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Setting up Cost Centres

To set up cost centres, navigate to the menu and select Master Data > Cost Centres.


Enter cost centre information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

Cost Centre

The number of the cost centre.

If cost centre numbering is set up and this field is left blank, the cost centre number will use autonumbering to generate this number upon saving.

More information available on cost centre numbering.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre.


The type of the cost centre.

Enter the cost centre type or select from the Code Types List of Values.

Managing Org

The organization that manages the cost centre.

Enter the organization ID or select from the Organizations List of Values.

If the cost centre is operated, the organization in this field will record the invoices. If the cost centre is unoperated, the organization in this field will record the joint interest billings. This field is also used in determining which organizations can book to this cost centre.

Qbyte Financial looks to the Managing Organization during validation on data entry. If the Allow Other Organizations field is set to No for the cost centre or AFE, then the system ensures that the Managing Organization is the organization on the line of coding.

Ownership Org

The organization that owns the cost centre.

Enter the organization ID or select from the Organizations List of Values.

Qbyte Financial looks to the Ownership Organization during data entry to determine the Ownership Type. If the USE OM flag is set to No, the system automatically Direct Bills the line of coding to the Ownership Organization.


The province of the cost centre.

Enter the province abbreviated or select from the Prov/State List of Values.


The country of the cost centre.

Enter the country code or select from the Country Code List of Values.


The Work in Progress status of the cost centre.

Valid values include:

  • C - Capitalize Costs

  • D - Expense

  • Z - Other

This value will be used in the Work in Progress process to determine destination accounts for costs should they not be assigned at the AFE level.

Use OM

Indicates whether the cost centre will use a division of interest to bill out costs.

  • If Use OM is set to Y on a Cost Centre, when a gross transaction is booked to the Cost Centre it will use a DOI to distribute the transaction. 

  • If USE OM is set to N on a Cost Centre, when a gross transaction is booked to the Cost Centre it will direct bill the cost to the ownership organization on the Cost Centre.

Allocation Flag

Indicates whether the cost centre has a valid allocation parameter.

Billing Code

The billing code for the cost centre.

Valid values are:

  • N (Net) - Indicates the net billing should be used to bill the partner's share of transactions

  • E (Expenses and Capital) - Indicates the expenses and capital amounts should be paid to the partner's share of transactions. 

  • C (Capital) - Indicates capital amounts should be billed separately to the partner's share of transactions.

Allow Other Organizations

Indicates whether organizations other than the managing organization can book to the cost centre.

Valid values are:

  • Yes - Organizations other than the managing organization can book to the cost centre.

  • No - Only the managing organization can book to the cost centre.

  • Warning -  Organizations other than the managing organization can book to the cost centre, but a warning will be displayed when doing so.

GL Sub Code

The default GL Sub code for the cost centre. This optional subledger code is used to provide more detail for a major and minor account.

Enter the GL sub code or select from the Codes List of Values.

Alt GL Code Flag

Indicates whether the cost centre uses an alternate GL code. 


The operator of the cost centre.

Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associates List of Values.

If the cost centre is operated, the internal business associate for the managing organization will be entered in this field.

If the cost centre is non-operated, the external partner will be entered in this field.

Operator's Ref

A cross reference for the operator of the cost centre.

Contract Operator

The contract operator of the cost centre.

Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associates List of Values.

Well Status

The well status of the cost centre.

Enter the well status code or select from the Codes List of Values.

Well Status Last Updated On

If the well status has been updated, the date the well status was last updated.

This field cannot be modified.

Spud Date

The spud date of the well, in the format YY/MM/DD.

Rig Release Date

The rig release date of the well, in the format YY/MM/DD.

Shut In Date

The shut in date of the well, in the format YY/MM/DD.

The well status must be SI (Shut In) for this field to be entered.


The depth of the well.


The primary product of the well.

Enter the product code or select from the Products List of Values.


The producing zone for the well.


The battery for the well.

Unit CC

The unit cost centre of the well.

Enter the cost centre number for select from the Cost Centres List of Values.

Date Active

The active date of the cost centre.

This field will default to the date the cost centre is entered.

Deactivated On

The deactivated date of the cost centre.

The cost centre can be used in a voucher entry up to and including the inactive date.

  • For example, a cost centre has an inactive date of 22/02/16, the cost centre can be used on a line item in Enter Voucher up to and including period 22/02. To make a cost centre inactive in 22/02, the inactive date must be at least 22/01/31


If the cost centre is inactive, the user who inactivated the cost centre.

This field cannot be modified.

Select Ctrl + S or click the Save icon to save the cost centre.

Adding Attachments

To add attachments to a cost centre, click the Attachments button on the Cost Centre tab. If an attachment is added to a cost centre, the Attachments button will be bolded and the number of attachments visible.

In this field...

Enter this information...

CC Num

The cost centre number. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field.

This field cannot be modified.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre Name field.

This field cannot be modified.


The code of the attachment.

Enter the attachment code type or select from the Cost Centre Attachments Codes List of Values.


The date of the attachment, in the format YY/MM/DD.

This field will default to the date the attachment is entered.


The description of the attachment.

File Name 

The attachment file name. 

The Qbyte Financial wiki contains a list of Allowable Attachment File Types and Restricted Special Characters that should not be part of the file name.

Attachments are automatically saved, and a message will appear

Adding Comments

To add comments to a cost centre, click the Comments button on the Cost Centre tab. If a comment is added to a cost centre, the Comments button will be bolded and the number of comments visible.

In this field...

Enter this information...

CC Num

The cost centre number. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field.

This field cannot be modified.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre Name field.

This field cannot be modified.


The code of the comment.

Enter the comment code of select from the Cost Centre Comment Codes List of Values.


The date of the comment, in the format YY/MM/DD.

This field will default to the date the comment is entered.


The comment.

Adding Legal Locations

Legal locations can be added to cost centres in the Legal Locations tab.

Enter legal location information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

Cost Centre

The number of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre Name field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Survey System

The survey system of the legal location.

This value can be selected from the Survey Systems List of Values.

  • DLS Dominion Land Survey

  • NTS National Topographic Survey

  • FF Free Format System

  • FPS Federal Permit System

  • GEO Geodetic System


The legal location.

The Survey Systems pop-up will display when entering this field.


Indicates whether the legal location is the default legal location for the cost centre.

Select Ctrl + S or click the Save icon to save the cost centre legal location.

Adding Hierarchies

Cost centres can be added to hierarchies in the Hierarchies tab.

Enter hierarchy information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

Cost Centre

The number of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre Name field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.


The legal location of the cost centre. This field will default with the default legal location entered in the Legal Locations tab.

This field cannot be modified.


The name of the reporting hierarchy.

Enter the hierarchy code or select from the Reporting Hierarchies List of Values.


The level of the reporting hierarchy. This field will default to CC.

This field cannot be modified.


The number of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.


The description of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Description field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Parent Level

The parent level that the cost centre rolls up to in the reporting hierarchy. This field will default with the parent level as defined in the Reporting Hierarchy Levels screen.

This field cannot be modified.

Parent Entity

The parent entity that the cost centre rolls up to in the reporting hierarchy.

Enter the parent code or select from the Reporting Entities List of Values.

Parent Description

The parent entity description for the parent entity that the cost centre rolls up to in the reporting hierarchy.

This field cannot be modified.

Select Ctrl + S or click the Save icon to save the cost centre hierarchy information.

Viewing AFE/Cost Centre Links

AFE/Cost Centre links can be viewed in the Hierarchies tab:

Adding User Defined Information

User defined information can be added to cost centres in the User Defined tab.

Enter user defined information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

Cost Centre

The number of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre Name field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.


The legal location of the cost centre. This field will default with the default legal location entered in the Legal Locations tab.

This field cannot be modified.


The user defined field information.

Reference User Defined Code Controls for more information on how to set up cost centre user defined fields.

Select Ctrl + S or click the Save icon to save the cost centre user defined information.

Viewing DOI Information

Division of Interest (DOI) contains the Joint Interest Partners and their percentage Working Interest for an agreement or project.

DOI information for cost centres can be viewed in the DOI tab.

Enter DOI information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

Cost Centre

The number of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre Name field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.


The legal location of the cost centre. This field will default with the default legal location entered in the Legal Locations tab.

This field cannot be modified.

DOI Links

This section contains the DOI information set up for the cost center.

Acct Group

The account group for the DOI link.

A DOI Account Group is a range or group of accounts used to define a different ownership for cost centres. To select the appropriate DOI, Qbyte Financial will look first to ownership masters with specific links to Major/Minor accounts, then to account groups.

This field cannot be modified.


The account for the DOI link.

This field cannot be modified.

Production Revenue Code

The production revenue code for the DOI link.

This field cannot be modified.

Agreement ID

The agreement ID of the DOI link.

This field cannot be modified.

Effective Date

The effective date of the DOI link.

This field cannot be modified.

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the DOI link.

This field cannot be modified.


Indicates whether the DOI link has been terminated.

This field cannot be modified.


This section contains the agreement ID and partners.

Agreement ID 

The agreement ID of the DOI. This number is automatically assigned and the agreement ID can be attached (linked) to multiple ownership agreement links.

This field cannot be modified.


Indicates whether the DOI has been terminated.

This field cannot be modified.

Billing Agent

The business associate in the DOI who is responsible for joint interest billings.

This field cannot be modified.


The business associate in the DOI.

This field cannot be modified.


The percent interest that the business associate has in the DOI. The total of the Working Interests for Division of Interest must be 100%.

This field cannot be modified.


Indicates whether the business associate receives joint interest billings.

This field cannot be modified.

Accountable Partner: A partner who receives a percentage of the gross transaction passed to your company. This percentage is based on the partner’s ownership percentage. Qbyte Financial calculates the amount owing to the accountable partners based on this formula:

   Gross amount * (partner % / sum of all accountable partners%)

Non-Accountable Partner: A partner that is non-accountable will receive no revenue. This is usually a partner who keeps their revenue portion before it’s sent to your company as a gross transaction (e.g. a non-operated situation).

Silent Partner

Indicates whether the business associate is a silent partner.

This field cannot be modified.

Silent Partner: A silent partner is a partner that is known to your company only. You may or may not be responsible for distributing revenue to this partner based on their ownership percentage. Qbyte Financial calculates the amount owing to the silent partners based on this formula:

    Gross amount * (partner % / agent partners%) * silent partners %


The business associate that is the silent partner agent in the DOI.

This field cannot be modified.

Land Percent

The land percent interest that the business associate has in the DOI.

This field cannot be modified.


Indicates whether the business associate is in penalty.

This field cannot be modified.

Take In Kind

Indicates whether the business associate is Take In Kind.

This field cannot be modified.

Take in Kind Partner: A partner who receives no revenue. This partner takes their revenue percentage as product from the well. The Joint Interest Billing Process will only distribute the amounts coded to the gross accounts to the partners that are flagged as accountable. The percentages assigned to the partners that are flagged as Non Accountable are used to estimate the true gross for non operated properties.

Adding DOI Links to Cost Centres 

Video:  Creating DOI Links from Cost Centres or AFE
Description: Learn how to add a DOI Link to a Cost Centre or AFE.

To add a DOI link to a cost centre, click the Create DOI Link button on the DOI tab. Reference Setting up DOI Links for detail setup steps.

Viewing Overhead Information

Overhead information for cost centres can be viewed in the Overhead tab.

In this field...

Enter this information...

Cost Centre

The number of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Cost Centre Name

The name of the cost centre. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre Name field of the Cost Centre tab.

This field cannot be modified.


The legal location of the cost centre. This field will default with the default legal location entered in the Legal Locations tab.

This field cannot be modified.

Agreement Name

The name of the overhead agreement.

This field cannot be modified.

Control Name

The name of the overhead control.

This field cannot be modified.

Expense Acct

The account that overhead is booked to.

This field cannot be modified.

Recovery Acct

The account that overhead recovery is booked to.

This field cannot be modified.

Recovery Cost Centre

The cost centre that overhead recovery is booked to.

This field cannot be modified.

Method Code

The name of the overhead method.

This field cannot be modified.

Cumulative Overhead Amt

The total cumulative overhead that has been charged to the overhead link to date.

For operating overhead links, this field is not used.

This field cannot be modified.

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the overhead link.

This field cannot be modified.

Calculation Type

The way in which overhead is calculated.

Valid calculation types are:

Account - Based on the dollar amounts booked to specific major and minor accounts.

Well Count - The number of wells. This is used for operating overhead.

Well Days - The number of days the well was active.

Flat Rate - A flat fee charged once a month per link. This is used for operating overhead.

This field cannot be modified.

Calculation Method

The way in which overhead is calculated.

Valid calculation methods are:

Accounting Period - Based on the accounting period.

Cumulative Difference - Based on the cumulative overhead amount.

This field cannot be modified.

Base Amount

The amount of overhead to charge. This is used for flat rate operating overhead links.

This field cannot be modified.

Billing Threshold

The amount that must be booked to prior to overhead being charged.

This field cannot be modified.

Lag Months

The number of months to wait prior to charging overhead.

This field cannot be modified.

Shut in Months

The number of months to charge overhead after a well has been shut in.

This field cannot be modified.

Escalation Flag

No longer used.


The effective date of the overhead method.

This field cannot be modified.

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the overhead method.

This field cannot be modified.

Threshold Amount

The dollar amount in which overhead begins being charged. This is used for percentage based capital or operating overhead links.

This field cannot be modified.


The percent in which overhead is charged based on the threshold amount. This is used for percentage based capital or operating overhead links.

This field cannot be modified.

OH Method

No longer used.

OH Recovery CC

No longer used.

Adding Overhead Links to Cost Centres 

Video:  Creating Overhead Links from Cost Centres or AFE
Description: Learn how to add an Overhead Link directly to a Cost Centre or AFE. 

To add an overhead link to a cost centre, click the Create Overhead Link button on Overhead DOI tab. Reference Joint Interest Overhead Controls for detail setup steps.

Viewing Tax Streams Information

Tax Streams information for cost centres can be viewed in the Tax Streams tab.

In this field...

Enter this information...

Cost Centre

The cost centre number. This field will default with the value entered in the Cost Centre field.

This field cannot be modified.


The legal location. This field will default with the value entered in the Legal Location field.

This field cannot be modified.

Pool Code

The Tax Stream pool code.

Enter the pool code or select from the Pool Codes List of Values.


The description of the pool code. This field will default to the description of the pool code chosen.

This field cannot be modified.


The percent for the pool code on this cost centre.

Please see the  Cost Centre - Tax Streams page for more information.

Using the Search Panel

When opening the Cost Centres screen, a Search panel is available.

Searching Cost Centres

To search for a cost centre, search against the cost centre name or number in the search box. As the search is entered, search results will be dynamically updated with the records that contain the search criteria. For example, if entering "Bashaw" in the search box, all records that contain "Bashaw" will returned.

  • If cost centre names include the UWI, then the UWI can be searched in the search box. Partial searches (for example, 024-12 W4) can be included in this case. 

  • The search panel includes a dynamic UWI filter, so cost centres can be searched by individual survey system components.

  • When retrieving results, the first 100 cost centres will be displayed. If more than 100 cost centres are returned in the search, selecting Load more results will allow the next 100 cost centres to be displayed.

Filtering Cost Centres

Below the field to search the cost centre name or number, filters can be added via the Add a filter button. When selecting Add a filter, a drop-down list of available filters will appear. The filters available are the following fields from the first tab of the Cost Centres screen:

The UWI filter search fields change depending on the survey system selected.

Launching Qbyte Optix Cost Centre Details Report

Users can launch a Cost Centre Details report in Qbyte Optix directly from the Cost Centres screen in Qbyte Financial, by clicking the Qbyte Optix button.

If a Cost Centre has been queried, the Cost Centre Details report will run for that Cost Centre.

If a Cost Centre has not been queried, the Report Criteria page for the Cost Centre Details report will be displayed.


If the user is working in Qbyte Optix, the Cost Centre Details Report will launch in a new tab in the existing Qbyte Optix window.

If the user is not working in Qbyte Optix, the Cost Centre Details Report will launch in a new browser window.
