AFE and Project Management User Guide
- 1 Authorization for Expenditure and Project Management Overview
- 2 Modules to Set Up Before AFE and Project Management
- 3 AFE System Setup Procedures
- 4 Screen-by-Screen Instructions
- 5 Export to Excel Feature
- 6 AFE Setup Menu
- 7 AFE Administration Menu
- 7.1 AFE Budget Maintenance
- 7.1.1 Using the AFE Budget Maintenance Screen
- Controls Total Tab
- Detail/Update Tab
- 7.1.1 Using the AFE Budget Maintenance Screen
- 7.2 AFE Approval Processing
- 7.2.1 Using the AFE Approval Processing Screen
- Internal Approval Tab
- Partner Approval Tab
- 7.2.2 AFE Approval Report
- 7.2.1 Using the AFE Approval Processing Screen
- 7.1 AFE Budget Maintenance
- 8 Project Management Menu
- 8.1 Estimate to Complete Screen
- 8.2 Project Management
- 8.2.1 Using the Project Management Screen
- Tool Bar
- Project Management Header Information
- General Tab
- Financial Tab
- Comments Tab
- Details Tab (Optional Tab)
- 8.2.1 Using the Project Management Screen
- 9 Inquiry Menu
- 9.1 AFE Budget Inquiry
- 9.2 AFE Administration Inquiry
- 9.3 Project Management Inquiry
- 9.3.1 Using the Project Management Inquiry Screen
- Tool Bar
- General Tab
- Financial Tab
- Comments Tab
- Details Tab
- 9.3.1 Using the Project Management Inquiry Screen
- 9.4 Account Inquiry
- 9.4.1 Using the Account Inquiry Screen
- Elements Tab
- Periods Tab
- 9.4.1 Using the Account Inquiry Screen
- 10 Reporting Menu
- 10.1 AFE Detail Report
- 10.2 AFE Status Report
- 10.3 AFE Activity Report
- 10.4 AFE Maintenance Report
- 10.5 Project Performance Reports
- 10.6 Project Detail Reports
- 10.7 Financial Reports
- 10.8 Transaction Detail Reports
- 10.8.1 Definitions Screen
- 10.8.2 Setup Tab
- Report Tab
- Print Settings Tab
- 10.9 Custom Reports
- 11 Labor Distribution Menu
- 11.1 Time Sheet Entry Screen
- 11.2 Reports Submenu
- 11.2.1 Time Sheet Proof Report
- 11.2.2 Billing Value Report
- 11.2.3 Rate Report
- 11.2.4 Employee Listing
- 11.2.5 Charge Type Listing Report
- 11.3 Timesheet Journalization
- 11.4 Labor Distribution Utilities Submenu
- 11.4.1 Employee Entry
- Using the Employee Entry Screen
- 11.4.2 Employee Type Administration
- 11.4.3 Charge Type Administration
- 11.4.4 Labor Distribution Parameters
- Labor Distribution Parameters Screen
- 11.4.1 Employee Entry
- 12 Utilities Menu
- 12.1 Setup Sub Menu
- 12.1.1 AFE Element Maintenance
- 12.1.2 AFE Miscellaneous
- 12.1.3 Project Element Maintenance
- 12.1.4 Project Type Maintenance
- Segments Tab
- User Info Tab
- Fields Sub Tab
- Accounts Tab
- 12.1.5 Project Miscellaneous
- 12.1.6 List Maintenance
- 12.1.7 Internal AFE Approver Administration
- 12.2 Project Update Utility Menu
- 12.2.1 Project Update Parameters
- 12.2.2 Project Upload Error Report
- 12.3 Attachment Administration
- 12.4 Sub-Ledger Processing Sub Menu
- 12.4.1 Sub-Ledger Summarization Processing
- 12.4.2 Sub-Ledger Summarization Parameters
- Journal Tab
- Element Tab
- 12.4.3 Clear Sub-ledger Summarization Parameters
- 12.4.4 Create Accrual Journals
- 12.1 Setup Sub Menu
Authorization for Expenditure and Project Management Overview
The Authorization for Expenditure and Project Management (AFE) module supports the processing, control, and reporting of project costs. This information includes an AFE number and an approved budget amount. During the project, the user charges project expenditures to the AFE number through accounts payable, account receivable, or journal entry.
The system allows expenditures to be charged only to valid and open AFE numbers. Late charges, however, are accepted under controlled conditions. The system accumulates these amounts and compares them to the approved AFE budget. This comparison of expenditures to approved budget provides management control.
The AFE and Project Management module provides the user with reports that detail transactions and balances on a month-to-date, year-to-date or project-to-date basis. The AFE and Project Management module also reports AFE expenditures on a gross basis.
Upon the completion and closing of the AFE, the system retains the data for inquiry and reporting purposes. The user may track expenditures through the system from source document to report generation, ensuring the maintenance of comprehensive audit trails.
Modules to Set Up Before AFE and Project Management
IFS IDEAS requires that the General Ledger module be set up before set up of the AFE and Project Management module can be completed.
AFE System Setup Procedures
To set up IFS IDEAS to operate the AFE and Project Management module, complete the following steps in the order listed below. Each step requires clicking a button or selecting a function from a drop down menu to complete the screen(s) that IFS IDEAS displays. Please see the Screen-By-Screen Instructions section for detailed instructions on how to complete each screen.
Toolbar buttons at the top of each screen allow users to perform certain actions:
New – Click on this button to start specifying criteria to setup and maintain a new AFE record.
Save – Click on this button to save changes to an AFE record.
Print Preview – Click on this button to preview the AFE Detail Report before printing after all necessary criteria has been entered. At the print preview screen, may use the Print Preview toolbar buttons to do the following:
Move from page to page of the report.
Change the zoom control.
Print the report.
Export the report to a file or other destination.
Help – Click on this button to access AFE help screens.
Exit – Click on this button to exit without saving changes.
Screen-by-Screen Instructions
The AFE and Project Management module supports the processing, control, and reporting of project costs. To access a function in the AFE and Project Management module, click once on a drop down menu name and select a function from the drop down menu. Below are the six drop down menu names and the functions that fall under each:
AFE Setup | AFE Admin | Project Maintenance | Inquiry | Reporting | Labor Distribution | Utilities |
Export to Excel Feature
Some screens in this module may have an Export to Excel button incorporated in the screen or an export to Excel icon in the toolbar. The user can click on this button or icon to export the raw report data directly to an Excel spreadsheet, bypassing the report. This feature is useful as it allows clients to use Excel features (for example, pivot tables, etc.) to organize the data as desired.
AFE Setup Menu
The AFE Setup menu options are used to create, maintain and close AFEs, as well as maintain DOI and Partner information. Setups for certain items may first be required in another module prior to their use in the AFE and Project Management module. Those items are noted where applicable.
AFE Setup and Maintenance
Select Setup and Maintenance from the AFE Setup drop down menu.
Perform data entry on the screen to complete setup of a new AFE or to update an existing AFE. The fields on this screen are described in more detail below.
Entity – Type in an entity number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window.
The entity number must first be defined in the General Ledger module before it will display on the drop down list. Once defined, the description associated with the entity number will also display.
AFE Number – To edit an existing AFE number, either type in the AFE number or click on the spyglass to open the search window. To create a new AFE number, type a unique user-defined code in the box. The length of the AFE number depends on how it was defined in the General Ledger module.
AFE numbers must be defined using the Element Maintenance function of the General Ledger module.
Description – When viewing an existing AFE Number, the description for that AFE displays in this text box. When creating a new AFE, enter a description here.
User Defined Fields – There are 2 optional user-defined fields on this window. These fields are defined in AFE Miscellaneous and can be used to store any additional, relevant information that is not contained in the other fields on the screen. In the example above, they have been defined as Manager and Partner AFE No. These fields are set up and used at the discretion of each individual business. For information on how to change these labels, refer to the section for the AFE Miscellaneous screen.
AFE Type – When viewing an existing AFE Number, an AFE type displays in the text box. When setting up a new AFE, click on the spyglass to open the search window and select the desired AFE type.
An AFE Type must be defined using the Element Maintenance function of the General Ledger module before its code will display on the drop down list. To define AFE types in Element Maintenance, use the format A9999n, where n is a number between 1 and 9, and 9999 is the number 9 repeated for the remaining length of the AFE element. For example, if the AFE element is 5 characters, then valid entries are A9991, A9992 and so on.
Close Date – If the AFE was previously closed, the close date displays automatically.
Valid Account Number – When viewing an existing AFE number, the valid account numbers display in the text box. When setting up a new AFE, click on the spyglass to open the search window and select the desired account number. The account numbers that display are based on the AFE type code selected.
The Cost Center and Billing Code will appear on this screen only if the cross reference pairs are set up in the General Ledger module.
Note: Cost Center and Bill Code are examples, the options may vary depending on the elements defined in the General Ledger module.
Cost Center (CC) – When viewing an existing AFE Number, the valid cost center numbers display in the text box. When setting up a new AFE, click on the spyglass to open the search window and select valid cost numbers. Use of cost center numbers is optional.
Billing Code – When viewing an existing AFE Number, the valid billing code numbers display in the text box. When setting up a new AFE, click on the spyglass to open the search window and select a valid billing code. Use of billing codes is optional.
AFE Close
Use this function to close an AFE to prevent acceptance of additional financial transactions. The Close screen prompts for a Company/AFE Number combination to close, and then it displays a description of that Company/AFE Number combination. When the Close function is performed, the system flags each associated account to indicate that it is no longer active with that Company/AFE Number combination. This change updates the General Ledger module immediately upon executing the close process.
Using the AFE Close Screen
Select Close from the AFE Setup drop down menu.
Complete or review the following text boxes, then click on the Execute toolbar button to complete the Close process.
Company – Type in a company number or click on the spyglass to open the search window and select the desired company.
AFE Number – Type in the AFE number or click on the spyglass to open the search window and select the desired AFE number.
Previous Close Date – If the AFE was previously closed, the close date displays automatically.
Current Close Date – The current date displays automatically. An AFE may be closed only on the current system date. Users may not specify a close date in the future or past.
Late Entry Processing
Use this function to open AFEs previously closed using the Close function. Open one account, or use the All Accounts feature to open all accounts previously established for the AFE.
Using the Late Entry Processing Screen
Select Late Entry Processing from the AFE Setup drop down menu.
Complete or review the text boxes, then click on the Execute toolbar button to open the selected AFE(s). Upon completing this process, run the Close process again in order to close the AFE.
Company – Type in a company number, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and select the desired company.
AFE Number – Type in the AFE number, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and select the desired AFE number.
Close Date – The date this AFE was previously closed displays automatically.
Account Number – Type in an account number, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and select the desired account number for this AFE. If choosing to reopen all accounts, mark the All Accounts checkbox.
Cost Center – Type in a cost center number, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and make a selection.
Billing Code – Type in the billing code, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and select a billing code from the search results.
DOI – Division of Interest
Division of Interest is used when partnering with one or more outside companies to share costs of a particular AFE. The DOI Maintenance feature of the AFE and Project Management module allows users to define the percentage of costs that each partner is responsible for. Using the instructions below, define the company, AFE, and bill code combinations for each division of interest.
Using the DOI Screen
Select DOI Maintenance from the AFE Setup drop down menu.
Company – Type in a company number, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and make a selection from the search results.
AFE Number – Type in the AFE number, or click on the spyglass to open a search window and select an AFE number.
Bill Code – Type in the billing code, or click on the spyglass and select a billing code from the pop-up window.
Description – After selecting the bill code, the description of the code will appear.
Effective Date – The date the AFE is effective. This can be future- or past-dated.
Status – Select Active or Inactive.
Working Interests – This section of the screen allows the user to select the owner information associated with the DOI. Users will select the owner company and enter all pertinent information regarding its interest in the AFE. Note that when selecting owners for the DOI, the Total Interest must be equal or greater than 1.
Partner Maintenance
Define the partners, their address, tax ID, contact, and any comments regarding this partner.
Using the Partner Maintenance Screen
Select Partner Maintenance from the AFE Setup drop down menu.
Owner Tab
Name – (required) – Enter partner company’s name.
Abbreviation – (required) – Enter partner company’s abbreviated name.
TaxID – (optional) – Enter partner company’s federal tax ID, if known.
Contact – (optional) – Enter partner company point of contact, if known.
Comments – (optional field) – Enter any desired comments.
Insider/Outsider – (required) – Select whether the partner is an Outsider (external company partner) or an Insider (intercompany partner).
Address - Remittance Address Sub Tab
Address Information – Enter in the remittance address.
Address – Correspondence Address Sub Tab
Address Information – Enter in the correspondence address information. Use the Copy Address button to copy the Remittance address information to this tab.
AFE Administration Menu
AFE Budget Maintenance
The Budgets screen prompts for the company and AFE number, and then displays the AFE description. Update the latest supplement or add an additional supplement amount and date.
Use the Control Totals tab to maintain budget and control figures by company/AFE number. After the control totals are specified, use the Detail/Update tab to enter budget amounts for each fully qualified account.
Using the AFE Budget Maintenance Screen
Select AFE Budget Maintenance from the AFE Administration menu.
Make entries or selections in the Entity, Currency and AFE Number fields as desired. Users may open an existing Budget or create a new Budget in this window.
Entity – Type in an entity number, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and make a selection from the results. If only one entity exists in the system, it will fill in by default.
Currency – Select the desired currency code from the drop-down.
AFE Number – Type in the AFE number, or click on the spyglass to open the search window and select an existing AFE number.
Complete the tabs, as appropriate. Use the Control Totals tab to enter the total budget for an AFE. After specifying the control totals, use the Detail/Update tab to enter budget amounts for each account. When finished, use the toolbar buttons as appropriate.
Controls Total Tab
After completing the text boxes at the top of the screen, use the fields on the Controls Total tab to maintain budget and control figures by individual account.
Orig. Approval – Use these fields to input data about the approved original AFE budget amount.
Amount – Type in the approved original amount of the AFE budget.
Date – The current date automatically displays as the default. This date can be changed by typing in a different date. The format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Supplement 1 through 10 – Use these fields to input supplemental budget data.
Amount – Type in the supplemental AFE budget amount.
Date – The current date automatically displays as the default. This date can be changed by typing in a different date. The format must be MM/DD/YYYY.
Control Total – This field automatically calculates and displays. The control total is the sum of the original approved AFE budget plus any supplements. This field cannot be edited.
Actual Total – This field calculates and displays automatically. The actual total is the sum of all individual fully qualified account amounts. This field cannot be edited.
Difference – This field displays an automatically-calculated amount. It is the difference between the Control Total and Actual Total fields. This field cannot be edited.
An AFE cannot be saved until the difference is zero.
Other Currency Budgets – Use this panel to automatically generate an AFE Budget in other currencies. The available currencies are those which have been defined in Project Type Maintenance in the Utilities menu. For details see the section on the Utilities menu.
Target Currency – Select a currency in which an AFE Budget should be generated.
Rate – The rate will automatically display. The displayed rate is the most current rate defined in the Currency Conversion rate table for the currency pair. You may override the displayed rate.
Detail/Update Tab
After completing the Company and AFE Number text boxes at the top of the screen, use the following instructions to maintain budget and control figures by individual fully qualified account:
To complete the Account No, Account Description, Previous Budget amount, Orig. Approval and Supplement text boxes in the grid, use one of the following methods:
Input Methods:
Type information into the text box above the grid; this will also update the fields in the grid.
Type information directly into the text boxes in the grid.
Account No. – The account numbers will display automatically based on the account numbers selected during the AFE Setup.
Account Description – The account descriptions will display automatically based on the account numbers selected during the AFE setup.
Previous Budget Amount – The previous budget amounts will display automatically from the sum of the original budget plus any supplements for the account.
Original – Use one of the above methods to specify the original budget amount for the account.
Supplement(s) – Use one of the above methods to specify the supplemental budget amount for the account.
When the cursor is in the last field of a row, pressing the Tab or Enter keys will carry the cursor to the first field of the next row. If appropriate, repeat the data entry process. When finished with the Detail/Update tab, go back to the Control Update tab to verify the difference is equal to zero. Use the toolbar buttons to Save, Exit, or create a new Budget entry.
AFE Approval Processing
The AFE Approval Processing function allows previously-defined approvers to approve AFEs. The approver must first be set up in the Internal AFE Approver Administration screen found in the Utilities menu. More information on this screen is found in the Utilities section of this guide.
Using the AFE Approval Processing Screen
Select AFE Approval Processing from the AFE Administration menu.
Entity (required) – Select an entity using the spyglass button to search.
AFE (required) – Select an existing AFE using the spyglass button to search.
Revision (optional) – The AFE Revision is determined from the number of AFE Budget Supplements as defined in the AFE Budget Maintenance form. Select the AFE Revision (Budget Supplement) for which approval is sought.
Currency (required) – Select the appropriate currency.
Budget Amount – The budget amount is determined from the budget amount specified for the revision. This field is system-generated.
Approved By – This defaults to the user ID of the person viewing the record. This field is system-generated.
Approval Status – The status is initialized to Pending. Once the grid Approved column for all internal and external approvers is set to YES, the status will become Approved. This field is system-generated.
Internal Approval Tab
Select – Select yes or no to create an email notice for the selected approver.
Approver – Click the spyglass button to select an approver from the list. Approvers must be set up in the Internal AFE Approval Administration screen.
Request Date – Type or select the date of the approval request. This automatically defaults to the current date.
Approved By – This field will default to the Approver’s name.
Approved – Defaults to No. Once the approver indicates the AFE is approved, set this field to Yes.
Approved Date – Type or select the date for the approval.
Remarks – Type a remark.
Select All – Use this checkbox to select all Approvers for e-mail notification.
Prepare Email Notice – Click this button to send an email to the approvers identified with Yes in the Select column. The email address for each approver must be set up in the Internal AFE Approver Administration screen.
Partner Approval Tab
Users may use the DOI search feature to add existing DOI information to the grid. They may then select which partners should receive an e-mail notification that their approval is required. Alternatively, partners may also be selected manually using standard methods of data entry.
DOI – Click the spyglass button to select a DOI. The grid will then populate with the partners for the selected DOI.
Select – Select yes or no to create an email notification for the selected approver.
Partner – Click the spyglass to select a partner.
Interest % – Enter the partners’ percentage amounts for the DOI.
Billing Currency – Select the billing currency.
Request Date – Type or select the date of the approval request. This automatically defaults to the current date.
Approved By – This field will be blank until approval is received from each partner company. Once approval is received, enter the name of the approver at the partner company.
Approved – This field defaults to No. Once the approver indicates the AFE is approved, set this field to Yes.
Approved Date – Type or select the date of the approval.
Remarks – Type any desired remark.
Select All – Use this checkbox to select all partners for e-mail notification.
Prepare Email Notice – Click this button to send an email to the approvers identified with Yes in the Select column. The email address must be set up in the Partner Maintenance screen.
AFE Approval Report
The AFE Approval Report is produced automatically when the approval record is saved. It can also be opened by clicking the report preview icon on the tool bar in the AFE Approval Administration window. The report is also automatically attached to email sent to the approver.
Project Management Menu
Estimate to Complete Screen
The Estimate to Complete option allows users to update the ETC database. All of the Fully Qualified Accounts (FQAs) for the Project / Subproject are displayed with their description; YTD actual balance for the selected period; YTD budget balance for the selected period; the budget variance (budget – actual); and the Current ETC.
The last column, Revised ETC, is defaulted to zero, but it can modify as desired. Once updated and saved, the Revised ETC amount becomes the Current ETC amount.
The total ETC balance for this Project / Subproject is displayed in the Project Management screens and is used in several Performance Reports. This total is also available to the Financial Report Writer for comparison reports.
Using the Estimate to Complete Screen
Select Estimate to Complete from the Project Management menu.
Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Entity (required) – Choose an Entity from the drop-down list.
AFE (required) – Choose an AFE from the drop-down list.
Currency (required) – Choose a currency from the drop-down list.
Revision Number (required) – Choose a revision number for the selected AFE.
Other Currency (optional) – Use this section to select a target currency and rate for conversion.
Target Currency – Select a new currency from the drop-down list.
Period – Select the accounting period to update.
Once selections have been made, the grid will populate with information for the specific combination selected. Users may choose to enter a Revised ETC amount if desired. Upon save, this amount will become the Current ETC amount. Note that the Revised ETC fields are the only fields on the grid that can be edited.
Project Management
This screen allows users to define the projects that they need to monitor during the expenditure phases.
Identifying the budget and actual segment information will allow the project inquiry to display accounting information. The other data types will be retrieved as part of a user-initiated update process. Summary balances for this data will also be stored in the PE database for each project to ease inquiry and reporting. Three buttons are available to choose the default currency for each project type and the method for calculating variance on the Project Maintenance / Financial tab. A control report will be available to print a listing of each Project Type.
Using the Project Management Screen
Select Project Management from the Project Management menu.
Tool Bar
The icon on the Project Management form tool bar may be used to update the commitment balances shown on the Financial tab. Commitment balances are automatically updated when the application is accessed.
Project Management Header Information
Entity – Select the entity using the drop-down list.
Project – Select the project using the drop-down list. The options in this field are based on the Entity selected.
Parent – The information in this field displays automatically based on Entity / Project Type combination selected. This field cannot be edited.
Last Updated – The current date displays by default. This field cannot be edited.
General Tab
Use the General tab to assign points of contact and status for the project. Users may also assign a start and anticipated end date to the project in this tab.
Project Contact – This field may not displayed based on settings. Select the contact from the drop-down list.
Accounting Contract – This field may not display based on settings. Select the contact from the drop-down list.
Project Manager – Select the contact from the drop-down list.
Project Accountant – Select the contact from the drop-down list.
Project Engineer – Select the contact from the drop-down list.
Status – Select the desired status from the drop-down list. The description of the status will display once a code is selected.
Start/End Date – Enter the project start date and anticipated end date.
Financial Tab
This tab allows users to see a summary of the revenue, costs, CY variance, and LTD variances. It also allows users to drill down by using the spyglass button located next to certain fields.
Joint Interests – This shows the operator’s Net Cost of the project as well as what has been billed to partners.
Commitments – The Commitments section shows the total of Unposted Journal Entries, Open Requisitions, Open POs, and Open Payables. Each of these categories has a preview icon to the right of the field. Clicking this button will display a Crystal Reports window with details on the item selected.
Current Year – The Current Year section shows the Actual, Budget, Forecast and Variance for the current calendar year. The Actual, Budget and Forecast fields have a preview icon to the right of each field. Clicking this button will display a Crystal Reports window with details on the item selected.
Life-to-Date – The Life-to-Date section shows the Actual, Budget, Forecast and Variance for the Life of the project. Additionally, the Estimate to Complete and Project Cost Estimate fields are displayed. To view a Crystal Report window with details on the following figures, click the preview icon to the right of the field: Actual, Budget, Forecast or Estimate to Complete.
Comments Tab
This tab is optional but can be very useful to track progress, commitments, and other pertinent information related to a project.
Comment (optional) – If comments exist, use this drop-down list to select a comment to view. If comments do not exist, use this drop-down to select <New> to create a new comment.
Date (optional) – This is the date the comment was entered.
Created By – This field will automatically populate with the user login ID.
Text – Enter the desired text of the comment.
Attachment – Users may attach any number of electronic documents (drawings, contracts, PO’s and so on) to the Project Management record. Use the spyglass to choose existing documents in the document management database or use the scan button to capture a new document.
Details Tab (Optional Tab)
The Details tab displays user-defined sub-tabs and fields. A maximum of 10 sub-tabs each containing up to 10 fields may be defined. The sub-tabs and fields are defined in Utilities>Setup>Project Type Maintenance on the User Info tab.
Above is an example of the Details Tab showing user-defined Sub Tabs and fields.
Inquiry Menu
The Inquiry menu offers view-only access to certain screens in the AFE and Project Management module. Each screen is discussed in more detail in the sections below. These view-only screens are identical to screens in which data entry for a particular feature is performed. The only difference is that the fields on these screens cannot be edited when accessed through the Inquiry menu.
AFE Budget Inquiry
Use Budget Inquiry to retrieve and display AFE budget information. The information provided includes AFE description, original approved amounts, supplemental approved amounts, dates and the total amount of the AFE.
Using the AFE Budget Inquiry Screen
Select Budget Inquiry from the Inquiry drop-down menu.
Follow these instructions to use the Budget Inquiry function:
Entity – Either type in an entity number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature for convenience.
Currency – Select the desired currency from the drop-down list.
AFE Number – Either type in an AFE number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature for your convenience. The AFEs displayed in this window will vary depending on the Entity and Currency selected.
Go through the tabs, as desired. The Control Totals tab will display the total budget for the AFE. The Detail/Update tab will display budget amounts for each account. When finished, use the toolbar buttons to open a new search or exit.
Control Totals Tab – Budget Inquiry
After completing the Entity, Currency and AFE Number text boxes at the top of the screen, the following text boxes display budget and control figures by individual account:
Original Approval – These fields display the approved original AFE budget data. These fields cannot be edited.
Amount – This field displays the approved original amount of the AFE budget.
Date – This field displays the date of the approved original amount.
Supplement 1 through 10 – These fields display supplemental budget data. These fields cannot be edited.
Amount – This field displays the supplemental AFE budget amounts.
Date – This field displays the date of the supplemental budget amounts.
Control Total – The control total is the sum of the original approved AFE budget plus any supplements. It is automatically calculated and displays in this text box. This field cannot be edited.
Actual Total – The Actual Total is obtained from the sum of all individual account amounts and displays in this text box. This field cannot be edited.
Difference – The difference between the Control total and Actual total displays in this text box. This field cannot be edited.
Detail/Update Tab – Budget Inquiry
After completing the Entity, Currency and AFE Number text boxes at the top of the screen, the text boxes below will display showing budget figures by individual account.
Account No. – The account number(s) will display automatically based on the account numbers selected during the AFE Setup.
Account Description – The account description(s) will display automatically based on the account numbers selected during the AFE setup.
Previous Budget Amount – The previous budget amounts will display automatically from the sum of the original budget plus any supplements for the account.
Orig. Approval – This field displays the approved original budget for each account.
Supplement(s) – This field displays any supplemental budget amounts for each account.
AFE Administration Inquiry
AFE Administration Inquiry screen will show some pertinent information from the setup screen of the AFE. It will show the two user-defined fields, along with the AFE type and what date the AFE was closed.
Using the AFE Administration Inquiry Screen
Select AFE Administration Inquiry from the Inquiry drop down menu.
Company – Either type in an entity number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature for convenience.
AFE Number – Either type in an AFE number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature for your convenience. The AFEs displayed in this window will vary depending on the Entity selected.
User-Defined Fields – Field 1 and field 2 will populate from the entries of company and AFE number combination.
AFE Type – This field will populate to show the type of AFE the selected AFE as defined during setup.
Close Date – If the AFE is closed, the closed date will appear here.
Project Management Inquiry
Project Management Inquiry allows the user to view only the detail definition or setup of the project along with the current status of the costs. No changes can be made through this screen.
Using the Project Management Inquiry Screen
Select Project Management Inquiry from the Inquiry menu.
Tool Bar
The Print and Print Preview icons may be used to prepare a summary report of the selected Project Management record.
General Tab
The General tab will populate based on the Entity and Project combination selected in the header portion of this screen.
The preview icons located to the right of certain fields on the General tab opens a Crystal Report window with details about the selected field.
Financial Tab
Source Currency – Select the currency from the magnifying glass icon
Joint Interests – This section shows the operator’s net cost of the project, as well as what has been billed to partners.
Unposted Journal Entries – Display will populate upon selection of the currency. Use the preview icon to the right of the amount field to see the details that make up the amount.
Open Requisitions – Display will populate upon selection of the currency. Use the preview icon to the right of the amount field to see the details that make up the amount.
Open Purchase Orders – Display will populate upon selection of the currency. Use the preview icon to the right of the amount field to see the details that make up the amount.
Open Payables – Display will populate upon selection of the currency. Use the preview icon to the right of the amount field to see the details that make up the amount.
Current Year – Displays the current calendar year information related to this particular AFE. Where available, use the preview icon on the right of a field to see the details that make up the amount.
Life-to-Date – Displays the project to date information related to this particular AFE. Where available, use the preview icon to the right of a field to see the details that make up the amount.
Comments Tab
This tab allows users to see any comments entered, the date entered, the person who entered it, and if there are any attachments on this particular Project Management record. Click the attachment listed in the box to view it.
Details Tab
The Details tab allows users to see user-defined information as defined in their system. This information is separated sub-tabs. There can be up to 10 user-defined sub-tabs containing up to 10 user-defined fields.
The above is an example of a user-defined sub-tab containing user-defined fields.
Account Inquiry
Account Inquiry allows the user to inquire on the period balances and transaction details. No changes can be made through this screen.
Using the Account Inquiry Screen
Select Account Inquiry from the Inquiry menu.
Ledger ID – Click on the drop down arrow and select a ledger. If only one ledger is defined, IFS IDEAS displays it automatically. Complete the Elements tab next.
Elements Tab
Click on buttons or enter information in the Structure and Selection text boxes for each element ID.
Structure – If only one structure has been defined, it will display automatically. If multiple structures are defined, click in the text box to get a drop-down arrow. Click on the drop-down arrow and select a structure.
Selection – Enter a valid element ID, or click in the text box to activate a spyglass button. Click on the spyglass for a pop-up window with a list of defined entities. Make a selection, and click OK. Choose multiple entities by holding down the shift key or control key and clicking on more than one selection. When finished, click OK.
OK – Click on this button to execute the inquiry once the Elements and Periods tabs have been completed.
Periods Tab
Once finished with the Elements tab, click on the Periods tab. This screen allows users to choose between two types of inquiries:
1. Period Balances
2. Transaction Detail
Inquiry Type – Click on Period Balances or Transaction Detail. See sections below for a description of each type of inquiry.
Period Balances Inquiry Type:
For Period Balances inquiry type, click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Segments – Highlight items in the Segments list to select one or more appropriate segments. Users may also select all segments by using the All Segments checkbox.
Periods – Highlight one or more items in the Periods list to select the desired periods for which the inquiry will be run. Users also have the option to view a Year to Date inquiry by checking the Year to Date checkbox.
OK – Click on the OK button. This builds the corresponding account list for inquiry.
After clicking on the OK button, the Period Balance Inquiry screen will display. If an invalid element ID has been selected, the system will alert the user to choose a correct element ID. Choose a different element ID and proceed as detailed above.
Below is a list of the fields displayed on the Period Balance Inquiry screen. A short description is given for each.
Account ID – The fully qualified account (FQA) ID.
Description – The description of the FQA.
Account Type – The account type of the FQA on the database (e.g., A = Asset, L = Liability, E Expense, or S = Statistics).
Status – The status of the FQA on the database (e.g., A= Active, I = Inactive).
Total Debits – The total debits for the selected FQA.
Period – This column lists the period(s) selected in the Period Balance Inquiry screen. The column heading may be blank based on system configurations.
Segment – A separate column will display for each Segment selected in the Period Balance Inquiry screen. If only one segment was selected, only one column will display.
At the bottom of the Transaction Detail Inquiry screen, there are buttons for actions users can take on the inquiry once it is displayed. Descriptions of these buttons are below:
Export – Click on the export button to export the inquiry to an Excel spreadsheet.
Graphics – Click on the graphics button to draw a graph based on the values displayed. The graph can then be modified and printed as desired. See the chart below for a list of available graph types.
Type | Style | Options |
2-D Pie 3-D Pie 2-D Bar 3-D Bar
| Default Symbols Only Vertical Sticks Sticks and Symbols Lines Only Line and Symbols | Colors Labels Grids Patterns |
Print – Click on this button to print the Account Balance Inquiry report.
Send – Click on this button to send the report to a .CSV file. A pop-up window will display prompting for a file name, a directory, and drive information of the file to export.
Transaction Detail Inquiry Type:
For the Transaction Detail Inquiry type, click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Segments – Highlight items in the Segments list. Users may select more than one Segment using the Control or Shift keys.
Period – Highlight one or more items in the Periods list to select the desired periods for which the inquiry will be run.
OK – Click on the OK button. This builds the list for inquiry once the Elements and Periods tabs have been completed.
Below is a list of the fields displayed on the Transaction Detail Inquiry screen. A short description is given for each.
Account ID – The fully qualified account (FQA) ID.
Description – A description of the FQA.
Account Type – The account type of the FQA on the database (e.g., A = Asset, L = Liability, E Expense, or S = Statistics).
Status – The status of the account from the database (e.g., A= Active, I = Inactive).
Beg – The beginning balance for the period(s) requested. This field displays the net amount of all transactions for this account up to the period entered in the Account Balance Inquiry screen.
Net – The net amount of current period transactions.
End – The beginning balance plus the net amount of current period transactions.
Period – The period requested in the Account Balance Inquiry screen.
Segment – The segment selected in the Account Balance Inquiry screen.
Total Debits – The total debits for the selected FQA.
Total Credits – The total credits for the selected FQA.
Journal – The originating journal for the transactions.
Line – The originating line of the journal.
Batch – The originating batch of the journal.
Period – The originating period of the journal.
Description – A description of the line as entered in the journal.
Debit – The amount entered in the journal.
Credit – The amount entered in the journal.
Invoice Number – If entered, displays the invoice number entered in the journal.
Invoice Date – If entered, displays the invoice date entered in the journal.
Vendor – If entered displays the vendor number entered in the journal.
At the bottom of the Transaction Detail Inquiry screen, there are buttons for actions users can take on the inquiry once it is displayed. Descriptions of these buttons are below:
Details – Click on this button to view the batch details line by line.
Export – Click on the export button to export the inquiry to an Excel spreadsheet.
Print – Click on this button to print a transaction detail report. The printed report includes the date that the journal transaction was processed on the printed report.
Send – Click on this button to send the report to a .CSV file. A pop-up window will display prompting for a file name, a directory, and drive information for the file to export.
Reporting Menu
AFE Detail Report
The Detail Report function allows users to generate a report that lists the detail transactions for specified AFEs and selected segments. The report also lists subtotals by account and account type, as well as a grand total for each AFE. The purpose of this report is to assist users in analyzing charges to an AFE by segment.
Using the AFE Detail Report Screen
Select Detail Report from the AFE Reports submenu in the Reporting menu.
Follow these instructions to use the Detail Report function:
Company – Type in a company number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature.
From AFE Number – Type in the first AFE number in the range or click on the spyglass and select it from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature.
Through AFE Number – Type in the ending AFE number in the range or click on the spyglass and select it from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature.
Reporting Period – Type in the reporting period for the report. The reporting period follows the format of the Accounting period. For example, for a report for AFE charges for March, type 3 in the Reporting Period text box.
Data Segment Type(s) 1 – Click on the spyglass and select the first desired segment from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature. Repeat this process to select more than one segment, or when in the pop-up window, hold down the Shift key and select multiple segments at one time. Remove a segment from the text box by highlighting it, then clicking on the X button beside the spyglass.
Data Segment Type(s) 2 – Click on the spyglass and select the second segment from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature for your convenience. You may repeat this process to select more than one segment or, when in the pop-up window, you may hold down the Shift key and select multiple segments at one time. Remove a segment from the text box by highlighting it, then clicking on the X button beside the spyglass.
AFE Status Report
The Status Report function allows user to generate a report that shows the total approved amount, total expenditures and variances for accounts associated with the AFEs setup under the specified company.
Using the AFE Status Report Screen
Select Status Report from the AFE Reports submenu in the Reporting menu.
Follow these instructions to use the Status Report function.
Company – Type in a company number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature.
Currency – Type in a currency or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature.
AFE Activity Report
The AFE Activity Report function allows users to create a report for AFE activity based on balances, segments, AFEs and vendors.
Using the AFE Activity Report Screen
Select the AFE Activity Report from the AFE Reports submenu in the Reporting menu.
Follow the instructions below to generate the AFE Activity Report:
Report Options – Select an activity type for the report. The options are: balance only, summary or detail.
Currency Selection – Type in the desired currency. Users can also use the spyglass to open a pop-up window to choose a valid option.
AFE Section
From AFE Number – Type the beginning AFE number, or use the spyglass to search for the desired record.
Through AFE Number – Type the ending AFE number, or use the spyglass to search for the desired record.
All – Use this checkbox to use all AFEs for the report.
Vendor – Select one or more vendors by typing in the vendor number or using the spyglass to search. Users may also select all vendors by checking the ALL check box.
Period – Select the desired period by using the spyglass or typing it in. Users may also select a range of periods by checking the range check box and filling in the beginning and ending period numbers.
AFE Maintenance Report
The Maintenance Report function allows users to generate a report that identifies all AFEs that have been modified or added since the last run of this report.
Using the AFE Maintenance Report Screen
Select AFE Maintenance Report from the AFE Reports submenu from the Reporting menu.
Follow the instructions below to generate the AFE Maintenance Report:
Entity – Type in an entity number, or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature.
AFE Number – Type in an AFE number or click on the spyglass and select one from the pop-up window. The pop-up window includes a search feature. Repeat this process to select more than one AFE number, or when in the pop-up window, hold down the Shift key and select multiple AFE numbers at one time. Remove an AFE number from the text box by highlighting it, then clicking on the X button beside the spyglass.
Project Performance Reports
The Project Performance Reports are designed to give a comprehensive picture of the broader project summaries. The project reporting structure is defined and maintained through the Element Maintenance option of the Chartmaster menu in the General Ledger (see General Ledger help for more information). The structure used for AFE reporting is chosen in the Project Element Maintenance option of the Utilities menu. For more information, see the appropriate section below.
A series of standard project performance reports are available through the AFE and Project Management module’s reporting menu. The All reports option is defaulted when entering the screen. Users can choose the report(s) they wish to generate by clicking on the appropriate check boxes. If desired, limit the programs, projects or subprojects included in the report(s) by using the selection options.
Using the Project Performance Report Screen
Select Project Performance Reports from the Reporting menu.
Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Report Options – Select one or more reports to generate.
Entity – Type the Entity number, or click the spyglass button and select an Entity from the list.
Source Currency – Type the desired currency or click the spyglass button and select a currency from the list.
Period – Type the desired period number or click the spyglass button and select a period from the list.
Project Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Use the One or Multiple option to select individual AFEs on which to report. Use the Range option to select a range of AFE numbers for the report. Use the All option to report on all AFEs.
Project Detail Reports
This option provides a list of detailed information reports. All reports will be run if none are selected, alternatively users can choose the report(s) they wish to generate by selecting the corresponding check boxes. If desired, limit the projects or subprojects included in the report(s), using the selection options.
Using the Project Detail Reports Screen
Select Project Detail Reports from the Reporting Menu.
Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Report Options – Select any combination of reports by checking the boxes. Checking any of the three All options in the far right column will check the boxes for all options in the row. Once All has been selected, unchecking any of the options in the row will also uncheck the All option.
Entity – Type the desired entity number or click the spyglass button to open a pop-up window with a list of valid entities.
Source Currency – Type the desired currency or click the spyglass button to open a pop-up window with a list of valid currencies.
Project Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Use the One or Multiple option to select individual AFEs on which to report. Use the Range option to select a range of AFE numbers for the report. Use the All option to report on all AFEs.
Financial Reports
This option displays reports created by the Financial Report Writer and executed with the HTML save option. Choose a report to display in an HTML viewer by clicking on the row. Report display is controlled by the entries in Enhanced Security, if installed. Through the publishing options in the Financial Reporting, users can store online copies of project reports to view through this menu option. Simply highlighting a report and choosing the print preview option will display the report.
Using the Financial Reports Screen
Select Financial Reports from the Reporting menu.
To view Financial Reports, select a period from the Report Period drop-down list, then highlight an option from the list and click the Preview button. The report will be displayed.
Transaction Detail Reports
The Transaction Detail Report function allows users to define reports containing all transaction details posted to the Accumulation Tables. The user determines the ledger, period and segment(s) for the report. In addition, this function offers a variety of format options. Users may specify subtotaling on each element name of the account code or on a range of digits within each element ID. Users also have the option to insert a page break after individual element ID subtotals, break by periods, etc. If a predefined report is selected, the report specification appears on this screen. The report parameters can be modified from this screen. Users may also create a new report by typing a new report name.
The following buttons appear on the Transaction Detail Reports screen:
Run Report – To run a previously defined report, highlight it and click on the Run Report button. Refer to the Definitions section below for instructions on how to edit the report or change report parameters. See also the Run Reports section below for instructions on how to scroll through, print and copy the report.
Definitions – Click on the Definitions button to create a new or custom report, or to change parameters on an existing report. For detailed instructions, refer to the Definitions screen section below.
Definitions Screen
Click on the Definitions button in the Custom GL Reporting screen.
Report Name – Type a new report name or click on the drop-down arrow and select a report name. The report name selected or new name entered appears on the report. New report names will be added to the list automatically.
Ledger ID – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a ledger. If only one ledger is defined, IFS IDEAS displays it automatically. If viewing details for an existing report, this information displays automatically, but it can be changed.
Segment – Click on the spyglass button to select one or more option from the list of valid segments. When viewing details for an existing report, this information displays automatically, but it can be changed.
Element – IFS IDEAS automatically displays the element names contained in the ledger ID and segment.
Structure – Click on the drop-down arrow and select a reporting structure for each element.
Selection – For each element, click on the spyglass button select from the list of valid options. Choose multiple options by holding down the shift key or control key while clicking on each desired selection, or select all options by marking the Select All checkbox.
Subtotal – Enter the portion of the element ID on which the system should calculate a subtotal. Enter the number of the position from the left of the text box. For example, to have a subtotal every time the third digit changes in the Department Element Name, enter “3.”
Sort – Select the order in which to sort the elements. For example, if the account code consists of three elements – entity, department and account – and all FQAs listed should be sorted by the department element name for each entity element name, specify the sort sequence:
1st: 2 (Department)
2nd: 1 (Entity)
3rd: 3 (Account)
In the above example, by specifying the sort sequence in this manner, IFS IDEAS will sort the report in this way:
1. By Department
2. Within department, by entity.
3. Within entity, by account.
Using the same account code, to see the FQAs sorted for each entity element name, specify the sort sequence as follows:
1st: (Entity)
2nd: (Account)
3rd: (Department)
Setup Tab
Click on the Setup tab. This tab allows users to define the set up for their report(s).
Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Zero Suppress – Mark the checkbox to suppress all accounts with no activity.
Sum Auto Journals – Mark the checkbox to summarize automated journals.
Sum All Journals – Mark the checkbox to print journals in summary form. Leave the option unchecked to print each journal entry line.
The Sum All Journals option overrides the Sum Auto Journal option.
Page Break – Mark the checkbox to start a new page each time the highest sort element name changes. Leave the option unchecked for typical page breaks.
Sort Break – Mark this checkbox to print a total each time the sorted element name changes. If not checked, totals will not print.
Period Break – Mark this checkbox to have the report show a summary line after each period.
To use the Period Break option; do not check Sum Auto Journals or Sum All Journals.
Date Type – Mark the Effective radio button to use the effective date or mark the Posting radio button to use the posting date of the journal entry.
Period – Users have the option of choosing a single period or a range of periods for a cumulative report.
To choose a single period, type the desired period in the text box or use the spyglass button to select from the list of valid options.
To choose a range of periods, check the Range checkbox to make the Beg Period and End Period text boxes appear. For each text box, in turn click on the spyglass and select a period from the pop-up window. A period number corresponding to the period you choose appears in the text box after you click the OK button.
Report Tab
Once the report has been generated, it can be viewed in the Report tab of the report window.
The buttons below appear at the bottom of the report window.
Scroll Arrows – Click on the arrows to move between the pages in the report.
Move to the first page of the report.
Move to the previous page in the report.
Move to the last page of the report.
Move to the next page in the report.
Print Button – Click on the print button to send the report to the printer.
Export to Excel Button – Click on the export button to export the data to MS Excel.
Print Settings Tab
The Print Settings tab allows users to adjust how the columns print on the report. Choose which columns to print. To prevent a column from printing, type a 0 in the text box below the desired column heading. Some users may choose to select zero in the AP fields so that the AP information does not print on their report.
The report can be set back to the default values by clicking on the Default button.
Custom Reports
Using the Custom Reports Screen
Select Custom Reports from the Reporting Menu.
Report Name – Select the report (.rpt file type) using the binocular icon.
Copies – Enter the number of copies to print.
Labor Distribution Menu
The Labor Distribution menu allows users to attach labor hours to an AFE. Users may generate reports on time entered through this feature of the AFE and Project Management module. This allows billing of labor time to partners on an AFE.
Time Sheet Entry Screen
Select the Time Sheet Entry from the Labor Distribution menu.
The Time Sheet Entry form will automatically populate with information from the user’s last time sheet to allow for faster entry.
Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Entity – Choose a valid entity from the drop-down list or use the spyglass button to open a pop-up window with valid options.
Employee ID – Choose a valid Employee ID from the drop-down list or use the spyglass button to open a pop-up window with valid options.
Date – To view past time sheets, choose a date from the drop-down list or use the spyglass button to open a pop-up window with past date options. To create a new time sheet, choose the new time period’s expected end date using the calendar option or type the date using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Employee Type – This field is display-only. It populates with the selected employee’s employee type as selected in the Labor Distribution Utilities menu options.
Status – This field is display-only. It populates with the Journalization status of the time sheet’s period ending date. If the time sheet has been journalized, the status is Closed. If not, the status is Open.
Project – Type a valid AFE in this field or use the spyglass button to choose an option from the list.
Sub-Project – Type a valid sub-project in this field or use the spyglass button to choose an option from the list.
Charge Type – Type a valid charge type or use the spyglass button to choose an option from the list.
Description – This is a free-form field to type a description of the work done by the employee.
Hours – Type the number of hours worked for each line. Add as many additional rows as needed to account for the hours expected for the time sheet’s period ending date.
Reports Submenu
The first three reports in the Report submenu in the Labor Distribution menu can be used for tracking employee hours. The Time Sheet Proof Report, Billing Value Report and Rate Report can be run based on Employee ID, Employee Type and Project (AFE). Each of these reports can be sorted by Employee ID or Employee Name.
Two additional reports in the Report submenu return listings of information used in the Time Sheet Entry feature. They are the Employee Listing and Charge Type Listing reports. Each of these reports can be sorted and filtered to present the user with only the information he or she needs.
Time Sheet Proof Report
The Time Sheet Proof Report is a report that allows users to verify the data that was entered in the Time Sheet Entry screen.
Select the Time Sheet Proof Report from the Reports submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Click on buttons or enter information in the following text boxes:
Entity – Choose from the drop-down list or use the spyglass to search for a valid entity.
Beginning Date – Enter a new time sheet’s period beginning date using the MM/DD/YYYY format or click the calendar icon to select a date.
Ending Date – Enter a new time sheet period ending date using the MM/DD/YYY format or click the calendar icon to select a date.
Employee Type Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select a one or more employee types. Choose Range to select a range of employee types for the report. Choose All to add all employee types to the report.
Employee ID Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select one or more employee IDs. Choose Range to select a range of employee IDs for the report. Choose All to add all employee IDs to the report.
Project Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select one or more AFEs. Choose Range to select a range of AFEs for the report. Choose All to add all AFEs to the report.
Billing Value Report
The Billing Value Report shows Time Sheet Entry hours and the associated charges by employee.
Select the Billing Value Report from the Reports submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Entity – Choose from the drop-down list or use the spyglass to search for a valid entity.
Beginning Date – Enter a new time sheet’s period beginning date using the MM/DD/YYYY format or click the calendar icon to select a date.
Ending Date – Enter a new time sheet period ending date using the MM/DD/YYY format or click the calendar icon to select a date.
Employee Type Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select a one or more employee types. Choose Range to select a range of employee types for the report. Choose All to add all employee types to the report.
Employee ID Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select one or more employee IDs. Choose Range to select a range of employee IDs for the report. Choose All to add all employee IDs to the report.
Project Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select one or more AFEs. Choose Range to select a range of AFEs for the report. Choose All to add all AFEs to the report.
Rate Report
The Rate Report provides a report of rates by employee.
Select the Rate Report from the Reports submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Entity – Choose from the drop-down list or use the spyglass to search for a valid entity.
Report by – Select the desired radio button. The report will be sorted by Charge Type, Employee or Employee Type.
Charge Type Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select one or more charge types. Choose Range to select a range of charge types for the report. Choose All to add all charge types to the report.
Employee ID Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select one or more employee IDs. Choose Range to select a range of employee IDs for the report. Choose All to add all employee IDs to the report.
Employee Type Options – Select the appropriate radio button. Choose One or Multiple to select a one or more employee types. Choose Range to select a range of employee types for the report. Choose All to add all employee types to the report.
Employee Listing
The Employee Listing returns a list of all employees entered through the Employee Entry screen.
Select the Employee Listing Report from the Reports submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Employee Type Options – By default, the All Types checkbox is checked. Users may choose to uncheck this checkbox to select one or more employee types for the report.
Sort By – Select the desired radio button to sort by Employee ID or Employee Name.
Employee Options – Select the desired radio button choose One or Multiple, a Range, or All employees.
Status – Select the desired radio button to choose the employee status for the report. Options are Active, Inactive, or Both.
Charge Type Listing Report
Select the Charge Type Report from the Reports submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Code Options – Select the desired radio button to choose One or Multiple, a Range, or All Codes.
Sort By – Select the appropriate radio button to sort by Code or Description.
Timesheet Journalization
The Timesheet Journalization function will accumulate the hours and the rate per hour for a selected date range. Until the user checks the finalize checkbox, the report will be a preview only. Once the journal is finalized, the labor time cannot be edited or journalized again.
Using the Timesheet Journalization Screen
Select Timesheet Journalization from the Labor Distribution screen.
Entity – Choose from the drop-down list or use the spyglass to search for a valid entity.
Beginning Date – Use the spyglass button for a list of previously-entered time sheet period beginning dates. Users may also enter a new time sheet period beginning date using the MM/DD/YYYY format, or they can click the calendar icon to select a period beginning date.
Ending Date – Use the spyglass button for a list of previously-entered time sheet period ending dates. Users may also enter a new time sheet period ending date using the MM/DD/YYYY format, or they can click the calendar icon to select a period ending date.
Period – Enter a period number representing the Journalization month. This field follows the accounting period numbering system.
Finalize checkbox – This checkbox should only be used after previously running and verifying the Timesheet Journalization Proof Report. This checkbox will create the journal entry to be posted in the General Ledger. Once the journal is finalized, the labor time cannot be edited or journalized again.
Labor Distribution Utilities Submenu
There are four options under the Labor Distribution Utilities submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
1. Employee Entry
2. Employee Type Administration
3. Charge Type Administration
4. Labor Distribution Parameters
Employee Entry
The Employee Entry screen is used to set up individual employees with appropriate types, statuses, projects and charge types. This screen also allows users with appropriate permissions to maintain and update existing employee records.
Using the Employee Entry Screen
Select Employee Entry from the Labor Distribution Utilities submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Employee ID – When creating a new employee record, enter the Employee ID here. When viewing an existing employee, choose an existing employee ID from the drop-down list or use the spyglass button to search.
Employee Name – When creating a new employee record, enter the employee’s name here. When viewing an existing employee, choose an existing employee name from the drop-down list or use the spyglass button to search. If an existing record has been selected, the name will automatically populate in this field.
Employee Type – Choose an existing employee type from the drop-down list or use the spyglass button to search. If an existing record has been selected, the employee type will automatically populate in this field.
IFW Login Name – Use the spyglass button to search for an existing IFS IDEAS user ID associated with the employee. For existing records, this information will automatically populate.
Hours Required – Enter the expected maximum number of hours to be accounted for during the time sheet period. This number of hours will need to be fully accounted for in the Time Sheet Entry screen.
See All Employees checkbox – If this employee can see and review the records for the other defined employees, check this checkbox.
Status – All newly-created employees have a default status of Active. If desired, select the Inactive status radio button.
Project – Select the Project(s) to which this employee’s hours can be billed using the spyglass button.
Sub-Project – Select the Sub-Project(s) this employee may use for time sheet entry using the spyglass button.
Charge Type – Select the Charge Type(s) this employee is permitted to use for time sheet entry using the spyglass button.
Employee Type Administration
Employee Types are a way to group employees. Entities and charge rates can be tied to the employee type so that employees doing similar jobs can use the same charge rates. The Employee Type Administration function allows users with appropriate access to add, edit and delete employee types.
Using the Employee Type Administration Screen
Select Employee Type Administration from the Labor Distribution Utilities submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Code – When adding a new employee type, type the desired abbreviation in this field. If editing an existing code, choose an option from the drop-down list.
Description – When adding a new code, type the desired description in this field. If viewing or editing an existing code, this information will populate automatically.
Entity – Type a valid entity in this field or use the spyglass button to search.
Currency – Type a valid currency in this field or use the spyglass button to search.
Charge Type – Type a valid charge type in this field or use the spyglass button to search.
Rate – Type the desired rate for the selected Entity, Currency and Charge Type combination for the employee type. If a default rate exists, it will display.
Charge Type Administration
The Charge Type Administration function allows users to define charge and no charge codes are setup. Once defined, charge types can be tied to employee types.
Using the Charge Type Administration Screen
Select Charge Type Administration from the Labor Distribution Utilities submenu in the Labor Distribution menu.
Entity – Type a valid entity or use the spyglass button to search.
Code – Type a new code or use the drop-down list to select an existing code.
Description – Type a description of the new Charge Type code. When viewing an existing code, this information will populate automatically.
Account – Type a valid account or use the spyglass button to search. This information will populate automatically when viewing an existing cod.
Default Rate – Enter the default rate to be used during time sheet Journalization. This amount can be changed in Employee Type Administration for different employee types.
Billable Checkbox – Check this box if the rate for this charge type is to be calculated on the Billing Value report.
Offset FQA – Type in the desired values for the offset FQA or use the spyglass button to search for valid options for each textbox.
Labor Distribution Parameters
Define the settings for which currency, journal, and rate to use when journalizing labor time to the general ledger.
Labor Distribution Parameters Screen
Select the Charge Type Report from the Reports sub-menu.
Entity – Type a valid entity number or use the spyglass button to search.
Source Currency – Type a valid currency or use the spyglass button to search.
Journal – Type the desired journal to which time sheets should be journalized or use the spyglass button to search.
Rates by Employee checkbox – Check this checkbox if rates will be assigned to individual employees. If this checkbox is checked, the lower section of the Employee Entry screen must also be completed.
Rates by Employee Type checkbox – Check this checkbox if rates will be assigned to employee types. If this checkbox is checked, the lower section of the Employee Type Administration screen must also be completed.
Rates by Charge Type – Check this checkbox if rates will be assigned to charge types. If this checkbox is checked, an entry must be made in the Default Rate field in the Charge Type Administration screen.
Utilities Menu
The Utilities menu allows users to access AFE utility functions, which are primarily used for initial system setup.
Setup Sub Menu
The Setup submenu in the Utilities menu contains the options listed below.
• AFE Element Maintenance
• AFE Miscellaneous Setup
• Project Element Maintenance
• Project Type Maintenance
• Project Miscellaneous Setup
• List Maintenance
• Internal AFE Approver Administration
AFE Element Maintenance
The start position of each element must be defined in the ledger. The AFE Element Maintenance function aids this.
In the AFE Element Maintenance screen, the user selects a ledger, then specifies the start position of each element. In the following example, the Company element starts at position 1, the Account element starts at position 5, the Department element starts at position 11, and so on.
Account Element | Start Position |
Company | 1 |
Account | 5 |
Department (optional) | 11 |
AFE | 16 |
Bill code | 22 |
Using the AFE Elements Maintenance Screen
Select AFE Element Maintenance from the Setup submenu in the Utilities menu.
Follow these instructions to use the AFE Elements function:
Ledger – Choose a ledger using the drop-down list. If only one ledger is defined, it displays automatically.
Start Position – Specify the start position for each element listed below.
Company – Type in the start position of the Company element.
Account – Type in the start position of the Account element.
Department – Type in the start position of the Department element. Use of the Department account element is optional. Specify a Start Position of zero (0) if your ledger does not contain a Department element.
AFE – Type in the start position of the AFE element.
Bill Code – Type in the start position of the Bill Code element.
AFE Miscellaneous
The AFE Miscellaneous utility is an optional screen that is used to set up and maintain User Defined labels used on the AFE Maintenance screen.
Select AFE Miscellaneous from the Setup submenu in the Utilities menu.
Code – Select a code from the drop-down list.
Field 1 – If AFE_USERDEFINED_FIELDS was chosen, this field may be blank or may have text in it. The text that is entered here will be used as a label for the first user defined field in the AFE Maintenance screen.
If the DEFAULT_LEDGER code was chosen, this field will display the ledger name that will be used for AFE processing. When the system is installed, the default ledger is WIP. If your ledger name is different change it here.
Field 2 – If the AFE_USERDEFINED_FIELDS code was chosen, this field may be blank or may have text in it. The text that is entered here will be used as a label for the second user defined field in the AFE Maintenance screen. If the DEFAULT_LEDGER code was chosen, this field will be blank.
Fields 3 through 9 – If additional user-defined field are desired, enter the desired field labels in the subsequent fields on this screen.
Project Element Maintenance
Select the Project Element Maintenance from the Utilities Setup Sub-tab.
Ledger – Select a ledger using the drop-down list. If only one ledger is defined, it displays automatically.
Entity Element – Select an Entity Element from the drop-down list.
Account Element – Select an account element from the drop-down list.
Project Element – Select a project element from the drop-down list.
Subproject Element – (Optional) If subprojects will be used, select a subproject element from the drop-down list. If subprojects will not be used, select NOT USED.
Subproject Label – Enter a value in this field that relates to the subproject element. If NOT USED was selected in the Subproject Element field, this text box is disabled.
Project Structures – Select a structure using the drop-down list.
Project Type Maintenance
At least one project type must be defined prior to defining an AFE in AFE and Project Expert.
Select Project Type Maintenance from the Setup submenu in the Utilities menu.
The AFE and Project Expert system uses the list of available currencies, as defined in the IFS IDEAS Currency Conversion module. If currency conversion is not being used, the AFE and Project Expert implementation creates the needed table with the single currency required.
Within the selected IFS IDEAS ledger, a number of database segments are required. These are defined in the IFS IDEAS GL module, under the System Customizer \ Database Segments option. The Current Year Actual segment does not require much explanation. The AFE and Project Expert system views Current Year Budget as the amounts to be published or shared with customers, while the Current Year Forecast is more for internal use. Of the two, populating the budget is preferable to updating the forecast segment.
The Life-to-Date Actual , Budget and Forecast segments are needed to accommodate projects that span multiple years. As part of the initial implementation of AFE and Project Expert, these are populated by summarizing all of the historic data that is available. Once implemented, AFE and Project Expert uses the dual segment update capability defined in the IFS IDEAS GL module to maintain both the current year and life-to-date segments.
Segments Tab
Currency – Select a currency from the drop-down list or use the spyglass button to search.
Current Year Actual – Select the appropriate segment from the drop-down list.
Current Year budget – Select the appropriate segment from the drop-down list.
Current Year Forecast – Select the appropriate segment from the drop-down list.
Life-to-Date Actual – Select the appropriate segment from the drop-down list.
Life-to-Date Budget – Select the appropriate segment from the drop-down list.
Life-to-Date – Forecast – Select the appropriate segment from the drop-down list.
Estimate to Complete – Select the appropriate segment from the drop-down list.
Variance Calc Mode – Select the appropriate calculation method from the drop-down list.
User Info Tab
AFE and Project Expert allows for user-defined fields to be used on the Project Maintenance/Details tab. Up to 10 tabs can be defined, with up to 10 fields on each tab for a total of 100 variable fields.
Group – Enter an abbreviation for the group of information that will be contained in the tab.
Description – Enter the text that will appear on the tab.
Order No. – This is the order in which the tab should appear. Order no. must be a number from 1 to 10.
Fields Sub Tab
Field – Enter an abbreviation for the field that will appear within the group shown on the main tab.
Order No. – This is the order in which the field should appear. Order no. must be a number from 1 to 10.
Description – Enter the text that will appear as the label for the field.
Data Type – Select a data type from the drop down list. The input data will be edited to ensure that it conforms to the rules for the selected data type, for example if “datetime” is select the input must be a date.
Select List – If a list is available that was created in the List Maintenance option, link it to this field by choosing the list from the drop-down list.
Required – If this field should be required, check this box.
Accounts Tab
Revenue – Assign the GL accounts to appear in the Total Revenue Section of the Cost & Revenue reports.
Costs – Assign the GL account to appear in the Total Cost Section of the Cost & Revenue reports.
A/P – Assign the GL accounts to appear in the A/P column on the Cost & Revenue reports.
A/R – Assign the GL account to appear in the A/R column on the Cost & Revenue reports.
Reserve – Assign the GL accounts to appear in the Reserve column on the Cost & Revenue reports.
Income – Assign the GL accounts to be included in the two Profit / Loss columns on the Cost & Revenue reports.
Cost of Sales – Assign the GL accounts to be included in the two Profit / Loss columns on the Cost & Revenue reports.
Project Miscellaneous
Select Project Misc from the Setup submenu in the Utilities menu.
PE_Cost_Method | Does not allow the Estimate to Complete and Pending Negotiation columns on the four Cost & Revenue reports to become negative. This could occur in a situation where you have overspent your budget or no budget exists. | Field 1 = Z | |
Pe_Update_Parms | Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 = path Field 6 Field 7 = path Field 8 Field 9 = path Field 10 Field 11 Field 12 Field 13 Field 14 Field 15 Field 16 Field 17 Field 18 = path Field 19 Field 20 = path Field 21 Field 22 = path Field 23 Field 24 = path Field 25 Field 26 = path Field 27 Field 28 = path Field 29 Field 30 = path Field 31 Field 32 = path | Open requisition’s file location Open purchase order’s file location Open payable’s file location Open receiver’s file location Closed requisition’s file location Closed purchase order’s location Closed payable’s file location Closed purchase orders with payable’s file location Closed payables with payments file location Open receivables file location Closed receivables file location | |
ReqdFieldColor | Sets the color for required fields in the Project Maintenance screen. Select the pre-defined ReqFieldColor code. | Field 1 = use the “Choose Color” drop down box to make your color selection | The selected color will be displayed in all required fields |
Unique_Attachmentcode | Maintains the automatically assigned attachment number | Field 1 = X | Last used automatically generated attachment number |
List Maintenance
Lists may be defined to provide select and validation options for the user-defined fields. Create lists here and associate them with user defined fields created in Project Type Maintenance screen’s User Info tab.
Select List Maintenance from the Setup submenu in the Utilities menu.
The only List required by the AFE and Project Expert system is called “STATUS.” It is used to populate the Status field on the General tab of the Project Maintenance screen.
Users can, however, create as many lists as they wish for use in the project variable fields. By using a select list, rather than text entry in a field, there is consistency in the database. This allows users to create Crystal or other reports with greater accuracy.
Internal AFE Approver Administration
This is used to set up Approvers and their approval limits to be used during AFE Approval Processing.
Select Internal AFE Approver Administration from the Setup submenu in the Utilities menu.
Approver – Select the approver from the drop-down list or select <NEW> to add a new approver.
Role/Position/Title – Enter the relevant description. When viewing an existing approver, this information will automatically populate.
Email Address – Enter the email address of the approver. When viewing an existing approver, this information will automatically populate.
Approval Authority – Select the Entity or entities, currency, and approval limits in the grid. Users may manually type this information, if known, or they may use the spyglass button to search.
Project Update Utility Menu
Project Update Parameters
The Project Update Parameters screen is used to define what information the AFE and Project Management module will import, along with where the update files are located. This is normally defined during initial implementation only.
Select the Project Update Parameters from the Utilities Project Update Utility Sub-tab.
This form is used to specify which types of data (Requisitions, Purchases Orders, etc.) should be included in the automatic commitment update. Check the boxes associated with the type of data that should be imported. It is also possible to capture data from applications other than IFS IDEAS.
Prior to using this feature, use the Project Miscellaneous function to edit PE_UPDATE_PARMS. Once PE_UPDATE_PARMS is selected from the Code drop-down list, the fields on the screen can be used to select what displays in the Project Account Update Parameters screen. The options are listed below.
Set the fields to Y or N to display or hide the associated fields in the Project Account Update Parameters screen.
4 – Open Requisitions
6 – Open Purchase Orders
8 – Open AP Invoices
17 – Closed Receipts
19 – Closed Requisitions
21 – Closed Purchase Orders
23 – Closed AP Invoices
25 – Closed Purchase Orders with Invoices
27 – Closed Purchase Orders with Checks
29 – Open AR Invoices
31 – Closed AR Invoices
Project Upload Error Report
Use the Project Upload Error Report feature to check for any data that could not be imported into AFE and Project Management. The report will show the data that failed and the reason for the failure. This report is relevant only if importing external data.
Select the Project Upload Error Report from the Project Update Utility submenu of the Utilities menu. Upon initial opening, the All checkbox will default as checked. Uncheck this box to select individual reports.
Open Requisitions
Open Purchase Orders
Open Invoices
Open Receipts
All – This option will print to the screen all four of the above-mentioned reports.
Attachment Administration
Attachment Administration allows users to scan an image or document related to a project and attach that image or document to the project through the Project Management menu.
Select Attachment Administration from the Utilities menu.
Attachment – Check the “New Attachment with Automatic Numbering” checkbox to add the attachment as the next available number. Uncheck this option to manually add numbering or to use the spyglass button to search for an existing document or image.
Description – Enter the description of the scanned image or document.
Comments – Enter comments related to the image or document.
Scan Image – Select this radio button to use a scanner hooked up directly to the computer.
Attach to an Existing Image – Select this radio button to search the network or local computer for an existing image.
Attach to an Existing File/Document – Select this radio button to search the network or local computer for an existing file or document.
Sub-Ledger Processing Sub Menu
Sub-Ledger Summarization Processing
Select Sub-Ledger Summarization Processing from the Sub-Ledger Processing submenu in the Utilities menu.
Entity – Select all of the appropriate entities.
Period – Type the period for which data should be journalized. This follows the accounting period format.
Sub-Ledger Summarization Parameters
If the subsidiary Project Ledger is needed to capture project/sub project information, this option defines the journals needed to summarize the AFE journals to GL journals by transaction code. Select the Sub-Ledger Summarization Parameters from the Sub-Ledger Processing submenu in the Utilities menu.
Source Ledger – Select the ledger where the transactions were originally entered.
Target Ledger – Select the ledger where the summarization process should send the journal entry.
Journal Tab
Source Entity – Select the source entity using the spyglass button to search.
Target Entity – Select the target entity using the spyglass button to search.
Source Tran Type – Select one Transaction Type using the spyglass button to search.
Target Journal – Select the journal that the summarization process will use for the journal entry.
Element Tab
The summarization process allows users to build the target FQA by these parameters. The options include using the same ElementID in both the source and target FQAs (such as Division and Account).
Specify the value to use for an element, such as 00 for the Department number in this example.
Users can also specify one of the three user-defined fields. Customer and Product in the GL ledger are determined by UserField1 and UserField2 from the Tool element of the PE ledger.
Clear Sub-ledger Summarization Parameters
At least once a year at year end, the control records for the AFE to GL summarization process must be cleared out. If not, journal batches in the new year will not be transferred to the GL because the parameters will indicate that the batches had already been sent.
Select the Clear Sub-Ledger Summarization Parameters from the Sub-Ledger Processing submenu in the Utilities menu.
Period Options
One or Multiple – Allows users to select one period or multiple periods to clear.
Range – Allows users to select a beginning and ending range of periods to clear.
All – Selects all period for the year.
Create Accrual Journals
Select the Create Accrual Journals from the Sub-Ledger Processing submenu from the Utilities menu.
This option is created by a Project Miscellaneous entry. To create this entry, select the Project Misc menu option within the Utilities menu and set up the two misc codes below
Create two PE_Misc flags to record the necessary journal and Accrual FQA information.
ACCRUALJOURNAL – Turns on this functionality.
Field1 = 1=enabled, 0=disabled
ACCRUALJOURNAL*<ENTITY>*<CURRENCY> (Note: This code must be defined for each entity/currency combination.)
Field1: AP Accrual Journal
Field2: AP Accrual Offset FQA
Field3: PD Accrual Journal
Field4: PD Accrual Offset FQA
Field5: Bill Code for BC flipping
Field6: Bill Code Element Prefix
Field1: 500
Field2: 025-30020-0000-00000-00
Field3: 501
Field4: 025-30022-0000-00000-00
Field5: 00
Field6: B
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