Mineral Lease Index
The Mineral Lease Index can easily be generated by using the Mineral Lease Sub Data Extract. By using the Data Extract option, you will have the flexibility to choose any additional columns that you want to see.
All of the data chosen can be exported to Excel.
Setup the report once, then save the report criteria in your favorites folder to easily re-run in the future
Sample setup steps:
1. Choose the Mineral Lease Sub Data Extract.
2. Choose the Mineral Lease Sub Selection Method = Enter Mineral Lease Sub Criteria to display all available filter options.
a. Specify Basic filters as required (i.e. File Status = All Active).
b. Advanced can be used to specify additional filters if required.
3. Data Extract Attributes is where you will choose the data columns to be shown on the report.
a. Select Add Commonly Used Attributes as a starting point to select the data that is chosen most often; deselect any attributes not required.
b. Attribute Selection can be used to select additional attributes. Use the Attribute Selection Search tab to easily find the attribute you require. Attributes containing the word 'block' are useful in cases where you want commonly selected data attributes to appear together in a single cell i.e. Land Block. This will help to reduce repeating data on multiple rows in Excel.
4. View the report.
5. Save Report Criteria into your Favorites folder so that you can easily re-run in the future. Remember to flag it as Shared if you would like others to see/run this report.
6. Save to Excel. Further filtering and sorting can be done in Excel.
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