IFS IDEAS Release Notes
Release Type | Minor |
Release Date | January 31, 2018 |
Summary of Changes
The purpose of this document is to provide you with the latest information on recent changes for the release of IFS IDEAS and to notify you of the expected release date.
IFS IDEAS provides a maintenance release that resolved various customer-reported issues. This release demonstrates our continuing effort to improve IDEAS to meet our clients' needs.
IFS IDEAS includes enhancements in the following areas:
General Ledger
New Trial Balance by Vendor Option
Primarily for our Colombian clients, we added an option to the Trial Balance Report in General Ledger that allows subtotaling by vendor.
When you select this option, the report will be grouped and sub-totaled by the vendor ID which is recorded for each transaction. The transactions are summed by the FQA and entered into the report. There are setup considerations to address before using this option. Refer to the General Ledger Help Documentation for details. To view a demonstration of this new feature, refer to the following link: General Ledger Trial Balance by Vendor
Journal Posting Rollback
The Journal Posting Rollback was expanded in to eliminate duplicate converting and reversing journals when posting was ended abnormally.
The solution did prevent the creation of the duplicate journals, but it also locked the entire application when posting was occurring. Additional logic was added to the opening of the module to prevent the locking. The rollback has been reinstituted to protect the data integrity in the case of abnormal interruptions but also allows the rest of the application to be used while posting is occurring.
Accounts Payable
Argentine Tax Certificates
Argentine Tax Certificates have been modified to print the Tax Authority Name in the header of the report instead of the Tax Authority Code. Additionally, the comments “Withholding for the month of <current month> presented in the sworn declaration corresponding to the month of <current month> of <fiscal year>”.
IFS IDEAS includes software maintenance in the following areas:
Account Reconciliation
Account Reconciliation and Analysis
Accounts Payable
Invoice Entry – STD and ARG
Manual Checks – STD
Vendor Maintenance – ARG
Accounts Receivable Trade
Manual Receipts
Advanced AFE
Time Sheet Entry
Enterprise Reporting
Report Generation
Inventory Accounting
Journalize Warehouse Transactions – Simplified MMS
Purchase Documents
Non-Stock Receipt Entry
Purchase Document Entry
Purchase Document Line Item Entry
User Defined Entry
Purchase Requisitions
Purchase Requisition Approvals
Purchase Taxes
Tax Code Definition – ARG
Issues Entry
Returns Entry
Site to Site Transfer Entry
Sales Entry
Restricted Returns Entry
Compatibility Matrix
Minimum System Requirements
Release Contents
Refer to the following link for the information on the added features and the resolved bug fixes:
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