Well Details

Well Details

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Qbyte Optix for Qbyte CS Land Report Comparison - Well      


The Well Details is used to generate industry standard formatted Abstracts, but it can be used for much more.  Details are one of the most flexible reports in Qbyte Optix for quickly accessing any of the data entered in the Well module.

  • Generate formatted ‘mini abstracts’ for specific requests.

  • Use built in options for high level data integrity reporting.

  • Export selected data to Excel for further filtering and analysis.

Report Options 

Allow you to filter to just the required data.

Data Selection

  • Inactive DOI Links can be Included on the report if historical information is required. If Excluded, then only the current DOI will be shown.


  • Graph: Exclude Graph / Include Graph / Graph Only to optionally display a visual representation (file counts) of 1) Well File Status 2) Well Types

Report Sections

  • Include All Report Sections for a complete Abstract or Select Report Sections by highlighting specific sections from the list (Use Shift click to pick a contiguous group of sections and/or Ctrl click to pick multiple noncontiguous sections).  A ‘mini Abstract’ is handy for specific analysis or to quickly get specific data to Excel.

Well Selection Method   

Is used to select how you want to further narrow down the number of files included on the report.  

Include All Wells

Automatically selects All files, active and inactive, there are no further filter options.

Enter a List of Wells

Is a very flexible option to specify a list of the exact file numbers to be included in the report.  Use any of the following methods or any combination of the following methods:

  • Manually enter one at a time a list of specific file numbers to be included in the report. You have flexibility to save the Defined List to be used again in the future for this report or any other Well report.

  • Import List allows you to copy/paste a list from another source (i.e. Excel or Word). You have flexibility to add or remove specific files from the imported list and to save the Defined List to be used again in the future for this report or any other Well report.

  • Advanced List Builder can be used to derive a list of file numbers based on the criteria options specified. It is similar to using the Wells Criteria  You have flexibility to add (via manual or Import List) or remove specific files from the derived list and to save the Defined List to be used again in the future for this report or any other Well report.

Enter Well Criteria

Is a dynamic selection method where the specified filter options determine which files match and are to be included on the report and is the most often used Selection Method. Any combination of the filter options can be specified:

  • Basic filters are generally the most often used: I.e., Well Type, Well Status, File Status. Area, etc.

  • Projects can filter by 1 or more Projects setup in Qbyte CS Land

  • Location can filter by survey system where the Legal Description is equals, between or contains the specified location(s).

  • Advanced provides access to many other, maybe less used filter options. i.e. Wells where the cost centre is empty

    • Updated by User, Updated by Date and Updated Last are available for audit reporting.  Note: Last Updated by information shown on the Details/Abstract will show ‘Inserted or Updated outside of Qbyte CS Land’ if records have been inserted/updated via Qbyte Exchange or a conversion process. Also if the last update was by a system process (i.e. Code Change), the Last Updated by information will show the User who ran the process.

  • Data Relationships can be used to see where specific sections (tabs) of data ‘exist’ or ‘do not exist’. Useful for quick data integrity reporting, to find data anomalies or to help limit the number of Wells included in the report i.e. only include Wells that have (or don’t have) Related Minerals, and/or Surface. 

Once all of the specific filters are chosen, the Defined Criteria can be saved and used again in the future for this report or any other Well report. 

Retrieve Defined List or Criteria

Is available to reuse a previously saved Defined List or Defined Criteria on other reports within the same module. The Defined List will only include the files saved in the list but when the Defined Criteria is used again in the future, it will dynamically include any files that match the Defined Criteria at the time the report is run.  

Business Associates Selection Method

Can be used to filter on a specific Business Associate and usage (i.e Operator, Partner).  The Selection Method’s functionality is similar to the Wells Selection Method above for:

  • Include All Business Associates

  • Enter a List of Business Associates – with additional option to specify Usage.

  • Enter Business Associate Criteria – with additional option to specify Usage.

  • Retrieve Defined List or Criteria

General Qbyte Optix Report Functionality

  • On the Report Results, click any blue underlined field to drill-down to another report for further details. I.e., click once on the Operator and it will open the Business Associate Details. To get back to the original Well Details, simply click the Well Details breadcrumb underlined in blue in the top-left corner.

  • Buttons shown at the bottom of Qbyte Optix Reports:

    • Print to PDF is useful to save the report to a common network drive or SharePoint location or to subsequently print hardcopies of the report. This button is not available on Data Extracts.

    • Export to Excel to send the report data to Excel which offers even more flexibility for additional analysis and/or filtering.

    • Submit Archive Request to Schedule and create a snapshot of the report data and to email report links and/or output to email recipients.  Recipients do not need to be Qbyte Optix users. This button is only available on the Report Results tab once the Report Criteria has been saved.

    • View Log is only available on the Report Results tab and is generally only used as directed when diagnosing report issues.

    • Email To the report links to specified email recipients.  Typically, recipients are other Qbyte Optix users, when they click on the report link in the email, the report will open for them in Qbyte Optix. This button is only available once the Report Criteria has been saved.

    • View Report to see or refresh the Report Results tab displaying the report output.

    • Save Report Criteria so the report can be easily run again in the future picking up any files matching the criteria at the time it is run.  Optionally, Share report criteria with other users. They can find shared reports on the Home tab > Find Report Criteria - simply select the option to Include Other User’s Shared Report Criteria. They will not be allowed to overwrite someone else's shared report. If the Report Criteria is updated, it will be saved under the new user’s ID.

Query Examples

  • All Active Wells in a specific Area, where only the License's is the only Report Section selected, and where Government Code equals XX.  Once exported to Excel users will be able to determine which Wells are tied to that Government Code that require updates or a specific Remark added.

  • All Active Wells where Well Type is Disposal and Related Mineral Lease Subs do not exist.  This is a great data quality check for incomplete records.

  • All Active Wells where Projects equals XXX allowing users to export to create a Schedule for disposition.

  • All Active Wells where Well Status is Location and Related Surface Leases exists.  This report can be shared with the Surface Department for No Entry generations and cost savings.

  • All Active Wells where Location equals Township XXX Range XX W4M giving a wellbore file count for Abandonment project.

  • All Active Wells where Confidential equals Yes.  Confidential Flag is removed typically after a year.

  • All Active Wells where BA code equals XXX and the Usage equals Operator.


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