Environment Configuration
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Configure Shared Drives | Some workflows benefit from storing files on a network shared drive, so that files can be accessed by users. To create the shared drive:
$ sudo groupadd -g 6000 sharewindow 2. To add users to the group, type the following command: $ sudo usermod -G sharewindow -a centos 3. Rerun line 2 and change centos to apache and then rerun for Process Maker. 4. To create a new directory, type the following command: $ sudo mkdir /mnt 5. To change the owner of the new directory, type the following command: $ sudo chown -R centos:sharewindow /mnt 6. To navigate to /mnt, type the following command: $ cd /mnt 7. To create a new directory, type the following command: $ mkdir workflow 8. To change the group owner on new folder, type the following command: $ chgrp -R sharewindow /mnt/workflow 9. To change permission on the workflow directory, type the following command: $ chmod -R g+swrx /mnt/workflow 10. To modify the fstab file, type the following command: $ sudo vi /etc/fstab 11. Add the following lines to the fstab file: //windowshare/sharefolder /mnt/workflow cifs username=windowsuser,password=windowsuserpassword,rw,users,uid=1000,gid=6000, forceuid,forcegid,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 12. To save the changes, press Esc, type :wq and then press enter. 13. To mount the drive, type the following command: $ sudo mount -a
Configure CRON | CRON scripts allow timed events to occur in IFS Workflow. To enable timed events, the CRON scripts need to be configured. For more information, see the ProcessMaker Configure Crontab documentation. |
Configure External API Table | The External API Table is a table that can be used to configure API endpoints and the credentials for accessing the API's in the Workflow. The main API record that should be in this table is for IFS AppLink, but you may configure any other API endpoint that you may need to use in your workflow. When this table is configured with OAuth credentials, the API Token Update workflow is designed to refresh the authentication token every 24 hours for easy usage in a workflow needing authenticated requests. The two required fields are: (can be used with or without security)
If you have Oauth security enabled on the API endpoint you are configuring, then you will need to populate the following fields.
Set IFS Reporting Credentials | This is just temporary workflow until we get AppLink up and running and AppLink can handle the Authentication. We currently have a row in the API_EXTERNAL where AppId = P2Reporting. For IFS Reporting to function correctly, the following must be populated:
To make this easier, a new temporary workflow has been created, called Set IFS Reporting Credentials. This is a simple workflow that will update the Authentication Token with a unique value. The value is built on:
Note: Running this workflow will override any existing Authentication Token. |
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