- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
Error Messages for CC() Functions
Special Considerations for insert/update_CC() Functions
Create_date and create_user are automatically populated for calls to insert_cc.
Last_updt_date and last_updt_user are populated for calls to insert_cc and update_cc.
The term_user column is automatically populated with the value of i_user when the term_date is set to a value.
- If there are no validation errors, an ID will automatically be generated and passed back in o_id.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- Updates the comment record with the ID passed in.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- Deletes the comment record with the ID passed in.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
Error Messages for COMMENT() Functions
- If there are no validation errors, an ID will automatically be generated.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- If there are no validation errors, an ID will automatically be generated.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- If there are no validation errors, an ID will automatically be generated.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- Deletes the legal record with the ID passed in.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
- Function returns BOOLEAN to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
- Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
- Available as both a function and a procedure.
Error Messages for …LEGAL() Functions
- This procedure returns the next available Cost Centre Number for the specified Org and Cost Centre Type.
- A return code of zero indicates success.
- Auto-numbering for Cost Centres must be turned on in order for CC Numbers to be generated.
- System Default: AUTO_NUMBER_CC=Y
Error Messages for GET_NEXT_AVAILABLE_CC Function
- This procedure inserts the specified Cost Centre into the specified reporting hierarchy.
- A return code of zero indicates success.
- It inserts a reporting_entities row for the specified Cost Centre in the specified reporting hierarchy under the specified parent entity.
- This procedure validates the reporting hierarchy information for a Cost Centre.
- A return code of zero indicates success.
- The specified CC is validated using the specified reporting hierarchy and the specified parent entity.
cost_centres_api.UPDATE_AFE_HIER_PAR_ENTY_CODE ()
- This procedure is used for UPDATE of hierarchy information. If there is a hierarchy code associated with the Cost Centre Number, then the parent entity code is updated.
If the cost centre does not exist for the hierarchy code, the hierarchy code and the parent entity are inserted if they pass validation.
- A return code of zero indicates success.
- The specified CC is validated using the specified reporting hierarchy and the specified parent entity.
Error Messages for …CC_HIERARCHY() Functions
, multiple selections available,
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