Business Associates Module

Business Associates Module

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Business Associates Module

When you select the Business Associates module from the main Qbyte Exchange for Qbyte Financial menu, the Business Associates menu is displayed:


Select the Insert button if you want to create new Business Associate records in Qbyte Financial.  Select the Update button if you want to update existing Business Associate records in Qbyte Financial.

The following options appear regardless of whether you have selected Insert mode or Update mode:

  • Get data from Qbyte

  • Validate data

  • Save data to Qbyte

  • Close

Tabs appear at the bottom of the worksheet that are specific to functionality within the module.  The column headings are populated on each tab and are specific to the selected tab.  It is Important to note that only the current tab you are working in will be validated or saved and the steps for getting data, validating data and saving data must be repeated for each tab in the module.

Update mode requires all data columns containing current information to be populated in the tab for each row.  If you are only updating one column, the other columns not being updated should still contain the current values. To accomplish this, use the 'Get data from Qbyte' functionality to retrieve the current values.

Insert Mode / Update Mode

Business Associates tab


Enter Business Associates information:

In this column...

Enter this information...

In this column...

Enter this information...

Business Associate ID (*, generated)

The ID of the Business Associate.  This is a mandatory field.

For Insert mode, if this field is left blank, the Business Associate ID will use autonumbering to generate this ID upon saving. 

Business Associate Name (*)

The name of the Business Associate.  This is the first row of the name. 

This is a mandatory field.

NOTE: When a Business Associate name already exists in Qbyte Financial, the Upload Status will issue an Error with a WARNING message. The Business Associate name can still be inserted or updated as a duplicate by completing the ‘Save data to Qbyte’ process.

Business Associate Name 2

The name of the Business Associate.  This is the second row of the name.

Effective Date

The effective date of the Business Associate.  Dates must be entered as YYYY-MM-DD. 

For Insert mode, if this field is left blank, the system date will be used upon saving.

Type Code (*)

The type of the Business Associate.  This is a mandatory field.

Primary Usage (*)

The primary usage defined for the Business Associate. 

Valid values are:

  • EMP Employee

  • GOV Government

  • LAND Land

  • PART Partner

  • VEND Vendor

Business Associate Short Name

The short name of the Business Associate.  

For Insert mode, if this field is left blank, the Business Associate Name will be used upon saving.

Legal Name

The legal name of the Business Associate.

For Insert mode, if this field is left blank, the Business Associate Name will be used upon saving.

Alternate ID (*, generated)

The alternate ID of the Business Associate.  If entering a Business Associate ID this field must also be entered.

For insert mode, if this field is left blank, the Business Associate ID will be defaulted into the Alternate ID.

Inactive Date

The inactive date of the Business Associate.  Dates must be entered as YYYY-MM-DD.

New ID

If the Business Associate is inactive, enter the new ID of the Business Associate.

Business Number

The business number of the Business Associate.

Non Resident (*)

Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No).  Indicates whether the Business Associate has non resident status.  This is a mandatory field


The social insurance number / social security number of the Business Associate.

Dun And Bradstreet Reference

The Dunn and Bradstreet reference number of the Business Associate.

Employee Number

The employee number of the Business Associate.

Organization ID

The organization ID of the Business Associate.

If this field is populated, the Business Associate will be considered the internal Business Associate of the organization entered. If this field is not populated, the Business Associate will be considered an external Business Associate.


Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No).  Indicates whether the Business Associate is used in Financial Management.  This flag is an action and is removed when the Business Associate is saved.  

For insert mode, if this field is left blank, the default is 'N'.


Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No).  Indicates whether the Business Associate is used in Land Management.  This flag is an action and is removed when the Business Associate is saved.  

For insert mode, if this field is left blank, the default is 'N'.


Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No).  Indicates whether the Business Associate is used in Production Management.  This flag is an action and is removed when the Business Associate is saved.  

For insert mode, if this field is left blank, the default is 'N'.

Payment Code

The default payment code for the Business Associate and the primary address.

For insert mode, if this field is left blank, the default is 'STD'.

Hold Date

The date a Business Associate was put on hold.  When the hold date is blank, the Business Associate is not on hold.

Dates must be entered as YYYY-MM-DD.

Address Name (*)

The name of the address.  If this is entered than all mandatory Address fields must be populated.

Address ID (generated)

The ID of the address.  This is a system generated value and should be left blank when in 'Insert' mode.  In 'Update' mode, the address ID should be retrieved, before updating the data, by utilizing the 'Get data from Qbyte' functionality.

Address Type (*)

The type of the address.

Address Effective Date (*)

The effective date of the address.  Dates must be entered as YYYY-MM-DD.

Address Inactive Date

The inactive date of the address.  Dates must be entered as YYYY-MM-DD.

Address Line 1 (*)

The first line of the address.

Address Line 2

The second line of the address. 

Address Line 3

The third line of the address.

Address Line 4

The fourth line of the address.


The city of the address.


The province or state of the address.


The country of the address.

Postal/Zip Code

The postal code or zip code of the address.


The phone number for the address.

Phone Extension

The extension number of the phone number for the address.


The fax number for the address.

Fax 2

The secondary fax number for the address.


The email for the address.

Alternate BA Name 1

The alternate name for the Business Associate.

For Insert mode, if this field is left blank, the Business Associate Name will be used upon saving.

The value entered in this field will show on payments and Joint Interest Billings.

Alternate BA Name 2

The second alternate name for the Business Associate. 

For Insert mode, if this field is left blank, the Business Associate Name 2 will be used upon saving.

The value entered in this field will show on payments and Joint Interest Billings.

External Link Ref

The external link of the Business Associate.

External Address ID Ref

The external address ID of the Business Associate.

External BA ID Ref

The external ID of the Business Associate.

UDF 1 - UDF 30

The user defined field information.

More information on how to set up Business Associate user defined fields can be found here.

Processing State

System generated; indicates if the row has completed processing or not.  

Upload Status

System generated; indicates if the row has been Validated or Updated or if there is an Error.

Error Message

System generated; when the Upload Status is Error, this column will describe what data(s) need to be corrected. 

Message Context

System generated; the information provided in this column is more technical in nature and provides additional details about the Error Message.

Comments tab


Enter Comment information.

In this column...

Enter this information...

In this column...

Enter this information...

Business Associate ID (*)

The ID of the Business Associate.  This is a mandatory field.

Comment ID (generated)

The ID of the comment for the Business Associate.  This is a system generated value and should be left blank when in 'Insert' mode.  In 'Update' mode, the comment ID should be retrieved, before updating the data, by utilizing the 'Get data from Qbyte' functionality.

Comment Type Code (*)

The code of the comment.  This is a mandatory field.

Comment Date

The date of the comment.  Dates must be entered as YYYY-MM-DD.

Comment Text (*)

The comment.  This is a mandatory field.

Processing State

System generated; indicates if the row has completed processing or not.  

Upload Status

System generated; indicates if the row has been Validated or Updated or if there is an Error.

Error Message

System generated; when the Upload Status is Error, this column will describe what data(s) need to be corrected. 

Message Context

System generated; the information provided in this column is more technical in nature and provides additional details about the Error Message

Get data from Qbyte

Clicking on Get data from Qbyte will retrieve Business Associate rows from Qbyte Financial and load them into the Excel worksheet.  Unfiltered data will return a maximum of 5000 rows

The Filter by field located directly above the Get Data from Qbyte is available to narrow down your returned results.

  • Click on the Add Filter button to reveal the Filter By fields.

    • When entering a value in the Filter by field, before you invoke the Get data from Qbyte functionality, only the data specified in the filter will be retrieved.

    • Use the drop down to Select a Column to filter on (the dropdown is sorted in alphabetical order).

    • Enter Filter Value, note this field is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown in Qbyte Financial.

    • Multiple Code values can be added to the Enter Filter Value field separated by a comma only (for example: YARBO TRUCKING,BIG TRUCKING,GOLD TRUCKING). A comma is used to separate multiple values and will not be recognized as part of the filter value.

    • The red trash can. located on the right, will delete the filter.

  • Multiple filters may be added by clicking on the Add Filter button.

  • All data containing your filtered results will be returned (no maximum).

Invoking the Get data from Qbyte functionality is optional; you do not need to retrieve data in order to start working in the tab.


Validate data

Once you have finished entering the information in the tab, invoke Validate data.  This is a very important step. 

Qbyte Exchange will not allow bad data to be saved to Qbyte Financial.  This option does not save any data into Qbyte Financial, it simply validates the data and returns information regarding the validity of the data on each row.

When you select Validate data, the following will appear in the Qbyte Exchange panel:

  • The Validation Results will display:

    • Total Rows – The number displayed here is the number of data rows in the tab.

    • Passed Validation – This is the number of rows that have no validation errors and have an Upload Status of Validated.

    • Errors – This is the number of rows that failed validation and will need to be corrected in some way before they can be uploaded to Qbyte.

    • Processing Not Required – This represents the number of rows there were no data changes made on, therefore no validation occurred.

Additionally, the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet will automatically shift to the right and the validation process results will appear in the four green columns to the right of the blue data entry columns. The spreadsheet also shifts down to show the row with the first error message.


  • Processing State – Indicates if the row has completed processing or not. You will see one of the following:

    • Complete with error(s) – The data validation was performed and validation errors were encountered.

    • Validation complete – The data validation was performed and completed without any errors being encountered.

    • No processing required - There were no data changes made on the row, therefore no validation occurred.

  • Upload Status – This column indicates if the row has been Validated or if there is an Error.

  • Error Message – When the Upload Status is Error, this column will describe what data needs to be corrected. There may be more than one data problem listed in this column for each row with errors.

  • Message Context – The information provided in this column is more technical in nature and provides additional details about the Error Message.

Once you have corrected your errors, you can invoke Validate data again to re-validate your tab.

 If you Delete rows from your spreadsheet, be sure to delete the entire row and not just the data from the row.  If you only delete the data from the row and Validate data again, errors will occur for those rows.

Once you have finished the validation, choose Close on the Validation Results panel and you will be taken back to the Module menu.

Save data to Qbyte

Once you have finished entering and validating the information in the tab and you do not have any validation errors, invoke Save data to Qbyte.  This option will perform a final validation of all data in the tab and will then save all rows that pass validation into the Qbyte Financial database. If a row has an error, none of the data on that row will be saved into the database. 

When you select Save data to Qbyte, the following will appear in the Qbyte Exchange panel:

  • First, the Are you sure? pop-up message will appear.  If you choose Yes, the Save process will continue. If you choose Cancel, the Save process will abort and you can continue to work with your tab.

  • If you selected Yes in the Are you sure? popup message, the Upload Results will display:

    • Total Rows – The number displayed here is the number of data rows in the tab.

    • Created (in Insert mode) or Updated (in Update mode) – This is the number of rows that have been inserted (in Insert mode) or updated (in Update mode) to the Qbyte Financial database.  In the tab, these rows will have an Upload Status of Saved (in insert mode) or Updated (in update mode).

    • Errors – This is the number of rows that failed validation and did not get saved to the Qbyte Financial database. The validation error will need to be corrected before the row can be saved to the database. In the tab, these rows will have an Upload Status of Error.

    • Processing Not Required – Represents the number of rows there were no data changes made on, therefore data from these rows were not saved to the Qbyte Financial database .

Additionally, the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet will automatically shift to the right and the save process results will appear in the four green columns to the right of the blue data entry columns.  The spreadsheet also shifts down to show the row with the first upload status message.


  • Processing State – Indicates if the row has completed processing or not. You will see one of the following:

    • Complete with error(s) – The data validation was performed and validation errors were encountered; therefore the Save was not completed for the row.

    • Save Complete – The data validation was performed and completed without any errors being encountered, therefore Save was completed for the row.

    • No processing required - There were no data changes made on the row, therefore no validation nor Save was completed for the row.

  • Upload Status – This column indicates if the row has been Created (in insert mode) or Updated (in update mode) or if there is an Error that prevented the Save from occurring.

  • Error Message – When the Upload Status is Error, this column will describe what data(s) needs to be correct.  There may be more than one data problem listed in this column for each row with errors.

  • Message Context – The information provided in this column is more technical in nature to provide additional details about the Error Message.

Once you have finished the save, choose Close on the Upload Results panel and you will be taken back to the Module menu.


This option will exit the Module menu and take you back to the main Qbyte Exchange for Qbyte Financial menu.  

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