Trigger Error Handling
Back to Best Practices: Dynaforms
Visibility Issue
Want to easily see Case Note errors
Add any errors to the Case Notes associated with the process.
Easy to implement and access error messages.
Low maintenance - The code used is generic enough that we wouldn't need to go in and make individual changes for each workflow (i.e. updating UID's).
Probably not the best place to store errors. Should really be used for the business issues.
Need to implement a message that highlights to the user that there has been an error and they should look at the case notes.
Need to grant permissions to access case notes.
Can't prevent a user from going forward.
Related articles
ProcessMaker Case Notes Documentation
Redirect User to Dynaform Issue
Want to re-direct users to a DynaForm to resolve any errors
When finding an error, redirect the user to a new Dynaform that indicates that an error has occurred, then asking them to go back and fix the issue.
Prevents a user from going further in the Process until the error has been resolved.
The PHP code to do this uses specific UID's for the routing. We would need to update these for each new workflow.
Potentially high maintenance.
When updating a workflow, we would need to keep the UID's in mind for any changes made after it's finished.
There's currently no "dynamic" way of getting a step number and so any changes would need to keep this in mind
Related articles
ProcessMaker Redirection in Triggers Documentation
Redirect User to a Step Issue
Want to re-direct users to a specific step to resolve any errors
Similar to "Redirect to Dynaform" except now the user is redirected to a step within a given task when finding an error .
Prevents a user from going further in the Process until the error has been resolved.
The PHP code to do this uses specific UID's for the routing. We would need to update these for each new workflow.
Potentially high maintenance.
When updating a workflow, we would need to keep the UID's in mind for any changes made after it's finished.
There's currently no "dynamic" way of getting a step number and so any changes would need to keep this in mind
Related articles
ProcessMaker Redirection in Triggers Documentation
Task Routing Issue
Want to notify the user of all the existing errors before routing to the next Task
Create a “IFS Routing Template” that can notify the user of all the existing errors before routing to the next Task.
Force the user to go back to previous steps and don’t let them route to the next task.
Template could be re-usable across multiple workflows.
These screens can only be implemented as the "route" step in a task, so it cannot be implemented between two dynaforms.
Related articles
ProcessMaker Routing Screen Documentation
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