Can I Delete a Journal Batch?

Can I Delete a Journal Batch?

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Once a batch has been entered and saved in General Ledger, it can not be deleted.  You can, however, inactivate an unwanted batch that has not been posted yet, this sets the status of the batch to 9 and ensures it is no longer available for posting.  To inactivate a batch, please open it in Journal Corrections, check the 'Inactivate Batch' box and then Save.

If the unwanted batch has already been posted, please use the Reverse Batch Utility.  The Reverse Batch Utility creates another batch which is similar to the unwanted batch, but with the credits and debits reversed.  To use this, click Utilities > System Utilities, highlight 'Reverse Batch Utility' and then click Execute.

In the window that pops up enter the details of the batch you would like to reverse and the period you would like the reversing batch created in.  Click Execute.  Details of the reversing batch will be displayed.  Posting the reversing batch completes the reversal process.

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