Land Division Orders Overview

Land Division Orders Overview

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The Land Division Orders System - LDO assists the Division Order department in maintaining and processing online current title information. The system maintains all interests in a property -- working, overrides, and royalty. You have the option of creating Revenue Division Order masters or Split Stream working interest groups that can be transferred and used to disburse monies in the Revenue system. You also have the option of using the Land Division Orders System to release suspended funds without having to manually do so from Revenue. You determine whether the interface to the Revenue System is enabled or is turned off.

The Land Division Orders System creates Exhibit 'A' attachments for division orders to be mailed out for signature. The Land Division Orders System helps the analyst track division order mailings, allowing reporting options that show which parties have returned the signed division order and which remain outstanding. The Land Division Orders System enables the analyst to make a change in any individual interest and update all the separate tract situations that are affected by that change. The analyst need not search out every place where the change should occur; the system does this automatically.

The basic structure of the Land Division Orders System centers on common burdens grouped together and associated to a tract. It is based on the group's net acre contribution to the tract. The system calculates an entitlement interest for each contributing tract and owner.

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