Paid

Processing the Disbursements Report

Select Disbursements from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Details Mark this checkbox to include details on the report.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass  button to search. Press tab to add the vendor ID to the list box of vendors to the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  The Vendor ID field and the list box to the right of it will clear if checked.

  • Vendor Type – Enabled if the All Vendors checkbox is marked.  Enter a valid vendor type or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • Date Selected – Select the One or Multiple Dates, Range of Dates, or All Dates radio button.

  • Beginning Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Ending Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter an ending period or date.

  • Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple radio button is selected. Enter a period or date and press tab.  For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Bank Code Enter a valid bank code or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • All Bank Codes Mark this checkbox to run the report for all bank codes.

  • Payment Types Select one or more of the following:  Automated Check, Bank Drafts, Voided Checks, Wire Transfers, Manual Checks, All Payment Types.  If All Payment Types is selected, the other selections will clear.

  • Sort Sequence – Choose to sort the disbursements for each day by check or by the vendor.

 To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the   button from the toolbar.

Change Disbursements Report Screen Version (Report Results by Account)

Another version of the Disbursements Report screen is available which allows the user to further refine the report results by account ID. Only checks that match the other filters (in the Payment Types and Date Selected group boxes) and also paid invoices that included the specified account IDs will be displayed on the report.  Unlike the original version, however, this version will not let the user refine the report by vendor ID or vendor type, nor display details on the report.

To enable this version of the Disbursements Report screen, perform the following steps:

  1. Open AP Miscellaneous (Utilities menu > Year End Utilities > AP Miscellaneous).

  2. Enter DisbAcct_Rpt in the Code field.

  3. In Field 1, enter Y.  This will enable the version of the Disbursements Report screen which allows the user to further refine Disbursement report results by account ID.

  4. In Field 2, enter any desired element from the fully qualified account for the ledger ID that will be used to refine the Disbursements report results.  The elements that can be entered in this field will depend on what elements were specified for the fully qualified account (displayed in the ledger_elements table).  For example, if AFE is an element in the fully qualified account, the user can enter AFE to pull the AFE element IDs for the ledger ID that will be specified on the Disbursements Report screen before generating the report.  Click the save button, then the exit button.

  5. Close the Accounts Payable module, then reopen it.

  6. Open Disbursements Report (Reports > Disbursements).

  7. A different version of the Disbursements Report screen that allows the user to refine report results by account ID will appear.

This screen version’s fields are exactly the same as the ones in the original version (see the original screenshot in Processing the Disbursements Report section above for reference), except there is a new Ledger field, new Account option in the Sort Sequence group box, and a new Accounts Selected group box (added to this version), and no Details checkbox or Vendor group box (removed from this version). Refer to the bullets below for a description of the fields added to this version.

  • Ledger - Enter a valid ledger ID or select one from the drop-down.  The results that display on the report will be defined by the specified ledger ID.

  • Sort Sequence – Choose to sort the disbursements for each day by check, vendor, or account. If Check or Vendor is selected, the Accounts Selected group box is disabled.

  • Accounts Selected - If the Account radio button is selected from the Sort Sequence group box, the following fields are enabled in the Accounts Selected group box:

    • One or Multiple Accounts - Select this radio button to filter for one or multiple accounts on the report.

      • Account - This field is only enabled when the One or Multiple Accounts radio button is selected.  Enter a valid account ID and click the tab to add it to the list box to the right. Or, click the spyglass to choose an account from a pop-up window, then click Ok to populate it in the list box to the right.

The account(s) that are associated with the account IDs in the list box will filter the report.

  • Range of Accounts - Select this radio button to filter for a range of accounts on the report.

    • Beg Account - This field is only enabled when the Range of Accounts radio button is selected.  Enter a valid account ID number that will serve as the start of the range (beginning account) or select one from a list by clicking on the drop-down arrow.

    • End Account - Only enabled when the Range of Accounts radio button is selected.  Enter a valid account ID number that will serve as the end of the range (ending account) or select one from a list by clicking on the drop-down arrow.

    • All Accounts - Select this radio button to include all accounts on the report.

Disbursements Distribution Report

The Disbursements Distribution function allows users to create a report that shows the net impact of disbursement activities on FQAs. This information is calculated by summing disbursements made to FQAs. This report is organized by FQA. It includes total debits and credits on a day or range of dates.

Processing the Disbursements Distribution Report

Select Disbursements Distribution from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Date Selected – Select the One or Multiple Dates, Range of Dates, or All Dates radio button.

  • Beginning Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter a beginning date or select one using the calendar button.

  • Ending Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter an ending date or select one using the calendar button.

  • Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple Dates option is selected. Enter a date or select one using the calendar button, then press tab.  The calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Disbursements Tax Detail Report

The Disbursements Tax Detail Report prints check details.  Fields on the report include invoice number, invoice gross amount, tax withheld, advances, and the net paid.

Processing the Disbursements Tax Detail Report

Select Disbursements Tax Detail from the Reports menu.


  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.  Press tab to add the vendor ID to the list box of vendors to the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If this checkbox is marked, the Vendor ID field and the list box to the right will clear.

  • Date Selected – Select the One or Multiple Dates, Range of Dates, or All Dates radio button from this group box.

  • Beginning Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter a beginning date or select one using the calendar button.

  • Ending Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter an ending date or select one using the calendar button.

  • Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple radio button is selected.  Enter a date or select on using the calendar button and press tab to add it to the list box to the right.

  • Bank Code Enter a valid bank code or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • All Bank Codes Mark this check box to run the report for all bank codes.  This will clear the Bank Code field.

  • Payment Types Select one or more of the following:  Automated Check, Bank Drafts, Voided Checks, Wire Transfers, Manual Checks, or All Payment Types.  If All Payment Types is selected, the other selections will clear.

 To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the   button from the toolbar.

Daily Disbursements Report

The Daily Disbursements allows users to create a report summarizing disbursements made during a day or range of days. The report is organized by day, then by check number.  For each check listed, the net amount of the check is provided along with the payee and payee’s address.  If a vendor factor was paid, then the vendor factor’s name and address are displayed.  The major distinction between this report and the Disbursement Report is that this report does not include a detailed breakdown of invoices paid by a check.For each check listed, the net amount of the check is provided along with the payee and payee’s address.  If a vendor factor was paid, then the vendor factor’s name and address are displayed.  The major distinction between this report and the Disbursement Report is that this report does not include a detailed breakdown of invoices paid by a check.For each check listed, the net amount of the check is provided along with the payee and payee’s address.  If a vendor factor was paid, then the vendor factor’s name and address are displayed.  The major distinction between this report and the Disbursement Report is that this report does not include a detailed breakdown of invoices paid by a check.

Processing the Daily Disbursements Report

Select Daily Disbursements from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for an entity, it will display automatically.

  • Date Selected – Select the One or Multiple Dates, Range of Dates, or All Dates radio button.

  • Beginning Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter a beginning date.

  • Ending Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter an ending date.

  • Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple Dates option is selected. Enter a date or select one using the calendar button and press tab to add it to the list box on the right

  • Bank Code – Enter a valid bank code or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • All Bank Codes Mark this checkbox to run the report for all bank codes.

 To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Account Distribution Analysis Report

The Account Distribution Analysis allows users to create a report containing a detailed analysis of the items that comprise specific FQA balances. The entries are then summed to give the account balances.  The entries are then summed to give the account balances.

This report is organized by FQA number. Information provided for each FQA includes the invoice and memo numbers that comprise FQA balance(s), date of entry for all invoices and memos, and total amount charged or credited to the FQA.

Processing the Account Distribution Analysis Report

Select Account Distribution Analysis from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass  button to search.  Press tab to add the vendor ID to the list box on the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If this is checked, the Vendor ID field and list box to the right will clear.

  • Date Type – Choose the Accounting Period, Input Date, or Invoice Date radio button.

  • Date Selected – Select One or Multiple Periods / Date, Range of Periods / Dates, or All Periods / Dates.  The name of the radio button changes depending on what was selected from the Date Type group box.

  • Beginning Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Ending Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected. Enter an ending period or date.

  • Period / Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple radio button is selected. Enter a period or date and press tab. For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Year – If the Accounting Period radio button is selected, enter the year for the report.  If the Input Date or Invoice Date radio button is selected, this field can be left blank.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the button from the toolbar.

Invoice/Reference Tracking Report

The Invoice/Reference Tracking Report function allows the user to print a tracking report of the reference number entered for invoices for a specified vendor(s).

Processing the Invoice/Reference Tracking Report

Select the Invoice/Reference Tracking Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • All Currencies Mark this checkbox to select to add all currencies defined for a chosen entity to the report. If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Currency field will clear.

  • Reference No Choose the One or Multiple Reference No, Range of Reference No, Empty Reference No, or All Reference No radio button.

  • Beginning Reference No This field will activate when the range option is chosen. Enter a beginning reference number or use the spyglass   button to choose one from the list.

  • Ending Reference No This field will activate when the range option is chosen. Enter an ending reference number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list.

  • Reference No – This field will activate when the One or Multiple radio button is chosen. Enter the desired reference number or use the spyglass  button to choose one from the list; press tab to add it to the reference number list box on the right. Continue as desired.

  • Vendor – Choose the One or Multiple Vendors, Range of Vendors, or All Vendors radio button.

  • Vendor ID – This field will activate when the One or Multiple Vendors option is chosen. Enter the desired vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list; press tab to add it to the vendor list box to the right. Continue as desired.

  • Beginning Vendor ID This field will activate when the Range of Vendors radio button is chosen. Enter a beginning vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list.

  • Ending Vendor ID This field will activate when the Range of Vendors radio button is chosen. Enter an ending vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list.

  • Sort Sequence Select an option for how the report will be sorted:  Vendor ID, Vendor Name, or Reference No.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Cash Forecast Report

The Cash Forecast Report allows users to view outstanding invoice balances and payments due as a way to manage cash flow.  The report is sorted by vendor ID, then by transaction type. The report consists of two sub-reports:  Cash Forecast for Approved Invoices and Cash Forecast for Non-Approved Invoices.  Users can select to see one of these sub-reports or both of the sub-reports.

Processing the Cash Forecast Report

Select the Cash Forecast Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a currency or choose one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • All Currencies Mark this check box to select to add all currencies defined for a chosen entity to the report.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Currency field will clear.

  • Week Ending Click on the calendar button to select the week ending to be selected on your report.

  • Summary – Mark this checkbox to view a summary report.  Checking this box activates three additional fields on the report window, allowing users to select conversion information if desired.  These fields are Target Currency, Rate, and Operator.

    • Target Currency – Enter a valid target currency or select the desired one from the drop-down list.

    • Rate – Enter a conversion rate.

    • Operator – Enter or select either * (for multiplying by the entered Rate) or / (for dividing by the entered Rate).

  • Items Use the Approved and Unapproved checkboxes to select the subreport(s) to view. Both are checked by default.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.  Press tab to add them to the selected vendor's list box in the bottom-right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If this checkbox is checked, the Vendor ID and list box in the bottom-right will clear.

  • Vendor Type – Enabled if the All Vendors checkbox is marked.  Choose a vendor type from the drop-down list.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Detailed Cash Forecast Report

The Detailed Cash Forecast Report displays details of the outstanding invoices in the system.

Enabling Detailed Cash Forecast Report

If Detailed Cash Forecast Report does not already appear in the menu, the user can enable this function, if desired.  To enable the Detailed Cash Forecast Report submenu, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Utilities menu > System Tables submenu > AP Miscellaneous submenu.

  2. Enter FLUJODECAJA in the Code Field. Enter 1 in Field 1. Click Save .    

3.  Close the Accounts Payable module.

4.  Reopen the Accounts Payable module. The Detailed Cash Forecast Report submenu now appears under the Reports menu.

Processing the Detailed Cash Forecast Report

Select Detailed Cash Forecast Report from the Reports menu.   

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Ending Date Enter the desired end date of the report using the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a date.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Advance Status Report

Use the Advance Status Report to check the status of outstanding advances paid to vendors. This report will only be available If the advance entry is turned on.

For detailed instructions about how to enable this function, refer to the Advances (Optional) section.

Processing the Advance Status Report Screen

Select Advance Status from the Reports menu.

For detailed information about how to use this screen generate reports to manage advances, refer to the Generating Advance Status Reports to Manage Advances subsection.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search. Press tab to add them to the selected vendor's list.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.

  • Vendor Type Choose a vendor type from the drop-down list.

  • All Periods Mark the checkbox to run the report for all periods.

  • Period Select One Period or Range of Periods. Users may also use the All Periods checkbox to run the report for all periods.

  • Begin Period This field will activate when the Range of Periods is selected. Enter the desired beginning period for the report.

  • End Period – This field will activate when Range is selected. Enter the desired ending period for the report.

  • Period This field will activate when One Period is selected. Enter the desired period for the report.

  • Year – This field will activate when One Period is selected. Enter the desired year for the report.

  • Payable Account Choose a Payable account from the drop-down list.

  • All Payable Accounts – Mark the checkbox to run the report for all payable accounts. If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Payable Account field will clear.

  • Include Zero Balances – Mark the checkbox to include vendors that have zero balances. It is unchecked by default.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the button from the toolbar.

Vendor Reconciliation Report

The Vendor Reconciliation Report function can be used to review invoices and payments made to a specific vendor or all vendors. The report displays Beginning and Ending Balances, along with credits and debits for the vendor. The report is sorted by vendor, then by date.

Processing the Vendor Reconciliation Report

Select Vendor Reconciliation Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose a Currency from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • All Currencies – Select this check box to choose all currencies from the Currency drop-down list. If this box is marked, the Currency field clears.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search. Press tab to add the vendor ID to the selected vendor's list box to the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If this box is checked, the Vendor ID field and list box will clear.

  • Detail - Select this radio button to display the report in detailed format.

  • Summary - Select this radio button to display the report in summary format.

  • Date Specified – Select One Period or Range of Periods.

  • Begin Period – This field will activate when the Range of Periods radio button is selected.  Enter the desired beginning period for the report.

  • End Period - This field will activate when the Range of Periods radio button is selected.  Enter the desired ending period for the report.

  • Period This field will activate when the One-Period radio button is selected. Enter the desired period for the report.

  • Year – This field will activate when the One-Period radio button is selected. Enter the desired year for the report.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Vendor Payment History Report

The Vendor Payment History Report allows users to review the history of payments made to a vendor.

Processing the Vendor Payment History Report

Select the Vendor Payment History Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search. Press tab to add the Vendor ID to the selected vendor's list box.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors. If this box is checked, the Vendor ID field and the list box will clear.

  • Vendor Type Enabled with the All Vendors checkbox is marked. Select a vendor type from the drop-down list.

  • Date Type – Choose the Accounting Period or Check Date radio button in this group box.

  • Date Selected – Select One or Multiple Periods / Date, Range of Periods / Dates, or All Periods / Dates.  The names of these radio buttons change depending on what was selected in the Date Type group box.

  • Beginning Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Ending Period / Date – This field will only activate when the range option is selected.  Enter a beginning period or date.

  • Period / Date – This field will activate when the One or Multiple radio button is selected. Enter a period or date and press tab. For dates, the calendar button can also be used to make a selection.

  • Year – If the Accounting Period radio button is selected, enter the year for the report.  If the Check Date radio button is selected, this field can be left blank.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Unapproved Batch Report

Use the Unapproved Batch Report to review unapproved batches of invoices or memos.

Processing the Unapproved Batch Report

Select the Unapproved Batch Report from the Reports menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • All Currencies – Mark this checkbox to select to add all currencies defined for a chosen entity to the report. If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Currency field will clear.

  • Batch Number Enter the desired batch number or use the spyglass button to search.  Press tab to add the number to the list box on the right.

  • All Batches Mark this checkbox to select all batches for the selected Entity and Currency.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Batch Number field will clear.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass  button to search. Press tab to add the vendor ID to the selected vendor's list box on the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.  If this box is checked, changes made to the Vendor ID field and the list box on the right will be cleared.

  • All Periods Mark the checkbox to run the report for all periods. If this box is checked, the One-Period and Range of Periods radio button will be disabled.

  • One Period Mark the checkbox to run the report for one period.

  • Range of Periods Mark the checkbox to run the report for a range of periods.

  • Begin Period This field will activate when the Range of Periods radio button is selected. Enter the desired beginning period for the report.

  • End Period – This field will activate when the Range of Periods radio button is selected. Enter the desired ending period for the report.

  • Period This field will activate when the One-Period radio button is selected. Enter the desired period for the report.

  • Year – This field will activate when the One-Period radio button is selected. Enter the desired year for the report.

 To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Checks Menu

Functions in the Checks menu Automated Check Processing or Manual Check Processing functions to use for all four types of payments: automated check, bank drafts, wire transfers, and manual checks. 

Automatic check functions allow the user to generate printed checks and record data to create an audit trail the user to record data to create an audit trail for manually prepared checks.

Processing Automatic Checks

To follow the usual procedure for processing automatic checks, use these functions in the order listed:

  • Generate Cash Requirements

  • Cash Requirements Report

  • Automatic Check Process

If payments to vendors must be modified after Generate Cash Requirements edit Cash Requirements again. This is to verify that the proper changes were made in Edit Cash Requirements.

Processing Manual Checks

Use Manual Check for manually prepared checks. 

Other Checks Menu Functions

The following are the other functions in the Checks menu.  They do not need to be processed in any particular order.

  • Void/Delete Check – Use to void or delete automatic or manual checks.

  • Batch Void/Delete Check – Use to void or delete a range of automatic or manual checks.

  • Check Reconciliation – Use to reconcile checks (not deposits).

  • Unreconciled Checks Report – Use to print a list of all the unreconciled checks in the Accounts Payable module for a specified bank code.

  • Positive Pay – Use to create a list of checks to provide to the bank, authorizing the bank to pay only those checks.

  • Positive Pay Setup – Use to set up the Positive Pay function.

Generate Cash Requirements

Generate Cash Requirements - Generate Cash Requirements is executed, it selects for payment valid, approved invoices due on or before the due date for the payable account Requirements Report.

On the report, the total amount due for these invoices displays in the “Current Cash Total” field.  The total of selected invoices and invoices due after the specified due date displays in the “Future Cash Total” field.

After using Generate Cash Requirements, delete individual invoices from check processing by using the Edit Cash Requirements Report again to verify the changes.

If Accounts Payable is used for two or more entities, Cash Requirements can be run for each entity.  Then use the Cash Requirements Report to generate two reports to aid in total cash requirements planning.

Processing Generate Cash Requirements

Select Generate Cash Requirements from the Checks drop-down menu. 

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Delete Cash Requirements This checkbox appears once an Entity has been selected. If Generate Cash Requirements was run by mistake, use this check box to delete the erroneous run. Simply check the box and click the button.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for an entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Payment Currency The Payment Currency will default to the same currency as entered to the Currency field.  Invoices will be selected by Generate Cash Requirements that match the Payment Currency that is selected.  The Payment Currency for an invoice is defined at the time of invoice entry.

  • Due on or Before – Enter a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to make a selection. This date is the cut-off for calculating Current Cash Total. Invoices due after this date will be calculated in the Future Cash Total field.

  • Check Date – Enter a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to make a selection.

  • Payable Account Enter a valid Payable account or choose one from the drop-down list.

  • All Payable Accounts – Mark the checkbox to run the report for all payable accounts. If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Payable Account field will clear.

  • Vendor(s) Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass  button to search. Press tab to add the vendor ID to the vendor's list box on the right.

  • All Vendors Mark the checkbox to run the report for all vendors.

  • Exclude Vendor(s) Enter any vendor IDs to exclude or click the spyglass button to search.   Press tab to add the vendor ID to the excluded vendor(s) list box on the right.

  • Current Cash Total – This field is display-only. The total in this field is the total amount due on invoices with a due date on or before the date selected in the Due on or Before field.

  • Future Cash Total – This field is display-only. The total in this field is the total amount due on invoices with a due date after the date selected in the Due on or Before field.

To start the process, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute   button.

Cash Requirements Report

Use the Cash Requirements Report G enerate Cash Requirements. The Cash Requirements Report can also be used to generate a report before and after executing Edit Cash Requirements to analyze changes to the invoices selected for payment.

Only those vendors who have approved invoices due on or before the date selected in Generate Cash Requirements Include Future Invoices checkbox was checked. If a factor vendor is being paid, the factor vendor name is included with the invoice vendor name.  The report includes the following information: was checked. 

  • Total balance.

  • A listing of all current invoices and their corresponding due dates.

  • The balance Include Future Invoices checkbox was checked.  Include Future Invoices checkbox was checked.

Processing the Cash Requirements Report Screen

Select Cash Requirements Reports menu.       



  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Include Future Invoices – Mark the checkbox to include future invoices on the report.

  • Include Invoice Description – Mark the checkbox to include invoice descriptions on the report.

  • Sort By Choose a radio button from this group box to sort the report by Vendor Name or by Vendor ID.

To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

Edit Cash Requirements

The Edit Cash Requirements function allows you to modify payments to vendors that are included in the Cash Requirements Report that you generate after you run the Generate Cash Requirements function.  For more information on this process, refer to the section on the Generate Cash Requirements function.

Using the Edit Cash Requirements function, you may increase, decrease or eliminate payments to a vendor.  Upon modifying these payments, the system adjusts the future balance due accordingly.  For example, if you reduce the current balance due by $150.00 using Edit Cash Requirements, the future balance due increases by $150.00.

You should always generate the Cash Requirements Report after using the Edit Cash Requirements function to verify your changes.

Processing the Edit Cash Requirements Screen

Select Edit Cash Requirements from the Checks drop-down menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Payment Currency – If the Cash Requirements file was created with a different payment currency than the invoice currency, then the currency defined in the Generate Cash Requirements process will be displayed here.  Otherwise, the Payment Currency value will be the same as the Currency value.

  • Due on or Before – After a vendor ID is selected, the Due on or Before date specified in Generate Cash Requirements displays.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.

  • Vendor Comments– After a vendor ID is selected, any comments from the vendor’s record display.– After a vendor ID is selected, any comments from the vendor’s record display.

  • Payment Type Enter the desired payment type code a select one using the spyglass button.

    • Default – By selecting the default selection, the system automatically selects the payment type entered in the Vendor Maintenance screen within the defaults tab.            

    • Pay All – Mark this radio button to pay all invoices listed in the grid, including future invoices.

    • Pay None – Mark this radio button to pay none of the invoices listed in the grid.

The grid columns are listed below:

  • Invoice No The invoice number of each invoice displays.

  • Ref No The reference number of each invoice displays, where applicable.

  • PD Num – The Purchase Document number of each invoice displays, where applicable.

  • Discount  The discount date of each invoice displays, where applicable.

  • Due Date The due date of each invoice displays.

  • Gross Invoice Amount  The gross invoice amount of each invoice displays.

  • Pay Amount in [Currency] – The amount to pay in the invoice currency for each invoice displays.  This field can be edited to pay an amount different that the amount due.  Simply click in the field and enter the new amount to pay

  • Pay Amount in [Payment Currency] – If the Payment Currency is different than the Currency (invoice currency) in the header, then this field will display the amount that will be paid in the payment currency using the exchange rate recorded with the invoice.  If the Currency and Payment Currency are the same, then this field will be equal to the Pay Amount in [Currency] field.  If the Pay Amount in [Currency] amount is changed, then the Pay Amount in [Payment Currency] will be recalculated using the exchange rate recorded with the invoice.

  • Pay Amount The amount to pay for each invoice displays. This field can be edited to pay an amount different than the amount due. Simply click in the field and enter the new amount to pay.

  • Current Amount The current amount (for each invoice specified for in the Generate Cash Requirements screen) displays. 

  • Current Discount Amount – The current discount amount (for each invoice specified for in the Generate Cash Requirements screen) displays.

  • Current W/H Tax Amount – The current WH tax amount (for each invoice specified for in the Generate Cash Requirements screen) displays.

  • Current Net Due – The amount due (for each invoice specified for in the Generate Cash Requirements screen) displays (Current Amount less Discount Amount less W/H Tax Amount).

  • Future Amount – Populates the amount due for invoices with the same fields as specified in the Generate Cash Requirements screen, with the exception that due dates for these invoices are after the due date specified in the Due on or Before field. This field essentially tracks the amounts due for invoices that can be paid at a “future” date.

This field can also be populated if the user updates the payment amount for an invoice. For example, if the Pay Amount field is set to 0.00, the original value in the Current Amount field changes to 0.00, and the Current Amount field’s original value is moved to the Future Amount field. Partial updates can also be made in this fashion. For example, if the Pay Amount field is reduced by $100.00, the Current Amount field’s original value will be reduced by $100.00, and the Future Amount field’s value will increase by $100.00.

  • Future Discount Amount – Populates the possible discount amount (some vendors may offer discounts if the invoice is paid within a certain timeframe) for invoices with the same fields as specified in the Generate Cash Requirements screen, with the exception that due dates for these invoices are after the due date specified in the Due on or Before field. This field essentially tracks the possible discount amounts for invoices that can be paid at a “future” date.

This field can also be populated if the user updates the payment amount for an invoice. For example, if the Pay Amount field is set to 0.00, the original value in the Current Discount Amount field changes to 0.00, and the Current Discount Amount field’s original value is moved to the Future Discount Amount field. Partial updates can also be made in this fashion. For example, if the Pay Amount field is reduced by $100.00, the Current Discount Amount field’s original value will be reduced by $100.00, and the Future Discount Amount field’s value will increase by $100.00.

  • Future W/H Tax Amount – Populates the W/H tax amount for invoices with the same fields as specified in the Generate Cash Requirements screen, with the exception that due dates for these invoices are after the due date specified in the Due on or Before field. This field essentially tracks the W/H tax amounts for invoices that can be paid at a “future” date.

This field can also be populated if the user updates the payment amount for an invoice. For example, if the Pay Amount field is set to 0.00, the original value in the Current W/H Tax Amount field changes to 0.00, and the Current W/H Tax Amount field’s original value is moved to the Future W/H Tax Amount field. Partial updates can also be made in this fashion. For example, if the Pay Amount field is reduced by $100.00, the Current W/H Tax Amount field’s original value will be reduced by $100.00, and the Future W/H Tax Amount field’s value will increase by $100.00.

  • Future Net Due – Populates the net due amount for invoices with the same fields as specified in the Generate Cash Requirements screen, with the exception that due dates for these invoices are after the due date specified in the Due on or Before field. This field essentially tracks the net due to amounts for invoices that can be paid at a “future” date.

This field can also be populated if the user updates the payment amount for an invoice. For example, if the Pay Amount field is set to 0.00, the original value in the Current Net Due field changes to 0.00, and the Current Net Due field’s original value is moved to the Future Net Due field. Partial updates can also be made in this fashion. For example, if the Pay Amount field is reduced by $100.00, the Current Net Due field’s original value will be reduced by $100.00, and the Future Net Due field’s value will increase by $100.00.

  • Invoice Comments – Comments from the invoice record.

  • Totals  - If the Currency and Payment Currency values are different, then there will be a column for the Currency totals and a column for the Payment Currency totals.

    • Current Vendor Total – The current vendor total displays. This is a system-calculated field.

    • Future Vendor Total – The future vendor total displays. This is a system-calculated field.

    • Total Cash Required – The sum of the Current Net Due column.

    • Future Cash Required – The sum of the Future Net Due column.

To save changes to modified payments to vendors that are included in the Cash Requirements Report, ensure the above fields are specified as necessary, then click the save button from the toolbar.

Automated Check Processing

The Automated Check Processing function uses the cash requirements generated using the Generate Cash Requirements and Edit Cash Requirements functions and prints checks when the payment type “automated check” is selected.  A check register prints automatically after each check run.

When Manual Check, Wire Transfer or Bank Draft are selected, rather than printing checks, a report prints.  The report that prints will be one of the following: the Manual Check Report, Wire Transfer Authorization Report or Bank Draft Report, as appropriate. 

After Automated Check Processing is executed, the system clears the Cash Requirements File.

If a vendor factor is being paid, the payee name on the check will be the factor vendor’s name.  However, all of the disbursement records in the database will be updated for the original vendor.

Processing the Automated Check Processing Screen

Select Automatic Check Process from the Checks menu.

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Payment Currency – The Payment Currency will display in this currency based on the Cash Requirements file that matches the Entity/Currency combination.

  • Batch– This field displays the system-generated check batch number.  The system uses this number for internal purposes only.– This field displays the system-generated check batch number.  The system uses this number for internal purposes only.

  • Current Check Date – This field displays the check date that was entered in the Generate Cash Requirements screen.

  • New Check Date – This field displays the same date as in the Current Check Date field. If desired, enter a new date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar button to select a new date.

  • Bank Code – Enter a bank code or click the spyglass button to search.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Period – Enter the desired period number.

  • Payment Type – Enter the payment type for this check run or use the spyglass button to select from the list.

  • Check Format check format code or select one from the drop-down list. from the drop-down list. from the drop-down list.

  • Current Starting Check Number – This field displays the current starting check number.

  • New Starting Check Number This field will default to the Current Starting Check Number. If necessary, the starting check number can be changed.

  • No of Stub Copies Per Check – The default value for this field is 1, but it can be changed if more than one check stub should be printed.

  • Output To – Select a radio button from this group box to either output the checks directly to the printer or to a file.

  • Printer Setting – Choose the Check or Reports setting. Use the Show Settings button to review the settings for the selected print style. Use the Change Settings button to make updates to the selected print style.

  • Print – Select a radio button from this group box to either print a run of Test Checks or the Actual ChecksTest Checks will print on plain paper.  Actual Checks will print on check stock.

To start automated check processing, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute   button.

ACH Processing

IDEAS supports the international standard ISO XML 20022 PAIN.001. Many banks are accepting this format and if they do not accept the format directly, they can map to fields with in this file.  To create these files, follow these steps: Setup

Bank Code

Use the ACH Parameters tab in the Bank Code definition for the bank that ACH payments will be processed through to enter the information necessary for processing.


  • Use the Bank tab in the Vendor Maintenance screen to enter information specific to the vendor that the ACH payment will be made to.

  • Use the Default tab in the Vendor Maintenance screen to select Payment Type 43 – ISO XML 20022 as the default payment type for the vendor. Processing

Invoice Entry

Enter invoices against the ACH vendors as normal.  The payment type of 43 – ISO XML 20022 will default to each invoice for the vendor.  If another payment type should be used for an individual invoice, the payment type can be changed in the Default tab of the Invoice Entry screen.

Batch Validation and Approval

Validate and Approve the invoices as normal.

Generate Cash Requirements

Generate and Edit Cash Requirements as normal.

Automated Checks

Process checks for the ACH bank code using Payment Type 43 – ISO XML 20022.  The database will be updated with all of the regular information for a payment. Instead of a physical check, an XML file will be created in the location specified in the ACH Parameters screen of the Bank code

Manual Check Processing

Select Manual Check from the Checks menu.

To specify the invoices that a certain check paid, complete the fields described in the subsection below to specify a check and update the grid with the appropriate invoices information.  Click the save  button from the toolbar to save changes. 

Using the Manual Check Processing Screen

Select Manual Check from the Checks menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or selection one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Payment Currency – Select the currency that the payment was made in.  If it is different from the invoice currency, the check amount will be calculated using the operator and pay rate entered for each invoice at the point of invoice entry.

  • Bank Code – Enter a bank code or click the spyglass button to search.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.

  • Balance – Once the Vendor ID is selected, the balance for that vendor will display in this field.

  • Check No. – Enter of the manual check issued for this vendor.

  • Check Date – Enter the date the check was issued or use the calendar button to choose the appropriate date. Tab through this field to use the current date.

  • Check Amount – Enter the amount of the check that was issued.

  • Period – Enter the period for which the check will be processed.

 The grid will activate at the bottom of the screen. Use the grid to make selections for the invoice to which this check should be applied.

  • Invoice No – Enter the invoice number or use the spyglass button to make a selection. Multiple invoices can be selected.

  • Amount Due After an invoice number is selected, the invoice amount due displays in the grid.

  • Amount Paid After an invoice number is selected, the amount paid displays in the grid. This system-calculated figure can be changed by typing in a different amount.  Amount paid may not be greater than the amount due.

  • Discount  After an invoice number is selected, any applicable discount amount displays in the grid.  This system-calculated figure can be changed by typing in a different amount. Amount Paid plus discount cannot be greater than the Amount Due.  

  • W/H Tax If taxes were set up for this particular vendor, one or more text boxes in which to display tax information may be included on the grid.  If no taxes were set up for this vendor, there will be no additional text boxes on the grid.

Below the grid, the following display-only fields will populate:

  • Total Net Amount Paid This field displays the amounts paid for invoices.

  • Payment Total Net Amount Paid – This field displays the grand total of all invoices paid in the current session.

  • Total Discount – The total discount amount for all invoices in the grid displays.

  • Payment Total Discount – The grand discount total of all invoices in the current session displays.

  • Total W/H Tax – The total withholding tax amount for all invoices in the grid displays.

  • Payment Total W/H Tax – The grand total of all withholding taxes paid in the current session displays.

Void/Delete Checks

The Void/Delete Checks function allows you to void automatic checks and to delete manual checks.  When you void an automatic check, information pertaining to that check is recorded in the system to maintain an audit trail.  Voiding a check that has already been posted will not only flag the check as void but will also create the appropriate reversing journal entries. Void/Delete Checks also allows users to delete incorrectly entered manual checks.

Processing the Void/Delete Checks Screen

Select Void/Delete Check from the Checks menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Vendor ID Enter the vendor ID or click the spyglass button to search.

  • Bank Code – Enter a bank code or click the spyglass

    button to search.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Check Enter the check number to void/delete or use the spyglass button to search.

  • Period This field will activate once the check has been selected. Enter the period in which to void/delete the check.

  • Action – Select the Void radio button to void checks or the Delete radio button to void checks.

  • Balance This field will populate with the current total balance of all outstanding invoices for the selected vendor.

  • Batch No This field will populate with the batch number of the selected check.

  • Payment Currency – This field will populate the payment currency of the check.
    Date This field will populate with the date on which the check was processed.

  • Amount This field will populate with the amount of the check.

Once the check has been selected, the grid will also populate.

  • Invoice No This column will populate with all invoices paid with the selected check.

  • Amount Due This column populates with the amount due for each invoice.

  • Amount Paid This column populates with the amount actually paid on each invoice in the Source Currency.

  • Amount Paid in – The column shows the amount paid in the Payment Currency.

  • Discount  If any discount was applied to the invoices paid with the selected check, the amount will populate in this column.If any discount was applied to the invoices paid with the selected check, the amount will populate in this column.If any discount was applied to the invoices paid with the selected check, the amount will populate in this column.

  • W/H Tax – Any withholding taxes paid on the invoices listed will display in this column.

Below the grid, the following display-only fields will populate:

  • Check Total Paid This field shows the total paid on the check selected in the Source Currency.

  • Batch Total Paid – This field shows the total paid on the batch that included the selected check in the Source Currency.

  • Check Total Discount – This field displays the total discounts applied to invoices associated with the selected check.

  • Batch Total Discount  This field displays the total discounts applied to all invoices in the batch that included the selected check.displays the total discounts applied to all invoices in the batch that included the selected check.displays the total discounts applied to all invoices in the batch that included the selected check.

  • Check Total W/H – This field displays the total withholding taxes paid on the selected check.

  • Batch Total W/H – This field displays the total withholding taxes paid on the batch.

  • Check Total Paid in Payment Currency This field shows the total paid on the check selected in the Payment Currency.

  • Batch Total Paid in Payment Currency – This field shows the total paid on the batch that included the selected check in the Payment Currency.

To start the void or delete check process, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute   button. 

Batch Void/Delete Check

Batch Void/Delete Check also allows users to delete incorrectly-entered manual checks.

Processing the Batch Void/Delete Checks Screen

Select Batch Void/Delete Check from the Checks menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a currency from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Bank Code – Enter a bank code or click the spyglass  button to search.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Beginning Check – Enter a beginning check number or use the spyglass  button to search.

  • Ending Check – Enter an ending check number or use the spyglass  button to search.

  • Reversing Period – Enter the accounting period into which reversing journal entries should be made.

  • Action – Select the Void radio button to void the selected checks or the Delete radio button to delete the selected checks.

To start the batch void or delete check process, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute  button.

Check Reconciliation

Check Reconciliation to flag those checks as paid. This process may be done manually, or it may be automated.  To automate the process, obtain an ASCII file.

Processing the Check Reconciliation Screen

Select Check Reconciliation.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or select one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list.  If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Bank Code – Enter a bank code or click the spyglass button to search.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Reconcile Date – Enter the reconciliation date or use the calendar button to make a selection.

  • End Date (Optional) – Enter an end date, if desired.

  • Process – Select a processing method:  Manual or Automated.  The default is manual.  If Automated is selected, the File Name field is activated.  Use this field to choose the file sent by the bank.

  • Manual – When selecting the Manual radio button, the user is selecting manual check reconciliation.  To reconcile checks this way, do the following:

    • Have a list of checks that have cleared.  Obtain this list of checks from the bank.

    • Click the Load Checks button to load a list of checks from the Accounts Payable database into the Checks to reconcile box.  These are checks that are not yet flagged in the system as reconciled.

    • Use the Add>> button to move checks that have cleared into the Checks Selected box at the right.    If a check is mistakenly moved into that box, remove it using the <<Remove button.

    • When finished adding checks to the Checks selected box, click on the Print Preview button to see a report of all checks that are to be flagged as reconciled.

    • If satisfied with the checks that have been selected, click on the Save button to complete the process.

  • Automated – When selecting the Automated radio button, the user is selecting automated check reconciliation.  To reconcile checks this way, do the following:

    • Obtain an ASCII file of checks that have cleared through the bank. Save this file on the local computer.

    • Use the spyglass button to navigate to the saved file. Open the file. This will prompt the system to compare the contents of the file against checks in the database that are not yet flagged as reconciled.

    • Once the process is complete, click to save.

Unreconciled Checks Report

The Unreconciled Checks Report prints a list of all the unreconciled checks in the Accounts Payable module for a specified bank code.

Processing the Unreconciled Checks Report Screen

Select Unreconciled Checks Report from the Checks menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Bank Code – Enter a bank code or click the spyglass button to search.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • End Date (Optional) Enter an end date after which the system will not return results.

  • Sort Order Choose a radio button from this group box to either sort the report by payee name, check number, or check date.

 To generate the report, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute   button.

Positive Pay

Positive Paybank.allows users to generate a list of checks that the bank is authorized to pay. This list is provided to the bank in the form of an ASCII file. Only those checks that are authorized for payment will be paid. The format of the ASCII file is determined by each individual bank.

Prior to processing Positive Pay for the first time, use the Positive Pay Setup to configure the Positive Pay process according to each bank’s specifications.

Using the Positive Pay Screen

Select Positive Pay menu.


  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Bank Code – Choose a bank code from the drop-down list.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Parameter for Selection Criteria – Select the Date or Check radio button.

  • Starting Check Date – This field will activate when the Date radio button is selected. Enter the desired start date or use the calendar button to make a selection.

  • Ending Check Date – This field will activate when a Date radio button is selected. Enter the desired end date or use the calendar button to make a selection.

  • Starting Check Number – This field will activate when the Check radio button is selected. Enter the desired starting check number.

  • Ending Check Number This field will activate when the Check radio button is selected. Enter the desired ending check number.

  • Positive Payment File Name Use the spyglass button to select a location for the positive pay file.

To generate the list of checks that the bank is authorized to pay, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute  button.

Positive Pay Setup

Positive Pay Setup is determined by the requirements of each bank.  Contact the bank for the necessary number and length of fields and records. Once the requirements are received, use the Positive Pay Setup to setup the ASCII file in the system.

Using the Positive Pay Setup Screen

Select Positive Pay Setup menu.

The Positive Pay Setup screen consists of a main header section and two tabs.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Bank Code – Choose a bank code from the drop-down list.  If only one bank code is defined, it will display automatically.

  • Include Header in Positive Pay File – Mark the checkbox to include a header on the ASCII file.  This is optional.

To save changes to a setup of an ASCII file to be used for Positive Pay processing, ensure the respective fields described above and in the subsections, below are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

The Header Format Tab

If the ASCII file tab.

  • Delimiter – Type an option into the Field and Record text boxes to define the delimiter for fields and records of the ASCII file or BD – Both. or BD – Both. or BD – Both.

  • Filler Character – Type a character that will be used as a filler character.

  • Header Field and Length – A number from the Header Options box can be entered in the Header Field column.  The Header Field column will populate the name of the field name from the Header Options box if a number is entered.  Enter a number in the Length column to specify the number of characters that should be entered for the field in the Header Field column.  Note that the Filler option (6) can be used in case the header on the ASCII file must be a specified number of characters long and the other entries do not total to the required number of characters.

The Check Detail Format Tab

Use this tab to set up the detail lines of the ASCII file.

  • Item Options – This box contains a list of options to use for the check detail of the ASCII file column. column. column.

  • Justification – Use these options to specify right or left justification for the fields in the check detail portion of the ASCII fileJustify column. column. column.

  • Item Description – Choose available options from the Item Options box and enter them in the Item Description fields in the order in which they should appear in the ASCII file.

  • Length – Enter the corresponding length of the field.

  • Justify – Type R for right-justification or L for left-justification.

  • Filler – Type a number to specify filler length for the end of each field so that total field length will correspond with the ASCII file If no filler is needed, type a zero. If no filler is needed, type a zero. If no filler is needed, type a zero.


The ASCII file definition.d by the ASCII file definition.

ACH File Creation

The ACH File Creation screen is used to recreate an ACH file due to unforeseen circumstances.  This utility will recreate the XML file for the selected check run.

Using the ACH File Creation Screen

  • Submission ID – Click the Submission ID spyglass to see a listing of check submissions that have previously been created.

Select a row to process and then click OK or double-click the row.  The detail of the ACH file will then appear in the ACH File Creation screen.

Click the exclamation point icon  to recreate the ACH file.  A message will display when the process is complete indicating the location of the file.  The file we be created in the default location specified in the ACH Parameters tab of the Bank Code definition screen.

Journalize Menu

Unlike most drop-down menus in the AP module, the Journalize menu has only one option:  Create Accounts Payable Journal. This function is explained in detail below.

Create Account Payable Journal

The purpose of the Create Accounts Payable Journal  module to the GL module. It also creates a report that shows the detail line items that are created, as well as the General Ledger journal, period and batch number. This function journalizes both purchase invoices/memos and cash disbursements.  The vendor, invoice, and check numbers are included in the description and as separate columns in the GL in the report. 

This function also gives the ability to reverse an invoice or invoices that have been previously journalized.  A reversing journal entry is created for the invoice, and the invoice is flagged as not having been journalized.  If the invoice has not been paid, this allows for editing of the invoice.

Note:  The journals created using this function must be validated and posted to the database using the Journal Posting function of the General Ledger module.

Run this function as frequently as needed to update the ledger   

Using the Create Accounts Payable Journal Screen

Select Create Account Payable Journal from the Journalize menu or click the   button on the toolbar.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or choose one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Period – Enter the period into which the journal entries should be created.­

  • Journalize Option Choose what should be journalized by selecting one of the following radio buttons:

    • Journalize only purchases invoices

    • Journalize only cash disbursements

    • Journalize only Advance Applications (Only appears if advanced features are enabled in P2 IDEAS.  For additional information, see the Advances section.)

    • All

    • Reverse Invoice Posting

  • Selection Option The options that display in this box will depend on the selection made in the Journalize Option box. Choose a method for selecting which specific items should be journalized by selecting one of the following radio button options:

    • Journalize items with an invoice or check date through a selected date

    • Journalize items within a selected batch

    • Journalize items for a specified period

    • Journalize All items regardless of date

    • Finalize 

      • To see a preview of what will be journalized and the period and batch that the journal will be created in, leave the Finalize box unmarked.  The normal journal reports will display with the caption (Preview) added to the header of the report but nothing will be updated in the database. 

      • Once the information has been confirmed, mark the Finalize box and rerun the process.  With the Finalize box marked, the AP tables will be updated and the journals will be created in the GL.

  • Selection Data – The fields in this box will activate based on selections made in the Selection Option box.

    • Date – Enter the desired date or use the calendar button to choose a date. All invoices/memos through this date will be journalized.

    • Batch Enter the desired batch number or use the spyglass button to search. All invoices/memos in the selected batch will be journalized.

  • Reverse Invoice Posting The fields in the Reverse Invoice Posting box will activate if the Reverse Invoice Posting option is selected in the Journalize Option box. Selections made in these boxes narrow the reversing process from the broadest point (Batch number) to the most specific (a particular invoice number).

    • Batch Enter the desired batch number or use the spyglass button to search. The batches displayed in the search are those that have previously been journalized.

    • Vendor Enter the vendor number or use the spyglass button to search. The vendors displayed will be those in the specified batch.

    • Invoice Enter the invoice number or use the spyglass button to search. Only those invoices for the specified batch and vendor will display in the search window.

 To run this process, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute   button.

Utilities Menu

The Utilities module. Some items are found in sub-menus while others are accessed directly from the Utilities menu.

User Tables

The utilities in this submenu allow users to edit tables that contain user-defined abbreviations or codes.  These abbreviations or codes work with certain text boxes in the AP module that have drop-down menus or lists.

Countries Utility

The Countries module.

Using the Countries Utility

Select Countries from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Code – To add a new country code, select <New> from the drop-down list, then type the desired country code into this field. To review or edit an existing country code, select it from the drop-down list.

  • Name – When entering a new country code, type the full name of the country in this field. If viewing an existing code, the Name field will populate automatically.

To save a newly added or edited country code, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save  button from the toolbar.

States Utility

The States module. Note that U.S. states come pre-loaded in the system.

Using the States Utility

Select States from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.


  • Code – To add a new state code, select <New> from the drop-down list, then type the desired state code into the field. To review or edit an existing state code, select it from the drop-down list. The code may be up to 15 characters long.

  • Description – When entering a new state, type the full name of the state in this field. If viewing an existing code, the Description field will populate automatically.

To save a newly added or edited state code, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save  button from the toolbar.

Postal Codes Utility

The Postal Codes module.

Using the Postal Codes Utility

Select Postal Codes from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu. Postal codes are not required for the system to run smoothly. If certain postal codes are used frequently, they can be set up through this screen.


  • Postal Code – To create a new postal code, click the  button and enter the desired postal code in this field. To edit an existing postal code, either type in a postal code or use the spyglass button to search. Note that postal codes may be up to 20 characters long.

  • City – When creating a new postal code, enter the city for the postal code here. If viewing an existing code, the city will populate automatically.

  • State – When creating a new postal code, enter or select the associated state from the drop-down list. If viewing an existing code, the state will populate automatically.

To save a newly added or edited postal code, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save  button from the toolbar.

Bank Code Utility

The Bank Code utility allows users to create and edit user-defined bank codes in the Bank Code Table.  This table works with drop-down menus in the AP module.

Using the Bank Code Utility

Select Bank Codes from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu. The Bank Code screen consists of a main header and three tabs.

Users can view existing bank codes or create new bank codes with the Bank Code utility. Once an existing bank code is brought up on the screen, the fields will populate, and the information can be edited, if desired.

  • Bank Code – To create a new bank code, click the button and enter the desired bank code in this field. To edit an existing bank code, either type in a bank code or use the spyglass button to search. Note that bank codes may be up to 5 characters long.

  • Description – When entering a new bank, type the full name of the bank in this field. If viewing an existing code, the Description field will populate automatically.

  • Ledger – When creating a new bank, use the drop-down list to choose a ledger. If viewing an existing code, the ledger field will populate automatically.

  • Currency – When creating a new bank, use the drop-down list to choose a ledger. If viewing an existing code, the currency field will populate automatically.

To save a newly added or edited bank code, ensure the fields above and the fields for the tabs/ described in the subsections below are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

General Tab

The General tab contains fields necessary for correctly checks or other forms of payment.

  • Bank Name – Enter the name of the bank.

  • Account Number – Enter the account number for this particular bank code and currency.

  • Routing Code – Enter the routing number associated with the account number in the previous text box.

  • Cash Account (required) – Select the cash account for this bank or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Next Check Number – Enter the next check number for this bank code. This number will display on the Automated Check Processing screen in the Current Starting Check Number text box.

Address Tab

Use the Address tab to enter address information for the bank.  

  • Address 1 through 3 – Enter the first line of the bank’s address.

  • City Enter the bank’s city.

  • State Enter the bank’s state or select it from the drop-down list.

  • Country – Enter the bank’s country or select it from the drop-down list.

  • Postal Code Enter the bank’s postal code or use the spyglass  button to search.

  • Contact – Enter the name of the point of contact at the bank.

  • Phone – Enter the bank’s telephone number.

  • Fax – Enter the bank’s fax number.

ACH Parameters Tab

Use the ACH Parameters tab to define information required for ACH payments to the bank.

  • Country Code – Enter the Country Code for the country that the payment is originating from.

  • Payment Method – Enter the ACH Payment that will be used.

  • Standard Entry Class – Ehter the Standard Entry Class that will be used.

  • Routing Number Identifier – Enter the Routing Number Identifier type.

  • ACH Payment Type – Enter the ACH Payment Type required for the region.

  • Customer Code – Enter the Customer Code provided by the bank.

  • Default File Location – Use the Open Folder icon to browse to the location in which ACH files should be created.

  • Default File Name – Enter a file name to use when creating the ACH file. A date/time stamp will be appended to the file name to differentiate files.

Accounting Periods Utility

The Accounting Period allows users to create and edit user-defined accounting periods in the Accounting Periods Table. Accounting periods must be defined before using Recurring Invoice Entry.

Using the Accounting Periods Utility

Select Accounting Periods from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Period – To create a new accounting period, type the number in this field. To review an existing period, select it from the drop-down list.

  • Start Date – Enter the desired start date of the period or use the calendar button to select a date. If reviewing an existing period, the start date will populate automatically.

  • End Date – Enter the desired end date of the period or use the calendar button to select a date. If reviewing an existing period, the end date will populate automatically.

To save a newly added or edited accounting period, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

Account Codes

Codes invoices Entry screen or through the other available means for entry of invoices. screen or through the other available means for entry of invoices.

Using the Define a code and FQA for each offset type Screen

Select Account Codes from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Ledger – Select the ledger from the drop-down list.

  • Action – Select the Add New FQA or Edit Existing FQA radio button. If adding a new FQA, the grid will populate with blank fields for entry. If editing an existing FQA, the grid will populate with the FQAs already in the system.

  • Code – To indicate the offsets to use for accounting purposes (AP, Intercompany, Cash, etc.), enter a desired code to represent the offset.  Enter the elements of the FQA except for the Entity/Company element.  The Entity/Company element will be determined from the actual entry of the invoice or payment.  Once this code is created using your custom coding, it can be referenced in the Invoice Entry screen instead of the actual account code (which zeros out all elements except entity and account).  Once the Account code is saved, this field will no longer be editable. 

  • Elements - The elements that display in the grid columns depend on the Fully Qualified Account setup (General Ledger module > Account Code Definition screen). Fully Qualified Accounts can have as few as 3 elements and up to 10 elements. Below are the four elements that pertain to this example screenshot. Your elements may be different depending on what fully qualified account elements were specified for your reporting requirements.

    • Account – Enter the account for the FQA or double-click the field to choose from the list of available accounts.

    • Cost Center – Enter the desired cost center code or double-click the field to choose from the list of available cost center codes.

    • AFE – Enter the desired AFE code or double-click the field to choose from the list of available AFE codes.

    • Billing – Enter the desired billing code or double-click the field to choose from the list of available billing codes.

 To save a newly added or edited account code, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

User Definitions

The User Definitions designate custom labels for one or more of the field on the Other tab screen. As discussed in the aintenance section above, the Other tab is not required for successful completion of the vendor record. However, these fields can be used to hold relevant information that does not fit into another area of the vendor aintenance section above, the Other tab is not required for successful completion of the vendor record. However, these fields can be used to hold relevant information that does not fit into another area of the vendor record. Maintenance section above, the Other tab is not required for successful completion of the vendor record. However, these fields can be used to hold relevant information that does not fit into another area of the vendor record.

Using the User Definitions Screen

Select User Definitions from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Code – The only available Code is 1. Select this code to begin editing the field labels.

  • User Defined Prompt 1 through 16 – Enter the desired labels for the user-defined fields. These labels can be up to 50 characters long. Use as many or as few of the 16 user-defined fields as desired.

To save a newly added or edited user definition, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save  button  from the toolbar.

Vendor Groups Utility

The Vendor GroupsAP module

Using the Vendor Groups Utility

Select Vendor Groups from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Group – To create a new code, select <New> from the Code drop-down list, then type the desired code. To review or edit an existing code, select it from the drop-down list.

  • Description – If creating a new code, enter a description for the code. When reviewing an existing code, this field will populate automatically.

To save a newly added or edited vendor group, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar. 

Vendor Types Utility

The Vendor Types AP module.

Using the Vendor Types Screen

Select Vendor Types from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Type – To create a new vendor type, click the button and enter the type code in this field. To edit an existing vendor type, use the drop-down list to make a selection.

  • Description – If creating a new vendor type, enter a description here. When reviewing an existing vendor type, this field will populate automatically.

To save a newly added or edited vendor type, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

Purpose of Payment

The Purpose of Payment screen allows the user the ability to record Purpose of Payment codes by country.  Many countries now require Purpose of Payment codes to be included with vendor payments.  These codes can be selected as default values in the Vendor Maintenance screen and recorded in the Invoice Entry screen so they can be included with payments to the vendor.

Using the Purpose of Payment screen

Select Purpose of Payment from the User Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Code – To create a new Purpose of Payment code, click the  button and enter the code in this field. To edit an existing Purpose of Payment code, use the drop-down list to make a selection.

  • Country Code – Purpose of Payment codes are country specific.  If creating a new Purpose of Payment code, select a country code here.  Standard ISO country codes are preloaded to this list.  When reviewing an existing Purpose of Payment code, this field will populate automatically.

  • Name - If creating a new Purpose of Payment code, enter a name here. When reviewing an existing Purpose of Payment code, this field will populate automatically.


Entity Maintenance

Use this utility to define individual accounting entities that will be used in the AP module. An entity is a user-defined organizational subunit, such as a company, subsidiary or division.  Using Entity Maintenance accounts[WR1]  or currencies that are frequently used for a particular entity.  Information defined includes the name and address of the entity, currencies applicable, purchase and disbursement journal descriptions associated with that entity, and Intercompany payment information. and Intercompany payment information. and Intercompany payment information.

Processing the Entity Maintenance Screen

Select Entity Maintenance from the Utilities menu.


The Entity Maintenance screen consists of a main header and seven tabs:

  • General

  • Flags

  • Journal Descriptions

  • Account Defaults

  • FQA Code Defaults

  • Journals

  • Intercompany

To save changes to a newly created or edited individual accounting entity that will used in the AP module, ensure the fields described in the subsections below are specified as necessary, then click the save button  from the toolbar.

Entity Maintenance Main Header

All entities must first be defined through Chartmaster in the GL module. If no entities are defined in the GL module, none will appear in the Entity Maintenance screen of the AP module. Refer to the General Ledger manual for details.

  • Entity (or Company) – If there is only one entity defined, it displays automatically. To choose an entity, enter a valid entity ID or select an existing one from the drop-down list.

  • Name – The name displays automatically when an entity is selected.

General Tab

The General tab stores basic information about the entity, such as address information and default currency codes.

  • Tax ID – Enter the tax ID for this entity, if applicable.

  • Contact – Enter a contact name for the entity.

  • Address 1-3 – Enter the entity’s address.

  • City – Enter the city for the entity’s address.

  • State – Enter a state or use the drop-down list to select the state for the entity’s address.

  • Country – Enter a country or use the drop-down list to select the country for the entity’s address.

  • Postal Code – Enter the postal code for the entity’s address, or if postal codes are defined in the system, use the spyglass button to search.

  • Phone – Enter the entity’s telephone number.

  • Fax – Enter the entity’s fax number.

  • Select Currency Code from Available Currency List – Select options from the Available Currencies list and move them to Uses Currency(s) box using the Add button. The Remove button can be used to move selections out of the Uses Currency(s) box.  Currency codes in the Uses Currency box will specify which currencies will be available for selection for the specified entity in other screens of Account Payable.

  • Select Ledger ID from Available Ledger List – Select options from the Available Ledgers list and move them to the Uses Ledger(s) box using the Add button. The Remove button can be used to move selections out of the Uses Ledger(s) box.  Ledger IDs in the Uses Ledger(s) box will specify which ledgers will be available for selection for the specified entity in other screens of Account Payable.

Flags Tab

The flags tab contains a list of checkboxes that can be used to control features in the AP module.


  • Multi-Currency – Mark the checkbox to enable the multi-currency option.  Specify which currencies apply to the entity on the General tab.

  • Sum Cash Account – Mark the checkbox to enable the system to create only one journal entry line item for each cash account when creating journals. Details will not be displayed.

  • Sum Purchases to enable the system to create only one journal entry line item for each purchase account when creating journals. Details will not be displayed.

  • Sum Purchase Offsets – Mark the checkbox to enable the system to create only one journal entry line item for each purchase offset account when creating journals. Details will not be displayed.

  • Sum Disbursements to enable the system to create only one journal entry line item for each disbursements account when creating journals. Details will not be displayed.

  • Sum Tax Lines – Mark the checkbox to enable the system to create only one journal entry line item for each tax account when creating journals. Details will not be displayed.

  • Disbursement Invoice-Detail – When this checkbox is marked, the disbursements journal will have multiple lines for each check based on the invoices it paid.  For example, with the flag turned off, a check that was written for 100.00 that paid 2 50.00 invoices will have only one line in the journal for 100.00.  With the flag on, then there will be two cash entries, each for 50.00, and the description on the line will include the invoice number that the line represents.[WR6] 

  • Disbursement Cash Lines Invoice-Detail – When this checkbox is marked, the disbursements journal will have multiple cash lines for each check based on the invoices it paid.  For example, with the flag turned off, a check that was written for 100.00 that paid 2 50.00 invoices will have only one line in the journal for 100.00.  With the flag on, then there will be two cash entries, each for 50.00, and the description on the line will include the invoice number that the line represents.[WR7] 

  • Disbursement Offsets Invoice-Detail – When this checkbox is marked, the disbursements journal will have multiple offset lines for each check based on the invoices it paid.  For example, with the flag turned off, a check that was written for 100.00 that paid 2 50.00 invoices will have only one line in the journal for 100.00.  With the flag on, then there will be two offset entries, each for 50.00, and the description on the line will include the invoice number that the line represents.[WR8] 

  • Check Approval Amount – Type in the check amount above which special approval is required.  Any checks exceeding this amount will be sorted separately during check processing.

  • Cash Basis – Mark the checkbox to use cash basis accounting.

  • FQA On-line Validation – Mark the checkbox so that the system will validate, at the time of invoice line item entry, all fully qualified accounts.  Otherwise, you must use the Transaction Batch Validation function to validate the fully qualified account lines from invoices.

  • Separate Approval – Mark the checkbox to require separate approval.  When separate approval is enabled, Transaction Approval must be used to approve invoices, instead of approving invoices by marking the Approved checkbox on Invoice Entry.

  • Intercompany – Mark the checkbox to enable the Intercompany feature to allow one company to pay on behalf of another. This enables the system automatically to generate intercompany journal entries.

  • Process WH with Purchases – When this option is marked, WH tax information will be journalized with the invoice it was entered on.  When the option is unmarked, WH tax information is journalized with the disbursement that pays the invoice.

  • Prorate WH – When this option is marked, WH tax on an invoice is prorated if partial payments are made against the invoice.  The percent of the payment against the invoice for each payment is applied to the WH tax amount due on the invoice.  If the option is unmarked, 100 percent of the WH tax is recorded with the first payment of partial payments.

  • Print Invoice Detail on Invoice Save – Choose the Always, Prompt, or Never radio button to indicate when to print invoice detail on invoice save.

  • Journal by Vendor – This option is specific to clients that interface to an SAP system and need to create AP journal batches with a single transaction per batch.  During the journalization of AP transactions (Invoices, Disbursements, Advances, Advance Applications, Voids, and Advance Application Removals), are selected for journalization in bulk, but each journal batch only contains a single transaction.

Additionally, this feature allows the ability to specify the journal that should be used for each vendor. 

The following options are available:

  • Off – this option will enter all transactions to a single purchase or disbursement journal regardless of vendor.

  • Journal Group or Journal Type – This option allows the assignment of Vendor Groups or Types to specific journals.  These options add an additional column in the Journals tab of this screen to designate the Vendor Group or Type.  See additional information in the Journal Tab documentation.

Journal Descriptions Tab

Use the Journal Descriptions tab to designate what displays in the ledger when transactions are journalized. The selections will be sorted in the order they are selected but can be adjusted using the up and down arrow buttons to the right of each Selected Field Order box.   

  • Purchases Journal Description - Choose one or more items from this box to determine how the line description will be built upon journalization of purchases.

  • Select Field Order – Fields chosen from the Purchases Journal Description box will appear in this box in the order they were selected. To change the order, use the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the box.

  • Disbursements – Choose one or both items in this box to determine how the line description will be built upon journalization of disbursements.

  • Select Field Order – Fields chosen from the Disbursements Journal Description box will appear in this box in the order they were selected. To change the order, use the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the box.

Account Defaults Tab

Use the Accounts Defaults tab to set up at least one AP offset account for every currency selected. At least one is required, but more can be added if desired.

The following text boxes exist on the Account Defaults tab.  Complete or review, as applicable:

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list. Once a currency is chosen, any previously-entered information displays in the grid. If no information has yet been entered, make entries in all fields on the grid.

  • AP Account Enter an AP account or double-click the field to choose from a list. 

  • Discount  Enter a discount account or double-click the field to choose from a list.  Enter a discount account or double-click the field to choose from a list.  Enter a discount account or double-click the field to choose from a list. 

  • Bank Code Enter a bank code or double-click the field to choose from a list.

FQA Code Defaults Tab

The FQA Code Defaults tab is optional. Use this tab to assign a code to an FQA instead of the full FQA to save time on data entry. It is recommended to assign codes to frequently-used FQAs only.

  • Ledger – Enter a valid ledger ID or select one from the drop-down list. Once a ledger ID is selected, any information previously entered will display in the grid.

  • Code Enter the desired code for the frequently-used FQA.

  • FQA– Make entries in each of the remaining fields in the grid. This can be done by typing in the field or by double-clicking the field to bring up a list of options. The number and type of FQA Element IDs will vary based on system configurations. Make entries in each of the remaining fields in the grid. This can be done by typing in the field or by double-clicking the field to bring up a list of options. The number and type of FQA Element IDs will vary based on system configurations.

Journals Tab

Use the Journals tab to assign the journals to which purchases, and disbursements will be journalized.[WR9] [BH10]  The Journal by Vendor option in the Flags tab impacts how the grid in this screen is displayed.  When either the Vendor Group or Vendor Type option is selected for this flag, an additional column is added to this grid to allow the designation of Purchase and Disbursement journal by Vendor Group or Type.

Journals tab with Journal by Vendor option set to Off

Journals tab with Journal by Vendor option set to Vendor Group or Vendor Type

  • Ledgers The Ledger(s) selected on the General tab will display automatically. This field cannot be changed.

  • Currency The Currency(s) selected for the ledger. This field cannot be edited.

  • Vendor Group or Type – This column displays if the Vendor Group or Vendor Type option is selected in the Vendor by Journal flag.  The heading of the column is determined by the setting in the Vendor by Journal flag.

This option allows users to define Vendor Groups or Types and assign vendors to the groups or types.  The journal to use for purchases and disbursements is then determined in this screen based on the Vendor Group or Type.

  • The Group or Type “NONE” can be specified to assign a journal for those vendors that are not members of either a group or type.  The drop-down list for this column will contain “NONE” as well as the list of groups or types that are defined in the system.

  • Purchase Journals Enter the desired journal for purchases or double-click the field to select from a list of valid journals. Edit existing purchase journal number(s) that display in the Purchase Journals column of the grid.

  • Purchase Journal Description A description of the purchase journal appears automatically once a purchase journal number is specified.

  • Disbursements  Enter the desired journal for disbursements or double-click the field to select from a list of valid journals. Edit existing disbursements journal number(s) that display in the Purchase Journals column of the grid.  the desired journal for disbursements or double-click the field to select from a list of valid journals. Edit existing disbursements journal number(s) that display in the Purchase Journals column of the grid.  the desired journal for disbursements or double-click the field to select from a list of valid journals. Edit existing disbursements journal number(s) that display in the Purchase Journals column of the grid. 

  • Disbursements– A description of the disbursements journal appears automatically once a disbursements journal is specified. – A description of the disbursements journal appears automatically once a disbursements journal is specified.

Intercompany Tab

Use the Intercompany tab to configure system settings for situations when one entity disburses funds for goods or services that will be received by one or more other entities. The entries made on this tab will instruct the system on how to journalize intercompany transactions. The Intercompany tab is only accessible if the Intercompany checkbox on the Flags tab is checked.

The procedure to set up the intercompany process is as follows:

  • Mark the Intercompany checkbox on the Flags tab in Entity Maintenance on both the paying entity and the receiving entity.  Then, on the Intercompany tabs on each Entity record, specify the information below.

  • Payable Entity:  On the Intercompany tab of the entity that will be disbursing funds (the paying entity), specify the entity and receivable account of the receiving entity or entities. This is done in the “Due From” box because the user is specifying the entity and account from which the paying entity is due funds.

  • Receivable Entity:  On the Intercompany tab of the receiving entity, specify the entity and the payable account that will be paying the expense.  This is done in the “Due To” box because the user is specifying the entity and account to which funds are due.

More than one entity can be specified to be a receiving entity. Likewise, more than one receivable account can be specified for an entity.

Once the above steps are completed, the required setup on the Intercompany tab is complete. To process an intercompany transaction, do the following:

  • Create an invoice for the paying entity using Invoice Entry. In the lines tab, enter FQA’s for the receiving entity. Validate and approve as usual.

  • When the payment is made, the paying entity disburses the full amount of the invoice. 

  • Create an invoice for the paying entity using Invoice Entry. In the lines tab, enter FQA’s for the receiving entity. Validate and approve as usual. 

  • Due to on the receiving entity’s Intercompany tab, complete these text boxes as follows:[WR12] 

    • Payable Entity Enter the number of the entity to which funds are due from the receiving entity.

    • Payable Account  Enter the payable account of the payable entity.   

  • Due From  On the paying entity’s tab, complete these text boxes as follows:

    • Receivable Entity Enter the number of the entity that will receive the goods.

    • Receivable Account Enter the receivable account of the Receivable Entity above.

 More than one Payable and Receivable Entity can be entered on the grid. More than one Payable and Receivable Account per entity can be specified. Also keep in mind that a receivable entity can be a payable entity, and a payable entity can be a receivable entity.

Period Control Dates Utility

The Period Control Datesdefine the beginning and ending dates of the current fiscal period to be used for processing AP transactions.  The dates entered are used to segregate the AP data per the period in which the transactions occurred. the period in which the transactions occurred. the period in which the transactions occurred.

Using the Period Control Dates Utility

Select Period Control Dates Utilities menu.


  • Current Fiscal Period – Enter a code to represent the current fiscal period.

  • Month Start Date – Enter the month start date for the current fiscal period or use the calendar button to make a selection.

  • Month End Date – Enter the month end date for the current fiscal period or use the calendar button to make a selection.

  • Fiscal Year – Enter the current fiscal year.

To save changes made to the fields above to define the beginning and ending dates, click the save button  from the toolbar. 

Check Format

Use the Check Format Automated Check Processing.  Because this utility allows you to create custom check format(s), you may incorporate any information your company needs to include on the check and check stub.  Because this utility allows you to create custom check format(s), you may incorporate any information your company needs to include on the check and check stub. Because this utility allows you to create custom check format(s), you may incorporate any information your company needs to include on the check and check stub. 

To design a check format, specify check stock size, then insert and position fields on the Check Formattemplate.  The template consists of two parts: the check and the check stub. The check and stub can easily be reversed on the template, allowing either to print at the top of the check stock. 

There are two types of fields:  system-defined and user-defined.

  • System-defined Fields – These fields include Invoice Amount and Net Amount. They designate the information that the system will extract from the AP system.  When Automated Check Processing is run, the actual values, dates, etc. associated with the system-defined fields print on the check and/or check stub. In addition, if any optional address information was recorded on the Vendor and/or Remittance Address sub-tabs, this information is also available for use through system-defined fields. is run, the actual values, dates, etc. associated with the system-defined fields print on the check and/or check stub. In addition, if any optional address information was recorded on the Vendor and/or Remittance Address sub-tabs, this information is also available for use through system-defined fields. is run, the actual values, dates, etc. associated with the system-defined fields print on the check and/or check stub. In addition, if any optional address information was recorded on the Vendor and/or Remittance Address sub-tabs, this information is also available for use through system-defined fields.

  • User-defined Fields – These fields accept narrative text. Use these fields to record comments or other information on the check and/or check stub.  The contents of the fields print on the check and/or check stub exactly as typed.

Once all desired fields have been inserted on the check and stub and physically positioned according to the layout of the check stock to ensure that all information prints correctly. If necessary, continue to adjust the position of the chosen fields and print test checks until the check format is correct. As many check formats as needed can be created. to ensure that all information prints correctly. If necessary, continue to adjust the position of the chosen fields and print test checks until the check format is correct. As many check formats as needed can be created. to ensure that all information prints correctly. If necessary, continue to adjust the position of the chosen fields and print test checks until the check format is correct. As many check formats as needed can be created.

To save changes to a newly added or edited check format, click the save button  from the toolbar.

Using the Check Format Screen

Select Check Format menu. The screen consists of a header section and the two layout sections.

Check Format– Enter a check format code or select a code from the drop-down menu. To create a new check format code, select <New> from the drop-down list, and enter a unique user-defined code to identify the check format.  The code may be up to 10 characters long.– Enter a check format code or select a code from the drop-down menu. To create a new check format code, select <New> from the drop-down list, and enter a unique user-defined code to identify the check format.  The code may be up to 10 characters long.

  • Lines Per Stub – If reviewing an existing code, the number of lines per stub displays in this field.  When creating a new check format, enter the number of lines on the check stub. If unsure how many lines are on the check stub, use an estimate or contact the card stock vendor. Note that this is the maximum number of lines that can appear on the check stub. Too many lines will cause the loss of data on the stub. Too few will waste checks.

  • Chk Amt Fill – Based on the justification and length of the check amount, the system will fill any remaining spaces in the check amount with the character indicate in this field. A common character used in this field is the asterisk (*).

  • Width – This field populates automatically when a field is selected and placed on the check or stub layout. It indicates the width of the field. This can be changed by entering a new width or by dragging the field wider with the mouse cursor. To use the click-and-drag method:

    • Place the mouse cursor on the right edge of the field; it should display as a double arrow.

    • Click and hold the left mouse button to pull the cursor right or left to increase or decrease the width of the field.

    • Release the left mouse button when finished.

  • Check / Stub Width – Enter the width of the check/stub. This populates automatically on existing codes. Note that the user must click into the stub layout box to enter the stub width.

  • Check / Stub Height – Enter the height of the check/stub. This populates automatically on existing codes. Note that the user must click into the stub layout box to enter the stub height.

  • Language – If using the multi-language setup option, enter or select a valid language from the drop-down list.

  • Left – This field will populate when a field is selected and placed on the check or stub layout sections. It indicates how far from the left margin; the field is placed.

  • Top – This field will populate when a field is selected and placed on the check or stub layout sections. It indicates how far form the top of the check or stub the field is placed.

  • Chk Amt Desc Fill – Similar to the Chk Amt Fill field, this field indicates to the system what character should fill any remaining space after the Check Amount Description on the check.

  • Whole Amount Description – The entry made in this field will be determined by the chosen currency. For example, if the chosen currency is USD, dollars should be entered in this field.

  • Fractional Amount Desc – The entry made in this field will be determined by the chosen currency. For example, if the chosen currency is USD, cents should be entered in this field.

  • Stub Before – Mark this checkbox if the check stub should be printed at the top of the check stock, before the check. The Stub Layout portion of the template will move to the top of the screen.

  • Verbalize Decimals – Mark this checkbox if decimals should be spelled out in the check amount description.

  • Field Type – This box will populate when selecting and placing fields in the check layout and stub layout.

Inserting Text Boxes on the Check Layout and Stub Layout

The following steps explain inserting and positioning system-defined and user-defined fields into a template.

  • Right-click in the empty Check Layout or Stub Layout box.

  • Choose Add Database Field or Add Text Field from the right-click menu. This will add a field to the layout.

  • Click and drag the field to its desired location. This can be done at any point after the field is added to the layout.’

  • Double-click in the field to activate entry. For database fields, this will activate a drop-down list from which selections can be made. For text fields, this will activate a blank freeform text box; type the desired information in the field.

  • To resize fields once they are positioned in the layout:

    • Place the mouse cursor on the right edge of the field; it should display as a double arrow.

    • Click and hold the left mouse button to pull the cursor right or left to increase or decrease the width of the field.

    • Release the left mouse button when finished.

  • Once fields are placed on the layout, the right-click menu will display a list of formatting and editing options.

  • Repeat the process of adding fields as necessary to complete the layout of both the check and the stub.

It is best practice to print a test check-in Automated Check Processing to make any formatting adjustments that are necessary. This is especially important for new check formats.

Year End Utilities

Use the Year End Utilities sub-menu to preform necessary year end processes in the AP module.

Invoice Purge

Over time, as transactions are entered in the system, invoice and disbursement files in the database become increasingly large. This may cause degradation in system performance.  Running Paid Invoice Purge periodically will allow users to properly maintain the size of those files. This process clears invoices that have been paid and journalized. It also clears the invoices’ related checks and batch records. Un-posted transactions will not be purged.

Using Paid Invoice PurgeAP module to retain the necessary data for generating vendor reports and maintaining a proper audit trail. This utility can also be used to print an audit report of all invoices that are deleted when this process is run.

Once an invoice is deleted, it cannot be retrieved through the P2 IDEAS system.  Be sure to have a hard copy or an adequate system backup for all invoices before performing this function.

Using the Invoice Purge Screen

Select Invoice Purge from the Year End Utilities sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or select one from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Currency Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list. If there is only one currency defined for the chosen entity, the currency name displays automatically.

  • Up Through Date – Enter the date through which paid invoices should be purged.

To start the purge process, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the   button from the toolbar.

Vendor Purge

Vendor Purge allows users to delete vendor records for vendors who have not had any invoice, check or purchase order activity as of a specified date. This utility can also be used to print an audit report of all vendors that are deleted when this process is run.

Using the Vendor Purge Screen

Select Vendor Purge from the Year End Utilities sub-menu in the Utilities menu.


  • As of Date – Enter or use the calendar button to select the date through which vendors must have had transaction activity to be considered active.

To start the purge process, ensure the field above is specified as necessary, then click the   button from the toolbar.

1099 Utilities

Under certain circumstances, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the U.S. government requires that miscellaneous income paid to a vendor be reported using a 1099 form. If are required to produce 1099 forms, the next three utilities can be used.

  • First, use the 1099 (or IVA) Report to check that all 1099 (or IVA) data in the system is correct.

  • If the data in the system must be adjusted, use the Adjust 1099 (or IVA) Amount function.

  • Once the data is correct, use the IRS 1099 (or IVA)-Misc Forms utility to print 1099 (or IVA) forms to send to vendors.

P2 IDEAS 1099 Process

Vendor Maintenance and Invoice Entry

Creating 1099’s

1099 Report

When preparing to issue 1099 forms, use the 1099 Report to create a report to review 1099 data in the system for accuracy. Ensuring that the data is correct before printing the 1099 forms saves time and expense.

Using the 1099 Report Screen

Select 1099 Report from the Year End Utilities submenu in the Utilities menu.

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID or select one from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Select the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Vendor Selected – Select the One or Multiple Vendors, Range of Vendors, or All Vendors radio button.

  • Vendor No This field will activate when the One or Multiple option is chosen. Enter the desired vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list; press tab to add it to the list box on the right. Continue as desired.

  • Beginning Vendor No - This field will activate when the range option is chosen. Enter a beginning vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list.

  • Ending Vendor No - This field will activate when the range option is chosen. Enter an ending vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list.

  • Year – Enter the year for the report.

 To generate the report, ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the  button from the toolbar.

IRS 1099-MISC Forms

Use IRS 1099-Misc Forms to print the IRS 1099-MISC forms for vendors. The IRS requires that businesses report miscellaneous income paid to a vendor using this form. Produce the IRS 1099-MISC form for one vendor or a range of vendors, for the current year or for prior years.

Using the IRS 1099-Misc Forms Screen

Select IRS 1099- Misc Form from the Year End Utilities sub-menu in the Utilities menu. 

  • Entity (or Company) Enter a valid entity ID, or select one from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined, it displays automatically.

  • All Entities – Mark the checkbox to report on all entities.  If this checkbox is checked, changes made to the Entity field will clear.

  • Vendor Selected – Select the One or Multiple Vendors, Range of Vendors, or All Vendors radio button.

  • Vendor No This field will activate when the One or Multiple Vendors radio button is chosen. Enter the desired vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list; press tab to add it to the list box to the right. Continue as desired.

  • Beginning Vendor No This field will activate when the Range of Vendors option is chosen. Enter a beginning vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list.

  • Ending Vendor No This field will activate when the Range of Vendors option is chosen. Enter an ending vendor number or use the spyglass button to choose one from the list.

  • Year – Enter the year for the report.

  • Minimum Vendor Amount – Enter the minimum amount paid to a vendor to trigger an IRS 1099-MISC form to be produced. This minimum amount is determined by the tax authority in each country.

  • Test Form Alignment – Mark the checkbox to prompt the system to print “xx” on the form. This is to aid in aligning the form on the printer. Clear the checkbox when finished.

To generate the form(s), ensure the fields above are specified as necessary, then click the   button from the toolbar.

Adjust 1099 Amount

Adjust 1099 Amount allows users to adjust the amount of a vendor’s 1099 for a particular year. When a vendor and year are specified, the 1099 amount for that vendor displays automatically. 1099 Period Adjustment allows users to increase or decrease the 1099 amount as necessary.

Using the IRS 1099 Adjustments Screen

Select Adjust 1099 Amount from the Year End Utilities submenu in the Utilities menu.

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter a valid entity ID or select one from the drop-down list. If only one entity is defined, it displays automatically.

  • Currency – Enter a valid currency or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Vendor ID – Enter the vendor ID or use the spyglass button to search.

  • Year – Enter the year for the 1099 amount that needs to be changed.

  • Items Displayed In Grid – Select the following item that applies.

    • Invoice Level 1099’s Only This option will select invoice level 1099’s.

    • Line Level 1099’s Only – This option will select line level 1099’s.

    • Non-1099 Invoices Only – This option will select non-1099 invoices.

Invoices Tab - should be a heading 7

  • 1099 Flag – Indicates whether the 1099 Tax checkbox was marked in the Invoice Entry screen.

  • Check No – Displays the check number for the items in the grid.

  • Invoice – Displays the check number for the items in the grid.

  • Line Detail – Displays a description for the items in the grid.

  • Vendor 1099 Balance – The sum of the amounts paid to the vendor that qualify for 1099 consideration.

System Tables

The System Tables submenu allows users to view system-populated tables. In most cases, descriptions can be edited, but no new items may be added. Additionally, the codes assigned to these items may not be edited.

Account Types

The Account Types System Tables sub-menu allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined account codes used with various drop-down menus in the AP module.

Following is a list of all account types:


Account Type Description 

Cash Account 

Payable Account 

Discount Account 

Using the Account Types Screen

Select Account Types from the System Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.


  • Account Types– Enter a valid account type or select one from the drop-down list.   from the drop-down list. 

  • Description – The existing description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

To edit the description of an account type, edit the Description field, then click the save button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all account types, click the preview  button.

Check Handling Codes

The Check Handling Codes System Tables sub-menu allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes for handling checks.  These check handling codes are used with various drop-down menus in the AP module.

The following is a list of all check handling codes:


Check Handling Description 




Exceeds Limit 

Negative Check Amount 

Using the Check Handling Codes Screen

Select Check Handling Codes from the System Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.


  • Code – Enter a valid check handling code or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Primary Description – The existing primary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

  • Secondary Description – The existing secondary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

 To edit the description of a check handling code, edit the Primary Description and/or Secondary Description fields, then click the save button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all check handling codes, click the preview   button.

Invoice Class

The Invoice Class function allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that identify the class of invoices. These invoice class codes are used with various drop-down menus in the AP module.

Following is a list of all invoice class codes:

The following is a list of all check handling codes:


Invoice Class Description 

Credit Memo


Debit Memo



Using Invoice Class

Select Invoice Class from the System Tables submenu in the Utilities menu.


  • Code – Enter a valid invoice class code or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Primary Description – The existing primary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

  • Secondary Description – The existing secondary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

To edit the description of an invoice class code, edit the Primary Description and/or Secondary Description fields, then click the save  button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all invoice class codes, click the preview  button.

Invoice Line Status

The Invoice Line Status utility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that identify the status of invoice line items. These invoice line status codes are used with various drop-down menus in the AP module. module.

Following are all invoice line status codes:


Invoice Class Description


Validation Process Incomplete 

Invalid Ledger 

Invalid FQA 

Invalid Tax FQA 

Invalid Accrual FQA 

Invalid Incremental Tax Payable FQA 

Using the Invoice Line Status Screen

Select Invoice Line Status from the System Tables submenu in the Utilities menu.


  • Code – Enter a valid invoice line status code or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Primary Description – The existing primary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

  • Secondary Description – The existing secondary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.


To edit the description of an invoice line status code, edit the Primary Description and/or Secondary Description fields, then click the save  button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all invoice line status codes, click the preview  button.

Invoice Status

The Invoice Statusutility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that identify the status of invoices. These invoice status codes are used with various drop-down menus in the AP module. 

Following is a list of all invoice status codes:





Validation Process Incomplete 

Line Item Invalid 


Line Total Not Equal to Invoice


Batch Out of Balance


Invalid Accrual FQA



Using Invoice Status

Select Invoice Status from the System Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Code – Enter a valid invoice status code or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Primary Description – The existing primary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

  • Secondary Description – The existing secondary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

To edit the description of an invoice status code, edit the Primary Description and/or Secondary Description fields, then click the save button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all invoice status codes, click the preview  button.

Payment Types

The Payment Typesutility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that identify types of payment.  These payment types codes are used with various drop-down menus in the AP module. module.

Following is a list of all payment types codes:




Automated Check


Bank Drafts


Manual Checks


Wire Transfers


Voided Checks


Voided Multiple Check Stub

Using Payment Types

Select Payment Types from the System Tables submenu in the Utilities menu.


  • Payment Types – Enter a valid payment type code or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Description – The existing description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.


To edit the description of a payment types code, edit the Description field, then click the save button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all payment types codes, click the preview  button.



Term Codes

The Term Codesutility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that describe payment terms. These term codes are used with various drop-down menus in the AP module.  module.

Following are a list of all term codes:



 Term codes


10/25 PROX


25I/10 PROX




NN Days Net


NN NN Disc Days Net


End of Month


Using the Terms Codes Screen

Select Term Codes from the System Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.

  • Code – Enter a valid term code or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Primary Description – The existing primary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

  • Secondary Description – The existing secondary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.


To edit the description of a terms code, edit the Description field, then click the save button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all terms codes, click the preview  button.



Transaction Types

The Transaction Types utility allows users to edit the descriptions of existing system-defined codes for types of transactions. These transaction types codes are used with various drop-down menus in the AP module.

Following is a list of system-defined transaction type codes:











Manual check



Automated check



Bank draft 



Discount Taken 


Tax withheld



Credit Memo



Debit Memo









Advance applied



Invoice Closed ADV

Using the Transaction Types Screen

Select Transaction Types from the System Tables sub-menu in the Utilities menu.


  • Code – Enter a valid transaction type code or select one from the drop-down list.

  • Short Description – The existing short description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

  • Primary Description – The existing primary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.

  • Secondary Description – The existing secondary description will populate in this field. To make edits to this field, highlight the existing text and type a new description.


To edit the description of a transaction types code, edit the Short Description, Primary Description, and/or Secondary Description fields, then click the save button  from the toolbar.  To generate a report of all payment types codes, click the preview  button.

AP Miscellaneous

The AP Miscellaneous Examples are:  designating when to process withholding taxes, whether to get the payment types for a transaction from the vendor record or the invoice; unlocking Cash Requirement processing. Examples are:  designating when to process withholding taxes, whether to get the payment types for a transaction from the vendor record or the invoice; unlocking Cash Requirement processing.

The chart in the following pages list the available AP Miscellaneous codes and their effect on the AP module. Some of these AP Miscellaneous codes are included with the standard Accounts Payable module and should not be edited or changed. The remaining AP Miscellaneous codes are optional and will need to be created and configured under supervision from P2 IDEAS consultants or support.  

Any questions on these codes can be addressed by contacting P2 IDEAS support.

The following are valid AP Miscellaneous codes and their respective purposes.  These codes can be entered in the Code field and are further defined by entering text in the Field [#] field(s).  Click the save button  from the toolbar to save any changes to edited AP Miscellaneous codes.  Then, exit and reopen P2 IDEAS to see the intended changes take effect.


















  taxes to be applied to an advance.















  the next advance batch number.













  designates the ‘Include WH Tax’ button on the Aged Open Payables Report
  screen’s parameters.















  payables aging groups.



Field 1 30


Field 2 60


Field 3 90











  days past due based on Period End date.










Not Active









Sort Aged
  Open Payables report by due date.










Do not









Allows AP
  Local Tax Repotting.















  Argentina multiple tax capability.



Y or Yes












Defines a string mask to be used to
  validate invoice number formats



A – Alpha


N – Numeric




Special Characters











Blank would disable any validation[WR1] 









Allows the
  designation of auto approval in invoice validation.










Not Active









Allows the
  language used on checks to be designated, if other than English.



  (India) or Spanish



  specified language when populating words on checks









Enables the creation of data and a file necessary for
  Atwood to generate wire payments from a file through the AP automated check



Field 1


Field 2





N/NULL (Disabled)










Allows emails to vendors.



Field 1












Set email fields.



Field 1


Field 2


Field 3



Email address


Email subject


Email body text









  Reconciliation Program.



Field 1
  Prefix for detail rows


Field 2
  Position of check number


Field 3
  Length of check number











The custom
  Citibank Interface.















Allows consecutive tracking functionality for
  Colombian clients.



















  Control Report.



















  enhanced Cash Forecast Report.










Not Active









  vendor, invoice, and check numbers are included, where appropriate, in the
  description and as separate columns in the GL.










Not Active









  the date format.














  the number of check stub copies.



Number of
  check stub copies



  prints the desired check stub copies instead of entering the number during
  the check run









  disbursements will be summarized by account, i.e. cash, withholding and AP















Enables a
  different version of the Disbursements Report screen that allows user
  to refine the report generated by account ID.



Field 1:








Field 2:












Enter any desired
  element from the fully qualified account for the ledger ID that will be used
  to refine the Disbursements report results. 
  The elements that can be entered in this field will depend on what
  elements were specified for the fully qualified account (displayed in the
  ledger_elements table).  For example,
  if AFE is an element in the fully qualified account, the user can enter AFE
  to pull the AFE element IDs for the ledger ID that will be specified on the Disbursements
  Report screen before generating the report. 









  a warning message if there is an existing invoice with the same number for
  the same vendor or currency, regardless of entity or batch.




















  a warning message if there is an existing invoice with the same number for
  any entity, currency, vendor, or batch.











Not Active









The custom
  Electronic Interface Menu.















Allows an
  invoice to be updated as a single check when the invoice is read-only.















Allows user to restrict bank code selection by
  the entity/currency.















  the Detailed Cash Forecast Report submenu under the Reports















  the Receipt No field (on Invoice Entry > Invoice tab >
  General tab) if the invoice is
  related to a purchase document.



Field 1:





















Field 2:



















Field 3:














Field 4:













  selection disabled



  selection enabled for stock and non-stock



  selection enabled for stock only



  selection enabled for non-stock only




Default PO
  Description as Invoice Description





  Receipt Comment as Invoice Description









Do not
  print Receipt info on Invoice Report




  Receipt info on Invoice Report







No Custom
  Offset/Tax Desc in Purchases Journal



Use Custom
  Offset/Tax Desc in Purchases Journal









  invoices to be entered without batches.















  the Details checkbox on the Invoice Batch Report
  screen.  This checkbox allows the user
  to convert the the value of the currency to another currency and display it
  on the report.



Field 1 =


Field 1 =














Allows an
  invoice to be read-only when the invoice is approved.















Allows the
  designation of invoice frequency for recurring invoices.




















  cover sheet presents general invoice header information and distribution line










Not Active









Allows the
  user to rename the IVA tab to the name that most closely aligns with a
  specific country’s requirements.














394 Reporting








(Any Other Text Value)



Default value or
  renames the tab to IVA.




Renames the tab to




Renames the tab to





Renames the tab to the
  text entered.









  each AP batch to be journalized to a corresponding GL batch. All invoices in
  the batch must be approved.  After
  journalization, new invoices may not be added to the AP batch.










Not Active









  the next available manual check batch number.













  the next available invoice number.













  the next available vendor number.













Allows the
  designation for discounts.










  not allowed









Instead of
  only ‘AP Offset’ description, the check number will be included for
  disbursements, and the invoice number will be included for purchases.















  new report is similar to the Aged Open Payables report, but shows all unpaid
  invoices regardless of due date or approval status.










Not Active









Allows the
  designation of the current Accounts Payable period.



A period
  number as defined in the calendar











Allows the
  designation of the timing for Withholding taxes journalization.









  Withholding taxes at the time of invoice


  Withholding taxes at the time of check









Zero and
  credit balance vendors will be processed by the automated check program.















Allows the
  ability to prorate Withholding taxes.















  the journalization order from the batch number to the specified entry.



  Invoice_num, vendor_id, name or inv_date



  journalization sort order will be changed from the batch number to the
  specified entry









Allows the
  designation of fields to be used during purchases and disbursements



  description, vendor short name, invoice number, invoice comments, check
  number invoice line description, invoice batch, doc type – doc no – line and
  commodity code/stock no



  designated fields will be included during journalization









Allows the
  reference number to be an automatic counter.










Not Active









  the reference field in Invoice Entry to be a required field.















Allows the
  designation of incremental inches between multiple stubs in the auto check






Skips the
  number of incremental inches as specified before printing the next check stub
  when multiple check stubs is selected in the auto check program









Allows the
  designation of at what level taxes will be calculated.










Tax at invoice


Tax at
  line level


No tax









  if deleted invoices update control totals or not.










Not active









  designation of when to calculate the invoice due date.








  invoice date to calculate due date


  receipt date to calculate due date









Allow two
  additional fields to be defined for vendors.













Allows the
  ability to lock a vendor preventing any changes to it.










Not active









  the Invoice Tracking Report submenu under the Reports










Not active










Allows the
  user to use the full invoice amount
  for the calculation of the WH amount.












Reset Tax Accumulators

The Reset Tax Accumulators utility is applicable to Argentine clients only.

This utility allows users to clear the WH accumulator information for the prior year for year-end processing.  This information is used on Check Certificates and Payment Orders. Failure to reset the accumulators causes the accumulator values to contain current and prior year information. This process is dependent on when the client starts processing and paying invoices in the new year, so it should be run before the first check run of the new year occurs.

This screen allows users to reset WH accumulator information either entity by entity or for all entities and either period by period or for all periods. Most clients reset all periods and reset entity by entity.

Using the Reset Tax Accumulators Function

Select Reset WH Accumulators from the Utilities menu > System Tables submenu.

  • Entity - Enter a valid entity, select one from the drop-down, or check the All Entities checkbox to run this process for all entities.

  • Period - Enter a valid period, select one from the drop-down, or check the All Periods checkbox to run this process for all periods.

To run this process, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute  button.

Unlock Tables

The Unlock TablesAP module. This utility also unlocks tables in the Purchase Taxes PT) module, if it is installed. Invalid locks on the Cash Requirements table can also be removed using this screen[WR2] .

Using the Unlock Tables Screen

Select UnLock TablesUtilities menu. menu.

[BH3] [WR4] 

When the Unlock Tables dialog box appears, proceed as follows:

  • Modules – Enter or select AP or PT from the drop-down list.

  • Invoices – Select this checkbox to unlock invoice tables.

  • Disbursements– Select this checkbox to unlock disbursements tables. Box to unlock disbursements tables.

  • All Tables – Select this checkbox to unlock all tables.

  • Cash Requirements – Select this checkbox to unlock Cash Requirements for the Entity and Currency selected.[BH5] [WR6] 

  • Entity (or Company) – Select the entity for which to unlock user-specified tables.

Currency – Select the currency from the drop-down box to unlock user-specified tables.

[BH7] [WR8] 

To run this process, ensure that the fields above are selected and/or entered and necessary, then click the Execute  button.


Reset Grid Format

This utility allows the user to reset the size of the grid cells in the Non-Stock Line tab and Stock Line tab (from the Transaction menu > Invoice Entry submenu > Invoice tab) back to the system default widths.  As users enter data in these grids, the cell widths increase. When the user saves, the system saves the new widths of the cells and the new widths remain the next time the Invoice Entry screen is opened.  Sometimes, the values for the widths store invalid values which cause errors when opening the screen.  Reset Grid Format sets the values back to the original values to eliminate these errors.

Processing the Reset Grid Format Screen

Select Reset Grid Format from the Utilities menu.

  • Invoice Line Items – Mark this box to set the size of the grid cells in the Non-Stock Line tab and Stock Line tab (from the Transaction menu >> Invoice Entry submenu > Invoice tab) back to their default widths.  Click the Execute  button to complete the reset process.

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