Sales Balance Forward Purge - REV300

Sales Balance Forward Purge - REV300

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This program purges the Revenue Batch Master, the Gross Sales Ledger, and the Detail Sales History files. These three files are related and should be purged together. As the process progresses, you have the option of not purging specific files. This capability allows you to interrupt and restart the purge process. (If you do need to interrupt the process, be sure to use the same period end date when you restart.) All gross and detail sales items have a balance brought forward to the specified period end date. You can purge these files when the gross and detail sales items, by period end, are no longer required. Running this process creates more disk space and improves the performance of the Revenue system. You should run the Transfer Paid/Released Transactions To History (REV215) program prior to running this process to ensure that all transactions eligible for the purge are processed. All reports generated by the purge process are spooled to hold files. This allows you to print the reports at your convenience and keep a copy of the reports on tape for archival purposes.

Balances are brought forward summarized by owner, by well, by product, and by type interest. A balance forward report prints showing gross sales and detail sales items that are purged and the balances being brought forward. All unreleased (suspensed) revenue transactions are retained on file as if this purge had not been executed.

Due to the tax reporting requirements associated with Windfall Profits Tax, these revenue files must not be purged until after all tax reports have been processed. You must run the YTD Gross Sales (REV775) and Owner Year-To-Date Sales (REV783) programs before executing this purge process.

Contact your Excalibur Systems Consultant before beginning this purge process. Generally, you should run it through a fiscal/calendar year end. If your company has a fiscal year end that is not a calendar year end, you should run it for the preceding calendar year after the fiscal year end has been closed.


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