Better Together - Cost Centre Comparison Reports
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Compares well data in Qbyte CS Land to cost centre data in Qbyte Financial and well data in Qbyte Metrix to highlight data differences. Use Connectors to drill-down to additional reports/details. These reports are all in the same format, the only difference is how the report is requested:
Using Land filters (Well Comparison with Land Focus)
Using Production filters (Well Comparison with Production Focus)
Using Cost Centre filters (Cost Centre Comparison with Financial Focus)
Cost Centre Comparison with Financial Focus
You can compare cost centres in Qbyte Financial to wells in Qbyte CS Land and Qbyte Metrix using the Cost Centre Comparison with Financial Focus. In the report, cost centres in Qbyte CS Land are considered the source to compare against information in Qbyte Financial and Qbyte Metrix.
The Cost Centre Comparison with Financial Focus report in Qbyte Optix can be found by navigating to the menu and selecting Masters > Cost Centres. Alternately, you can search for the report in the Qbyte Optix Search menu:
Entering Cost Centre Criteria
You can filter cost centres using the Cost Centres widget. Common cost centre criteria entered are the Cost Centre Number, Cost Centre Name, Cost Centre Type, Province, Operated/Non operated, and Hierarchy.
To filter by Cost Centre Number, enter the number in the Cost Centre begins with field.
To filter by Cost Centre Name, enter the name in the Cost Centre Name contains field.
To filter by Cost Centre Type, select the type from the Cost Centre Type drop-down.
To filter by Province, select the province in the Province field.
To filter by Operated/non operated, select the type from the Operated drop-down.
To filter by Hierarchy, select the hierarchy from the Hierarchy drop-down, then select the hierarchy level from the Level drop-down, then add the hierarchy entities via the Add Selected button.
Sample Report
Each cost centre will display on a separate page. For each cost centre, fields which differ between Qbyte CS Land, Qbyte Financial and Qbyte Metrix will be highlighted in yellow .
In the Cost Centre Comparison with Financial Focus report, hyperlinks are enabled on certain fields allowing you to drill-down to the cost centre or Well Master File report in the appropriate application:
Drill-down to Well Details - In the Qbyte CS Land section, when selecting the hyperlink on the File Number, you will be taken to the Well Details report for the cost centre displayed.
Drill-down to Cost Centre Details - In the Qbyte Financial section, when selecting the hyperlink on the Cost Centre, you will be taken to the Cost Centre Details report for the cost centre displayed.
Drill-down to Well Details - In the Qbyte Metrix section, when selecting the hyperlink on the Well ID, you will be taken to the Well Details report for the cost centre displayed.
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