Land Division Order System Setup LDO295
Use this program to set up the Land Division Order system default values for each company. These defaults must be set up prior to entering or processing data. Companies entered here must first be set up in Company Master - COM230.
This program allows you to set an interface to the Revenue System. To do so, select the Revenue Interface checkbox. Then, enter the Balancing Owner, Balancing Type Interest, and the No Pay Code associated with the Balancing Owner. Entering this information allows Build or Update Revenue DOIs - LDO350 to generate a revenue deck with the appropriate Balancing Owner Number, Type Interest, and Pay code. This becomes important when Interest Owners involved in the calculations are designated as non-receiving interests.
Select the SS Interface checkbox to transfer LDO records into the Split Stream system (SS), which enables you to create revenue decks for wells with marketing differences. You must also set up the SS Default Product Code and the SS Default Contract. These fields will be used in the creation of the entitlement contract. Build Contractual WI Groups - LDO400 is the process that reads the LDO record and, based on Company, Well, Product, and Effective Date, builds an SS Working Interest Group (SSWIG) for each Working Interest Owner in that record. This SSWIG carries the working Interest Owner's associated burdens with it.
Build Contractual WI Groups - LDO400 also creates a 100% ownership schedule (entitlement contract) by attaching the newly created SSWIGs to a contract (created in SS, designated in LDO295, but not an actual gas contract). This SS schedule of 100% working ownership in the well is needed in SS to set up marketing arrangements. If the Gas Balancing system is being used, this schedule is where the Working Interest Owner's entitlement interest will be found. If you want the ability to print out fractional expressions associated with the various Interest Owners, select the Fractions Used checkbox. These fractions are stored in the LDO records and printed on reports generated in LDO.
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