Proxy Server Installation
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Adjust the yum.conf File
IFS Workflow installation, and server require a connection to the internet due to the installation of various modules such as PHP, MySQL and other modules needed for IFS Workflow. Some clients have a proxy server that allows the connection to the internet, and this can be used as well, but requires some additional setup prior to installation.
If your system is connected to the Internet through a Web Proxy Server, specify the details of your server by navigating to:
cd /etc/yum.conf
The proxy setting must specify the proxy server as a complete URL, including the TCP port number. If your proxy server requires a username/password, specify these by adding a proxy_username and proxy_password settings.
For example, the settings below enable yum to use the proxy server, connecting to port 3128, with the username yum-user and the password qwerty.
# The proxy server - proxy server:port number
# The account details for yum connections
This will let the installation of the various modules that use YUM to reach the repositories that hold the required files for installation of PHP, Apache, MySQL, etc.
Adjust the Proxy Settings in IFS Workflow
If the IFS Workflow application needs to be connected to the internet, a proxy can be set up in the IFS Workflow Admin settings.
To do this, navigate in the IFS Workflow Application to ADMIN > Settings > System
You will see on this screen the settings to input the Proxy Server Settings.
This is useful if any workflows use an external library, or a plugin is needed to be installed behind a proxy internet server.
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