DOI – Ownership Agreement Assignment (ASSIGN_DOI_API)
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Offers the ability to INSERT and UPDATE ownership agreement link records. It also performs all data validations and returns a Status Code, Ownership Link ID, and Error Message. The name of the API package for updating the OWNERSHIP_AGREEMENT_LINKS is OWNERSHIP_AGREEMENTS_API. The functions are:
The procedures are:
Performs default DOI retrieval logic for the specified parameters.
The agreement_id is returned in o_agreement_id.
If a default DOI cannot be found o_agreement_id will be NULL and DOI not found will be placed in o_return_message.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
This function will loop through each of the TEMP_LINE_ITEMS gross entries for the specified voucher_id then determine which lines have not been billed and do not have an agreement_id value in govern_agr_id.
For each value it will use default DOI retrieval logic to determine the agreement_id to place in govern_agr_id.
If an agreement_id cannot be found then the record will be bypassed.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Default values on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
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